• Published 9th Feb 2024
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers [Parallel Quest] - Cyrus Colter

At the start of a new adventure, Sweetie Belle encounters Rota Bage, a Saiyan. Together, they will go through many things to save the Omniverse from Light and Darkness.

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Chapter 9: A New Legend is Told.

Stepping out of the other side of the rift, Sweetie, Rota and Marko found themselves in what looked like a town much akin to Ponyville. The fact that it seemed to be abandoned and destroyed did not sit well with the three, however. Off in the distance, a volcano looked to be on the verge of eruption.

They looked around in silent contemplation, wondering what could have happened here, when suddenly, Marko thrust a kick behind him as a loud banshee-like screech rang out, freezing all three of them in place. Not even their eyes could move. Thankfully, they could still use their powers.

Sweetie Belle summoned one of her cannons to use as a beam sword and swung in the general direction the offending screecher flew towards, hearing the sound of energy cutting flesh and a weight hitting the ground. A few seconds later the three could move again and immediately prepared for a fight, now noticing several zombie-like creatures that had shambled out of the rubble, alerted by the cry of the now-fully-dead creature, its torso cut diagonally in half. Looking up, they saw the skies were covered in unnaturally dark clouds.

“Well then, ruined medieval world, undead roaming, likely some kind of evil overlord’s doing. Guess we’re cleaning up here?” Rota asked while sending a volley of crescent shaped ki blasts that cut up the mask bearing undead around them.

“People will likely need help, and besides it could be fun,” Sweetie Belle said as she called two more cannons-turned-beam-swords to slice the creatures apart.

“There’s some kind of barrier around the castle, over there. Doubt we’re getting through it the direct way without risking the planet with it,” Marko said as he simply fired explosive ki blasts to destroy the creature's heads and upper torsos. “First things first, let’s clear out these things, then find someone local, get somewhere safe, and get some information regarding what’s going on, here.”

With a chorus of agreement from the girls, the three continued to blast and cut their way through the destroyed town.

A young man wearing a green tunic and a green hat came out of the temple at the edge of the town and looked around in horror at the state of the town and of the world in general. The destroyed buildings, the dead trees, the covered sky, the volcano in the distance...

A little ball of blue light with wings then came from behind the man. "Oh... Link... It's horrible! Look at the state of Hyrule!"

The named Link grit his teeth. "Don't worry, Navi, we will fix this, and Ganondorf will pay."

Navi then noticed a commotion in the main square of the destroyed town. "Hey! What is that?" She flew closer to have a better look. "ReDeads! A lot of them! And they're attacking a pair of people and… a small white horse levitating 3 swords of light?”

Link drew his sword and shield, then charged towards the horde of ReDeads, not even thinking to question the bit about the small horse. Though as he got closer, he determined that he needn’t have worried, since the people seemed to be using what Link assumed to be magic to defend themselves along with the small horse and her blades of light, killing the undead creatures before they got in range for them to use their shriek.

While the ReDeads could simply use it from a distance, they don’t believe that gives them enough time to approach, completely ignorant of the fact that they could simply shriek repeatedly to achieve that effect. Considering that their minds were barely capable of registering using the shriek from point blank as a tactic in the first place, they could be somewhat forgiven for not realizing that simple truth.

Link, for one, was grateful as he decapitated one of the creatures from behind.

None of the three were expecting help when they noticed the man with a green tunic, but they weren’t going to complain. The only problem was he didn’t seem to have a means of combat that kept him away from the zombies, meaning he had to get up close and personal with them to use his sword. That, of course, led to the inevitable result.


All four frozen momentarily, Sweetie Belle sent a magic blast at the offending shrieker, saving the man from being attacked. After they regained their ability to move, Marko put his hands next to his face and cried out his next attack.


A blinding flash of light encompassed him, forcing Sweetie, Rota and the man in green to cover their eyes. The zombie creatures, on the other hand, seemed to burn to ash as the light encompassed them. Once the light died out, the group looked around and saw that the creatures had indeed burned away.

Sweetie Belle blinked the leftover spots out of her eyes, while Rota, Marko and the man in green uncovered their eyes and looked around. The last one spoke aloud, amusement in his voice.

“And that’s why ReDeads are always found outside of direct sunlight,” he said with a chuckle as he stowed his sword in its scabbard. Marko raised an eyebrow at the young man before one of Sweetie’s beam swords went flying between them, impaling another ReDead that came out after Marko’s attack in the skull.

“Let’s get out of here then do introductions, alright?” The filly asked.

Raising an eyebrow then shaking his head, the man agreed and led the group out of the square towards a large hole in the wall that led to a field. After traveling for about an hour, the group decided to rest and get introductions done. Sweetie Belle presented herself and the Bages, first.

“Alright, now that we have a moment, let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Sweetie Belle, and these are my friends, Rota Bage and her brother Marko,” the filly said, gesturing to each appropriate person as Rota stuffed what looked like a large dumpling into her mouth. The man in green nodded in acknowledgement and greeting.

“Nice to meet you. My name’s Link,” he said.

A floating blue sphere with wings then made itself known as it said in a high pitched feminine voice, “And I’m Navi, his Fairy companion!” The fairy then fluttered around Sweetie, Rota and Marko as if inspecting them. “Hmmm, two of you seem like Hylians, but I don’t recognize your style of clothing. And you, little one, I don’t recognize either. And I know a lot of stuff about a lot of things!” She proclaimed proudly.

“You not knowing about us is expected considering we’re from another universe,” Rota blurted out after swallowing her mouthful.

“REALLY!?!” Link said with a sudden childlike exuberance, causing Marko to deadpan.

“You just woke up from an enchanted sleep or something, didn’t you?” He asked, causing Link to look at him strangely.

“How’d you know?” He asked.

“It’s the only thing I’ve seen that can cause a full grown man to act like an 11 year old child when introduced to aliens. How about you start explaining what happened to this world, though? That’s the more pressing issue I’d say,” Marko replied, to which Link nodded and began explaining.

Link apparently grew up in a forest Southwest of here, in a people of eternal children named the Kokiris, under the protection of the Guardian of the forest, the Great Deku Tree. But then, a man named Ganondorf, who led his people, the otherwise all female Gerudo, came and began to attempt to steal the keys to open the Sacred Realm where an omnipotent artifact, the Triforce, was kept. The Great Deku Tree was the keeper of one of the keys and refused to let Ganondorf take it, and so, the man sent a curse that slowly killed the tree. By the time Link managed to destroy the cause of the curse, it was too late, and the Great Deku Tree died after revealing to Link everything, that he was actually a Hylian, about Ganondorf, the keys, the Triforce, and so on. The tree also gave the key he was keeping, an emerald.

And so, Link left the forest in a quest to stop Ganondorf from taking the Triforce. He managed to find two other keys, a ruby kept by the Gorons in the volcano (named Death Mountain... Nice!), and a sapphire kept by the Zoras at the other end of the river. With the three stones in his possession, Link went to the Temple of Time only to find the town on fire just as Zelda, the princess of Hyrule, escaped, chased by Ganondorf himself. In her escape, Zelda threw at Link the Ocarina of Time, another key to open the Sacred Realm.

So Link went into the Temple, placed the three stones at their place, and played with the Ocarina the Song of Time to open the gates to the Sacred Realm, where Link found the Master Sword. However, because Link was destined to be the Hero of Time but was too young, he was put into a sleep of seven years. Ganondorf, who had followed Link into the Temple, took the occasion to enter the now open Sacred Realm and get his hands on the Triforce.

With it, Ganondorf conquered Hyrule, and seven years later, here they were.

Well, that sucks.

At least that explained why Links reaction to Rota’s statement about her, Marko and Sweetie being aliens was so childish. He reacted like a child, because he IS a child, just in an adult's body. And aliens were cool to children. Even if one of them was a filly that didn’t even reach his knees.

Anyway, in order to stop Ganondorf, they needed to find five sages to destroy the barrier surrounding him and the castle so they can face the Dark Lord.

As of right now, their objective was the sage of the forest, who may be a childhood friend of Link. However, they first had to go to Kakariko Village, at the base of Death Mountain, where they will apparently find a way to reach and save the Forest Sage.

To put it simply, time for an adventure!

“Can we join you!?!” Sweetie and Rota asked excitedly… and simultaneously.

Link shrugged as he replied, “I don’t see why not.”

"Yay! Uh, wait a minute, please."

Sweetie Belle materialized a paper and a pen and wrote something on it.

Rarity was busy sewing a new dress when a paper appeared just in front of her, slowly floating down. Using her magic, she grabbed it and began to read.

Dear Rarity

Gone on an adventure to save a world from an evil overlord. May be gone for several days. Say sorry to Miss Cheerilee. Bye!

-Sweetie Belle

Rarity groaned and rubbed her face.

Before going to Kakariko Village, Link decided to pass by the Lon Lon Ranch, the buildings that were visible further on the field. Link thought that, since they will be constantly traversing Hyrule Field left and right, it would be better to have a mount than to do it on feet. And the Ranch had some horses that he could use, including one that he befriended seven years ago. He hoped that the horse was still alive and he was very worried about her.

Upon entering the Ranch, they quickly discovered that it had also been affected by Ganondorf's conquest despite everything looking okay from outside. When they reached the paddock where the horses were exercising, they encountered Ingo, a man who had been previously a worker. But, somehow, he managed to become the boss, and he forced the previous boss, Talon, out of the Ranch. And now, he was attempting to gain the favor of Ganondorf by attempting to raise a horse that would be perfect for him.

That cowardly opportunist...

But, no matter how much Sweetie, Rota and Marko wanted to punch the guy, they kept their cool. Ingo proposed to Link to ride one of 'his' horses in exchange of ten rupees, the local money (which were precious gems of various colors), and Link accepted. Link then entered the paddock, ignored the horse proposed by Ingo (probably the one that he intended to give to Ganondorf), and used the Ocarina to play a song, and the next instant, a horse approached him.

A horse that looked strangely like Sweetie Belle when Sword Kirby had been on her back.
And now that she thought about it, Link's green hat was very similar to Sword Kirby's hat.

She facehoofed. Seriously?! Okay, good one, but really, Writer, I so want to hit you right now.

A set of clouds in the distance subtly formed words that only the filly seemed to notice. References for the win

As Link was busy riding the horse and having fun with Rota and Marko watching him, Sweetie Belle then looked around at the Ranch, but there wasn't much to see. A house, a barn, and a tower behind the paddock, and there were some chickens around. Cows could also be heard from the barn, and Sweetie Belle could see a red-haired girl looking from behind the corner of the barn at Link riding the horse with fondness.

Ingo, impressed by Link's talent at riding the horse, then proposed to him, in exchange of fifty rupees, to race him, and Link accepted. So they raced around the paddock (Ingo using his best horse), and Link defeated him easily, much to his shock. Wanting to correct this humiliation, Ingo proposed another race, and this time, if Link won then he would be able to keep the horse he was riding.

And he won again.

"What's up with that horse?! Is that Epona? How did you tame that wild horse right under my nose?!" yelled Ingo from the back of his horse, not believing what happened. "I was going to present that horse to the great Ganondorf... But I bet it on the race and lost! Shooot!"

Oh, so it was actually Epona that he wanted to give, not the other horse. Oh well.

But then, Ingo calmed down and chuckled before making his way to the gate that connected the house and barn to the paddock area.

“As I promised, you can keep the horse… However,” he said as he began to close the gate, “I’ll never let you leave this ra-” Before he could finish, or the others even register, the sound of an impact rang out and Ingo was suddenly embedded into the cliff behind him, unconscious as blood trickled from his open mouth with a few teeth missing, while Rota stood, leg positioned as if she had just launched a kick, near where Ingo stood seconds prior. Marko let out a sigh as Sweetie, Link, the redhead, Navi and even Epona stared in disbelief at the tailed woman.

“I never thought I’d see the day where you losing your temper would be satisfying to see, but that guy deserved it.” He then turned to the others in the group. “Let’s go.”

Link nodded, and they moved to the exit. As they passed beside the girl, she said, "Take care of Epona, please." Link nodded, and they were out of the ranch.

Now, to Kakariko Village.

Author's Note:

Things are getting a little chaotic IRL, in addition to my Autism and ADHD making it hard to focus on writing, but here's the next chapter.

Rota's reaction is pretty much mine when I first read Lucar's version.