• Published 8th Mar 2024
  • 534 Views, 16 Comments

Twilight's New Moon - ThistleRose

After a night stuck together, Twilight realizes that hatred isn't the only burning emotion she feels for the Great and Powerful Trixie

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Epilogue: Trixie's Suprise

šŸŖ„ Epilogue šŸŖ„

Trixie's Suprise

To say it had been a wild couple of months would be an understatement.

Trixie and Twilightā€™s relationship had been the talking point of all of Equestria, especially since that for the first time in thousands of years, there was a new Alicorn. Trixie had basked in the glory and prowess of it all, especially loving her newfound magical abilities. Now her stage shows could have REAL tricks and power! Had she gained all this before, she probably would have gotten out of line. Luckily for her (and the entire world), she was always kept in line by Twilight, her long suffering (but eternally devoted) girlfriend. Twilight had initially had mixed feelings about being seen with her, but slowly started to enjoy justā€¦ being with her, despite the power imbalance. She especially appreciated that Trixie had quickly learned when Twilight was not in the mood at all for her shenanigans, and respected her boundaries.

Behind closed doors, though?

Horses be kissinā€™.

A few months after the destruction of Ponyville, Twilight herself had Ascended and become an Alicorn, much to Trixieā€™s dismay (and of course secret joy). And it was almost time for her first official alicorn meeting!

That had all been ruined when a certain fiery alicorn had burst into their room to steal Twilightā€™s crown, interrupting a cuddling session. Despite their best efforts, they failed to get the crown back safely, and Sunset Shimmer had successfully taken it through the portal.

Despite her best protests, Princess Celestia had decided it would be best for Twilight to go in after the element on her own; the risks were simply too great for both their worlds. Trixie was VERY upset about it, grumbling about how she was the alicorn first and so she should get first pick of the magical adventure mirror. But, Twilight had gone in alone.

And that is where we find Twilight now.

Getting back the crown seemed somewhat hopeless, and after barely eating her lunch (she couldnā€™t quite get chewing with this new mouth right), she had discovered a strange glass box with food inside! But how to get it out was an entirely different question. She got ready to do what she knew best; kicking!

She had gotten onto all fours and was about to kick the glass open, when two pairs of boots appeared in front of her.

ā€œExcuse me~ā€

Twilightā€™s blood ran cold. That voice.

She had already met most of her friends' counterparts, who all had an eerie likeness to them. Apart from having two legs. And hands.

She had always had the fear that in the back of her mind, a certain other human counterpart might turn up. She slowly looked up to seeā€¦ Trixie. Well, not her Trixie.

She fell backwards into a sitting position, her back against the vending machine as she stared up at her. She stood, hands on her hips, staring down at her with one eyebrow raised.

ā€œWhy exactly are you sitting there on the floor? The great and powerful Trixie needs her peanut butter crackers!ā€

ā€œUhhā€¦ U-Uhmā€¦ā€ she said, already starting to blush. Back at home she could control herself now. She knew all her usual tricks. But here? In these weird bodies with no fur?? It was such a dangerous unknown element that was all the more terrifyingā€¦ yet enticing.

Trixie rolled her eyes, flicking her hair. ā€œOf COURSE the new girl would have an undying crush on me. I am fabulous after all. Now move aside! I need my sustenance.ā€

Twilight shuffled to the side, still staring up at her.

She was so pretty.


This was going to make her quest for her crown a LOT more tricky. Trixie, one may say.

Twilight watched as Trixie pulled out a strange looking coin. It was the size and shape of a regular coin, but had a small hole at the top. Running through the top was a line of blue string. She placed in the coin, pressed a few of the strange buttons on the side (each with an ear splitting BEEP), and one of the small packets had fallen into the small tray at the bottom of the contraption. As it fell, Trixie pulled on the string. The coin flew back out.

Twilight looked on in shock. ā€œYā€¦ You stole?ā€

ā€œAh! She speaks!ā€ trixie said, happily crunching down on her prize. ā€œAre you a new transfer student or something?ā€ she inquired, as Twilight managed to get to her feet. She swayed a little and ended up with her back to the locker.

ā€œU-Uhmā€¦ā€ Twilight couldnā€™t get the words out as Trixie approached her. She placed a hand to the right of her head, and leant over her as she slid down slightly.

ā€œWhatā€™s wrong? Something you want to say to me?ā€

Twilight slowly shook her head, staring right into her eyes. This felt like back at the library. She could feel her body movingā€¦


It was the end of lunch. Trixie growled and backed up.

ā€œIā€™ll see you around, my little princess~ā€ she said, and strutted away as the corridor became full of students moving.


Twilight continued to stare at her as she turned the corner. How did she? Surelyā€¦


She just had to hope she wouldnā€™t run into her again.

Finally, after an exhausting battle against a demon and using the power of homosexuality to defeat her, Twilight was back in equestria. She was laying face down into her bed, wings wide out on her back, screaming gently. ā€˜UUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhā€¦.ā€™

It had been a very exhausting few days, and she was SO happy to be back in her usual body. There was only one thing missing though-


Twilight sat up. It was Trixie! She gave a little smile. ā€œH-Hey, Trix!ā€

ā€œIā€™m back!ā€ she said as she trotted into the room. ā€œAnd iā€™ve got a little surprise for you~ā€

Twilight blushed. Her last few surprises had been exceptional. ā€œG-Go onā€¦ā€

ā€œHello, Princess!ā€

Trixie walked around the corner of the door frame.

ā€œOhā€¦ Hiā€¦ Tā€¦.ā€ Twilightā€™s brain shorted out as Trixie walked from the door to nexto Trixie. She was wingless, and was a little shorter. Both wore the exact same expression

Trixie the Alicorn was standing right infront of her.

Trixie the unicorn was also standing right infront of her.

The puzzle pieces lined up into place.

ā€œYou didn'... You didnā€™tā€ she stuttered out, but Unicorn Trixie placed a hoof on her muzzle which shut her right up.

ā€œI met this gorgeous girl the other day! She lead be back here-ā€

Twilight shot a glance at Alicorn Trixie.

ā€œYou came in after me!?ā€

ā€œA little bit~ā€


Twilight glared at her now. Both Trixies smiled.


ā€œImagine thatā€¦ā€ said Alicorn Trixie, licking her lips as she looked down at her Unicorn self.

ā€œTwo Monthsā€¦ With not just ONE great and powerful Trixieā€¦ā€ said the unicorn.

The Trixies went either side of Twilight, and hugged her.

ā€œBut TWO!ā€

Twilight shook violentlyā€¦ before screaming:



Author's Note:

Thank you so much for reading <3

I have some loose plans for my next big story, but before that, I'm going to do a few little short ones!

I may do a sequel at some point If i get a good idea! But until then...

Goodnight Horse state area!

Comments ( 2 )

Oh for the love of Celestia they're multiplying.

Good story it was a hilarious journey =v=

I have read all there is to read of it, and I'm at the edge of my seat waiting for more!

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