• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 323 Views, 39 Comments

The Depths of Discovery - Seamserb

Aspirant Twilight Sparkle is desperate to make a name for herself within the Erudite Enclave. However, she may discover more than she bargained for...

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Send Off

Legends tell of an undiscovered pocket within the Underworld – Gaia's Grove. A supposed utopia full of plant life, fuzzy animals, and rarest of all, peace.

Some see it as a sort of heaven, somewhere they’ll go after they pass. Others see it as something that could be found, or even… conquered. But alas, neither have happened yet.

The followers who condone to the idea of Gaia’s Grove are known as the Earth Family. Many believe if they dedicate their life to one of kindness, happiness, and peace, they too may go to the Grove once their time comes

Unfortunately for those who would seek to follow the gospel of the Grove — pacifism is exceedingly difficult to maintain within the Underworld.

In a green and lush field, a yellow pegasus peacefully sleeps atop her ‘bed’, a large collection of leaves and plant life. Her dreams are just as vibrant as her surroundings.

Suddenly, a small bird lands on a nearby rock, beginning to chirp.

The pegasus slowly stirs awake, shuffling slightly. She sits up, gently patting the bird to make it stop chirping; which it does without problem.

“Good morning, Sweetpea.” she says, a bit groggily. Sweetpea chirps once more, before flying off.

After a bit of yawning and stretching, the pegasus gets out of bed. She puts on her ‘clothes’ – similarly to her bed, it’s a large collection of leaves, roots, and vines tied together. They make a surprisingly fashionable and elegant dress.

She makes sure to fix it as tidily as she can. Today is a big day, after all.

Every one-hundred years, a single pony of Gaia’s Grove is chosen to be sent to the Outside, the rest of the pockets of the world. There, they will help its native peoples prosper by promoting peace, hospitality, and equality, in the hopes of becoming a utopia like Gaia’s Grove itself.

This will be the tenth send-off, the one thousandth year of the ceremony.

The pegasus happily trots into town, a small but cozy collection of various huts, grottos, and houses built into trees and caves. Multiple ponies with similar garments and demeanors to her drift about, some flying between trees. Many tend to various animals or plants.

One of them, a stallion earthen, spots the yellow pegasus. “Ah. sister Fluttershy. Good morning.” he says, with a slight bow.

Fluttershy back. “As to you, brother Clover.”

“Will you be attending the ceremony today? I know you are not one for gatherings usually, but I would highly suggest coming to this one. It’s quite literally a once-in-a-lifetime experience for us all… well, except old Grapevine.”

The pegasus knew what she was gonna say half-way through his sentence, but she let him finish anyway.

“Of course! I would never dare miss the send-off.”

She turns away, biting her lip slightly. "Although… I am a bit nervous.”

Clover tilts his head. “Oh, why so? You don't think that you could b—”

Fluttershy quickly hushes him. “We are not supposed to talk about who could be getting sent off! Such an honor must not be treated like that.” she hastily responds.

Clover puts a hoof to his mouth. “My apologies.” he says.

The pegasus sighs a little. “I’m just nervous about what it really is like on the other side. Do you think they’re like us?” Fluttershy asks.

“What do you mean?”

“Like, do you think they do the same things we do? Care for animals and plants… practice peace and love… don’t cut in front of lines.”

Clover looks a bit bewildered. “Of course! I mean, we ARE on the tenth send-off. Surely the previous nine members should have done enough. At this point, they must be like a spitting image of us!” he says, assuredly.

He continues. “It would take an active effort for them NOT to practice peace. What even would there be strife about? We all are the same, and we share everything with each other. Just like the different parts of a tree; we are all one organism.”

Fluttershy smiles. “I guess you’re right. I just hope whoever the send-off is feels right at-home on the other side. I couldn’t imagine being taken away from all of us here.”

Clover nods. “Indeed. It must be sad to be taken away from the family… but thankfully, the other side must have a much larger one.”

Their talk is interrupted by the sounds of a small bell in the far distance. The ceremony is beginning.

In a grass clearing surrounded by tall rock walls, a circular stone structure lies atop a base.

A gateway, one of the fastest known ways of traversing between pockets in the Underworld, via means that few ponies can even begin to understand.

This gateway is a special case, though. It is the only known connection between the Pocket of Gaia's Grove and the rest of the Underworld, with no other physical path being assumed to exist. Additionally, nothing that has ever left Gaia's Grove through the gateway has ever come back.

It's a one way trip.

The gateway itself looks to be in a state of complete damage, bordering on ruin. Plants grow within its crevices and cracks, even pushing its stone pieces apart. However, it has still functioned each time it has been used throughout the Millenia.

An extremely elderly pony stands near the base of the gateway, ringing a bell. Every pony in the grove quickly assemble in a small crowd in front of him, probably a hundred or so.

“My children! Today is the day many of us…especially myself… have been waiting for. On this day, we shall send the tenth member of our family off to the other side, where they will help spread the good gospel of the Earth Mother.”

Many of the ponies there, especially the elderly one himself, Grapevine, know at this point it's basically just a tradition. Hundreds of years is plenty of enough time to create a utopia such as their own; any ponies sent now are just superfluous really. But who are they to reject or scoff at the old ways?

The crowd waits, eagerly. Some are anxious, others are worried, some are happy, and a few just look stoically.

Grapevine is handed a scroll by another pony, and he slowly opens it, reading its content.

Fluttershy sits near the back of the crowd. She secretly hopes that the one picked isn’t one of her friends… she would hate to lose Clover. Well, she could always make more friends. It's just-

“Fluttershy.” Grapevine says, with a gentle tone.

Fluttershy, still mid-thought, can barely register what was just said. Her expression slowly turns from one of light-hearted anxiousness, to one a slow realization.


She looks around to see the entire village staring at her with elation.

However, she notices one face standing out. Clover looks at her with an uncommon emotion. Horror.

Is this for real?

“Fluttershy. Fluttershy, come on up!” Grapevine says.

Fluttershy unconsciously gets up and walks towards the stage. Her body may move forward, but her mind still feels like she’s back where she was sitting, barely able to register what was said.

Fluttershy gets up on the stage, next to Grapevine, mouth slightly agape looking back at the crowd.

She knows this should be an amazing moment for her. But for some reason it feels wrong.

She leans into Grapevine's ear, slightly surprising the elder.

“C-can you check it again? I wouldn’t want to take away this… reward from another pony.” Fluttershy meekly asks.

Grapevine simply flips the scroll around for her to see for herself.

It’s literally just a single word; “FLUTTERSHY”. It’s even colored yellow and pink.

Fluttershy leans in again. “I-is there another Fluttershy in the village I never knew about?” she asks, sounding a bit more desperate.

“Is there another Fluttershy here?” Grapevine asks. There’s no noise from the crowd except crickets.

“I suppose not.” Grapevine says, as honestly as possible.

Fluttershy can feel her heart beat harder than it ever has before. It feels like it’s about to jump out of her chest. She begins to sweat a little, even slightly panting.

The crowd looks a bit worried, as does Grapevine.

“Is this how the send-off usually reacts?” One pony asks an older one, who shrugs.

Grapevine is about to ask Fluttershy if she’s alright, when Fluttershy suddenly spells it out.

“I… I can’t do this!” she yells, pained. Grapevine simply frowns.

She begins to babble. “I know this is supposed to be super good and all that but I don't know if I’m ready for this I mean I never even thought that I would be the one to do this and—” She’s crying.

Grapevine extends a hoof out, placing it on her shoulder, with a solemn look.

Fluttershy cringes. She’s expecting the worst. Is she going to be punished??? Ostracized??? BANISHED???

Grapevine simply sighs.

“You know, the last send-off reacted like this too.” he responds, gently.

Fluttershy is a bit surprised at the tone, stopping her tears.

“A hundred years ago, and about one minute ago. A young stallion, younger than you. He reacted in this exact same way. He didn’t want to leave his family. And you know what we did? For the first time in our history… we gave him a choice. To stay or leave. And upon being given that choice… the freedom to decide for himself… he decided to leave.”

Grapevine chuckles.

“Some say that it’s easier to perform a difficult act when you’re actually given the choice of doing it or not.”

Fluttershy wipes the tears off of her face, and looks back to the crowd. Instead of outrage or shock, they look equally as solemn – but not out of pity or woe. Out of respect. Some of them pray, others close their eyes. Even Clover can’t help but bow his head.

She turns back to Grapevine.

“ Fluttershy. I… we will not force you to do this, if that is how you truly feel. But know that we will not pick somepony to replace you, either. Whether or not you want to do this is up to you.” he says, lowering his hoof off of her.

Fluttershy feels like she wants to cry again, but not out of sadness.

She needs to do this. She has to do this. Gaia picked her for a reason.

“A-alright… I’ll do it.” she says, trying to muster up some courage.

Grapevine slowly lifts his head. “And you’re sure?” he asks.

“Yes.” she says, nodding slowly.

Grapevine nods as well. He gestures over to some nearby unicorns. They begin to activate the gateway, its center beginning to crackle with blue energy. Eventually, a wall of light forms, illuminating the air around them.

Fluttershy looks towards the gateway. She can’t see anything besides the light.

Taking a deep breath, she’s about to enter it, when she suddenly turns back to Grapevine.

“Can you give me some parting pointers at least?” She asks, hurriedly.

Grapevine puts a hoof to his chin.

“Hmm… just the main tenets here, really. Always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, always say ‘bless you’ when somepony sneezes, and also never cut in-front of lines. especially don’t cut in-front of lines. That’s all you’ll need to know, really.” he responds.

Fluttershy bites her lip, but sighs.

“Goodbye, everyone.” she says, turning back to the crowd. They silently give their support.

She sees Clover mouth her something, but she can’t tell what it is. Something about “I” and “you”?

With a final deep breath, she walks forward into the gateway.

The feeling is like nothing she’s ever felt before – like her very soul is being sucked up and away. It feels a bit scary at first, but then it’s pure calm. Like she’s asleep, but somehow conscious at the same time…

The other ponies see Fluttershy's body slowly disappear into the portal, before vanishing entirely. The unicorns let go of the spell, the gateway falling back to inactivity.

Grapevine looks at the direction of the portal, and up slightly.

“Good luck, young one.” he says.

Fluttershy zips through the darkness for a little while. She hopes that the other side doesn’t have TOO crazy of a receiving for her. That would be far too embarrassing. If there was 999 years of progress before her, then—

She suddenly screams as she feels herself get pulled straight down. She falls onto a hard surface, groaning with seldom-felt pain.

After a few seconds of lying on the ground, she lifts her head slowly. Looking around her surroundings, she seems to be in some kind of... large hole. Not like a pit, more like a dip or depress below. It's quite desolate and bare compared to what she's used to, though. Pure rock and stone, no plants at all.

She can barely see herself in the darkness, let alone anything or anypony nearby.

“H-hello?” she asks into the darkness.

No response.

She suddenly feels anxious again. She didn’t want some huge receival on the other side, but she didn’t want nothing !

What if the gateway spit her out somewhere wrong? Oh Gaia… how is she going to find the right way?

Fluttershy notices something poking out of the ground nearby. Its color and texture contrasts with the rest of the ditch.

She crawls over towards it, curiously reaching towards it and begins to pull off the dirt. Some kind of buried tool? Or plant?

Scraping some dirt up, she sees what appears to be a white rock. It's somewhat spherical in shape, with a tall part ridging down towards a flatter area. There's three holes, two large circular ones, along with a smaller one in the middle, slightly below the two big ones.

There's a collection of smaller rocks sitting near the bottom, in two rows, like a corn in the cob.

She picks it up, tilting her head as she inspects it. For some reason, the lower part appears to hinge downwards, smacking the ground with a small thump.

She shrugs, setting the stone back down.

Inspecting the area out of the ditch, it's not as bad, but still not very good. There's only a sparse amount of foliage, but a little is better than nothing.

Large stone pillars and walls jut upwards, forming various paths throughout the area. She doesn't recognize this type of terrain.

Her first thoughts gravitate towards food; the elders taught that a healthy pony requires three meals a day. But she isn’t sure what can be found around here.

Surely the other send-offs must have cultivated something into the Underworld.

After a bit of searching, she spots something orange and green lying on the ground ahead. It looks like the largest carrot she’s ever seen!

She runs over to it, getting up close.

As she reaches for it, she notices there's a super long vine tied to it, going behind a large nearby rock. Maybe she could use it for repairing her clothes later if need be? Maybe this place isn’t so bad after all!

The moment she picks up the carrot, the ‘vine’ goes taut. She yelps as a cage falls around her, trapping her in place. She barely curls her wings inwards to prevent the cage from smashing them.

“OOH!” A voice says.

A pony runs out from behind the rock, excitedly. “Guys! Get over here! Judging from that pull, I just caught myself the Underworlds largest rabbit—”

He stops in his tracks when he notices there’s something a bit bigger than a rabbit in his cage.

“Uhm… hello?” Fluttershy asks, a bit worried by her current predicament.

“Dude. What the heck is this?”

“Uh… some mare? Duh.”

Really? No way! Dumbass! I’m asking why is there some mare in my Rabbit Catcher 9000?”

A trio of dirty-looking earthen surround the shoddy cage, staring at Fluttershy. The middle has a cool hat. Fluttershy stares back, confused.

The gray stallion on the left shrugs. “Dunno. You wanted me to catch somethin’, I caught somethin’.”

The black stallion in the middle glares at him. “Yeah I meant’ like a bunny or whatever not a freakin pony!”

The white stallion on the right chips in. “Well think about it. She must weigh like… I dunno, thirty bunnies? That’s gotta be worth something, right?”

"No way. I'd say like, twenty. Tops." the gray one says.

As the three bicker, Fluttershy just looks at them blankly.

“Uhm… are you guys with the Earth Family?” Fluttershy asks, unsure.

The three stop arguing and turn back to her.

“ ‘Earth Family’? Girly, the only ‘earth’ and ‘family’ I know is the ditch that I buried my daddy in.”

“Woah! I never knew you were gay, Hook!” the gray pony says.

Hook snaps towards him with frightening speed. “I’m not gay, you nitwit! daddy is a very common word for someones dad. What else do I say??? ‘Father’? I’m not eighty!” He yells.

I say father.” The white one says.

You’re an orphan, Sinker! Shut up!” Hook retorts.

“Still know my father more than Line does!” Sinker says with a laugh.

Line gets up at him. “You little—”

The three begin bickering again, as Fluttershy just continues watching and listening.

Is this what the Outside is like?

“Can you guys tell me what is going on, please..?” Fluttershy asks, still unsure.

Hook turns to her with a scowl. “Oh, you know. We were out trappin’ like any self respecting trappers, only to suddenly see some stupid broad got in our cage somehow!” he yells.

Fluttershy seems shocked at the language and tone.

“Hang on man. Isn’t the Earth Family that hippie cult thing? What if she’s one of em?” Sinker asks.

Hook grumbles. “I guess that’d line up with whatever the heck she’s wearin and how she somehow managed to get stuck in our trap.”

“Maybe she threw herself in there on purpose so we couldn’t catch anythin else!” Line says with a laugh.

Fluttershy snaps to attention.

“Wait… you guys do know about the Earth Family… but you AREN'T a part of it?”

She can’t believe how that’s possible. The Earth Family is meant to encompass all ponies!

Hook looks bewildered.

“Uh… yeah. We ‘know’ about it. Most ponies ‘know’ about it… a little too well. Those annoying freaks are always comin to my house and bein like “come accept gaya into your heart or you’ll be—” blah blah! So annoying!”

“And who would even wanna be a part of them? That’s a one way street to getting your ass kicked!” Line laughs.

Fluttershy can’t even fathom what she’s hearing. Freaks??? ‘Gaya’??? Ass kicking??? What the heck is this nightmare!

“Uhm… I don’t want my ass to be… kicked? Could you let me out please… I promise I won't be annoying.” Fluttershy says, trying to make sense of it.

“You’re already being annoying. Hearing your whispery voice makes me wanna jump off a cliff.” Hook says, not even looking at her.

He glances towards Line. "Get her out of the cage. We're going to need to actually get something soon."

Line reaches towards the cage to unlatch it.

“Wait!” Sinker yells. Line pauses.

“WHAT!” Hook yells, clearly angry.

“Our guy said he would buy anything we caught... right? What if he... you know." Sinker gestures towards the caged pegasus.

Hook raises an eyebrow.

"You sure he won't freak out or somethin?"

"Trust me. He has some ties with the Syndicate. He'll find somewhere to sell her off to."

Hook and Line share a glance.

"Might as well get some cash outta this, yeah?" Hook says with a sneer.

“I already got what I wanted to get out of this. It proved the ‘fake carrot’ trick isn’t a total failure!” Line responds.

“Yeah, and it only worked on this moron pegasus. I've seen literal rabbits avoid it.” Hook retorts.

Fluttershy quickly looks down at the ‘carrot’, seeing that it's actually just a painted wooden stake.

She frowns.

“Alright… load her into the cart. Let's hope Switch doesn't mind we brought in something a bit bigger than some rabbits." Hook says with a snicker.

“Why the heck am I the one pulling the cart??? This was my idea!” Sinker groans, with the cart’s harness on his back.

“Yeah. That’s exactly why. It was your idea, so you’re the one who’ll take us.” Hook responds offhandedly, leaning back on his seat.

Fluttershy sits in her cage, looking around at the wagon around her. It’s quite a bit larger than anything she’s ever seen back at the grove. Instead of the teeny ones meant to help crippled ponies, this one is large enough to hold multiple people and even various tools. She sees all sorts of weird and unfamiliar, yet scary looking pieces of equipment around her.

They’re traveling on a small trail, with the saving grace being that the area appears to be getting more forested and lively.

“Uh… where are we going?” Fluttershy asks.

“Some nice field where we’ll let you go, and you’ll be able to frolic with small animals.” Hook responds.

Fluttershy perks up. “Really?!” she says.

“NO!” The three yell in unison. She frowns.

“You’re what we call an ‘indentured servant’ now. You belong to us. And soon, you’ll belong to some other dude that Sinker knows.” Line responds.

The pegasus looks shocked. “What?! Y-you can’t do that! You can’t just… ‘own’ people!” She says.

Hook turns back. “Oh? Says who. You?” he asks, rhetorically.

“Yes..?” Fluttershy responds, not getting it.

The black stallion glares at her. “I dunno if you’ve noticed, but you’re not really in a position to be arguing anything.” he says. He smacks her cage, causing it to vibrate and make noise. Fluttershy recoils in fear.

Her eyes jostle a little, but she shakes it off. “I don’t understand! I never did anything to you! Please, just let me go!” she pleads, starting to understand the situation.

Hook turns back forward. “Please just be a good indentured servant and stop—”


Hook nearly gets tossed off the wagon as it lurches to the side, barely catching his hat from flying away. He scampers back to his feet, angrily.


“It wasn't me! Something snagged on the cart!” Sinker yells back.

Hook and Line quickly look down the edge of the cart, seeing that one of the wheels has been ensnared by a strangely thick vine.

“What in the…”

Jumping off the cart, he quickly stomps and tears the vine away. Fluttershy’s appalled at the brutality, even if it is just a plant.

He leaps back onto the cart. “Hurry up!” he yells towards Sinker. Sinker grumbles, but continues walking.

Hook slowly turns back to Fluttershy.

“As I was saying… we own you. Now please stop talking and let us relax.” Hook says with a yawn, tilting his hat over his face.

Sinker grumbles, definitely not getting to relax right now.

Fluttershy is far too shocked and afraid to think of anything else to say. She also doesn’t wanna risk angering them any further. She tries to find a comfortable position in the cage, and lies down.

After some time, Sinker is completely gassed. He pants, splatting on the ground. Hook looks over, and rolls his eyes.

“Can’t go any more…” Sinker pants.

“Such a baby.” Hook says with a groan. “Alright… let's set up camp here for tonight.”

Line and Hook dismount the cart, beginning to pull off various items and objects. Sinker still lies face-first in the dirt.

Fluttershy looks at them as they do. The items look unfamiliar to her, but vaguely resemble things she does recognize. One of them looks like a shiny version of an axe, and another like a big wrinkly bed.

After a while, Sinker manages to get himself up. The trio begin setting up camp. Fluttershy watches them clumsily and roughly begin to tear up the area around them. They sloppily chop apart trees, rip apart bushes, and shake nearby fruits off from their branches. Most of the stuff they destroy isn’t even used, simply tossed away out of sight. These ponies are monsters.

As Sinker is clinging onto a tree to shake some of its fruits off, a random branch suddenly smacks into him. He yells as he falls to the ground in pain.

“What the heck happened?!” Hook asks, running over.

“Hah… Sinker got beaten up by a tree!” Line laughs.

“Shut up!” Sinker says, pained.

Hook looks up at the tree, seeing its fruits above. He most definitely isn’t gonna try to climb it like Sinker did, but he has a better idea.

Holding up an axe, he begins to violently hack it at the base. Fluttershy closes her eyes like she’s watching somepony be butchered.

Not being a complete idiot, Hook has the wherewithal to chop the tree AWAY from where they are, so that it won’t fall towards them. Eventually, the tree’s base is barely a fourth of its original size, with the only piece left being in their direction, meaning gravity should pull it to the other side.

He gives it a light shove, and turns around as he hears it cracking, satisfied.

Inexplicably, the tree begins to fall the correct way, before suddenly lifting itself up in the other direction and falling back towards Hook.

He’s confused as he hears the sound of cracking approaching him. He turns around just in the knick of time to see the log hurtling towards him.


He barely jumps out of the way as it hits the ground next to him.

“Dude! What happened!” Line asks, running over.

“The damn tree somehow fell towards me!” he says.

He notices Fluttershy looking at him blankly. He glares back. Her face completely lacks any malice whatsoever. But Hook still feels off.

Into the night, The trio have a fire set up. Fluttershy’s fast asleep in her cage.

Hook feigns sleeping by having his hat over his face, but lifts it slowly when he notices Fluttershy being asleep

He crawls over to the other two trappers, shaking them awake.

“Wuh? Mommy?” Line says.

“What? No, idiot! It's me.”

“Five more minutes…’ Sinker says. Hook smacks him awake.

“Ow! What was that for!?” He says, jolting up. Hook shushes him.

Listen.” he says, leaning towards the other two, who confusedly and reluctantly lean in as well.

“First the wheel of the wagon is grabbed by some vine… then a branch suddenly hits Sinker… and now a tree is defying physics to try and hit me? Don’t you guys think it’s strange how all this weird plant stuff is happening only AFTER we found her?

“Could be just coincidences.” Line chips.

“No damn way. You know the saying… Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice… well I forgot the rest, but there’s something cool about fooling somepony thrice. Either way, I don’t buy that this is just chance.”

“Yeah but… she ain’t a unicorn… and there isn’t even such a thing as plant magic, right..?” Sinker says, a bit unsure.

“I dunno'. But I’m still not convinced that she’s as innocent as she looks.”

“What do we do then? Let her go?” Line inquires.

“No way. The last thing I want is this demon coming back with her entire earth family or whatever.”

“...kill her?” Sinker asks.

“Still no. If this broad really is something, then we could get so much more for selling her. I’m just telling y’all, to keep your heads up.” he says.

Line seems a bit unnerved. “I dunno… now that you got me thinking, I don’t want her near me… whatever she is.” He says.

Hook grimaces.

“It’s gonna take a bit more than some stupid vines or branches to get rid of us.” He says, holding his axe with a smirk.

His show of bravado gets the other two a bit more confident. As they begin to chuckle, they suddenly hear some rustling behind them. Some very loud, and quickly approaching rustling.

Hook turns around to see a giant figure suddenly erupt from the tree-line.


The trio screams in fear.

Within Fluttershy’s dreams, she happily frolics around a field, pushing past a few bushes. She sees a small group of bunnies. Her favorite animal!

She wastes no time going over to them, beginning to play with them.

Sinker yells in terror as he’s thrown through the air, smacking into a tree. Hook and Line look back at the monster in horror. It looks like a giant mass of plants, in the vague shape of a living creature.

Fluttershy giggles as she boops one of the bunnies on the noise.

Line screams as he gets punched by the monster's giant fist, sending him hurtling into a tree next to Sinker. Hook grips his axe like a sword and backs away.

Fluttershy notices one of the rabbits pawing at her. A show of affection! She gently grabs it by the paws and begins to make it do a little dance.

Hook attempts to cleave into the monster with his axe, but any damage he does is immediately filled in with more plants. It suddenly grabs him by his legs, repeatedly smashing him into the ground.

While Fluttershy continues playing with the third bunny, the first two come hopping back, pawing against her back. She’s a bit surprised, but they clearly want to play some more.

Line and Sinker come up from behind the monster with tools of their own. They aim for the legs, managing to stumble it briefly. It suddenly whips around, smacking both of them with its arm and sending them to the ground.

Fluttershy decides to give all three bunnies an equal amount of love. She scoops them up in a hug with a smile on her face.

She plays with them for what feels like hours.

The trio scream as the monster scoops them up, and then in pain. There isn’t exactly much pressure, but it feels like they’re being repeatedly scraped into a thorny bush or rough wood.

“MOMMMY!!” Line cries.

Fluttershy wakes up some-time in the afternoon, realizing she slept longer than usual without her usual bird. Slowly coming to, she looks around. The camp-site is destroyed and abandoned.

“Hello?” She asks, a bit fearfully, to nopony in particular.

It looks like something tore the place up…

Two ponies walk on a trail. They look quite similar to the trappers, yet a bit more clean and older.

“What are we even doing, Switch? He was supposed to come to US, right?”

“He WAS. But in the case that something went wrong, he told me that they would be traveling on this trail, and to try and find em’. Sinker has never been wrong before.” Switch says.

The other pony scoffs. “Sinker. What a stupid name. Who would call a pony ‘Sinker’.” Bait says.

Suddenly, Switch lifts a hoof upwards, squinting. The two stop in their tracks.

Turning a curve, they see a small clearing. It looks like a tornado ran through the place. They spot Sinker’s cart with a cage atop it, and a pony inside. The two look confused, but approach with caution.

There’s a note near the base of the cage, facing away from where the pony inside could see. It’s hastily scribbled.

Just take her. Please.

The two look up with bewilderment.

The pony inside simply glances back at them.


Author's Note:

Criticism, advice, and feedback would be GREATLY appreciated. Please beat me up about anything.

Also please beat me up if you see any typo's, errors, or excessive repeats of phrases/words.

Everything may be subject to change.