• Published 8th Oct 2012
  • 3,618 Views, 83 Comments

Telling Tales - James Washburn

A storyteller comes to Ponyville and, quite against his better judgement, tells stories.

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Epilogue - Pinkie Pie Has the Last Word


Pinkie Pie Gets The Last Word

Tales had managed to wrangle a place to sleep at Sugarcube Corner. They weren’t in the business of renting rooms they said, but in his case, they could make an exception. It was a store room really, and he was sleeping on flour sacks and that meant a sneezing fit every time he turned over, but in all honesty anything was better than a park bench. He might be used to sleeping al fresco, but that didn’t mean he enjoyed it.

He was up bright and early, the moment light crept through the small, dusty window. He hopped up off the pile of sacks and brushed the flour off his coat. Then he patted it out of his mane. Then he had to upend his bowler hat to empty it. God, it was worse than the dust at Burning Mare festival.

He tip-toed through the empty cafe, hoping the Cakes wouldn’t mind the trail of white hoof prints. He opened the door as quietly as he could, and was about to leave, when he heard a creak behind him. He turned, to see Pinkie sitting on the stairs, quite calmly. Tales winced. He expected her to go off at any minute and start yammering, but strangely she stayed still.

She smiled at him oddly instead. That was probably worse.

“My parents always used to tell stories, every night,” she said quietly, casting her eyes low, “to me and my sisters.”

Tales was, for a moment, stuck for words.

“That’s... nice,” he said, edging out the door. He’d had a good run and all, but he really had to go...

“And there used to be caravans that came past the farm every couple of months. Roamer travellers. Gypsies. They always used to tell stories too...”

“Uhuh, uhuh,” said tales, still trying to get away as politely as possible. “Look, I have-”

“Stop leaving, I’m trying to talk to you,” said Pinkie, flashing Tales a glare that... well, he didn’t want to see it again in a hurry. He wondered where mares learnt such sharp looks. Pinkie bit her lip and looked bashful for a moment. “I just wanted to say, it’s nice to hear them again like that. Thank you.”

“Uhuh?” said Tales, his voice wobbling in disbelief. He’d had it all wrong. Here was someone who had always known the right kind of storytelling. She was a kindred spirit. She was a fellow northerner. His mind raced for the right words.

“All this time, then?” he said at last. “You knew?”

She shrugged. “I wanted it to be like the first time. I wanted to show everyone what it was like.”

Tales nodded, slowly. She was smarter than she looked.

“One thing, though,” he said, head tilted. “Where are you-”

“Near Herd’s Hollow,” she said, simply. “So I’m not that northern.”

He nodded sagely.

“Well, it’s been... an experience,” he said, smiling. “I’ll tell them all the proper story of Nightmare Moon at Connemara.”

“You better,” said Pinkie, smiling back. “Oh, and one more thing.”

She trotted down and slid a box off the counter and passed it to Tales. The label read ‘Cupcakes. Party-grade. Do not drop’. Below that, it said ‘For: Peppermint Twist (birthday)’, but someone had crossed that out. With pink crayon.

“For the road.”

Tales must have been a proper storyteller, because he took them without a thought. He held the box by the strings.

“Thanks,” he said, around his new burden.

“No problem,” said Pinkie, her smile growing into a grin. Tales could see the spell of calm was wearing off, so he chose his moment to go.

“Goodbye, madam Pie,” he said, bowing his head and holding his hat to his chest with a flourish. Pinkie giggled and bowed back

Tales gave her a wink, and left with his swag. He trotted out of the door, and into the early morning sunshine. It looked like they’d make it a nice day today, with a clear sky and warm air. Say what you want about the south, they knew how to put on a good summer.

He headed down the road east out of Ponyville, the road that led to the the coast, and led from there, to the boat to Connemara. It seemed so... straightforward when he thought about it like that.

Too straightforward, really. Maybe... maybe he should take take the long way around. There were a few small towns between here and there he fancied visiting. Plus, he had some new stories to practice now. Whyever not, he thought.

That too, seemed like a good idea at the time. Maybe it was.

Comments ( 47 )

Thanks go to The Descendant and Cloud Wander for their help in checking this story over. I'm forever in their debts.
All the stories told herein are at least based on traditional stories, some more rigidly than others.

I think you may have accidentally turned on underscoring in the second half of this chapter.

EDIT: Wait now I am doing it how strange...

I also really enjoyed the story (and stories held within) though after finding out that this is using the Pinkie is a gypsy sort of background I would have loved to delve more into that though it is not necessary for the story.

Ahah, I knew there was something I'd missed...
Also, I didn't actually intend it to be 'Pinkie is a Gypsy' background, just that she'd seen them telling. But hey, point of contention.

It was an honor and a pleasure to be involved with this project, Jim! Best of luck!:twilightsmile:

This is just wonderful. I found every chapter a delight, and the entire storytelling vehicle was so well executed. What a treat to find here in ponyfiction land. :raritystarry:

That was great, I love me some good stories.

Sir Kay? I always heard it as Gawain. Every telling's different I suppose...

Well, thank you awfully!

I will forever think of you as a professional story teller now. Because you've earned it. :ajsmug:

Thanks for sharing this with us. It's one of the better stories I've read!


As I remember hearing the story (KKUP, listener sponsored public radio, YAY), it was the story of Sir Kay, Arthur's stepbrother. Could be wrong though, It was more than a few years ago and I didn't bother looking it up.

Edited to say; I did a little research, turns out I was wrong. Turns out is is Gawain's story. Learn something new (or old) everyday. Apparently Sir Kay was kind of a dick.

Firstly, "left with his swag" :rainbowlaugh: The imagery that was in my mind made me laugh out loud, for that I thank you. I also want to thank you for a truly delightful story. You sir, have a knack for storytelling that is uncanny; I had never heard someone use nervy before. I'm not quite sure what I think about it. Regardless, I could continue to shower you with superlatives, but I believe I will just finish with one, Stupendous :raritystarry:
Ciao :raritywink:

Funny you should say that, I actually am. Me and a friend of mine won a storytelling competition this year, in fact. We did it all this summer. I just figured it was time to combine my two life-eating preoccupations; pony and storytelling.

Nervy? If you say so. Thanks very much for your kind words!

I always liked that one too. The dragon was taken down the proper way. I.e., with high explosives, rather than one guy with a fancy sword.

I stumbled upon this last night when I was bored. I can honestly say this easily cured me of that, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I think the other comments have covered why this story, or stories in this case, is/are good. Therefore, I will simply say that this made me laugh on numerous occasions and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future.

Well thank you, I'm glad I could save you from boredom. I honestly wasn't too sure about bits of it, but I'm glad it has your stamp of approval!

Well now, good and proper storytelling. Reminds me of my own story telling days. I recognized quite a few of these, though the Wawel Dragon one was new (and really good. I'm going to remember that one). While the notion that Southerners can't tell a story rankled a bit (we have our own story-telling traditions here, thank you very much), I really enjoyed the way that you spun these tales. Well told, and truly appreciated. If you ever feel like telling a few more, I'd love to hear them. Heck, if the mood hits, I wonder if you could tell a few of the Brer Rabbit stories with Angel-bunny. I think that it might fit very, very well. Bless.

this was good, i just read it all in one go

Well, I didn't mean it as a snub towards southerners as a whole, just the south of Equestria, where things are a little more... modern, for want of a better word. Headcanon strikes again!

1450896 You ought to give it a plug Ponydora, look at how few views it has and it truly deserves far more!

A beautiful piece, it reminds me of my own times as a storyteller.

You did storytelling too? You mean I'm not the only one?

1470732 Heck no! I was part of a local group and we even did a short tv piece way back in the 90s. I haven't done it in many years but I still love being reminded of it.

What's your story? :raritywink:

A friend of mine got me into it. We performed as a duo at Young Storyteller of the Year 2010 and 2012 and won both times. We've been all over, performed at Whitby folk week , West Country Storytelling festival, Festival at the Edge, Beyond the Border in Wales. Met a lot of the big names. It's been an experience, to be sure.

1474383 Oh wow. That's amazing, so you still do storytelling? Meeting the big names is always awesome. I freely admit OI was purely small town stuff, I enjoyed the company and never did any sort of competitions, though I always love seeing them. There's the local Telling Tales fest I often try and make it to as it's great fun.

I'd like to, but I'm at university. Opportunities are sadly limited. Here's what we look like on stage, for the record.

Goon Show ref in the desc for the win. :pinkiehappy:


Which one is you? Also I am jelly, I love stories, and wish I knew where to find all of you amazing people that tell them!

I'm the one in the eye-gougingly horrible shirt. I call it Vera.

It was a pleasure to read these stories, thank you. :derpytongue2:

1455725 I tend to use high-energy particle beams for dragons... :rainbowkiss:

I enjoyed the stories very much! It was nice to read something that wasn't an emotionally over-wrought death-fest of misery and pain where gods and demons were mercilessly beating the ponies with Prozac until they killed themselves. :trollestia:

Seriously, some people are terribly mean to the poor ponies!

Great story! I really enjoyed it :twilightsmile: The Dragon of Canterlot part is actually ponified version of Polish legend about Dragon from Castle Wawel. It is really nice to see my country legend pony-style :twilightsmile:

Me and a friend performed that story way back when, so I figured I should ponify it. Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsheepish:

Great job with all of the storytelling. I liked the youtube video of you doing it live too.

Well, thanks awfully, I do me best! :pinkiehappy:

I did ask Logan Cunningham about voicing him, but all he said was "how did you get this number?"

Loved this, thank you!
Growing up in the uk has given me an unshakeable image of the storyteller as the one from Jim hensons TV seies of the same name, the animation was lush and my mind kept doing all the little tricks from the series, well worth a torrent if you haven't seen it before, I'd like to think this storyteller picks up a dog somewhere on his travels.
Same mix of classical and folk stories reset with a twist. Makes me want to dig out my my Grimm's household tales again,the earlyer versionthat is much more gory and is like a ingredients list for the modern stuff.

TV series? I'll be honest, I'd never heard of it. I may just have to hit that up...


I think you might like it, If you like early Russiaan, Celtic and mostly German classic folk stuff. John Hurt is best storyteller (Michael Gambon did greek myths specials later, not as good :( )


Great fic, man. I'm glad the inventory sent me here.

Simple, but it had all the elements of a great story and it had me interested right up to the end.

Good work.

Nice stories. I only realized that they were old folk tales retold, when i read the comments though. But then again - im not german, russian polish, or wherever all these stories are from. but something i really enjoy is how you make all the ponies come to life. and i related to tales in such a way that i felt anger towards twilight, when she was disliking tales. :) - Im normally on the mane 6's side but in this fanfic, i was with tales. - mostly because i was able to relate to him. :) - Great fanfic, and keep on writing!

I genuinely enjoyed this. Well done.

I really liked this story. I recognized a few of the tales, but most were new to me. Regardless, you put a fresh spin on all of them that was simply delightful.

I thought Twilight's characterization was a bit... odd. For a bookworm to not recognize the difference between storytelling and lying makes no sense to me. I could understand it if she were one of those no-nonsense intellectuals that only reads non-fiction, but this is a Daring Do fan we're talking about!

Really, though- that was the only part that bothered me. All the rest was very well done.

I'm reminded of a quote, but I can't remember where I read it:

Is it true? Well, all stories are true, but this one really happened.

I cannot rightfully recall at this moment being more uplifted by a piece of Ponyfic. Amazingly well done. The curses were a little immersion-breaking, and I don't buy that Twilight has a problem with lying as much as she has a problem with anyone daring to speak for Celestia (an issue stemmng from her fetishistic near-worship of the mare) but all in all this was a joyous celebration of the art of telling tales. It does in my mind for storytelling what Horizon's "Thou Goddess" did for poetry. Just lovely work.

It's very good. :pinkiehappy:
I liked hearing the pony version of our story's. :rainbowkiss:
Very nice idea too.:twilightsmile:

I am pleasantly surprised by the nigh-total lack of mental breakdown promised by the blurb. Nice work. :moustache:


Where... did you hear that?


Kingkiller series, it the old memory serves me true. Fitting since that is also a story about stories.

You are an exceptional writer, and I enjoyed every tale you told in this story!

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