• Member Since 21st Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Belial - She/Her - Purveyor of kink, gore, snuff, and occasional wholesomeness. But mostly porn. :)


Comments ( 5 )

Praise the sun \0/ 🌞

It's almost a disservice to call this porn. There's sex, sure, but the flavor of the world itself took the spotlight in my mind. I hope you do write more in this setting, I'd love to read more about this Actual Goddess Celestia and pious religion surrounding, especially if the Nightmare Moon event occurred in this world. The return of Nightmare Moon would be far, far more terrifying if she's also an Actual Goddess, with her own worshippers hiding in the dark places of the world, praying and sacrificing for her return.

Thank you so much for the comment! I will most likely be writing more in this universe soon, I am in love with the world building I’ve done so far and want to expand upon it.

The mythology surrounding Nightmare Moon is something I plan to work on next, probably touching on it in another short story alongside this one.

I agree with Cedric. This is a world that needs a bit more building.

I love this story. It's porn, but it's more then just the normal clop. It is worldbuilding as well.

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