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Twilight Sparkle is overworked and plagued with guilt over the fate of 'the mean three'. Meanwhile, Starlight Glimmer grapples with feelings that bubble to the surface at inopportune moments as well as a daunting new job, and Spike once again attempts to get closer to the mare of his dreams. Set some time after 'The Last Problem'.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 31 )

Here's a better idea! Why not make someone Twilight loves a princess? Like someone she would love to spend an eternity with? Usually when a princess marries another, they become Queen or empress, that would be an interesting story.

Anyways this story is interesting, I hope to see more.

“Do you think I made the right call here, Gallus?” The princess’ words sliced through his thoughts like a razor. “With them, I mean.”

A panicked look passed over Gallus’ features. He wasn’t used to being asked such a direct question by the princess. Fortunately, Twilight’s attention was still focused on the statue. He quickly regained his composure, even as his mind raced for an adequate reply. For several agonizing seconds the only sound was the rushing of the wind and the faint, almost imperceptible pitter-patter of the first few drops of rain. Gallus knew he’d waited too long when Twilight turned her head over her shoulder, looking at him directly, her eyes pained and pleading.

“With respect, your Majesty,” He began, his voice low, “it is not the place of a lowly palace guard to question the decisions of his ruler.”

Twilight’s eyes closed, and she allowed her head to hang slightly. Gallus too closed his eyes, though more out of frustration than sorrow. That wasn’t what she needed to hear right now. He blinked his eyes back open and shot a look that could kill at the frozen reprobates. How committed to friendship could a creature have to be to feel any pity whatsoever for these three? How inherently good could one pony be to allow their much-deserved fate to eat her up inside? He sighed silently. He supposed that that was why she was friendship incarnate, not to mention ruler of Equestria, and he was not. Then something strange happened. Some of the youthful defiance he’d once had, a healthy disregard for the rules reared back up inside of him as he broke protocol. He quietly strode forward to her, closing the gap between them until he was at a comfortable conversation distance. As though she were a friend. A friend who needed to hear a comforting word or two. As stealthy as he was, he could only muffle the clanking of his armor and equipment so much, and Twilight looked up, the sorrow in her face replaced with intrigue.

Come on. Give her something.

“However, I will say this Ma’am,” He said, looking her earnestly in the eye, “I strongly doubt that there is a stallion, mare or foal in all of Equestria that thinks that you made the ‘wrong’ call.”

Wrong, Gallus, its Twilight’s conscience is making her doubt her actions which is odd given how many years it finally reach Twilight.

“Not the statue garden again?”

Twilight said nothing, merely continuing to fiddle with her mane, though her silence spoke volumes. Spike sighed.

“You need to stop torturing yourself.” Spike said, as gently as he could. He said it not as a command, but a simple statement of fact. Twilight once again spun around in her chair.

“And how am I supposed to do that, exactly?” She snapped, anger creeping into her voice. “I live here in a literal palace, while three creatures, one of them a foal, are encased in stone in my very grounds-”

“Three creatures,” Spike cut her off calmly, “who threatened the lives and welfare of every creature in Equestria. They didn’t give you much choice.”

“But now,” Twilight rasped, “now I have a choice.”

Spike leaned back, extending his legs and crossing them.

“So...what? You’re gonna un-petrify them? And then what? Return them to Tartarus?”

“I...I don’t know. No... I doubt that Tartarus could hold them, especially if they’re working together...”

There was another long pause. Spike could see that his sister was hurting, but there was little he could do. Why did she have to take on the weight of this all by herself? She already had enough to deal with, having borne the responsibilities of both of her predecessors at the same time. She just had to obsess over this one little – not even a mistake – a necessary unpleasantry, and she was letting it tear herself up inside. Heavy hangs the head with the crown, he supposed.

“You want to rehabilitate them,” He said, finally. “Redeem them.”

“I’ve done it before,” Twilight spoke softly. “Discord, Starlight, Sunset, Tempest...”

“You can’t save everycreature!” Now it was Spike’s turn to snap. He stood and placed his clawed hands on Twilight’s shoulders.

“Not everypony can be redeemed,” his voice softened. He hadn’t meant to raise it in the first place, but seeing Twilight like this hurt him too. “Some are beyond help.”

Don’t say that garbage, Spike! You’re only saying that to protect the traitor who was the mastermind who brought them together and planned to used them as Twilight’s stepping stones to the throne.

Dunno if I should kick up the rating to 'M' because of this? How suggestive is 'too suggestive'? Advice welcome. Anyway, hope you liked!

No... its like... Family Guy’s earlier seasons, TV14

Gotcha. Thanks. And thanks for reading too!

“I’m just going to announce myself now, before this goes any further.”

Good, otherwise this story would have been rated mature.

Dunno if I should kick up the rating to 'M' because of this? How suggestive is 'too suggestive'? Advice welcome. Anyway, hope you liked!

I think the rating should stay at Teen but maybe add a sex tag for suggestiveness.

Lovely writing!!! Can't wait to see where this goes <3

Thank you, you're very kind. :raritystarry:

“Uh, yeah.” Twilight replied sheepishly. “I probably should have mentioned. I patrol the dream realm now, so...”

This is the first story I have read on this site where Twilight now patrols the dream realm, I'm a little surprised. I'm more surprised others haven't thought of the idea.

I mean she litterly takes the jobs of both Celestia and Luna now, it only makes sense she goes to the dream realm and stops nightmares from happening.

11867921 true I hope cozy glow will get reformed in this story maybe at the end of it i love it when cozy gets reformed and I agree with you both spike just don't want twilight to help them and gallus don't want twilight to get hurt but her not helping them is hurting her but good story so far

nice job on all chapters out:twilightsmile:

Spike having a mental conversation with himself? Hilarious.

Lol, thanks. I was pretty pleased with that bit. :rainbowlaugh:

No offense but I think the redemption will failed. I mean how many years have the Legion has been in stone? I mean Discord did say that he heard everything when he was petrified. Besides I mean they might heard about Twilight was going to reform them as some of the guards will take about how they deserved being turned to stone despite it was Discord who masterminded everything and yet, he gets away scot-free

None taken. Well, we'll see. I'd be lying if I said I had everything planned out, I'm sure what happens will be as much of a surprise to me as to everyone else. Though I think it's less about the redemption, and more about the chance, something that Tirek and Cozy Glow at least, never got. Remember, Cozy Glow was thrown in Tartarus the second she was found out, small wonder she came back for a second try. And is what she did (attempt to remove magic from the world) really that different from what Starlight tried to do the first time around? Except on a larger scale? If Starlight can achieve redemption, why not Cozy Glow? In any case, it won't be an easy path. (And as to the Discord being able to hear and see everything while he was petrified thing, that may just be because he has literally god-like powers. We don't know that it's the same for everycreature else. Yet.)
Anyhoo, thanks for reading this far!

I want to agree on that but since Discord did help out in turning those 3 to stone, he might made them head everything other say around them as revenge for stealing his magic and putting Fluttershy in a cell.

And admittedly, Starlight found that on the occasions when Trixie went ahead of her on the stairs, she couldn’t help but check out her flank, just a little, as it bobbed away under that starry dress of hers. But that was perfectly normal too, she was an attractive mare, any Pony with eyes could see that. Starlight could be forgiven for taking the odd harmless peek.

Mhmmm, sure.

She was in love with Trixie. The great and powerful moron. Ok, now Starlight was really annoyed.

Finally she realizes, honestly I never seen someone so blind of there own feelings.

The still tranquility of the snowy mountainside was abruptly interrupted by a flash of purple light and a loud bang. The guard Yaks at the entrance to the village looked on in well disguised awe as the Alicorn dusted herself off with her wings and trotted over towards them. They held their stoic stances until she was almost on top of them, neither one daring to move a muscle. Ordinarily, once a creature was within earshot (as the Alicorn was now) one of them would have made enquiries about who they were and what their business in Yakyakistan was. Neither one of them could bring themselves to do this now though, such was the immense power radiating off the Alicorn. Besides, they both knew perfectly well who she was.

I am curious how powerful Twilight is at this point in time, probably more powerful than Celestia and Luna combined, if not then atleast more powerful than Celestia.

“Not a word about Spikey-wikey and myself.”

I don't see the big deal, my only concern however is that since Spike is a dragon, that means he lives for hundreds or thousands of years so he will outlive Rarity just like how Discord will outlive Fluttershy and Cadance outliving Shining Armor.

What is up with mortals dating immortals or longer living creatures than them? Seriously, there all gonna end up heartbroken in the end.

“Not at all!” Twilight responded, privately overjoyed that Discord hadn’t lingered. “You’re right on time.”

He probably already knows everything that's going to happen and probably doesn't want any part of it or knows it's to important for him to get involved with.

The last of the idle chatter died down as her five friends looked at her inquisitively. In particular, Rarity placed her forelegs on the table and leaned forward, her remaining half of a strawberry tart forgotten. My my, it seemed that this particular gathering was shaping up to just be full of revelations. They waited for the Princess to speak, but she instead closed her eyes, her horn glowing a lime green. As the spell pushed itself out of her horn, it ballooned out and within a few moments had engulfed the whole room, washing over the ponies and sticking to the walls, floor and ceiling with its sickly hue. The five friends looked over their shoulders to discover that the room had now become a gently pulsating green bubble.

When I read this, my thoughts immediately went to Queen Chrysalis although she is in stone, but I still have a quastion on why her horn is glowing a different color.

“A naughty dream?” Rainbow Dash asked. “What, you mean like, somepony stealing or something?”

This coming from Rainbow Dash? I would expect that to come from Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy but RAINBOW DASH!?

“What?” Pinkie protested. “C’mon, we’ve all been there.”

I doubt Twilight has, if she has then I wonder who she was dreaming about cause my only guess would be Flash Sentry but I really hope not.

“Ah guess there ain’t no harm in it.”

Uuuuuugh, please don't tell me I'm gonna have to sit around for 30 minutes reading how AppleJack's and Rainbow's love life has been going.

If I am, I'm just gonna lay down and just listen to the story than read it, wouldn't be the first time I did that, it would actually be the second time I did that throughout the 1,000+ stories I Finnished reading.

I'll be waiting for the next chapter.

Thanks for reading. Whoo, there's a lot to unpack there. Let me say first off that this chapter was a pain to write, and I kinda rushed the tail end of it because I just wanted the damn thing to be done.

Twilight: I'd say she is at least comparable to Celestia in terms of power at this point in time.

Rarity: It's not so much that her and Spike are a big deal, she just hasn't quite finished sorting out her feelings on the matter, and besides, she's trying to delay the inevitable ribbing she'll get from the others.

Rainbow Dash: Ah come on, it's not unheard of for Dashie to be slow on the uptake.

Twilight's horn: Yeah, you're right on this one. I wanted different spells to be more distinctive, but now I'm reading it back it doesn't make much sense, and leads the reader in a false direction. I'll go change that bit.

Applejack: It's not going to be how their love life is going, just how it started, something that irritatingly we never got from the show OR the comics. If that's not your bag feel free to skip it. Hopefully it'll be shorter than this chapter.

Anyhoo, thanks again for sticking with this fic this far. :raritywink:

No problem, tbh I'm more interested on Twilight and Starlight Glimmer and what there going to be doing.

And I don't like skipping parts of chapters (that's why I usually skip entire chapters and then go back to reading it eventually) because that it doesn't count as me finishing the story.

Every story I added in my completed libary, I've read every single word from start to finish throughout the entire story, not a word skipped and I like to keep it that way so I can say "I completed all these stories from start to finish" without lying and me being proud of myself, although I read 50,000+ words a day.

I'm hoping to reach 10,000,000 total words read soon, haven't checked in a while but I believe it's a little over 9,400,000, I'm also hoping in the future I can reach a total of 70,000+ words read a day, that might take a year or 2. (Or it will probably never happen, I'm starting to run out of interesting things to read and it's only been 6 months since I first discovered this site, not surprising though since I did read over 1000 stories)

Aaaand I just realized I've been blabbering. :facehoof:

“Regular promises from the rest of you will be fine.”

There was a chorus of affirmation from around the table, except for Fluttershy who timidly raised her hoof.

“Can I tell Discord?” she asked timidly. “He does so like to be kept updated-”

“NO!” Twilight snapped; a lot more harshly than she’d meant to. She took a moment to compose herself, while Fluttershy shrank back into her chair.

“No,” The Princess repeated, more softly. “I’m sorry Fluttershy, I didn’t mean to yell, but I’m setting a project in motion and it’s highly sensitive. It’s not that I don’t trust Discord-” Twilight could just see Applejack and Rainbow Dash exchanging guarded glances at that statement out of the corner of her eye - “but I really don’t want him trying to help with it.”

“Oh, I see.” Fluttershy offered a weak smile. “I promise too then.”

“Thank you,” The Princess replied effusively, once again pausing to carefully consider her next words.

Yeah that makes sense Twilight didn’t want Discord to help because his last help nearly got Equestria destroyed for trying to boost Twilight’s confidence. Her trust is Discord isn’t strong because of his actions. Tell one thing though, has Twilight ever venture to Tirek’s homeland?

No, I don't think Twilight has. I confess, outside of what's in the show I'm not too familiar with Tirek's backstory. I'm trying to get ahold of 'Fiendship is Magic', but it's so damn expensive.:raritydespair:

Here. Let me help you with that.

Holy-moley. You're a legend, thanks so much!

You’re welcome. I’m grateful that YouTube didn’t force the one who uploaded those comics to remove them. Like I’m hoping they didn’t remove all the Archie Sonic Comics.

This is the first time I left a chapter unread for nearly 2 days.

Don't take it too personally, the only Romance bits I like is with it involving Twilight, and the chapter was all about Rainbow Dash and AppleJack, if you actually notice, more than 80-90% of the stories I completed involves Twilight.

Though it was still a great chapter!

Lol, no worries, I know this chapter wasn't really your thing. Hopefully next chapter I'll stop meandering and start moving the plot forwards (such as it is). :raritywink:

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