• Published 9th Oct 2012
  • 8,104 Views, 266 Comments

Fluttershy the Transcolt - Mintyluc

Following Fluttershy in first person though all the confusing and scary feelings of first coming out as transgender, all of the mane six react to her coming out in different ways.

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Chapter Seven: A transventure for all

Author's Note:

This chapter is filling in the blanks on what happened inside the house during the last chapter, back in Fluttershy's POV. There is another set of three asterisks that denote a time lapse. Enjoy!

I covered my head with my hooves and closed my eyes. After what just happened with Rainbow Dash, I don’t know why Twilight and Applejack would ever even want to talk to me again. This was all my fault.

Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned this at all.

“Tell me what you’re thinking, Fluttershy.” Rarity asked, gently.

I sighed, “RainbowDashyoushouldn’thavedonethat.” I murmured quickly.

I could hear her work her way over to me, “What’d you say?” Rainbow Dash asked. I didn’t know if I wanted to repeat myself. Who knows how Rainbow Dash was still feeling. She could even start getting angry at me! I definitely didn’t want three of my friends mad at me. I uncovered one of my eyes to reveal a smug Rainbow Dash. She felt completely justified, but how?

“I said…you shouldn’t have done that.”

Rainbow Dash’s expression turned frustrated, “Fluttershy, don’t you see? They don’t get it!” Rarity came closer to me, putting a hoof on my mane.

“Rainbow Dash, I think it’s you that doesn’t get it.” Rarity chimed in.

Rainbow Dash cocked her head to the left, “Explain.”

Rarity huffed in disbelief, “It’s just like you said. They don’t get it. But that’s all. They don’t get it. They weren’t acting aggressive towards Fluttershy, it wasn’t her at all.” I nodded.

Before Rarity spoke, I felt like I was going insane, but it was good to see that someone was thinking like I was. Applejack and Twilight weren’t being malicious. It was just as much of a shock to them as it would be to anyone else. There was something inside me that told me the damage had already been done though, and if anything, they would be angry...and they had every reason to be.

“Rainbow Dash, look.” Rarity gestured toward me. “Fluttershy doesn’t want her friends mad at each other…and frankly, I don’t either.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged, “They weren’t being patient enough with Fluttershy.”

Rarity let out a quick condescending laugh, “And you weren’t being patient enough with them.” I nodded at Rarity’s comment. At that point she started to levitate an orange brush over and started brushing my mane. I dropped my head and closed my eyes, listening to my friends speak.

“Dashie,” Pinkie Pie chimed in, “It’s not like they hate Fluttershy!” I wasn’t so sure about that, “If anything they hate you for being so mean!” she said, keeping her gleeful demeanor.

“…W…what?” Rainbow Dash asked slowly. Maybe Pinkie Pie hadn’t chosen the best wording.

“Pinkie Pie, no one hates anyone!” Rarity scolded.

“Well I still stand by what I said earlier! Twilight can’t analyze this like it’s one of her books for Princess Celestia. This is one of her best friends; it isn’t so cut and dry.” Rainbow Dash offered helplessly. It was clear that she was the outlier in the room and she was starting to understand that.

Rarity sighed, it was clear that she wasn't getting through to Rainbow Dash, “Yes, but if you show them patience and compassion, they’ll mirror that. If we had all kept calm in the situation, maybe we would still all be in the room.” Rarity offered.

I nodded opening my eyes, “She has a point Rainbow Dash.” I added.

Rainbow Dash now looked upset, “But---” she started,

“You do have a point, Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie said, cutting her off, “You just didn’t go about it the right way.” Rainbow Dash slumped down onto the floor. After looking down for a brief moment, Rainbow Dash looked me in the eye and suddenly it felt like we were the only two in the room,

“Fluttershy, I…I’m sorry.” she looked down again and shook her head, “I just…I didn’t want them to…” She laughed at herself and shook her head again.

I think she had finally, finally realized that her actions were wrong, though she didn’t explicitly communicate that to me. Just then, she ran out of the room in a flash, going the opposite way that Applejack and Twilight had, without a word. I sighed to myself slowly. Pinkie Pie then trotted over to my side,

“She’ll be back. She always comes back.” Pinkie Pie flashed an award-winning Pinkie Pie Smile at me and I couldn’t help but giggle. Rarity was still brushing my mane.

* * *

After Applejack and Twilight apologized to me and Rainbow Dash apologized to them, I felt better. No one was angry with me and the three of them managed to sort out their feelings in a healthy way.

“So…now what?” Applejack asked as she kicked her hoof, breaking the silence that followed after the apologies.

“Group hug!” Pinkie Pie shouted. She then leaped on top of me and hugged me tightly. Everyone else followed suit.

It was good knowing that on at least surface level, we were all okay again, I didn't like it when my friends were angry with each other, it never felt right to me.

“Do…do any of you have any questions?” I asked quietly while my friends piled on top of each other.

“Well, I explained the basics to Applejack outside. So I think we’re good.” Twilight stated.

“Yeah. If this is how you’re feelin’ I’m all for it.” Applejack remarked. I took a moment and smiled, happy to feel the warmness of my friends around me.

After everyone pulled away from the hug, Twilight took a more serious turn of conversation, “I have to wonder though, Fluttershy. What are we going to do about your name and pronouns? Are you intending to change those?” Honestly, I hadn't thought about such a thing yet. I shrugged.

“I don’t really…know.”

Twilight’s whole body seemed to deflate, “Oh.” she murmured. Trying to stay optimistic, she perked up again after a moment and said, “Well, that’s okay. No need to rush major decisions!” Everypony nodded with her.

“The truth is Twilight, I haven’t really thought about that stuff. I don’t know how to go about doing it.” I whispered, bumping my front hooves on each other.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash flew up, gasping loudly, causing a few ponies to jump.

“What?” Everyone seemed to ask in unison.

“I. Know. What. To. Do!” she squealed loudly. She looked absolutely ecstatic. Just then, she bolted out of the room. After a moment she came zooming back in, her head peaking out. “Well come on you slow-ponies!”

“Uh, Rainbow Dash, where exactly are we goin’?” Applejack asked, skeptically.

“It’s a surprise! You’ll see.” she giggled and then trotted to the front door, waiting for us to join her.

“Do you think we should go?” Rarity asked slowly,

“I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” Applejack noted, walking towards the archway. I got up and walked along Applejack.

“But we don’t know where she’s taking us…” Twilight said quickly.

“Can’t be all bad. It’s jus’ Rainbow Dash.” Applejack said, winking at Twilight. She was right.

As we all started slowly walking towards the door, Pinkie Pie zoomed to the front door with Rainbow Dash, bouncing up and down after she got to her destination. “Where are we going, Dash?” she asked quickly, “Are we going on an adventure? I love adventures. Oh! Oh! Are we going on a transventure?” Pinkie Pie laughed at herself.

“Actually Pinkie Pie, we actually kind of are.” Rainbow Dash laughed along with Pinkie Pie, punching her playfully in the leg. Rainbow Dash then turned to see behind her, “What are you guys a bunch of donkeys?” Rainbow Dash looked at us in the hallway, slowly making our way to the front door.

“Jus’ let me grab---“ Applejack ran into the kitchen, getting herself ready to leave the house. Rarity levitated her purple shawl around her shoulders as Twilight gathered her saddlebags from when she came over earlier that morning. “Okay. Let’s head out.” Applejack said as she walked out of the kitchen, “Wynona, you watch the house while I’m gone, ya hear?” Applejack shouted up the stairs. Everyone heard a faint bark and we all smiled. Pinkie Pie opened the door and we were all off.

While walking along the rural parts of Ponyville making our way downtown, we all killed time by guessing extravagant guesses at where we’d be going.

“Rainbow Dash is going to order a double-life sized cake of Fluttershy as a colt!” Pinkie Pie shouted out happily. Everyone laughed at her guess, including me.

“We’re going to go to Manehattan and buy Fluttershy some new clothes!” Rarity offered. You could see her eyes light up at the very thought.

“Or, we’re going to Princess Celestia’s library to find all the books on transponies we can!” Everyone stopped walking and looked at Twilight, who shrugged blushing.

Rainbow Dash was flying above us all, laughing at all of our obscure offers of insight as to where she was leading us.
“You’re all way off. But we’re almost there.” she noted as we laughed along each other.

“Where do you think we’re going Fluttershy?” Pinkie Pie asked me, slowing down to walk next to me.

“Oh, I don’t know. I guess we’ll see once we get there.” I said humbly.

Pinkie Pie shook her head, “You have to guess!” she coaxed, nudging me a little. All the ponies looked back at me smiling. They agreed, they were curious as to where I thought we were going, too.

“Well…” I tried to think about it. It was Rainbow Dash. “Uhm…” I thought about her and the things she liked to do. Well, she loved to fly. “Cloudsdale?” Rainbow Dash stopped mid-wing-flap and glared down at me,

“Fluttershy, you ruin all the fun.” she muttered to herself, laughing. She finally smiled again and landed to the ground.

“Come on guys!” Pinkie Pie started running towards what we soon recognized to be our ever-familiar pink hot air balloon.

“Cloudsdale?” Twilight asked.

“What is in Cloudsdale?” Applejack asked. All the other ponies shrugged.

“You’ll see…” Rainbow Dash smiled evilly as we all piled into the balloon.