• Published 4th May 2024
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Tom and Jerry: The Movie - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike are off on another adventure. This time, they will team up with the one and only Tom and Jerry, cartoon's legendary rival duo. However, they're in for quite the dramatic adventure with this one.

  • ...

Part 3: Out of House and Home

That night was wrought the discomfort for the Main 6, Spike, and Tom. Eventually the night sky began to brighten and the next day's sunlight began bleeding out between the massive buildings. Unbeknownst to them all, things were about to take a turn for the worst. The mutt from yesterday was slumbering on the house's front porch, dreamily thinking of all the ways he could hurt the pussycat, ponies, and weird-looking lizard. Suddenly, a large shadow began looming over the front of the house. The dog startled awake and, upon seeing what was creating the dark shadow, yelped and scampered away in fear.

Inside, Spike was awoken by a distinct, yet odd sound. Wiping away the sleep from his eyes, he began to register it in his head. It sounded like a mix between a growl and a rumble. Like something big and angry was heading towards them. It was then followed up by a short hiss. Many horrifying thoughts raced in Spike's mind. Whatever was making that noise, certainly didn't sound friendly. Now fearing the worst, he quickly woke Twilight up.

"Twilight. Twilight, wake up." He nudged the sleeping alicorn.

Begrudgingly, Twilight eventually awoke. Though she wasn't exactly appreciative of the fact.

"What is it, Spike?" She grumbled.

Upon seeing Spike's worried expression, her mood softened.

"There's something going on outside. Don't you hear that noise?" The dragon's voice was laced with fear and worry.

Twilight paused for a second to listen. There was indeed a strange noise, but she couldn't discern what was making it.

"I hear it, but I don't know-" Before she could finish, a giant, black ball crashed through the walls, missing the group by inches.

The deafening crash woke the rest up as they were showered in dust and splintered wood.

"What'n tarnation is goin' on?" Applejack asked, sounding upset and startled.

"And what in Equestria is that!?" Rarity past the new hole in the wall.

From there vantage point, They saw a massive...thing just beyond the property line. It was big and yellow and had a massive set of, what vaguely resembled, wheels. At the front was a large, blade-like structure attached to it.

"I...I've never seen anything like this." Twilight was at a complete loss of words.

"But, why is it attacking us?" Rarity asked. "What did we ever do to it."

Pinkie poked her head out through the gaping hole.

"Hi!" She greeted. "Why are you attacking us?"

"Girls, duck!" Rainbow called out.

"Duck? That's one weird looking duck." Pinkie said.

Rainbow pulled her down to the ground. The others were also able to duck at the last second as the giant ball smashed back out through the walls with another deafening crash. The new hole revealed another, even larger, thing. This time, instead of the weird blade, a massive tower fixture was attached to it, which connected the ball with a chain. The larger contraption whirred and rumbled as it begun to swing the giant ball back, then swung it forward back at the house.

"This has to be a nightmare! Oh, Luna, please tell me this is a nightmare." Rarity covered her eyes, scared beyond belief.

Tom opened the door and saw the ball careening right for them. He let out a wail and ducked flat to the floor.

"Incomin'!" Applejack yelled.

The ponies and dragon hit the deck just as the ball tore through the house a second time. Inside Jerry's hole, he was awoken out of bed when the entire building shook violently from the unknown impact. Jerry quickly ran to his door and opened all the locks. He opened the door, but found it completely boarded up. He pounded on the wood, knowing it was his only way of escape.

Tom, the Main 6, and Spike all galloped out of the destroyed house to get away from the carnage. Tom, then suddenly stopped and looked back toward the house. The others took notice.

"Tom, we need to leave. The house is being destroyed." Twilight tried to usher the cat away.

"What's even gotten into you?" Rainbow asked.

Fluttershy looked at the house. Then, the realization hit her.

"The mouse!" She practically screamed.

Tom ran back into the house. Fluttershy chased after him despite the others' protest.

"Fluttershy, don't! It's too dangerous!" Rarity shouted, fearful for her friend.

"Forget it, Flutters. He's a lost cause." Rainbow added.

The determined pegasus wasn't listening. She followed Tom back inside the shredded house. From there, they pried the wood boards off the wall. Tom dove his hand into the hole to get Jerry. At the same time, the massive machine outside swung the giant ball back, then toward the house again. Tom pulled his hand out, revealing Jerry. Fluttershy sighed with relief.

"Oh, thank goodness."

"FLUTTERSHY!" Several voices screeched.

The metal ball smashed through the house, taking Tom, Jerry, and Fluttershy with it. The rest of the Main 7 watched in horror as the three were swung high into the air with the metal ball. Fluttershy was, understandably, afraid, but more amazed of the fact that she was unhurt. The ball reached the apex of it's swing right in front of a massive tree. Tom was able to grab a branch to keep from falling. He still held Jerry in his hand, while Fluttershy clung to him, forgetting that she could fly.

"Are you two all right?" She asked, still a bit stunned.

The cat and mouse nodded, but the attention soon turned to the house. One by one, the broken walls collapsed and fell over. The last thing to go was the stone chimney, which crumbled and collapsed on top of the rest of the destroyed home. Fluttershy instinctively flapped her wings and grabbed Tom. She slowly descended back down to the ground, not taking her eyes off the demolished building. As she landed, her friends galloped over to her.

"Fluttershy, are you okay?" Twilight asked, distraught.

"Are you hurt? How many hooves am I holding up?" Rainbow asked, sounding the most concerned.

"One, Rainbow Dash. Really, girls, I'm okay." The yellow pegasus said. "...Surprisingly."

"Flutters, ah understand you wanted to help save the mouse and all. But that was the craziest thing I've seen ya do." Applejack said. "And that ain't in a good way."

"I know, Applejack, but I just couldn't bare to see the poor mouse hurt or killed." Fluttershy sniffled a little.

"Well, as long as you're A-OK." Pinkie cheered the mare up.

"I am, but..." Fluttershy's expression grew dispirited. "The cat and mouse's home."

The others looked back at the destroyed house. Tom and Jerry stood there, taking in the fact that their old home had become a smoldering pile of lumber and rubble. They were now homeless, strays on the street. Tom gave a sad sigh while Jerry began to shed a few tears. The Main 6 and Spike came up to them for comfort.

"Oh, dear. I-I'm so sorry, darlings." Rarity said woefully.

"Yeah, that's absolutely horrible." Spike added.

"I swear, I'm going to make those things that destroyed their house sorry." Rainbow growled.

"As justifiable as that is, Rainbow. That won't give the cat and mouse their home back." Twilight said sadly.

"But...But they." Rainbow tried to argue, but dipped her head down in defeat.

"What do we do now?" Spike asked.

By this point, Tom had began to walk down the street, deeper into the city.

"Ah suppose we should follow 'im. Applejack suggested. "At least keep him safe until he finds a new home."

"That's probably the only thing we can do." Twilight agreed.

Jerry noticed Tom walking away and quickly followed after him. The ponies and dragon followed, too. As Jerry rounded a corner, he stopped upon noticing Tom glaring down at him.

"Hey, what's going on now?" Twilight asked.

Tom simply pointed in the opposite direction while looking down at Jerry, insinuating him to leave him alone. The mouse pointed at himself, as if to ask the cat if he was referring to him. Tom remained adamant. Jerry just sighed and slowly walked back around the corner.

"Are you saying you want us to leave, too?" Pinkie asked, sounded upset. "I thought we were friends."

Tom shrugged, as if to say he was fine with them staying.

"Oh, so you're fine with us, but not with the mouse?" Rainbow asked angrily. "I get it, you two are like natural enemies or something, but he's going through the same turmoil as you are."

The grey pussycat just rolled his eyes dismissively. The Main 7 all glared at him

"I swear you can be a real jerk sometimes." The cyan pegasus grumbled.

"Darn tootin'." Applejack agreed.

"Plus, who knows what kind of dangers could be in this city." Twilight added.

"Twilight, dear, don't you think you're being a bit paranoid?" Rarity asked jovially.

Just before they were about to cross the street, a giant freight truck thundered by, mere inches away from them. The sudden rush put them all in a stunned stupor.

"Actually, Rarity, I don't." Twilight said a little dizzily.

"Let's try goin' a different direction." The farm pony suggested, shaking away the daze.

The group continued, this time down the street instead of attempting to cross it. As the left, Jerry peaked around the corner. Fluttershy and Pinkie looked back and noticed him. Before Pinkie, could blurt something out, Fluttershy covered her mouth with her hoof. She waved Jerry over, stilling walking. Jerry followed after them, quietly, every so often ducking behind something to keep Tom for spotting him.

The group stopped at a traffic crossing. Tom eyed the traffic light which showed red for adjacent traffic.

"At least they have the decency of having traffic signals for these things." Twilight said.

The traffic light turned red for opposite traffic, allowing safe crossing for the group. They casually crossed, while Jerry scurried across to catch up. When he finally did, he jumped onto Fluttershy's back.

"We'll keep you with us." She smiled.

Jerry smiled back. As the group continued down the street, they stumbled across a restaurant. Tom stopped and looked through the menu items on display through the window.

"You know, that actually brings up another issue." Applejack said. "How exactly are we gonna find food?"

"Uh, hello. We're standing in front of a restaurant." Rainbow pointed out.

"Have you looked at the menu items displayed?" Twilight pointed at the window.

The display selection consisted of spaghetti and meatballs, a plate of meat and potatoes, and a fish tray, which Tom was licking his lips over. They all had one thing in common; they all had meat.

"Oh, I see now." Rainbow said. "What is it with every...creature eating meat. It's like we're the only ones who don't."

"Even if we were, how would we pay?" Rarity questioned. "As far as I'm aware, we didn't take our bits with us."

"And since this is another world, I doubt they'd accept our currency, anyways." Twilight added.

"Oh, maybe there's bakery nearby. I've been craving something sweet since we got here." Pinkie said as her stomach growled.

As the Main 7 discussed, Tom casually walked inside the restaurant.

"So, are we just going to wait until he comes back out…or..? Spike asked.

His question would be swiftly answered when Tom was kicked out of the restaurant by the manager and thrown to the curb.

"Hey, beat it! No cats allowed!" The manager yelled.

"Nevermind." The dragon simply said.

Jerry, who was now beside Tom, began to laugh uncontrollably. Tom dusted himself with a mocking smile, then glared at the mouse. He pointed back down the street. Jerry took the hint and fled. Fluttershy had something to say about that.

"For goodness sake, could you not, at least, tolerate him." Fluttershy said angrily, stomping right up to the cat. "I swear, you need to learn how to get along with others. And another thing, if you hate that poor mouse so much, we did you even bother to save him in the first place?"

There was a stunned silence as the mare and cat locked eyes and rest of the Main 7 stood in complete shock. The charged atmosphere was ruined when a street cleaner drove by, dousing the entire group in water. The group was now drenched, still standing with varying expressions of anger and annoyance. Pinkie, of course, being the exception.

"I've been needing a shower anyway." She giggled.

"That's gross, Pinkie." Rainbow said.

Rarity let in a deep inhale and was about to let out a scream of despair and frustration, but the cyan pegasus quickly shoved her hoof into the fashionista's mouth.

"Don't. Just don't." Rainbow grumbled.

"They last thing we need is to draw unwanted attention to ourselves." Twilight said.

Rarity let a huff through her nose. Rainbow removed her hoof.

"I hate this place." The soiled mare said between gritted teeth.

The ponies, cat, and dragon shook themselves to rid all the excess water, though it did little to help with their soaked bodies. Despite that, they continued down the street, but they didn't walk far when they came across an grimy, old alleyway. Tom stopped at the entrance. He knew Jerry was following him despite him making the mouse leave. He jumped behind the alley wall and looked back down the street. No mouse in sight. Proud of himself, he marched down the alley.

"You want to go down there?" Twilight asked with slight discomfort. "It's a dead end. There's nothing in this alley that could even help us."

"Not mention you're not making us go down such a musty, disgusting place to begin with." Rarity repulsed.

That's when Jerry showed up again, right next to the alabaster unicorn. Rarity looked down and saw the little, brown mouse. She shrieked and leapt up into the air, landing on top of Twilight.

"Augh! Rarity, what the hay?" Twilight struggled to stay standing.

Oh. I'm terribly sorry, Twilight." Rarity got off the alicorn, a embarrassed blush on her face.

"Honestly, Rares, you’re gonna have'ta get over that fear of yer's seein' as how we're gonna be stuck with 'im and the cat for this mission." Applejack said.

"Well, excuse me for not wanting to be buddy-buddy with a pest." The unicorn huffed.

Jerry followed after Tom. A bit too closely, though. When Tom came to a stop, Jerry bumped into his legs. Tom already knew who it was. He bent over and peered between his legs to see his foe with an innocent smile. The former housecat snarled. He grabbed a bucket sitting nearby and slammed it on top of the mouse. There was a hole at it's bottom, allowing Jerry to poke his head out and blow a raspberry at Tom. The cat retaliated by stick his finger into the hole, forcing Jerry back in.

"This feuding is really starting to get old now." Spike grumbled.

"No kidding." Rainbow agreed.

"Why can't they learn to just get along." Fluttershy gave a sad sigh.

"Well, well, well. Look at the big, brave pussycat." A voice said from the shadows.

"Yeah, picking on a teensy-weensy mousie." Another voice said.

"Who was that? Show yourself." Rainbow spoke defensively.

Startled, the group looked over to the corner of the alleyway. A run-down, old-fashioned car sat in to the dark. A scruffy-looking figure sat in the seat.

"He'll for guilty for this for the rest of his days." The figure turned out to be a shaggy-looking dog wearing a bright, blue shirt and cap, a purple vest, along with a lavender scarf.

He walked up to the group. Twilight and friends immediately got defensive.

"Hey, back off!" Twilight demanded.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you." The dog said caringly. "It's your first time out in the cold, right?"

"Oh...Yeah, I suppose." Rarity said.

The others nodded.

"And, instead of being pals, you're fighting like a cat and a mouse and driving your friends crazy." The dog said.

"They are a cat and a mouse, Puggsy." The second voice said.

"Are we talking to a ghost?" Pinkie gasped.

"True, Frankie. But, they got learn to be pals or they ain't gonna make it out here." The dog said, looking down at his finger. "True, too?"

"All too true, too." A flea, wearing a green flannel shirt and hat, a yellow scarf, and a pair of glasses, hopped out of the dog's finger and onto his muzzle. "Frankie de Flea is the name. I'm of French extraction."

He bowed, taking his hat off as a polite gesture.

"That just means before he met me, he lived on a poodle." The dog chuckled. "I've been on the streets two years now. My owners left me behind when they moved."

"Really? There owners left them when they moved, too." Pinkie pointed to the cat and mouse.

“Small world, isn't it?" The dog chuckled again.

"Okay, so we now know Frankie, but, who are you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, of course. Where are my manners?" The dog said to himself. "The name is Puggsy. What's yours?"

“My name is Twilight Sparkle. But, just call me Twilight."

"Name's Applejack. Pleased to mee ya."

"I'm Rarity."

"The name's Rainbow Dash."

"Hi-ya, I'm Pinkie Pie! I like to bake cookies, and cupcakes, and..."

Twilight cut the mare off with her hoof.

"I'm Spike."

"I-I'm Fluttershy."

"I'm Tom."

"I'm Jerry."

There was a moment of silence, but the realization was quick. The Main 6 and Spike stared at Tom and Jerry with shock and disbelief. The cat and mouse looked at each other you shock.

"You talked!?" The group all said.

"You could speak the entire time!?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Well, sure I talk. What do you think I am, a dummy?" Tom asked harshly.

"You said it, I didn't." Jerry retorted.

"It would've been nice ta talk ta us when we first met." Applejack reprimanded.

"Yeah, like...are you kidding me? We had to assume you guys couldn't talk. Only for you to actually do it now. That's messed up." Rainbow added.

"Hey, we barely know you anyways. I'm a pretty conserved mouse." Jerry said."

"That doesn’t mean you can refuse talking to us. Not only is it impolite, it's outright rude." Rarity said. "You could've at least told us your names."

"I could've used that time to make a greeting party for you." Pinkie whined. "Time is of the essence, people!"

"Ah, you little pip-squeak. I ought to..." Tom paused. "Hey! How come you never spoke before?"

"That's something we'd like to now, ourselves." Twilight said angrily.

"Well, there was nothing I wanted to say that I thought I'd understand." Jerry replied smugly. "And there still isn't!"

"All right, that does it, you little..." Tom seethed and snatched the mouse in his hand. "Boy, you get me angry."

"Wow, calm down there, cat." Applejack said.

"It's Tom." He growled.

"Ah, ah, ah. I told you before. You guys have got to learn to be friends." Puggsy took Jerry out of Tom's hand.

"That's basically what we've been trying to tell them the entire time." Spike said.

"Abso-tiva-lutely. Puggsy and your friends are right. Just look at us. Puggsy and me's been through thick and thin." Frankie hopped onto puggsy's cap.

"And thin and thinner." Puggsy added.

"You gotta fight to survive. It's a dog-eat-dog world." The flea said.

Fluttershy gasped in horror.

"W-Wh-What?" She quivered.

"Uh, that is not me favorite expression, Frankie." Puggsy said.

"Sorry." Frankie patted the scruffy dog. "Puggsy's right, fellas. Listen."

"Well, what do you say, fellas?" Puggsy proposed, propping Jerry onto the beat-up car's bumper.

The mouse held out his hand with a smile. Jerry was willing to put the feuding aside and become friends. But, Tom wasn't so keen on the idea.

"A cat and a mouse? Friends?" He said with distaste. "That's disgusting. No way."

"Wait, what? Are you serious?" Rainbow asked incredulously.

"That goes double for me." Jerry turned and crossed his arms.

"We literally sang a whole song about the importance of friendship." Twilight argued. "And yet, you still turn down the opportunity?"

"Yes. It goes against nature." Tom replied.

"Oh, nature, shmature." Pinkie said. "That shouldn't stop you."

"Well, can't say we didn't warn you. True, Frankie?" Puggsy said.

"True too!" Frankie answered.

"Please, you two. There's got to be something that can change your minds." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Yeah, like I said, this feuding thing is getting old." Spike agreed.

"How long have you two known each other?" Twilight asked.

"Years." Tom answered vaguely.

"52 to be exact. You two showed up on the big screen all the way back in the 1940's." Pinkie said happily.

Everyone gave weird and confused looks at the party pony.

"Pinkie, what are you talking about?" Rainbow asked.

"I doubt it's been that long." Jerry said. "We're not that old."

"Eh, depends on the writer." Pinkie shrugged.

There came a long, awkward silence. Puggsy decided to steer the conversation somewhere else.

"Hey, maybe what you all need is a bite to eat." He said.

"You know, I do feel a bit peckish." Rarity admitted.

"Do you have a place in mind, Puggsy?" Twilight asked.

"Sure do." The shaggy mutt pushed aside a broken board to a fence and climbed through the opening. "Follow me. Tonight we dine al fresco."

"Oh, that sounds nice." Rarity hummed.

"Oh, boy! We eat!" Jerry jumped off the pile of junk and skittered for the fence.

"Not you, mouse." Tom grabbed his tail and pulled him back.

He placed a pot over Jerry. He popped his head through the hole, but Tom plugged it up with a cork.

"Wow, you really are petty. aren't you?" Rainbow asked, sounding annoyed.

"It's my charm." Tom sarcastically grinned and made his way over to the fence.

"Hey! Hey, let me out of here, you stupid fraidy cat!" Jerry yelled from within the pot. "C'mon! Let me out of here!"

"We'll let you out, Jerry." Applejack said calmly.

"Don't." Tom turned back, glaring at the ponies and dragon. "At least not until I'm long gone."

Twilight and Applejack looked at each other and sad in frustration.

"Hey, how you doing in there?" Pinkie nudged the pot with her muzzle.

"How do you think I'm doing?" Jerry asked crossly. "I swear, I'm gonna turn that cat into dog chow when I get out of here!"

Jerry began to push the pot forward and follow after the pussycat.

"Come on. It's dark in here." The mouse complained. "Come back here, Tom, you chicken."

"We're in for another long night." The young princess sighed.

"Wait, it's night already?" Fluttershy looked up to see the starry night sky. "Time travels fast."

"Yeah, especially when you're stuck with two animals that do nothing but argue and fight." Rainbow said flatly.

"Let's just follow Puggsy and Frankie to the eating area." Rarity said. "Maybe a meal is what we need."

A meal won't be the only thing the Main 6, Spike, Tom, and Jerry will come across tonight. And it will bring them into a brand new load of problems and objectives.

"But, let's save that for next chapter."

Agreed, Pinkie. Agreed.


Wait, Pinkie?! What have I told you about breaking the fourth wall?

"Mmmm. I don't remember."

Ugh, nevermind. This chapter's gone on long enough.

To be continued