• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 7,854 Views, 26 Comments

A Precious Gift - asylum1388

Luna calls Twilight to Canterlot to give the librarian a friendly present.

  • ...

A precious gift, pt. 1

Twilight Sparkle stepped lightly off of the train car that had just carried her to Canterlot. The evening was brisk and the smell of fallen leaves permeated the air, filling her nostrils with the earthy scent. This was definitely among her favorite times of the year and the only thing that could've made the dusk hour any better was to be spending it back in Ponyville. The rural hamlet, with its vast, sprawling orchards and surrounding woodland, offered what was quite possibly the best autumn view in Equestria. However, she had important business in the city that required her attention and the running of the leaves was still a week away, so she still had plenty of time to enjoy nature's beauty.

What had drawn her to Canterlot in the first place had been a simple letter. Simple, but in no way ordinary. This particular letter had been sent to her by Luna, the Princess of the Moon, who apparently wanted to speak to Twilight face-to-face. Luna was a good (if a little out-of-touch) pony and a good friend, so the minor inconvenience of having to come to Canterlot didn't bother Twilight in the least bit. She would gladly go to the ends of the world to make her friends happy, so a short train ride just to see one of them was nothing at all. Besides, she rarely got to see Luna, and she could probably have a short visit with her mentor, Princess Celestia, while she was here.

She crossed through the Palace gates, giving a warm smile to the statuesque Royal Guards before continuing on deeper into the castle. She knew exactly where she was going, but the Princess' letter said that the matter at hoof wasn't urgent, so she took the long way around, electing to take the route that let her remain outside the longest. The night was just too nice to waste by spending it inside. In fact, if she had she been back home in her library, she probably would have been curled up on her balcony with a good book.

Still, all good things must end, so she eventually crossed into the castle's ornate interior, making way for Luna's personal quarters. When she arrived, she glanced at her reflection in a nearby vase, making sure she at least looked presentable. Luna was her friend, but she was still a Princess. When she was sure that she didn't look like she had spent the day on a farm, she knocked lightly on the door with a hoof.

The door opened almost immediately and a soft, musical voice echoed from its other side, "Enter."

At the simple invitation, Twilight put on a sincere smile and trotted through the door, closing it gently behind her. She had never been in Luna's chambers before and was surprised at the simplicity. Unadorned, functional furniture filled the room, which was much smaller then Twilight had thought it would be. In fact, there was only one feature- the ceiling- that pointed to the importance of the room's inhabitant.

"Wow, Luna! That has got to be the most accurate, most beautiful painting of the night sky I've ever seen! It looks just like the real thing!"

"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. We painted it ourself, actually," the Princess' voice murmured from one of the room's corners. Twilight spun to face the direction and grinned at the sight. Luna lay on her stomach, sprawled across her bed, gazing at Twilight. The Princess was wearing a thin, flowing nightgown that extended halfway down her thighs.


"Oh, sorry. I painted it myself, rather. I am still getting used to the new speech," Luna stuttered, her cheeks turning slightly red. "I suppose you wish to know why I've asked for you?"

Twilight nodded and Luna motioned for her to take a seat on the bed next to her, which Twilight did happily.

A deep sigh escaped Luna's lips as she began to speak again, "This is difficult for me to say Twilight. I have been thinking for days how to explain my predicament to you as delicately as possible, but nothing has come to me."

"Well, whatever it is, I promise I won't get upset. Would it be easier if you just came out and said it?" Twilight cooed back, worried at the feelings of distress radiating from Luna's eyes.

"That is possible," Luna muttered after a pause. She pushed herself up so that she too was sitting and scooted closer to Twilight.

It was then that Twilight noticed for the first time just how tight, how form-fitting, Luna's nightgown was. It was a beautiful garment that would have made Rarity's best work look like discount wares. Twilight could smell Luna's perfume in the air, an intoxicating mix of lavender and violets.

"You have been a good friend to me, Twilight," Luna murmured, pulling the unicorn in for a hug. "A much better friend than I deserve."

Twilight felt a wetness drip onto the back of her neck. Was Luna crying? She felt an uncomfortable warmth in her cheeks. Something wasn't right here.

"I wanted to tell you how much your kindness has meant to me, Twilight."

Twilight could feel the rise and fall of Luna's chest against her own. The Princess was breathing very heavily. Her heart was racing. Twilight's heart was racing as well.

"You are truly the best friend I have ever had."

Is it getting warmer in here? It's definitely getting warmer.

The soft brush of Luna's soft lips along the base of Twilight's neck sent a tingle of pleasure down the unicorn's spine. It also broke her out of her stupor. "Luna, stop!" Twilight felt Luna tense up and the outburst and took the pause to shove herself out of the warm embrace. "Luna, what are you doing?"

"Twilight, I don't understand. Have I done something wrong?"

"Yes- no! No, Luna, you didn't do anything wrong," Twilight squealed, fighting down a panic attack. "Luna I just don't feel that way about you. I don't even like mares!"

"Twilight, I... I..."

The sight of tears welling up in Luna's eyes was the last straw. Twilight didn't want to hurt Luna's feelings, but she couldn't take any more of this. She leapt off the bed, wrenched open the door, and burst out into the hallway, trying to put as much distance between her and Luna as possible.