• Published 13th May 2024
  • 99 Views, 2 Comments

Poems for Luna - alafoel

Poems for Luna.

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Poem for Luna

and present form to shed at once in crystalline waltz d’eau sucrée, and to lose one thousand years of own, to drink back in one thousand more alone and then with All - All, really, All - to stare at shattered form of reminisce hung of glass, Stained with memory fear, the tiny foal that sits beneath, eyes rended up at beastly facsimile of something inside her, the foal, a body and barrel more set than any mare she knows but one:

the two that had been, before they hadn’t, had then been again, stride aside, towering the tower, buttresses of hoof one end and body t’other, these impossible sides of one bit, to look in eyes and spoke no bad words alowd through those bloodless coughs of cotton, taut from tongue and pressed empty, yes, of the blood that had lined: that had lined:

halls and halls of empty excess set to rot and billow, stone cracked tween hoof of sun and moon and beyond, then, the striking hammer of time and weather, this placid bound for eternal strife brought in through cyclical motions begging only to itself again, spirit not Thing nor Beast but spirit of nothing stood for in crystalline sapling’s hope of World and Righteousness, rotten Lacking to take and grab and hold - distended will pulled through glass mirror, rusted and feint of dirt smudges drawn round of only simple frowns that too had once consumed:

her, the filly, soul inside - victim of yet to come - who had learned, just once, of Emotion and Power, that two are Same, that she is but Slave to Herself, who rose but Taller, pricked of rose in mouth and ear - filled, the same, with cotton - to beg only to be Seen, and seen she would be, seen inside her:

prison of rock globbed in pitch ocean, laying between valley of Light and Dark, laying between Home and Away, between strops of land/ocean cohabited and tides of stars/stars/stars, Forever, but strung not herself through any Love, but Cold and Bitter - darkness more bred, of set in now Holes Between Stars to drink in the brain or soul that once gave in to itself, viewed afar from all below seeing but Stone and Soulless ‘til millennium took stand:

released into the fear welled inside the heart, ‘fraid only but of Nothing - same that stood drank back in her - power delt from swift Hoof to dispense more, more Nothing, and six that watched and ambulated, born too of The Stuff (here, not rot, but what is left behind) and face the form of Fear and take Crystalline Soul and together weld and wield but the Period, to let Night and: