• Published 9th Oct 2012
  • 2,783 Views, 125 Comments

Atlas Strongest Tournament - Bico

Rarity is visited by her master and Scootaloo enters a fighting tournament.

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Terminal Two: Two True


Rarity's body began to soften and turn flesh once again, though her eyes remained as unflappable as before. When Twilight appeared in a flash of light in front of her, she continued unabated, heedless of her friend's arrival aside from a monotone greeting. "Hello, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"Rarity!" Twilight said. "Kicking Applejack out of the ring like that was... a bit much, don't you think?"

Rarity finally regarded Twilight, though it was with an air of unconcern. "A ring out was more expedient."

"'More ex...'" Twilight blinked in shock. "Listen, Rarity, you need to stop using that technique. You've never used it this much before, and I think it's starting to affect you. Remember what I told you when we started developing it? That spell requires a high emotional sacrifice to crystallize your body, even partially. Transforming your whole body takes an even greater toll!"

"This spell is efficient, Princess Twilight Sparkle," Rarity said, passing her dismissively. "I will require it to defeat Scootaloo in the final round."

"You're concerned about Scootaloo?" Twilight asked after her, incredulously. "There are more important things happening, right now." She began to trot closely beside Rarity. "Listen," she whispered, glancing around warily even as she cast detection spells in the immediate area. "Spike's in trouble right now. He's been replaced by a changeling. Well, by another dragon who was in turn replaced by a changeling, but... anyway, it's Spike! And the rest of our friends who've been participating in the tournament apparently aren't in a good spot right now, either."

Rarity gave Twilight an appraising glance. "Applejack told me you were in quite a rush to see Princess Luna after she told you of her vision. Given that the vision she described to me involved Spike neither literally nor metaphorically, I can only surmise that this information was gathered from Luna herself." She huffed impatiently. "Luna obviously has the situation well in hoof, and would ask if the situation truly required our assistance. Until that time, I shall need to focus on the tournament." She frowned, her tone becoming somewhat more anxious. "Anyway, I'm sure little Spikey Wikey can take care of himself given that he's proven himself capable in this very tournament."

Rarity's lips began to tremble as she spoke. "Though... he did seem a bit distracted in his match against Applejack, and his skills are far from polished. Oh, my goodness, and those changelings are such nasty creatures, and just think of what those things are doing to my little Spikey Wikey!" She started to trot in place as her calm expression was replaced by one of pure panic. "Oh, my Stars, Twilight, we have to do something. We have to save him. And everypony else! Who's been replaced? Do you know? Oh, how dare Luna not tell us all this sooner!"

Twilight deftly zipped her friend's lips with magic and said, "Rarity, listen! We can't do anything, yet. The only reason I even said anything was because I hoped it would release your emotions, again. Luna has assured me that Spike is safe, and we're going to find out where the others are being kept soon. But we can't tell anypony, yet. If the changelings know that we know what they know, and that they don't know what they think they know but what we want them to know, then who knows?"

"I don't know?" Rarity said after being release from the magic zipper. "I-I think I get your meaning, though. I won't tell anypony about this, yet. Pinkie Promise."

Twilight sighed. "Thanks. And I also have to ask you to Pinkie Promise not to use that technique again unless it's absolutely necessary for your very survival or for somepony else's. I can't guarantee what the long term effects of using this spell so many times are. What if it turned you into a heartless pony forever?"

"Twilight," Rarity said, shocked. "You honestly want me to treat my gorgeous crystal pony spell as some dangerous forbidden technique?" She sighed, her eyes brimming with tears at the tragedy. "I suppose I have been too free in resorting to that technique to win my matches. I... I Pinkie Promise."

Twilight nodded, grateful that her friend was taking her warning seriously, if with a bit of her usual melodrama. "Alright. Let's go get you checked out before your next match. I want to make sure you're alright, okay?" She turned and started to trot toward the medical center.

Rarity sighed, her face full of regret, and she settled into step behind Twilight.

"Shoot," Scootaloo said, kicking off on her scooter only to wobble uncontrollably. "This isn't working."

"It ain't my fault," Apple Bloom insisted after spitting the wrench out of her mouth. "All that lightnin' jus' about melted your wheel bearin's, your deck's actually warped, and don't get me started on your rotor. You might as well just get a new one, 'cause there's no way I can get this thing ridin' right again without replacing every last piece of it."

Scootaloo sighed and collapsed against the wall. "How am I supposed to win against Rarity, now? That heartless monster will eat Spike's soul for sure!"

"H-hey!" Sweetie Belle protested. "That's my sister you're talking about. She really does care for Spike. I know it!"

"Pff," Scootaloo spat dismissively. "You've been going on about how 'cute' it would be if they were together for years. Remember that time you convinced those dangerous criminals that Rarity was being ensorcelled by Fancypants when you thought he was making the moves on your sister and lured Spike and Rarity into a canoe ride?"

"That song you tried to sing to 'em was pretty funny," Apple Bloom chuckled. "'Kiss the girl' sure escalated quick to some ana-comically impossible stuff."

"I was young," Sweetie countered. "I could totally pull it off, this time."

"Whatever the case," Apple Bloom said. "You're scooterless, now, unless you can find... well... a replacement."

"Well," a raspy voice interjected. "I think I know somepony who may be able to help you out with that."

Scootaloo turned to see an old mare with golden fur and a mane of pale steel and white leaning casually against the doorjamb. "Master Spark!"

Amber smiled at Scootaloo and her friends and ambled into the room. "I must congratulate you on your performance so far."

"You were there for my matches?" Scootaloo asked. "I didn't think you were coming."

Amber shrugged. "I had to take care of some personal things. My granddaughter can be a real hoof-full." She grinned. "Not only that, but I thought I would reward you for excelling so well. You have natural talent, of course, but I could tell you really applied yourself. Unlike some of my students."

Scootaloo chuckled. "Well, I did my best. Anyway, what's this about somepony who can help me?"

"She's closer than you think." Amber looked pointedly at Apple Bloom with a smirk.

"O-oh," the young tinkerer said nervously, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. "Well... I was workin' on somethin' while you were trainin'. Miss Spark even gave me some pointers on it. Thought it might be a good birthday present for you." She gave Amber a curious look. "But I didn't bring it with me. I stashed it in our old clubhouse so I could keep workin' on it."

"Well, it looks like my arrival was quite fortuitous, indeed." Amber raised her wing and a collapsible in-line scooter sprang out and assembled itself before them. It was a very streamlined design, with a gold deck and bar and purple handle grips.

"Whoa!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"How'd you know to bring this?" Apple Bloom asked. "How'd you know where it was?"

"My student told me," Amber explained. "I knew Scootaloo's scooter wouldn't be able to handle the voltage the Jupiter Lance produces—even an incomplete version—so Rainbow told me about your clubhouse, knowing that's where you foals usually hide your things."

"She knows us way too well," Apple Bloom said. "Sure was nice of her to help out, though."

"Yes, she can be a sweet filly when she wants to be." Master Spark frowned at that. "Though today is apparently not one of those times. She was rather rude when I came upon her earlier. It's fine, though. I fixed her with five hundred overhead wing claps." Her face broke into a satisfied grin as she thought about her student's inevitable climb back to perfect self-discipline.

"Well, this is great," Scootaloo said. "I'd hate to have to replace my scooter every time I pulled off a Jupiter Lance."

Amber hummed. "Well, that wasn't exactly the Jupiter Lancer."

"Sure it was!" Scootaloo insisted.

"Looked like it to me," Apple Bloom confirmed. "Weren't it basically a blade made outta lightnin' that can slice through just about anythin'?"

"Well, yes," Amber said. "But the way you used it is... well... incomplete. It's very close, don't get me wrong, but it's not the true Jupiter Lance. Even my granddaughter was able to pull off an incomplete version of the Jupiter Lance. The true Jupiter Lance, however, won't require a crutch."

"'A crutch'..." Scootaloo muttered, flicking a wing.

"Don't get me wrong," Amber consoled. "I don't mean to say that what you've done isn't impressive in its own right. However, I think you can pull off the completed form of the move. When you do that, you won't just use lightning as your weapon, you'll become the lightning."

"What does that even mean?" Sweetie Belle asked with a huff.

"I think," Scootaloo said. "Yeah. I think I understand."

"Well," Apple Bloom commented. "Gimme fifteen minutes to put the finishing touches on this bad girl, and y'all'll see just how great this 'crutch' can be."

"Now hold still as the Dark and Mysterious Double-Oh Zero administers the final touches, Agent Malus."

Spike blinked as his consciousness returned, but the darkness surrounding him didn't seem to abate. He didn't recognize where he was, not least because it was so oppressively black, but also because he seemed to be in some kind of cave or catacombs. He tried to recall any such geographical features near Ponyville, but was drawing a blank.

"You got it, boss-mare," Agent Malus responded. "You got a real talent for this makeup stuff. I could hardly tell Princess from Spike, and I look just like my cousin now. You oughtta go into business at a beauty salon after all this is over."

"The Dark and Mysterious Double-Oh Zero is not some slave to fashion," the strangely familiar voice responded. "And I said hold still. This is a skill related to my own special talent of stagecraft. It is not a gift to be squandered on superficial ponies."

"Rarity would die if she heard you say that," Spike croaked.

The voices were silent for a long moment, but then a new voice whispered, "He's awake. What should we do?"

"Well, the Dark and Mysterious Double-Oh Zero is done, here," the first voice said. "I suppose all that's left is to show off our handiwork." With that said, a flare ignited above Spike, illuminating what could now be confirmed as some kind of cavern.

Once Spike's eyes adjusted to the sudden light, he saw two mares in front of him, the third completely unaccounted for. One's hide was orange, her mane and tail were blonde, and she had three apples adorning each flank. Doffing a cowfilly hat, she winked at him. "'Ey, wassa-matta-you?"

"Applejack?" Spike asked flatly. "Why do you have a Broncs accent? It's scaring me."

"Hey, remember your articulation training," the voice of Double-Oh Zero echoed from the deep shadows. "I didn't spend all my free time teaching you girls voice mimicry for you to screw this up."

Applejack—rather, Agent Malus—sighed and rolled her eyes. "Well pick my apples, Sugarcube, I'm as red as Big Mac after a twelve hour day in the middle o' summer."

"That's better," Double-Oh Zero said tersely. "I must be off. Keep our guest comfortable, but remember your mission."

Malus waved a hoof into the dark. "Yeah, yeah. We got this."

Spike's eyes wandered over to the other mare, who was partially hidden in shadows. She looked quite a bit like Scootaloo with the exception of the slightly off color of her eyes. "You... you're the one who... um... tricked me, earlier."

"That's right," she said with a smirk.

"Who are you?" Spike asked. "I felt like I knew you somehow when we... got up close..."

"J-just call me Agent Pearl," she said.

"Aaaand..." Spike said slowly, turning to the other mare. "You're... um... pretending to be Applejack?"

"Eeyup," Malus said. "Don't you worry none. I'll keep her safe an' sound. I was hopin' she'd win 'er match against Rarity so's I could be there on the front lines when everythin' turns sour, but this'll have to do. Gotta have somepony to help spring Princess once they find out she ain't you."

"'Princess'?" Spike asked. "Who are you ponies?"

Malus gave Spike a wide grin. "I guess you could call us 'Luna's Angels'."

"It's amazing," Scootaloo said, having thoroughly inspected her new scooter. "I don't know how you managed this, Master Spark, but this will win the match for sure."

"Just remember, Scootaloo," Amber said. "This is merely a tool, and if you rely on it overmuch it can become a crutch. You must master the scooter, and then you must move beyond it. You must... become the scooter."

Scootaloo glanced at Sweetie Belle with a cocked brow. "Uh... okay." She turned back to her master's master and gave her a determined look. "Look, I can't beat Rarity without the advantage a scooter gives me, and right now that's my top priority."

Amber snorted. "You must realize that for a true martial artist the purpose of a fight is not to win, but to better oneself."

"Yeah, well, maybe I'm not a true martial artist," Scootaloo said. "I'm not going to lose this fight to that monster no matter what!"

Amber's expression darkened as Scootaloo's friends stood in stunned silence at the outburst. "Scootaloo, you must also realize that sometimes you can fight a noble battle for ignoble reasons. You say you must defeat your opponent, and you call her a monster? In front of your friend—her sister—no less? Well, then? Is your reason noble?"

"O-of course!" Scootaloo insisted, though her affirmation was stilted.

"You don't seem to sure of yourself," Amber observed. "When you are unsure, you will falter as you just did. Perhaps you should seek a second opinion?"

"I..." Scootaloo hesitated. "I can't tell you... I'm sorry."

Amber shifted her gaze to Apple Bloom, who stood by Scootaloo though her expression betrayed her vacillation, and Sweetie Belle, who cringed visibly, looking angry, hurt, and confused as her friend continued to impute her sister's honor. "I can understand if you cannot tell me, but you at least owe an explanation to your friends. If you don't trust them at a time like this... well... you may regret it later. I know I do." She turned and walked out of the room, leaving the three to themselves.

Scootaloo regarded her two best friends, unsure of what to say. In Sweetie Belle's case, especially, she would have to be delicate. After all, she was talking about her sister. "I think Rarity's either become evil or been replaced by an imposter."

Sweetie stamped her hoof. "You're just jealous that my sister's been making more time with Spike than you, aren't you?"

Apple Bloom stepped in as Scootaloo looked away with guilt in her eyes. "Now, now. Scootaloo's feelin's toward Spike—whatever they may be—have nothin' to do with this, I'm sure. You know Scootaloo wouldn't jump to conclusions," she eyed Scootaloo meaningfully as she said this. "Right?"

"I don't know why else you'd think my sister was evil," Sweetie said.

"Ain't like it hasn't happened before," Apple Bloom said. "Remember that time on the moon...?"

"That was different!" Sweetie screeched. "I know what this is about, AB. You just want my sister out of the way so you can make sure Scootaloo and Spike get together. Well, that won't happen! My sister and Spike are the one... true... pairing. I will write ballads about their star-crossed love." Her face melted into a dreamy state as she began to contemplate just that.

"'Star-crossed' my hoof," Apple Bloom said. "Y'all know Spike just likes Rarity 'cause o' her looks, which is totally fack-titmouse. Scootaloo here's gotta real connection with Spike. They both like practical jokes, they both got the same snarky attitudes, they both look pretty swank in a bowtie—"

"Thanks, AB," Scootaloo interrupted. "I think maybe we should set all this mushy stuff aside for the moment, though, and focus on Sweetie Belle's sister being an evil general of Darkness."

Sweetie puffed her cheeks out, scowling at her friend. "Okay, so why do you think my sister's a 'general of Darkness'?"

"Sweetie, I..." Scootaloo began, but hesitated. She had been told this in confidence by one of Luna's spies. Could she really risk the security of whatever operation was going on by telling her friend what she knew? She bowed her head. "I shouldn't tell you. It's information I got from a pretty reliable source, but it's really hush-hush."

"Oh, I see how it is..." Sweetie started, sarcasm thickly coating her words.

"But I'm going to tell you, anyway," Scootaloo interjected, locking eyes with Sweetie Belle. "Because you're my friend, and the only thing that keeping things from a friend will get me is... well... one less friend." She took a deep, preparative breath. "Princess Luna sent one of her agents to speak to me. Apparently, there's somepony here who is working for an enemy of Equestria, and that pony is one of the contestants here."

"And you think that pony is my sister?" Sweetie Belle asked skeptically. "Really?"

"Think about it!" Scootaloo said. "Since when has Rarity done anything this cool? It's a bit of a stretch to consider such a fashion-obsessed diva a kung-ma master."

"She did train with Master Lao Wu when she was a foal," Sweetie said. "I've even seen the pictures."

"Fine, but would your sister actually agree to anything with this much sweat and blood?" Scootaloo asked.

"W-well, she's had to fight monsters a few times before with her friends," Sweetie rationalized. "And she's been doing the Sister Hooves Social with me every year. We even won, once."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "Pff, yeah, but how much complaining did she do before she agreed to it?"

"Well, to be fair," Apple Bloom said. "My sister did say she was doin' an awful lot of complainin' the past month about this."

"Okay, okay," Scootaloo said. "But even you have to admit that what happened in the ring was not normal. Rarity would never act like that unless she was evil. All these weird things about her are all adding up, and I think that's why Luna's spy told me to look out for her."

"You were told to look out for her?" Apple Bloom scratched her head. "Are... are you sure?"

"Yeah, I..." Scootaloo hesitated. Had she actually been specifically told Rarity was the infiltrator? Not in specific words, no, but it was so obvious that Rarity was the pony about whom Argent was speaking. "Yeah, he definitely told me to look out for Rarity."

"Don't that beat all," Apple Bloom said. "I suppose there ain't much use denyin' it if Princess Luna, herself, thinks it's so."

Sweetie Belle reared up on her hind legs and crossed her forelegs across her barrel. "If it is true, we should just alert the authorities and let them handle it."

"Uh, hello, the authorities alerted me." Scootaloo rolled her eyes in irritation. "Apparently, even they can't deal with the problem."

"And what are you going to do that Princess Luna can't?" Sweetie demanded.

Scootaloo stood firm and locked her gaze on Sweetie. "There's one thing I can do. I can get answers from the mare, herself. Even if I have to beat 'em out of her."

"Let's try to avoid that, Scoots," Apple Bloom said.

"In a fighting tournament?" Scootaloo retorted.

Sweetie Belle grabbed Scootaloo's head between her hooves and gave her a hard stare. "Just remember, even if she's acting weird she's still my sister. Might... still be my sister. Don't go flying off the handle like you always do before you make sure that she's an imposter. If she is... well, then you have my permission to use any means necessary to find out where my real sister is."

"Uh... I..." Scootaloo balked, unused to Sweetie being quite so forceful with her. Then again, she was talking about her sister—evil or imposter though she may be—and Scootaloo could empathize. "You got it, Sweetie. This will be an honorable fight, and I won't do anything crazy until I'm sure that Rarity is the imposter."

Sweetie withdrew, though her eyes lingered on Scootaloo dubiously. "Alright, then. That's all I ask."

"So then she says to me... she says, 'How you gonna feed your husband when you get married?' and I says, 'I'll order out!'" Malus said, as Spike laughed hysterically. "Yeah, and she gives me this look, see? And she says, 'He'll get tired o' that.' So I look 'er straight in the eye and tell 'er, 'Well, so much for marriage.'"

"She was so hilariously démodé!" Spike chortled.

"Haha, I ain't got a clue what that means," Malus admitted, her Broncs accent quite unnerving to Spike in spite of his jubilation as it came out of Applejack's face. "But she sure was a musty old broad."

Spike turned to Agent Pearl, "Hey, you got any funny stor... uh... she's passed out."

Pearl was, indeed, completely unconscious, the front half of her body poking out from the darkness revealing firmly closed eyelids and an open and drooling mouth. Light snores could be heard issuing from deep within sinus cavity as well. She twitched and a tiny giggle escaped, and then she rolled out of the shadows, her long, green, fishlike tail slapping on the ground.

Spike stared at her for a moment, his eyes narrowing. "Wait a minute... those eyes... and... those fins... Agent Pearl is..."

"Hey," Malus attempted to interrupt. "Now let's not jump to any conclusions..."

"Wavedancer!" Spike shouted.

"Buh?!" the half-disguised hippocampi awoke with a start, looking around wildly. "I was listening to your boring story that you've told a hundred times before! 'So much for marriage,' hahahahaha!"

Folding his arms, Spike cocked a brow at her. "Besides that not being very convincing, that's not really the issue, right now."

"Oh, well..." Wavedancer, her front half still looking quite strikingly like Scootaloo despite the fact that her eyes were still her own, twirled around to look at Spike. "What were we talking about?"

"Wavedancer," Spike said.

"U-uh..." she responded. "Yeah, I've heard of her. She seems like a... really beautiful and talented mare. You know... like... way better than some silly pegasus, not to mention certain dragon princesses I could mention."

Spike gave her an incredulous glare, gesturing down her scaly tail with his eyes.

Wavedancer glanced down to see her exposed posterior and laughed nervously. "Oh... yeah. That. Oh, well."

"Oh, well?" Agent Malus snorted. "Ya just blew our cover."

Wavedancer twirled her tail and a spray of water gushed from down one of the tunnels to wash over her body. The color melted from her fur and mane even as she peeled bits of some kind of clay-like substance from her face. Her mane fell once again in dainty curls after she shook it out, and she looked like herself again. "It was inevitable that it would happen, anyway. Spike would obviously see through any disguise that would dare to hide his true love's face from him."

"Yeah?" Malus gave her a smirk. "Well, I dunno how that applies here."

"Well, anyway!" Wavedancer slithered across the cavern and nuzzled Spike affectionately. "He's under our protection until this is all over, so he might as well be comforted by the fact that he's around... friends."

"Y'ain't gonna go sappy on me, now, are ya?" Malus doffed her replica of Applejack's hat and gave her partner a wry grin.

"Don't you have somepony to replace, Babs?" Wavedancer asked, pointing to her pastern, which had the image of a watch crudely drawn on it.

"Babs?" Spike asked. "That's not 'Babs Seed,' is it?"

"N-no, it's Babs... Diary." The disguised mare did a fair impression of Applejack's own poker face.

"Of course it's Babs Seed, who'd you expect? She's supposed to be replacing the changeling who's about to replace Applejack, just like Scales replaced you, and I was supposed to replace Scootaloo, but we weren't able to get the hind legs to work right in time." Wavedancer waggled her tail while gazing forlornly at it. "Too bad I couldn't just use the Rainbow Pearl, anymore, even though I wouldn't be able to talk." Her face brightened and she looked up at Spike. "I could always just try swallowing, you, Spike."

Babs blanched. "That's disgusting. Why would you even mention that? Anyway, it worked well enough to make the switch with Scales... but... argh! We ain't even s'posed to be talkin' 'bout this! Boss-mare's gonna kill us."

"Oh, come on, as busy as she is pretending to be one of the changelings, there's no way T—" Wavedancer was cut off by an orange hoof to the mouth.

"Zip it," Babs insisted. She took out a decorative orange fobwatch and checked the time. "An' lookit that, thanks to your little distraction, I'm late."

"Hey, maybe if you hadn't bored me to sleep with your tired stories..." Wavedancer began to say.

"Don't have time," Babs said, plopping her hat back on and galloping out of the dimly lit cavern. "And my stories aren't tired!" her voice echoed back to them.

"Well," Wavedancer puffed. Her face softened and a mischievous smile began to play at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes slid back to Spike. "Now that we're alone..."

Catching sight of the roguish glint in her eyes, Spike coughed and started to back away very slowly.

"My little ponies," Princess Luna bellowed from high above the audience. "...and friends," she added, acknowledging the sizeable portion of non-ponies in the audience. "As the sun nears the horizon, we begin the Atlas Strongest Tournament Finals. This match is meant to be not only a test between the two best fighters in the continent, but also an exposition of the full range of abilities of their respective martial arts." She gestured to the two mares who stood at each end of the heptagon. "As such, this match will be held under a special set of rules. First, as everypony may have noticed..." Her wings spread wide to indicate the area outside the ring. "I have made some special modifications to the stadium."

The most obvious of these changes was the size, as the audience members, even those in the nose-bleed section, were now easily a kilometer away from the ring. In that space between them now stretched a crystalline forest. A river rushed through it, its source a tall crystalline tower that sprouted from the stadium's center, roads and ramps seeming to tie it in place as they twisted around, through it, and high up in the air. Atop the spire the heptagon sat canted at an angle with Scootaloo, Rarity, and Princess Luna standing in their places. The sky was filled with swirling, black storm clouds that had been newly replenished by the Princess of the Moon, though the sun was still visible close to the horizon.

"This match will not be confined to this heptagon; rather, all this is their battlefield. There will be no ring outs. The only way to win is by knockout or submission; however, both can only occur in this ring." Luna regarded the two contestants critically. "That means if either of you knocks the other out near the stadium seating, you will have to carry them all the way back here and ensure they remain knocked out for ten seconds after they touch the ring in order for it to count. Finally, there will be various hidden items, spells, and other... things throughout the arena. Some will help you and some will harm. You may use them as you see fit." Luna reared up on her hind legs and launched herself into the air, the sky flashing with lightning as she did. "Tell me, fighters, are you prepared?"

"I am, Princess," Rarity declared firmly, her eyes fixed on her opponent.

Scootaloo turned to the seats, where she knew her friends could see her through the magnifying spell on Luna's shield spell. She glanced up at Luna, who gave her a restrained but fond and encouraging smile. Finally, she met her rival's gaze, and her eyes hardened. "I'm ready."

Luna nodded and let peal a vociferous salvo of sound, "Let the Atlas Strongest Tournament Finals begin!"

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Beta Reader: Imaginary Valued

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