• Member Since 5th Apr, 2022
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"If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it" — Toni Morrison


One day, Discord had a wonderful idea. It was too peaceful in Equestria. There was a dire need for some chaos. What's more chaotic than a human displaced to Equestria? A human who's been displaced to Equestria with all his memories and lively possessions. Come to find out that this human has immense knowledge of both his homeworld, Earth, and Equus. His plan fails, and now there's a reasonably angry human in Equestria. Oh, Discord, can't send the human back. Wait, he managed to get Discord to help him find someone who could. Now the human has a small part of Discord's power and a mission. First, he's got to set up his home.

This story contains Slice of Life, maybe Drama not 100% sure, I'm going to try and work in Romance, Mystery, and Tragedy in later chapters. The slice of life doesn't really appear until past chapter 5.

This story contains profanity in the form of a protag who swears like a sailor. Dark and insensitive humor in the form of making references to world events. In addition to this, the protagonist uses humor as a coping mechanism, so dad jokes beware. Lastly, this story contains violence and gore—not extremely detailed on the gore part, but still warning all you folks. Also, this story will make references to many media franchises like Fallout, Star Wars, Titanfall, MHA, and The Hunger Games. Mainly Fallout and Titanfall. Due to the main setting being an underground facility based on those of Fallout and many mentions and appearances of things like Titans, Jumpkits, and Titanfall Weapons. These aren’t full-fledged crossovers of worlds, only equipment, vehicles, and possibly the design of characters. Finally, there will be a wide variety of military equipment, including small arms, artillery, ground, sea, and air vehicles, referenced in this fanfic. History nerds unite.

My goal is to upload at least one chapter per week unless I hit a severe case of writer’s block.

The goal of this story is to be an introduction to me as a writer and the world of the Keeper. I hope to learn a great deal from this short fanfic, so please leave your feedback, both positive and negative. Just keep it constructive. I’ve waited long enough; it's time to see how you like it. Plus, if you don’t like this story in particular, Janon is kind of a side character, so you can still enjoy the expansive world of The Keeper without reading it. Just know you’re destined to find something you like in the world of The Keeper, and if not, suggestions are always welcome.

Before you ask, the cover is an AI-generated image edited by me.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 26 )

I will stay to read and see what happens, this can be a resounding success or an abandoned failure, either way, it seems to be fun

I can assure you I will finish this story. I personally hate it when author's abandon stories so I myself will refrain from doing so. Plus wouldn't look good to abandon my first story.

It's an interesting premise to have a human-in-Equestria fic have the human land in a fan fic version of Equestria he's yet to write fully... which means there's always the possibility of him getting antagonized by his own creations, which is going to be a lot. And with this Equestria apparently being much more advanced tech-wise, that does help you stand out from other HIE fics... so I'll be hopping on the story train here!

If you like this. Then you in for a looong ride. The Keeper universe is expansive and diverse. Not going to spoil much but this human is just a small piece of a galactic puzzle.

Comment posted by Starmarine61321600 deleted May 24th

And immediately, possible danger approaches. I don't exactly know what Cosmos or these ponies entail, but... well, first contact isn't guaranteed to end well either way, especially when they've deduced that it's Discord's doing. It does put me on edge that Janon doesn't have much of an idea yet that there's something out there watching him, maybe... but let's save that for what comes next.

Glad you enjoy it. This has been a truly massive confidence boost.

Comment posted by Starmarine61321600 deleted May 24th
Comment posted by Starmarine61321600 deleted May 24th

Question dear readers. Would yall prefer this to be longer or shorter story? I already have a ending and causation planned just want to know how much in-between yall want.

Apologies for the delay on catching up, but hey, a lot has happened in this chapter. It is an interesting concept, if I understand it correctly, that Janon has technology to help speed up the process of getting someone into the afterlife. I might be misunderstanding it, but it's a novel one.

And now, we have the gods(?) meeting together and observing Janon, not just our mysterious ponies from the last chapter. Not sure where it's headed, but Janon is on a quick collision course with... something big, that much I can tell.

And a bit earlier than expected, Janon makes first contact with the local ponies... well, one local pony, at least, and we already have her curiosity sparked by what Janon knows and, well, the MRAP as well. However, I am reminded of how Janon is in his own (version of) Equestria, even with the gods/deities included... it does make me wonder what he'll do next, especially since Cosmos is still around. How do you negotiate with a god you made who's now more powerful than you, I wonder?

Honestly, whichever fits how you've plotted the story and the characters so far, along with how much meaning you can put in for Janon and other characters before it gets too stale for you. I don't think this ought to end in a few more chapters since it feels like we're just getting started, but there is also the danger of just having too much going on in one story.

From this point on it's going to be more slice of life and them adjusting to society. I'm going to attempt to slow it down, taking it day by day as opposed to time-skipping. That means longer chapters and more shown character development.

mmmm so far everything has been quiet, that’s boring

The calm before the storm. We have some slice of life so I can establish some more characters and plot points. After that it goes zero to hundred in a single chapter.

Sorry for being a stickler, but thy means "your", not "my," and t's is usually more rendered as tis or 'tis. Just had to point it out since Ye Olde English is a thing that's only noticeable if there's something quite off.

Other than that, Janon's gotten the attention of two out of four princesses, and Celestia may soon be added there. What's left is Cadance, but I don't think we'll see her for quite a while!

Oh wow, I didn't expect Sable to be a changeling, and her intro then reveal all within one chapter. At the very least, she's taken a liking to janon, but I'll just have to wait and see on why she's infiltrating Canterlot/Equestria in the first place. The other shoe will have to drop sooner or later...

...and on the other hand, chocolate and bacon. It's nice to see her get used to it!

Yea, I have plans for her that won't truly be revealed until the epilogue chapters. All of which will be hinted at throughout the story.

OH, I believe I was confused as to which old English she spoke. As Janon mentions in the chapter I have her speaking Shakespearean English which has some differences.

It might be a hot minute until I post the next chapter. I haven't hit writer's block or anything I'm just giving you fine fellows time to catch up. You know because a chapter per week turned into like 9 chapters in a week.

Honestly, it's quite cute for Sable to get some heartwarming (if rather teasing) treatment from the rest of the crew, though it's still undercut by me wondering when the other shoe will drop and if Sable's true nature/mission will be found out by the princesses in rather dark fashion. And I have the feeling she won't be the only equine creature staying here for the long haul.

Also, unrelated, but I can't help but imagine Top Bottom Gear memery when one of your clones is named Hammond.


1. Sable's true nature is going to be revealed to the princesses earlier than she planned

2. The Ark is going to be mentioned in some fashion in both Keeper Books. So all sorts of creatures stay there granted it has to be expanded multiple times

3. Hammond is a mix of Richard Hammond from Top Gear and Dr. Hammond from Titanfall. He's meant to be the reason it's possible for the Ark residents to have their technology alongside the other scientists. I have a full list of all 46 Gene people and their namesakes.

One slice of life too many and Janon's slipped. It was all cute before that happened, though (but I am more of a waffles guy, so hey...) Still, there's quite a few ramifications from the beginning and the end of the chapter, namely Sparky and possibly other AIs getting real personalities, and then the impromptu meeting with the princesses... and what will they do if they find out about Sable's true nature? And then... well, is that war with the changelings or at least an escalation of conflict that Janon will have to wade through?

Yeah, I'm trying to slow it down so things feel more impactful. It's a lot more shocking if a character you've been given the time to like dies rather than a character you barely got to know. And about that changeling war that all depends on what happens in the next few chapters. However, it'd be less a war and more an uprising.

As for Sparky and the other AIs. I am a die-hard believer in treating others how you want to be treated. Janon (being me) has the same mindset which extends to the AIs. That's the reason why he made the gene people as opposed to simply making clones. Janon views it as something that shouldn't be feared. Plus he treats them like anyone else so them going berserk is unlikely. DT already has his own sentience and hasn't caused issues.

Transference doesn't speed up the process of getting into the afterlife. It's like saying hey we believe they deserve whatever afterlife they desire. As for the Hestia, they aren't actually gods although most species consider them to be gods. With that said they did cause most life in the universe.

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