• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 1,278 Views, 10 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: A Decadant New Dawn - AdamThePony

After a cataclysmic event called "The Shattering", Earth has been reborn into Equestria.

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Prologue: Equus Vincit, Novi Orbis

The Conversion Bureau
A Decadent New Dawn
A Conversion Bureau Story by Adam J. Nelon

Prologue:Equus Vincit, Novi Orbis

December 21, 2055 B.S.

A series of heavy-armored vehicles were all surrounding a large bubble that had been encroaching upon the town of Bakersfield, California. These were developed by the Human Liberation Front over two years of research and development. These vehicles were a work of beauty, having been specially made in the vain hope that they could destroy this large, iridescent barrier and storm the borders of Equestria to rid the planet Earth of these alien invaders once and for all. However, they were all unsure of what was going to happen, and began transmit messages over the emergency broadcasts across the North Americas, while other chapters of the HLF translated it across the rest of the planet.

"This is Cipher-Alpha. We will begin our assault in a few moments. Everyone who is able to, please retreat to your designated shelters and await further instruction. We are unsure of what this will result in. Please remain civil until an All-Clear has been issued."

Of course, there were those among the throngs who refused to listen. Either they were sympathizers to those xenomorphs, or they wanted to watch the fireworks. Either way, CA wasn't going to have them intervening. If he had to, he would shoot anyone who dared to get in the way, as those were his orders.

Among one of the armored vehicles was a large tank, fitted with an equally large barrel attached. The paint job was of a deep shade of black, but bare steel glimmered where the paint was rusted away. The threads were marred with blood, and emblazoned upon the paint job was the three soldiers insignia of the Human Liberation Front. It had taken well over two years of development to perfect this machine, and today would be its baptism by fire. This tank was called the Lance of Longinus, after Saint and his legendary spear. Today, the Saint's spear would not pierce Christ. Rather, it would pierce the aberrant shield that had been the blight against humankind for years now.

Today was a special day for the HLF. Allegedly, today was the birthday of the one pony that brought all of what they had known of the world deeply into question. They wanted to fix the earth, but they didn't want humans to join them in the new world. They would let you in, but only if you let them turn you in to one of them! They wanted humanity to give up all they had just so they could live in a better existence. But why? Because they were apparently inferior, brutish creatures. Well, if they wanted to see brutes, today would be the day their wish would be granted. If there was one thing that humans were great at, it was waging war. But they weren't stupid. They were strategists. They were inventors. When wars were waged, they were waged with strategy. They were waged with invention. They used creations for the sake of destruction. And this creation that stood near the barrier would be the instrument for its ultimate decimation.

Protesters were lined around the perimeters, some rooting for them, most condemning them. Of the most adamant of opposers were the patrons and staff of the Conversion Bureaus, who chose to protest these sins against an otherwise peaceful race. Not that Cipher Alpha cared. Let them come! Let them gather as lambs to the slaughter! Today would be the ultimate example of a grand slaughter of an alien force. Today would be the greatest test of humankind's resolve against invasion. Cipher Alpha climbed near the entry port before hailing his companion over the transceiver.

"Cipher Beta, this is Cipher Alpha. Requesting a Sit-Rep on the shelters," He growled, the transceiver firmly in his hand.

"This is Cipher Beta. The civilians are secure. No equines spotted. Prepare to fire when ready."


Alpha ducked into the entry port, accompanied by the driver called Theta. With Theta's help, Alpha carefully moved about the barrel, getting it to the proper angle and direction before preparing the throttle. A satisfactory hum sounded throughout the tank, the whine of energy cells charging up like music to the mercenary’s ears.

"Celestia, you magnificent bitch..." he glowered, his fingers itching at the trigger. “Today will be your utter comeuppance..."

The meter in the HUD rose to twenty percent... thirty percent... forty... and it kept to climbing. Even as people attempted to climb onto the tank, the few compatriots Alpha had saw fit to prevent that from proceeding further.

Sixty-five percent. Seventy. Mere moments from now, and the moment of truth would come. The spear of the saint would be plunged into the heart of this blemish upon the Earth, and Humankind may yet have their home back to themselves again. As was the natural order. These creatures were aliens. They had no business being here, or trying to make humans into their form just for a roof over their head. If they couldn't live there, then neither could they!

Eighty Percent...Eighty-five... Alpha felt the rush coming to him. In mere moments, he would be committing the greatest deed in human history... with one squeeze; all this madness and torment would be swiftly ended. It was only seconds away now... he watched as the bar filled over each line before hailing Beta again.

"Beta, this is Alpha; Longinus charge is at one hundred percent. I hope you're wearing sunglasses, because there's gonna be a hell of a show!" chuckled Alpha, before breaking out into a rather manic fit of laughter. Down went the periscope, and prepared to open fire. "Preparing to fire in...five..." he began, locking in the trajectory.


Alpha began to train his grasp upon the trigger.


The goggles were slid down from his helmet.


The soldier took his gas mask to his face.


The trigger began to be squeezed in a vice grip, trembling in the man's grasp.


In a quick squeeze of the trigger, a thunderous boom erupted from the cannon, a deep hum burning through as it hit the barrier. As it began to burn against the barrier, cracks of a spiderweb-like nature began to appear. The gratifying sounds of crinkling glass spread about the dome like wildfire. Behind his mask, Alpha grinned before using his off-hand to pick the transceiver up again.

"Beta, this is Alpha; The Spear is working to optimal capacity! I can see the cracks now! A few seconds from now, and we'll be giving 'em Hell on Earth!"

Such were this crazed militiaman's last words as a loud shattering noise pierced the metal of the tank, followed by an even louder bang. The instant that the holy spear of Saint Longinus pierced the protective barrier of Equestria, a large shockwave ripped, tore, and wrought asunder anything in its path, sending immense, destructive thaumatic radiation all across town of Bakersfield, and every direction from it to no visible end. Rigor mortis had not ensued of the man who was unfortunate enough to become among the first victims of the punishment for his sins. As if planned by the goddess herself, the energy spread to atmospheric levels, engulfing the entire biosphere. It advanced quickly and relentlessly like a great serpent of destruction as its next victims came in reach.

Beta, having been the last man to be in contact, was aghast. The static from the transceiver was not typical in HLF Broadcasts, and the moment that he had heard it, he was assured that something was not well.

"Alpha, are you there? Alpha? This is Beta! Come in, Alpha!"

For a moment, he heard a jingling sound, like the bells of a Christmas Morning... However, what was advancing toward him was not the good old Saint Nicholas, come to deliver gifts.

"Sweet Jesus..."

Such was the final thought of dear Cipher Beta, before the magic took him.

Such was the end of an era. For over thousands of years, Humankind prospered, and through innovation and industry, made a name for itself. But, as industry grew, the planet's strength had to wane, until eventually poor Mother Gaea gave up the ghost. As she wept, humanity continued to grow, and the planet became little more than a hollowed shell. But Humans didn't care. So long as their progress could grow unimpeded, they were contented. Then lo, like the lost Atlanteans did the Equestrians rise from the seas. They saw the world for what it had become, and offered their hooves in making it better. But, sadly, they deemed humankind to be the blight of the planet. But, they did not deem them as being beyond salvation...

In the first few years following their arrival, the Equestrians had offered humans the chance to become of their race through a mystic potion, and subsequently bringing them across a great border to a new existence. Because of how downtrodden humanity had become from its own progression, many humans were glad to exchange their ills and jump the border. But, just as there were many advocates to ponification, there were just as many opposers to it. Thus began a war within many nations, all to either take the world under a single banner of humankind or ponykind. It was a war of sinew and serum, and several lives on both ends were taken. Eventually, as humans had done with their other foes, they had pushed back this alien force, and the supporters of the transhumanist movement fled to their new homeland, while the rest were lambs to the slaughter. The few supporters for the cause of keeping Humanity pure gathered liked wolf packs to finally tear at the epicenter for the equine invasion, only for their efforts to soundly backfire before them.

In the shattering of the barrier, the world had been swept in the great, mystical shockwave that it left in its wake. Eons of construction and hard work, in one fell swoop laid to ruination as the land was returned to a primal state. Blasted, paled lands turned green and lush once again. Smog and blight gave way to blue skies, and all the world returned to a simpler state of being. As for the humans who chose to shelter, they would find deliverance from destruction through the anti-magic fallout shelters, and camaraderie in the effort to sneak ponies into those shelters, if only for the sake of trying to actually accomplish one of the primary goals of Equestria's resurgence in the first place. For two hundred years or more did these shelters remain cut off from the rest of the world as the Equestrians above worked to make the planet truly livable again. Meanwhile, below the surface, the shelters that housed humans and ponies learned to resolve that which made them different, and a quiet peace fell over the Earth.

In the year 2210, the tranquility of the reborn Earth is ended...

Comments ( 10 )




Decimation is not like obliterate decision means a tenth so you tenthed the shield


My nooks has android phone systems so it has autocorrect and i put deci not decision

I am intrigued by this take on the conversion bureau series. I sincerely hope that you continue this tale of woe, destruction, hope, and salvation. Thank you for sharing the beginning of, what I hope to be, a truly epic tale.

I had some plans for this story, but it was a failure to launch for me. Maybe someday, but it would generally have been an HiE tale.

That said, one of my current fics is just about to update called Hand in Hoof! Give that a look if you're into Human in Equestria. I won't call it my masterpiece, but it's the story that I'm still actively working on.

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