• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 3,421 Views, 147 Comments

If Music Be The Food Of Love, Play On - flutterdashforever

Rainbow Dash is sent to boarding school where she meets Fluttershy. A Flutterdash fic.

  • ...

Totally platonic, right?

The two shared a bed again that night, simply for the comfort it gave. They snuggled up close, enjoying the warmth and security, both not entirely sure if this meant anything, both unsure if they wanted it to. Something had changed and neither was sure what but it was there right enough.

The next day dawned all too quickly for Fluttershy. She had no desire to leave this blissful drifting, half way between heaven and sleep. The bells rang with a callous disregard of the morning peace, reminding all the students that this was not a place for sleeping the days away.

Fluttershy looked over to see that the blue filly beside her was still asleep, gently nestled in close, a few strands of bubble-gum pink hair draped across her peaceful face. Fluttershy nuzzled her neck in attempt to give her a less rude awakening than Fluttershy herself had endured. This only served to make her mutter something that still wasn’t “Flutterhsy” and nestle in closer.

Fluttershy giggled and whispered in to one lightly flicking ear, “Dashie, it’s time to wake up.”

Rainbow Dash, still half asleep muttered, “Does it have to be? Can’t I just have a little longer?”

“Not unless you want me to send a letter to Celestia asking her to keep the sun down a few more hours.”

Now distinctly more awake than she’d like to be Rainbow said hopefully, “Do you think that’s likely to work?”

“I doubt it.”

Rainbow groaned and rolled to the edge of the bed. She stepped to the ground, winced at the cold floor and stretched.

“Alright then, come on.” Cutie pie she didn’t say. Wait, where in Equestria did that come from? She shook her head and, grabbing her mp3 player off her bed and not looking at the picture of Cherry Sprinkle, walked out in to the fresh morning air.

Fluttershy followed, speculating that there was probably some cruel god who got a perverse joy out of the fact that at the start of every day was math. She sent out a generic curse to them, just encase they were listening and made a mental note to ask Rainbow later if there was a god of tormenting mathematically challenged school fillies.

When she caught up with Rainbow, she noticed that she had her mp3 player on and a slight swagger in her steps. The walk of one who doesn’t care that the rest of the world can’t hear the music she was dancing to.

“What are you listening to?”

Instead of answering, the blue filly passed over one of the earpieces. Flutterhsy put it in her ear tentatively, wincing at how loud it was.

“Don’t fall asleep,
They’ll find us here,
I know a place to disappear,
As a voice proclaimed,
What we are is the sum of a thousand lies,
What we know is almost nothing at all,
But we are what we are till the day we die,
Or till we don't have the strength to go on,
Till we don't have the strength to go on…”

Fluttershy withdrew the earpiece and handed it back. She had liked the song, although it was a little loud for her taste. She reached back and withdrew her own mp3 player and, having inserted her substantially better made earpieces, flicked it on.

For a while the two walked on in contented silence. After a while Rainbow said. “What are you listening to?”

Fluttershy grinned and, without a word, handed Rainbow an earpiece. She examined it for a moment and said, “You have an awesome father,” before putting it in and listening intently.

“So I won’t hesitate no more, no more,
It cannot wait I’m sure,
There’s no need to complicate,
Our time, is short,
This is our fate, I’m yours.
Do you want to, come on, scootch on over closer dear,
And I will nib—…”

Flutterhsy jerked her head sideways pulling out Rainbow’s earpiece sharply. She was blushing furiously; her pale yellow cheeks flushed a bright crimson.

Rainbow smirked at her. “Aw, what’s the matter Shy?”

“N-nothing. I, uh, didn’t, um, eep.”

Rainbow only laughed but it wasn’t an unkind laugh. “You’re cute when you do that.”

Fluttershy looked a little downcast so Rainbow put a gentle wing over her and pulled her in for a close hug. Fluttershy squeaked again but still nuzzled in close. It would have been perfect if it wasn’t for the voice that suddenly broke the moment like a Nokia through concrete.

“Aw how sweet, Rainbow Crash has a little filly friend. Fillyfooler!”

Rainbow turned to see two colts standing there, one brown and one grey. They were both smirking as though it had been a clever and amusing insult. "You know, I've never really understood that phrase." She said thoughtfully, as though the comment hadn't bothered her in the slightest. "Fillyfooler..." she mused. rolling the word around her mouth.

"What the hell are you talking about, freak?"

Rainbow sighed. "Look, guys, I know what you're tying and it's not going to work. If I fight back then I become just as bad as you and I have no desire to do that, so unless you can think of any other really clever insults, I suggest you push off. Do you seriously think that I've never been called that before?"

The brown colt sneered. "This isn't over Rainbow Crash."

"I didn't think for a moment that it was. Now run along."

The two walked away muttering nastily to each other. Rainbow turned back to Fluttershy, she looked mostly concerned but a tiny bit proud. "You ok Shy?"

"That was... really brave."

"Yea, I had to deal with that kind of thing all the time at my old school. Bullying never seemed to get to me the way it should have for some reason. Well... not unless it came from her."

Rainbow's head drooped for a moment at the mention of Cherry. She started when she felt a comforting hoof on her back and looked up, in to Fluttershy's eyes "I understand."

That day in math, Rainbow didn’t sit at her usual place at the front of the class, choosing instead the seat beside Fluttershy. This meant that she was able to “help” with the work they had been given. She was always finished a good ten minutes before the rest of the class and had plenty of time to complete Fluttershy’s as well.

At the front of the class, the teacher was writing something on the blackboard. “What is a prime number and how does one find it?” he said out loud as he wrote, drawing two question marks to emphasise the point.

Flutterhsy wasn’t surprised when Rainbow Dash raised a hoof; she always seemed to have the answers in class. “Yes Miss Dash?”

“Sorry, I just wanted to point out that it’s grammatically incorrect to draw two question marks. If you want to make a question forceful such as screaming, ‘Where on earth did the bloody cookies go’?” she paused and waited while the inevitable laughter died down then continued, “Then you would use something called an interrobang, which looks like a question mark with an exclamation mark through the middle, like this.” She held up a piece of paper with a mark on it like the one she had described.

Fluttershy looked on in wonder. She couldn’t imagine arguing with one of her teachers. She’s so cute when she does that. Wait, cute? Um, how about something more platonic? She’s so adorable when she does that. No, not terribly platonic either. She’s so freaking gorgeous when she does that. She sighed and gave up, deciding to deal with this later.

At the end of class Rainbow Dash had told Fluttershy that she really needed to catch up on some flying practise and to go get some lunch. The little yellow filly had nodded and they had both gone their separate ways.

It was several hours later and Fluttershy was bored. She had a sneaking suspicion that Rainbow was still upset about the school dance and was just about to go looking for her when she heard a voice. It was definitely Rainbow. Fluttershy started to walk towards the source of the song.

“I opened my eyes last night, and saw you in the low light,
Walking down by the bay, on the shore,
Staring up at the stars that aren’t there anymore…”

Fluttershy knew the song; it was one of her favourites. It was also a duet. She smiled as she came up behind Rainbow Dash and waited till the second voice was supposed to come in.

“I was feeling the night grow old, and you were looking so cold,
So like an introvert, I drew my overshirt,
Around my arms and began to shiver violently,
Before you happened to look, and see the tunnels all around me,
Running into the dark underground,
All the subways around create a great sound,
To my motion fatigue, farewell,
With your ear to a seashell,
You can hear the waves in underwater caves,
As if you actually were inside a Saltwater Room…”

Fluttershy took a deep breath and joined in with a voice as sweet as that of an angel.

“Time together isn’t ever quite enough…”

Rainbow stiffened but, without missing a beat, began to sing the next part.

“When you and I are alone, I’ve never felt so at home…”

Rainbow still hadn’t turned around but Fluttrshy smiled and continued.

“What will it take to make or break this hint of love?”

“Only time…”

And now they sang together in a harmony

“Only time…”

It was Fluttershy’s turn to sing again.

“When we're apart whatever are you thinking of?”

“If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?”

“So tell me darling, do you wish we'd fall in love?”

“All the time…”

They sang together in another harmony.

“All the time”

Rainbow continued alone for the next part.

“Can you believe that the crew, has gone,
And wouldn't let me sign on,
All my islands have sunk, in the deep,
So I can hardly relax or even oversleep,
But I feel warm with your hand, in mine,
When we walk along the shoreline,
I guess we’ll never know, why sparrows love the snow,
We'll turn out all of the lights, and set this ballroom aglow.”

Fluttershy let the five beats pass and then re-joined.

“So tell me darling do you wish we’d fall in love?”

“All the time…”

“Time together isn’t ever quite enough…”

“When you and I are alone I’ve never felt so at home…”

“What will it take to make or break this hint of love?”

“Only time…”

Another harmony.

“Only time…”

Flutterhsy sang again.

“When we’re apart whatever are you thinking of?”

“If this is what I call home, why does it feel so alone?”

“So tell me darling do you wish we’d fall in love?”

“All the time…”

The two were harmonizing perfectly, as though they did this all the time.

“all the time…”

Rainbow's voice faded to leave room for Fluttershy's solo.

“Time together isn’t ever quite enough,
When we’re apart whatever are you thinking of?
What will it take to make or break this into love?
So tell me darling do you wish we’d fall in love?”

“All the time…”

After the final harmony the two fell silent. At last Rainbow Dash turned to Flutterhsy and there were tears in her eyes.


“Shh, I know.”

She stepped closer, leaned over and kissed Rainbow on the lips, gently.

Rainbow just stood there, stunned, after a moment she kissed back. A minute passed and at last the two pulled away. They were both blushing and it was Rainbow who at last broke the silence. “So… uh, got a date for the school dance yet?”

Flutterhsy just giggled and kissed her lightly on the nose. “Why Dashie, are you asking me out?”

Rainbow blushed a little more but nodded.

“I’d love to go with you.” Said Fluttershy. Rainbow leaned in and kissed her again, this time lingering much longer. The bell rang.

Rainbow pulled back and flashed Fluttershy a sheepish grin. “Back to class?”

“Back to class.” The two walked away slowly, Rainbows wing draped lovingly over Fluttershy, her new filly friend.

Wow, that was a long chapter. Ok there are some disclaimers this time: The first song was "The Strength To Go On" by Rise Against, the second song was "I'm Yours." by Jason Mraz, And the third song was "The Saltwater Room" By Owl City. Thanks for reading and I hoped you liked it. And no, this is not the end. I still have a few things up my sleeve. You think it all ended happily ever after? You just wait... (After waking up the morning following me writing this story I decided that the way RD handled the fight in the original wasn't consistent with the character arc and so I changed it. I hope this reads and feels better because it didn't feel right to me. If you are a new reader and haven't read the original... well.... I think it's better this way).