• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 2,161 Views, 34 Comments

My Little Kingdom Hearts: Hearts Are Power - Ultimauser50

Twilight AppleJack Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rarity Pinkie Pie Celestia Luna Kingdom Hearts Discord

  • ...

Xehanort attacks! The fight for Shibuya and Raident Garden!

-In the castle courtyard-

“So, what do you want to do next Rainbow?” I asked holding my hands behind my head. “Do you either wanna eat, or get to know the team first?”

“Hmm…well, I am hungry. Maybe we should grab a bite before we-”

“Hey! Over here!” shouted Pinkie Pie waving her hand.

“Welp, looks like we have a change of plans.” said Rainbow Dash with a disappointed look on her face.

Pinkie Pie runs up to me and Rainbow Dash shakes our hands vigorously. “Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie, it’s nice to meet you two, I hope we can get along and put that fight we had in town behind us! Because I’m sure you guys were just trying to help each other and you guys probably had some good intentions but still it was an order from Princess Celestia herself so we had to anyway! But seriously I hope we become the BEST of friends!”

Rainbow Dash and I were astonished at how Pinkie Pie was able to fit all of that in one breath. It was definitely a sight to behold.

“Uhh…yeah, anyway do you know where we can get something to eat around here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yup! The royal chiefs now how to prepare an awesome meal! Come on, let’s go!”

‘If the castle itself is massive, just imagine the dining area.’ I whispered to Rainbow Dash.

‘Yeah, let’s just hope the food here is good too.’

Pinkie Pie leads us to the dinning hall where the food was already prepared and laid out across the table. It contained many foods of different type’s fruit, meat, vegetable, and dessert of all kinds.

“Woah!” both Rainbow Dash and I exclaimed.

“Look at all that food!” said Rainbow Dash.

“I know! So can we eat?”

“Sure! Just take a seat and enjoy! ...Oh! Actually, can you guys not eat yet? I wanna go get the others! We can get to know each other over lunch!”

“Sure, sounds great to me.” I said.

“Just please hurry, I’m starving.” said Rainbow Dash holding her stomach.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a jiffy!” said Pinkie Pie with unwavering mirth as she left the room in a quick blur.

“Well, at least we’ll be killing two birds with one stone.” I said taking a seat.

“Yeah, we get a great lunch and we’ll be bonding with our new friends. How could it get any easier?”

“I’m baaack!♪” sung Pinkie Pie as she bounced into the room with the rest of the main 6 walking in behind her and they quickly took there seats.

“So, you guys were able to get your keyblades?” asked Twilight.

“Yup, it wasn’t easy but we were able to pull it off.” replied Rainbow Dash with her signature confident smile.

“That’s good to hear. By the way, my name is Rarity. It’s nice too meet you two.”

“Nice to meet you too. My name’s David”

“And my name’s Rainbow Dash.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is AppleJack and Fluttershy.” Twilight said pointing to the respective person.



“What’s up with her?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Oh it’s nothing. She’s normally shy.”

‘Which explains the name but also raises another question,’ I said whispering to Rainbow Dash. ‘How the heck did she become a keyblade wielder if the test was anything like what we had to go through?’

Rainbow Dash only shrugged as Pinkie Pie and the royal chiefs entered the room with plates filled to the brim with food.

“Alright!” Rainbow Dash and I cheered as the chiefs placed the plates in front of everyone.

“Thank you for the food!” everyone replied as the chiefs took there leave.

As everyone began to eat AppleJack was the first to break the silence with a question. “So, if ya both don’t mind me askin’ why were the two of ya stealin’ from the merchant in town earlier?”

“Well…the thing is, the two of us lost our homes and families long ago.” I said. “We both met after stealing from the same food cart. We helped each other escape from the royal guards and the next thing we knew we became friends.”

“Yup, good time dude. Good times.”

“Can you really call it good times?” asked Twilight. “I mean, having to steal to survive?”

“Well, some days are better than others. Besides, we were able to help others who were just like us, so that was a good thing.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Exactly, when you live a life like that you can’t waist your time thinking on the negatives.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“But what about you guys though, tell us about yourselves.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Well Twi here was Celestia’s first student and she’s almost mastered th’ keyblade, she enlisted me when I was just roamin’ around Canterlot. She said I had hiddin’ talent that she wanted to put t’ good use. So I accepted and became her student, it sure is hard masterin’ th’ keyblade though.”

“Don’t worry AppleJack, you’ll get it eventually. Just hang in there.” said Rarity.


“That reminds me.” I said. “How did Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy become keyblade wielders. Including you Rarity, you three don’t seem like the battle type.”

“Well Fluttershy was enrolled because Princess Celestia said that she wanted to help her with her low self esteem but she also said Fluttershy had hidden potential that needed help getting free, so she decided to take her under her wing.” explained Twilight.

“I see, so how good are you with a keyblade?” Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy.

“Uh…I-I wouldn’t say I’m good, I guess I’m…ok.”

“Aw come on, give yourself some credit. I’m sure you’re not that bad.” I said.

“Yeah, you gotta have more confidence in yourself.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I…uh.”

“Alright let’s not crowed the girl, Pinkie Pie I do believe it’s your turn.” said Rarity.

“YAY! Okay, so one day I moved into Canterlot a few months ago and Princess Celestia said that I had potential to becoming a great hero! So I was all like, “Woah! Ya mean it?!” and she was all like, “Mhm.” So I was all like “Hip! Hip! Hooray!” so I went to the castle to become her student and that’s when I met Twilight, AppleJack, Fluttershy, and Rarity! And since then we’ve been the best of friends and when we’re not training, we’re hanging out! I just love my life here! It’s soooo awesome!”

Once again, Rainbow Dash and I found ourselves dumbfounded on how Pinkie Pie is able to fit so many words in one breath like that.

‘Hey Twilight, how does Pinkie Pie do it?’ I whispered.

‘Do what?’

‘Say all those words without taking a break or even inhaling?’

Twilight let out a soft giggle. ‘We have no idea. It’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.’

“It’s your turn Rarity!” said Pinkie Pie.

“Right, well I own a boutique shop and I decided I could be a keyblade master to increase publicity for my shop. So I contacted Princess Celestia and she thought it’d be a good idea for me become a master.”

“Really? No offence, but why would she think a boutique owner would make it being a keyblade master?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Well, just like AppleJack and Pinkie, she said she saw potential in me and thought it was great that I wanted training to become a master.”

“Hmm… hidden potential huh?” I asked. “Makes me wonder what you guys can really do.”

“Well, I’m not one to brag but once were on the field you’ll see how good we are.” said Twilight

-In the Castle Recovery Room-

Celestia walks into the patient room and quickly walks up to Luna.

“Lu, I’m glad you’re okay. What happened between you and the masked boy?”

“I-It was just a small sneak attack Tia, there’s no need to worry.”

“You can’t hide this from me Luna, I can feel your pain. You have nothing to hide from me. Please, tell me what happened.”

“Well, it had started an hour after I had raised the moon and set the stars…”

-Flashback (Because let’s face it. Well all know you guys want to see Vanitus go up against Luna.)-

In Luna’s throne room, Luna had just returned from raising the moon and as she takes her seat her royal elite guard, Shadow Spear approach her.

“Greetings princess, how did raising the moon go?”

“It was perfect, not a single star out of place.”

“No surprise there your majesty. Every night you raise the moon and its perfect, I can’t even imagine you making a mistake.” as Shadow Spear finished his statement he bowed.

Princess Luna blushed at such a complement. As soon as Luna was about to say something a black portal opened before the two and a boy walks out of the portal. The boy is wearing a smooth helmet completely black with an Unversed insignia emblazoned on it. His torso and legs are also covered by a black bodysuit, with faintly glowing white highlights on the chest. The material over his arms shifts in color from black to grey to white, before shifting to black again on the palms of his hands. His boots are white with black soles. He also wears a white, skirt-like garment with black tips around his waist, held up by several grey straps.
“Aw, well isn’t that precious.” said Vanitus. “A spoiled princess getting her pride stroked by her lap dog. How pathetic.”

Shadow Spear quickly unsheathed his sword and pointed it to Vanitus. “And just who are you intruder?!”

“Oh please. Like I need to explain myself to the likes of you.” Vanitus slowly raised his hand in front of him and his keyblade Void Gear appears in his hand. “But if it’s a fight you want, then come and get it.”

In a blur Shadow Spear dashed towards Vanitus and swung his sword. But Vanitus was not only able to parry the attack he also quickly kicked Shadow Spear into the wall with such force he almost broke completely through.

“I-I’m sorry, y-your highness.” He muttered before passing out.

“Was that really it? Man you are worthless.” Vanitus then slowly walked towards Luna. “Now ‘princess’ are you gonna come quietly, or does this get ugly?”


Vanitus slightly flinched but quickly took his fighting pose. “Nice vocals, too bad when I’m done with you, you won’t even be able to open that spoiled mouth of yours.”

“You will pay for this!” Luna then pulled out her keyblade Midnight Princess and charged at Vanitus.

As there keyblades clashed the two moved around the room with such speed they could only be seen for a split second before turning invisible. Vanitus quickly fired a white fireball towards Luna’s face, but she quickly knocked it to the side and slammed her keyblade into Vanitus’ causing him to plummet to the floor. Vanitus quickly landed on his feet and as he looked up Luna had a cluster of balloons in front of her.

“What the-?! What is this? A five year olds birthday party?”

Luna only smiled as her unsuspecting target had no idea of her plan. Luna swung her keyblade down and the balloons began to ricochet all over the room. They slowly began to pick up the pace that would startle most, but Vanitus stood in one place, unmoved, uncaring.

“If you’re trying to intimidate me, then I’m afraid it’s not going to work. And don’t think I don’t know this spell, its balloonra, a spell where you use balloons to knock your opponent into the air. I don’t know who came up with this ridiculous spell, but I can sure you it won’t-GRAH!!” Vanitus’ speech was cut short as a balloon hit him directly in the back, but the hit was far from what he had expected the impact was just from compact air, it also had…an electric shock? ‘Wh-What the hell?’ Vanitus’ thoughts were soon interrupted as Luna instantly appeared in front of him and smacked him on the side of his head with her keyblade knocking into another balloon. But as Vanitus made impact with the balloon all the other balloons quickly made there way to him and hit him at the exact same time, causing a powerful burst of wind and lightning to fill the room. Vanitus then made a loud crash sound as he made impact with the floor. Instead getting up like Luna expected Vanitus stayed on the floor, seemingly lifeless.

Luna carefully and cautiously approached Vanitus. “And now, to finish this.” Luna raised her keyblade and prepared to strike until Vanitus instantly swung his keyblade back and knocked Luna square on the forehead causing her to hit the floor.

“You’re a persistent little brat I’ll give you that.” said Vanitus as he slowly began to stand up. “You mixed in the thundaga spell as soon as you hit that first balloon. Now I would’ve believed that one of your little balloons had lightning inside of it, but for you to hit one balloon and have that spell quickly take over the other balloons plus the fact you were able to hide the second spell from me is actually impressive, perhaps I did misjudge you.” Vanitus then kneeled down to Luna. “But that doesn’t matter now, this fight is over. Sleep tight, princess.”

-End of Flashback-

“After that I blacked out, and when I woke up I was here but I felt completely drained.”

‘That masked boy. For him to be able to overpower Luna like that, how is that even possible? Now I have even more doubts. No no! I can’t think like that Master Yen Sid’s students are gonna help them all. I have to stay positive.’

“A-Are you alright Tia?”

“Hm? Oh! Y-Yes I’m fine, just lost in thought. But I’m very proud of you for what you’ve done against the boy, you improved.”

“Thank you Tia.”

“No problem. Now then, I’ll leave you to rest, but make sure you visit Shadow Spear in your free time. But then again, you didn’t need me to tell you. I’m sure you were gonna visit him anyway.”

Luna blushed madly at the statement. “G-Goodbye sister!”

Celestia couldn’t help but laugh as she made her way out the door.

-Inside Yen Sid’s castle-

“Now then, I want the five of you to remember, the forces of evil are converging and if fail to work as a team with Celestia’s students none of you will last long in this fight and remember to back your teammates up when needed.”

“Yes Sir Master Yen-Sid!” replied the five.

“Now, Sora, Donald, and Goofy. I have something that the three of you may enjoy greatly.” Yen Sid raised his right hand and the Gummy Ship appears outside the window.

“Woaaah!” shouted Sora, Donald, and Goofy in glee.

“Master! You still have the gummy ship?! That’s awesome!” shouted Sora.

“Well after your trip to defeat Xemnas, it was in pretty bad shape. It took me a little while to repair it, but I think the results are satisfactory.”

“So, that thing can fly?” asked Lea full of doubt.

“Of course it can! We don’t call it the Gummy Ship for nothing you know!” said Donald.

“Heh, well if it can get us to our destination, then I don’t care.”

“Where is our destination Master?”

“Fear not Riku, when you all prepare to leave I will open a portal to Celestia’s castle.”

“Right, we’ll leave immediately sir. Let’s go everybody!” said Mickey.

“Right!” replied everyone as they jumped into the ship.

As the Gummy Ship began to ascend the portal opened up and quickly shot the Gummy Ship through.

“Good luck to you all.”

-In Celestia’s Throne Room-

“So, have you all gotten to know each other a little more?” asked Celestia.

“Yes ma’am. We were able to talk over lunch.” said Twilight.

“I’m glad. Now then we should-”

Celestia was then cut off by one of her guards.

“Your highness! Master Yin-Sid’s apprentices have arrived!”

“Thank you. Please send them in.”

“At once your highness.”

The guard quickly ran out of the room.

“Now, I want all of you to be on your best behavior. Okay?”

“Yes ma’am!” replied everyone.

The doors opened and the guard led Sora and the gang in front of Celestia.

“Hi!” said Sora. “Are you Princess Celestia?”

“Yes I am. And you must be Sora. Master Yen-Sid has told me a lot about you. And I assume you’re Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and his new apprentice Lea?”

“Heh, not bad. The lady knows her stuff.” said Lea. “And I assume the seven of you are her students huh?”

“Yes sir. My name is Twilight and these are my friends Fluttershy, AppleJack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and David.”



“How do you do?”




Mickey walks up to Twilight and holds out his hand. “It sure is nice to meet other keyblade wielders out there.”

Twilight shook Mickey’s hand. “Likewise”

Pinkie Pie squealed and picked Mickey up. “This talking mouse is soooo cute! ♪”

“Woah! Hey! Put me down!” said Mickey desperately trying to escape the pink haired girls grasp.

“So what’s the situation princess?” asked Riku.

“Well, it’s like I told my students. Dark forces are converging together and there have been many dark fluxuations, which I’m sure your master has told you about already.”

“Yes ma’am!” replied Goofy. “So, what do we do your highness?”

“I do have an idea. The twelve of you will be split into two teams so you can eliminate the darkness faster and more effectively.”

“Great idea!” said Rainbow Dash. “So who’s team one and who’s team two?”

“Hmm…team one will be Sora, David, Twilight, Riku, Goofy, and Pinkie Pie.”

“Alright Riku, we’re on the same team!”

“Heh, yeah.”

“And team two will be King Mickey, Donald, Fluttershy, Lea, AppleJack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash.”

“So, where do we head to?” asked Lea. “It’s not like we’ve got a tracker on us or anything.”

“Actually. I have a tracker right here.” said Celestia as she pulled out two radars. “These radars have been made to detect darkness. You can use these to track the dark fluxuations and try to stop them from getting too strong.” Celestia then used her magic to levitate the two radars to Lea and Twilight.

“Cool! Thanks master.” said Twilight.

“You’re welcome.”

“Hold on! I just thought of something! How are we gonna get from world to world? The Gummy Ship is too small to hold ALL of us, and we’ve been split into two groups anyway!” said Sora.

“No need to worry Sora, I have another means of transportation for your team. Please take a look outside.”

Everyone walks to the window Celestia’s point to and they see an airship slowly fly into view.


“I thought you guys would like it. I call it, the Harmony Carrier.”

“It looks slow.” said Lea.

“You’ll see its speed when you leave. I wish you all the best of luck.”

“Thank you ma’am!” everyone replied.

Everyone walks out of the castle grounds and approaches the Gummy Ship. The Harmony Carrier quickly flew next to the Gummy Ship and a rope ladder unraveled from the side.

“Woah, not bad. But I bet the Gummy Ship is faster.” said Lea grinning.

“So you’re saying you wanna race?” I said grinning.

“Heh, yeah, let’s go.”

“Hold on you two, this isn’t the time for games. We’ve gotta find Princess Celestia’s portal that leads out of here.” said Twilight.

“Don’t worry Twilight, all we’ve gotta do is get into our air ships and fly towards the portal first. It’s easy, it won’t hinder us. So, what do you say Lea?”

“Sounds good to me. The first one to the portal wins.”

“Alright! Let’s do it!”

Pinkie Pie walks up to Fluttershy and gives her Rarity, AppleJack, and Rainbow Dash a hug. “Bye guys. I hope we meet up again soon.”

“Don’t worry darling, we’ll meet up soon. It won’t be too long.” said Rarity.

“Yeah, don’t worry Pinkie, when you’re ready, just tell the captain that you want to meet us somewhere. I’m sure we can do that.” said Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie instantly perked up and smiled. “Yeah! You’re right! I’ll do just that! Thanks guys!”

“No prob Pinkie just take care.” said AppleJack.

“Will do!” Pinkie Pie bounced back to the group.

“So, this is it huh Dash?” I asked.

“Looks like it. You gonna be ok?”

“Yeah, I guess. Take care and remember, if you need help, just call us.”

“Heh, will do.”

Rainbow Dash and I hug each other and head off to our respective air ships.

-In the gummy ship-

Rainbow Dash was the last one in and she was impressed with the way it looked on the inside along with AppleJack, Rarity, and Fluttershy.

“So, you’re done saying your farewells to your boyfriend?” asked Lea taking a seat on the pilot chair.

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Then who is he?”

“My friend, but we grew up together, so to me he’s like a little brother.”

Lea then started to remember his time with Roxas. “Heh, I know how you feel. But now, let’s get ready for the race!”

-In the Harmony Carrier-

I climbed up the ladder and walked towards the pilot room where everyone was gathered and everyone looked like they were ready to depart.

“Alright, so who’s flying this thing?” I asked.

“Sora should, he’s used to flying the Gummy Ship, so he should pilot here too.” said Goofy.

“Cool, no complaints from me.” I said taking a seat. “So, have you figured out the controls Sora?”

“Kinda. It’s slightly harder than the Gummy Ship but, I think I got it.”

The Gummy Ship and the Harmony Carrier slowly lift into the sky and there engines slowly activate.

“Alright! Ready!?” Lea asked.

“Yeah, 3”




Both ships take off at blinding speed passing through the portal and both ships are whipped through time and space.

-With the Gummy Ship-

The Gummy Ship stops over Radiant Garden and it slowly descends.

“Heh, I wasn’t so bad for a first time pilot after all. So did we pass the gate first?”

“I-I honestly don’t know. I-I was to busy hanging on for dear life.” said Mickey slowly getting up from his seat.

AppleJack unbuckled along with Rarity and they were also dizzy from there flash trip across worlds. “Th-That was one heck of a ride huh Rar?”

“I wouldn’t say that. My hair was messed up during the flight.” Rarity tried her best to fix it before leaving the ship.

“Hey Fluttershy, you ready to-” AppleJack stopped dead sentence noticing Fluttershy was holding onto her seat for dear life. Her fingers were almost inside her chair. “Uh, Fluttershy? You okay?”

“H-H-Have w-w-we st-stopped y-y-yet?”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, It’s all right.”

Fluttershy slowly released her grip on the chair and stands up but her knees are still knocking together.

“Hey! What’s the hold up in there?!” yelled Donald causing Fluttershy to scream and run out of the ship knocking poor Donald over completely.

AppleJack helped Donald onto his feet. “You okay Donald?”

“Wh-What’s her problem?” Donald asked trying to shake his dizziness away.

“She scares very easily.” said Rarity. “And after our little flight, I can’t say I blame her.”

“Hey! I wasn’t THAT bad of a pilot! I think I did a pretty decent job!”

“A decent job? Ha! The entire ride here was bumpy at best.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Bah! Everyone’s a critic these days!”

“Guys. Knock it off for a sec would’ja?” said Mickey in a calm tone.

“Why’s that?” asked Fluttershy. (when she rejoined the group is anyone’s guess)

“We’ve got company.”

Unversed appear all around the team ready to attack. The group pulls out there keyblades, before they could attack Discord and Xigbar appear behind the Unversed.

“Well, well, well…look who we’ve got here.” said Discord.

“Four girls, a mouse, a duck, and a traitor. Sounds like a good catch to me.”

“Alright you two. Call of these…things and just fight us fair and square.” said Lea.

“Fighting fair is boring, it’s more fun to test your enemy’s stamina before fighting. It gives the battle that extra boost in drama.”

“So, it’s true you were freed huh Discord?” said AppleJack.

“Oh yes, and it feels amazing being free!”

“And unfortunately for you kids, this battle’s gonna be your last.”

-With the Harmony Carrier-

The Harmony Carrier stops above Shibuya and slowly makes its landing.

“So, was anyone able to tell if we got through first?” I asked.

Everyone replied with a ‘No’ as Sora parked the Carrier.

“So, where are we anyway?” asked Goofy.

“I’m…not sure.” said Sora.

“What about you Twilight? You said you studied a lot, have you ever read about this place?” I asked.

“No, not really. Anyone’s guess is as good as yours.”

“Heads up! We’ve got company!” yelled Riku pulling out his keyblade.

Unversed surrounded the group as the rest pulled out there keyblades.

“What are they?” asked Riku.

“They sorta look like heartless.” said Sora.

“Heartless?” asked Twilight.

“We’ll explain later.” said Riku.

Xehanort appears behind the unversed.

“What the-?! It’s you!” shouted Sora.

“I thought we already took care of you.” said Riku.

“Foolish children, like you could ever really best me.”

“Tell us why you’re here.”

“Simple really, I found a way to make most of the Seekers of Darkness more powerful. So that when we all become Xehanort his power over the darkness will be legendary.”

“We’ll stop you!” said Twilight.

“Hmph, so you say. But let’s just see how far those words will get you.” Xehanort opens a portal and walks in.

“Come on guys, these…things have to be taken care of!” said Riku.

“Right!” replied everyone ready to attack but just before anyone could swing at an Unversed three beams of light appear and destroy the Unversed.

“What was that?” I asked.

“Look!” shouted Sora pointing at a boy falling from the sky.

The boy landed in front of us revealing himself to be Neku Sakuraba.

“Hello again, Sora.”

To be continued...

For those who are curious the Harmony Carrer looks like this:

Comments ( 4 )

sadly the harmony carrier would fit in perfectly with kingdom hearts

Neku was a friend of sora in dream drop distance i think

Neku has joined the fray! Update!:derpytongue2:

3609890 Human, they've been human from the start. Glad you're enjoying. I'll be coming off of Haiatus soon.

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