• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 5,688 Views, 141 Comments

Earth and Sky - Metal Pony Fan

Rainbow Dash stays at Sweet Apple Acres while recovering fom a crash, but AJ's out of town.

  • ...

Side effects

"Ah think we should read it." Well, I just read part of it. "All of it."

Rainbow nodded."A few pages everyday, until we finish it."

"We'll start tonight, before we go to sleep. Ah'll try ta find the other books in town, somepony's got ta carry'em." Rainbow was sitting next to me, so I lifted a hoof and started running it through her mane. Don't really know why, it just felt like the right thing to do. "What made ya give it another try?"

Rainbow must have liked it, because she moved a little closer to me and leaned into the motion. "I remembered seeing a copy at Fluttershy's place. I didn't think it could be that bad if she had a copy, so I opened it to a random page."

I let out a chuckle. "Ya opened it to the right page."

"On the second try," she squeaked, lowering her head, "I, um, found something else first."

"Oh." And she's ok with being so close to me after that? I guess that's a good sign. "What made ya give it two more tries?"

"I thought about you, and how I want this to last forever." She sat up and nudged me in the side. "And I thought about your question, and maybe, someday, if it's you, well," she looked away with a shy smile, "Granny'll still want grand-foals."

I sat up and nudged her back. "Great-grandfoals, and she'll get'em, but only if it's you." I wonder if they'd be colorful like her, or more plain like me. And I can't believe I'm actually thinking about this.

She pulled closer to me and leaned her head against my shoulder. "She will, but not right now."

"Dagnabbit." There was a tiny voice that sounded like granny. Heh. I must be imagining her disappointment.

"You know," Rainbow said into the open air with a smile, "Pegasi have better hearing and eyesight than earth ponies." I heard another tiny voice, but I couldn't make it out. Was that Granny? Is she eavesdropping on us?

Rainbow sat straight up and turned to face the window. "It's not a bluff Granny!" Her voice sounded angry, but her face held a smile as she looked over and gave me a wink. "You just have to wait." Uh, Rainbow, that wink could mean so many things right now. I kinda wish you hadn't done it.

"I ain't got time ta wait!" Eeyup, it's confirmed. That was Granny, how long was she eavesdropping?

"Oh! Sure ya do!" Rainbow started rubbing her head along the back of my neck. "Just another year or two!" Normally, I wouldn't be happy about somepony other than me or AJ making decisions that'll impact the farm. But this time, I think I can let it slide.

"One year!" Yelled Granny from outside the window.

"Two!" Rainbow yelled back at her.

"One an' a half!" Leave it to Granny to turn something like this into a negotiation.

"Don't make me say three!" And leave it to Rainbow to go along with it.

"Fine! Two years! An' Ah'll hold ya to it!" Are we talking about the birth date here or what?

"Thanks Granny!" Rainbow grabbed me by the neck, rammed her hoof into the top of my head, and started moving her hoof from side to side, thoroughly mussing my mane in a rather painful manner. I don't have a say in this, do I? Ah well, I guess it ain't too bad.

"Don't ya go thankin' me yet! Till the two a' ya get started, there's still chores ta be done." Of course there are, Granny. In all the years you've been here, has there ever been a day where something didn't need to get done?

Rainbow let go of my neck and stood up. "Then Ah reckon we oughtta get started!" It took every ounce of self-control I had not to burst out laughing, but I still let out a snort.

"Heh! Careful missy, yer startin' to sound like ya belong here."

Rainbow looked down at her hooves then over at me with the cutest, shyest smile I've ever seen. "Maybe I do." She wasn't talking to Granny anymore. Her eyes and her words were focused on me.

I stroked my hoof along her foreleg and said the only thing that came to mind. "Eeyup." She blushed. Whether it was from the caress or from the confirmation of her remark, I don't know, but I do know that what she said is true.

"young-uns these days," Granny mumbled, "just get them chore's done! List's on the porch, so's another pie. And eat the thing this time! Ah ain't makin' another!"

Rainbow and I exchanged glances. She communicated her intentions with a quick rise and fall of her eyebrows and I responded by taking a deep breath. She took in her own gulp of air and we let out simultaneous calls of, "EE-YUP!" A single moment passed before we both gave in to the laughter that we were both trying to hold back. I let my hooves slide forward until I was on the ground and gave it a few solid whacks. Rainbow, on the other hoof, was rolling back and forth beside me.

We were still consumed by our merriment when Granny mumbled something that I couldn't quite make out. Rainbow stopped rolling with her belly in the air and looked towards the window. "Aww," I could describe her voice as a gentle crooning, "thanks Granny."

I forced myself to my hooves. "What'd she say?" I'm curious as to what can snap Rainbow out of a fit of laughter and into such a, for lack of a better word, mellow state. She was staring out the window and off into the distance with a serene, peaceful look on her face. One corner of her mouth was pulled lightly upward. I can't believe I'm going to use this word to describe her, but she looks almost motherly. "Rainbow, what'd she say?

Rainbow rolled her head to lock me in that calm gaze. Then she stuck her tongue out at me. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I did say almost.

"Eeyup," I put a hoof to my chin and did my best to look contemplative, "and Ah bet Ah know somethin' that you'd prob'ly like to know."

"Oh yeah?" She had a smug, confident look on her as she looked up at me. A look that will not be there long. "And just what is this thing that I'd like to know?"

I moved my hoof a little away from my chin and bent it at the ankle to point at her "Ya dropped yer guard."

She only managed to get out a confused, "huh?" before I pounced. I saw the realization dawn on her face and she tried to roll over, but I had the advantage of surprise. Before she could even make it to her side, my hooves were on her, kneading at her ribs. "What? No, I-" She clamped her hooves to her mouth to silence her snickering, but it was too late. I found a ticklish spot and I wasn't about to let up. She started batting at my hooves in a weak attempt to stop the onslaught, but I was not deterred. After a few seconds, she was still able to suppress most of her giggles. She's a tough one for sure, but don't underestimate the power of a big brother! I have one weapon left. A powerful weapon that nopony can stand against. I caught her hooves and leaned down, placing my lips against the fur of her chest. She stopped moving, looking down at me in confusion as she tried to figure out what I was about to do.


That got her! She broke down in peals of raucous laughter, completely unable to contain it. She did however start batting at my head until she managed to get her hooves free. She then shoved me away and scrambled to get up. Before she could make it to her hooves, I darted in and planted another raspberry on her side, resulting in more laughter. She braced her shoulder against me and tried to shove me away, but only succeeded in exposing the back of her neck.




Well, that was weird. The raspberry to the back of the neck produced no laughter, just a squeak and a bout of superpony strength. Rainbow sure is strong for her size to be able to throw me like that. It wasn't even a proper throw or anything, she just gave me a push and here I am sprawled out on the other side of the barn. Is that a hole in the roof? I need to fix that.

My view of the barn's roof was soon blocked by a pair of worried-looking magenta eyes. "Mac! Are you ok?!"

"Eeyup." I rolled over and got to my hooves. I've got to get her to join the Dojo. With her and Fluttershy on the same team, nopony else would stand a chance. "What was that?"

"Well, I, um," she looked away as her face started turning red, "I'm kind of ticklish there."

A little too ticklish. "Ah'll remember that. Ya want ta go get some pie?"

She leveled her eyebrows at me and, in a flat monotone, asked, "you need to ask?"

"Nnope." I started walking to the door, but noticed that she didn't. She was hanging back and looking around for something. "Watcha doin'?"

"Looking' for the bag. You know, the one from the hospital?" She moved over to the bed and checked around, eventually finding what she was looking for under a forgotten pillow. "Here we go," she tucked the bag under her good wing, "there's some medicine in here that you're supposed to take with breakfast."

"Rainbow, Ah'm fine." And I hate that stuff, it tastes like pine needles and salt water. Speaking of which, I lose way too many bets. "Mah back don't even hurt, it was just from sittin' funny for too long."

Rainbow tilted her head to one side. "So, I make you sit funny?"

"Eeyup." Wait. "What?" Rainbow crashed to the mattress in a fresh fit of laughter. Ok, I walked straight into that one.

"Oh, Mac!" She pounded on the ground beside her. "That was priceless, you should've seen your face!"

"Give it a year little missy!" yelled Granny from outside the barn. "Ya'll be the one sittin' funny!"

"Granny!" That was uncalled for. And why are you still there?

"Tell me it ain't true!"

"Ah, uh, Ah ain't even gonna respond to that!" Why can't ya just go in the house?

"Mac?" Rainbow walked up behind me and patted me on the shoulder. "Let me handle this." She took a deep breath. "You got your deal, so just leave us the-mpph-bmm-mhh!"

I got my hoof over Rainbow's mouth just in time. "Be nice," I hissed quietly, "you get to go home tomorrow, but Ah gotta live here."

"Bmmph-mm-hmm-mnn-" She looked down at my hoof then back at me with a decidedly impatient glare.

I pulled my hoof away quickly. "Sorry."

"She's the one who started it!" Rainbow proudly beat a hoof against her chest. "And I'm gonna finish it."

"Ya sure 'bout that, little missy?" I guess it's a good sign that she's got a nickname for Rainbow, she only does that for ponies she likes. "Why, if he's anythin' like his grandpappy, then-" I sat down and stuck my hooves over my ears. I'm pretty sure I don't want to hear the rest of that sentence. Or the rest of the argument for that matter. I'm just gonna let them battle it out and try to pick up the pieces afterwards. Poor Rainbow, she doesn't know what she's getting herself into.

I sat there for about a minute and a half before Granny won their little verbal spar. I could tell by the blush on Rainbow's cheeks, the wide-eyed expression of shock on her face, and the rather stiff way she walked out of the barn with her tail tucked between her legs. I have a feeling she's gonna have trouble looking me in the face for a while.

I gave her a minute or two before I followed her out. I don't know what Granny said to her, but it's probably best if I give her some space. I went to the porch, but there was no sign of Rainbow or Granny. The pie was there, sitting on an overturned bushel. The list, two plates, a knife, and the bag from the hospital were next to it.

I was just about to read the list when I heard the front door open. I turned to see Rainbow carrying out a glass of water. She set it on the makeshift table and sat down opposite me, all the while examining something off in the distance. It felt like several minutes before she finally spoke. "You need to take the medicine." She was still looking away from me. "I know you said you were ok, but nurse Redheart said that the muscle could tighten up again if you overuse it."

It would take a lot for me to overwork a muscle. "Rainbow, Ah-"

"Look, I don't want to see you get hurt, ok?" She crossed her forelegs with a huff. "Just take it."

All right Rainbow, just for you. I opened the bag and dug out the medicine. The instructions on the little foil packet said to mix with water and take with breakfast. I took the knife and cut out two slices of the pie. I offered the first one to Rainbow and she took it with a quick glance over and a small smile. She then went right back to staring out at the yard. I ate my pie and took the herbal medicine. It was nasty and bitter, the medicine, not the pie. It was like drinking pine needles in honey. Kind of sad that I have a reference for that, but I really need to stop losing bets. The entire time I was eating, Rainbow didn't even touch her own slice.

With a sigh, I walked around the barrel and sat next to her. She didn't move, but it looked like she was forcing herself to stay put. I'm probably gonna regret this. "What'd she say to ya?"

"You were there," she sounds a bit angry, but she's doing her best to keep her face blank, "why do you want me to repeat it?"

"Rainbow, Ah wasn't listenin'." I put a hoof on her shoulder and she shrugged it away. "One a' the things ya learn 'round Granny is how to cover yer ears." I put my hoof back on her shoulder and she shrugged it away again. "Rainbow, yer upset. It's my fault for lettin' ya go at it with Granny, but Ah can't help ya if Ah don't know what's buggin' ya."

She hung her head in defeat. "D-did your dad really have fifteen brothers and sisters?"

"Nnope." She sighed and a smile appeared on her face as she started on her slice of pie. "That was ma, pa only had twelve."

The smile dissapeared and she swallowed the pastry with a loud gulp. "Th-then, you're gonna want-" She was almost shaking.

Well, at least now I know what granny meant about me being like grampa. "One or two, if you're ok with it. And we ain't gonna discuss it for one year, remember?"

"Yeah, I guess." She took another bite of her pie. "That I remember," she said with her mouth full, "not that I'm ok with two." Ah wouldn't expe- "Three sounds good. Four at the most."

"What? But ya-"

She waved a hoof in front of me. "Ah-ah-ah, no talking about it for a year, you promised." That was a pretty sudden change in attitude. I kind of wonder if she was even upset at all. "And we've gotta be done with chores before seven, we're meeting Pete and Fluttershy at eight-thirty."

"Ya got somethin' planned fer that hour an' a half?"

"I-I was thinking," Rainbow started to blush, "Mr. and Mrs. Dapple could strike again. Just, this time no disguises, no Rarity, no distractions, just us. And if we get caught, the farms' shower was broken."

"Sounds nice," I said with an appreciative nod, "but just a moment ago, ya couldn't bring herself to look at me. Are ya gonna be ok in the bath?" I don't want her to feel uncomfortable.

"So you automatically assume we'll be sharing the bath again?" Rainbow shook her head. "I just had to fall for such a dirty stallion, didn't I? Does Applejack know how much of a pervert you are?"

"Eeyup," I deadpanned, "now let'ss get that, uh, bandage off of you and get ta work."

"You just want an excuse to touch me." She said with a pout as she presented her bandaged wing.

I tilted my head. "Ssso?" I've touched her plenty, and she has no problem touching me, so what is she talking about?

"So, maybe I'll let you." She looked at me in confusion. "Ok, forget the jokes, just get that bandage off."

Bandage. "Eeeeyup." Remove the bandage. Uh, which one? There's two, one to the left, and one to the right. It was her right wing, so I reached out to touch the bandage on the right. Wait, this doesn't feel right, it feels kinda wiry.

"Mac, that's my mane. Get the bandage." She needs to brush more. It must be the other bandage. I reached out for it. "Whoa, Mac! Watch the hooves there." It moved. I reached out and poked it. "Whatare you-" The other bandage moved too, so I poked that one too. "Oh! Hey, sto-" Now they're both on the left. Gotcha! I grabbed for the bandages just to find my hooves unable to reach them. "Hey! Mac! What are you doing?!"

"Which, uh, one isss it, Rainnbow? And why can't I, uh, reach it?" It's magic, isn't it? Enchanted bandages? "They keep moving." Maybe they know when they're supposed to be taken off and they're trying to tell us.

"Mac," she turned to face me, "are you ok?"

"Yer purddy." Why did I say that? It's true, but still, why did I say it now? It was true earlier, why didn't I say it then? Oh! She's blushing. "Yer cute when ya blush." Now she's blushing more, and now she's even cuter. I gently placed my hooves around her pretty little face and stared into her eyes. Her big beautiful eyes.

What am I doing?