• Published 13th Oct 2012
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My Little Pony: Lands of Time - Lolsternater

In the kingdom or Dayflow Chaos is rising. And only a group of unlikely hero's can stop it.

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Hitting the beach with chaos

My Little Pony: Lands of Time, Chapter five: Hitting the beach with chaos

Written by LOLSTERDarkmoon, with the help of Master of chaos and evil: Spell Bound, The Love Doctor: Flutterpie-sparkle, and Proof-reader (Anyone got a TF2 pun?): Bookworm

No one moved from the words that left Cadence. Most of the group just moved their eyes from the pink princess to the monster before them, with the exception of Long Jump and his friends; they just looked over all confused.

While the creature had its back turned to them, it seemed best to sneak out of there and avoid all contact with it; but as they tried to move,
“Going somewhere, dear sister?”

Suddenly the monster appeared right outside the defensive spell. “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice your essence? Did Celestia send you after me?”

All they could do was stare in shock, and felt horror with the familiarity the creature spoke to our companion.

“No, of course she didn’t. She’s too terrified of me. And I see you’ve made some new friends; how pathetic.” He glared at all of us, he seemed to linger on me, then shot his gaze over to Green Leaf.

“Ah the Gardener, I was hoping I’d meet you, after how highly your plants spoke of you. ‘You won't get away with this, Free Leaf will save us!’ they cried. And when i corrupted them, they stopped. Instead they cursed you.” His mouth turned upwards into a malevolent smile as Free Leaf broke down into tears. He then faced String Lyrics.

“Now the Great Grandchild of Starswirl, oh how proud you must feel. Of course that’s because you don’t know the truth. Complete ladies’ man, used his power to get with almost every mare in Canterlot. Wonder which one of his Bastards Spawned you. Oh how I hope it was the maid.” He seemed to take great pleasure in the horror and disgust that overtook Strings face.

“And you, Pegasus. Long Jump i believe. Oh don’t be so surprised. I’m a spirit of chaos; I’m going to know your pathetic name. So protective of these mares around you, who died? Who did you fail? Was it your mother, or perhaps your lovely sisters? And you, blind one. Why do you stand against me? It shall only end in tragedy for you.” Once more he moved his gaze on satisfied he had shaken those two to the core.

“Then there is you Clean Beam, The bookworm. You remind me of Twilight. Except you are pathetic excuses for a unicorn. How long did it take you to learn your first spell?” Clean beam looked down ashamed and Spell only chuckled. He then noticed Silver Moon.

“Hmm, a strange mare you are. You are hiding something, and are most expertly if even my gaze can’t find what it is. You interest me. You remind me of a mare I met the last time I was in this land. I think I’ll keep you as a plaything.” He looked at Silver Moon, and then shifted his sight to me again. “We’re reaching the end soon with you, Dream Blizzard.”

He stared at me for what seemed an eternity before continuing.

“The son of the great hero Bladestorm Blizzard, oh what a fool he was. I remember when i first met him. I told him to watch himself, that a Pegasus wasn’t meant to contain that power, and then, after months of anguish, died. And you did nothing to help him. HE spoke highly of you, He was so proud of his son, who had his mother’s eyes, but all i see is a cowering wretch, who is more of a fool than his father!” His words dripped with venom. Finally, returning his gaze to Cadence.

“Do you think these hopeless souls can help you? I won’t stop, I can’t stop. I need my Retribution. There are artifacts in this land, that will aid me, allow me to return to Equestria, and claim it from my ’Mother’.” Once more his words dripped with venom and anger, but also a hint of sorrow.

“This has been fun, my little ponies. But give up. Only the elements can stop me now, and your equivalent of them has been lost to time. You stand no chance.” With a click of his fingers he disappeared.

We stood around holding our breath for some time, scared that some hideous creature would pop out of nowhere and tear us to pieces. After a good five minutes nothing happened so we deemed it safe to move again,

Long Jump stormed right up to Cadence with murder in his eyes. “What in all of bucking Dayflow was that? How did it know who we are and where did it come from?” Jump was leaning right over Cadence, who was trembling and looked like she would faint at any moment.

No one really made a move to stop the bullying. Most of us were too busy watching the horror before us. Many bodies layered the street and those who were not dead were screaming out in horrible pain.

The chaos controlled plants slowly lost the will to fight, this caused from the loss of magic in the air. Most of the fires died while many houses and trees were still ablaze. The night sky pushing through the red haze and the cooling breeze returned. Cadence lowered her shield as we just stood there, to busy trying to make sense of what just happened.

“You know what? Buck you guys, we’re leaving.” Jump was shifting his eyes left and right, still not trusting anything that moved. He turned tail and fled, closely followed by Silver Moon and Blind Try, who somehow knew where to go even with blind eyes.

Our small group continued to do nothing. Eventually, the imperial guards started to show up and joined us in gawking. A very shocked Bull Force came to talk to us. “How… What did… *sigh* Right, I have no choice.” We looked at him in confusion, and he returned the gaze with sympathy. “I’m going to have to take you all in. You will be held until we find out what happened here. This means your training and payments are cancelled until further notice.”

The group stayed unresponsive, we just stared at him like he was an alien. More guards came and pushed us from behind to get us moving. No one spoke as we were escorted through the burned corpses covering the streets. It seemed like five eternities’ before we reached the main parliament building, the stone statues had moved to form a sort of gate blocking the way, but moved as Bull approached.

They stayed this way until we came closer, then without warning, they turned to face us and bowed. This seemed to blow away nearly every pony watching, but we still didn’t noticed; thoughts of all those dead and that unbelievable power still clouding our minds.

The cells were located deep underground where the air was as hard and stale as the rocks the walls were carved from. The cells themselves were basic with a bed, simple plumbing (toilet and sink), and smalls holes in the walls. We each had our own cells, and with nothing to say to each other we climbed onto our beds and slept.


At last after hours of waiting, they came for us. A large squadron of guards made of some of the toughest ponies I had ever seen; at the head was a red earth pony mare, a bloody helmet for a cutie-mark.

“Time to get up, you lot, the council will now see you.” Her expression was one of uninterested and routine, probably from doing this so often.

Guards came into our cells and dragged us on to the cold stone. After sitting on our plots for hours on end, our legs were stiff and made walking slow and painful. A few encouraging head-butts from the guards got us moving quicker up a large staircase.

As much of a sticky situation we were in, I couldn’t help but admire what a lovely backside this battle-hell mare had. Lucky for my own backside, I don’t think she noticed, so we continued upwards.

String Lyrics took a couple of longer steps and fell beside me. “You know, it’s rude to stare,” he said with a wink.

“You know, it’s rude to talk about a mare’s behind while being behind her behind,” the mare said, coupling the words with her own wink. Looks like String just found some competition.

Once we had scaled the stairs and made it to the top, the way to the court was very short; placed almost directly next to the stairwell leading to the dungeons. The whole place was alive with chatter and noise, a panic filling the air. The only ponies not looking spooked were Nitro and Swirly; Nitro looking rather displeased, while Swirly Puddle was trying to hide a smile.

A high power looking Pegasus walked into the scene and shouted at the top of his longs, “Quiet in here you pathetic excuses for ponies!” All the ponies running about stopped, stared at him, and then responded with a “Yes Mr Flower!” Then Nitro just face-hoofed at the stupidity of these politicians, “There ya go Mr Nitro, everything in order now?” The Pegasus named ‘Mr Flower’ said.

Sighing, Nitro stood. “Right, that’s enough, Er, ‘Mister Flower’. Now I would like it if you returned to the barracks.”

“Very well sir!” Mr Flower saluted. “But first I’d like to greet a relative of an old friend, who happens to be in this room.” I shuddered slightly as his gaze fell onto to me.

I didn’t know who this guy was, or what tied him to me, but I felt worried all of a sudden. “Er, who would that, be?” I asked.

“You, Dream Blizzard, Son of Bladestorm Blizzard; I served under him. He was a great stallion, and spoke highly of you. It’s an honor to finally meet you. But we will talk some other time.” After that he turned to those guards surrounding us, “Men, out! Back to the barracks with your scrawny flanks! Last one back pays for the mead!” Shouting those words he ran out of the hall, followed by the guards, the battle-mare giving one last wink to String.

We were left standing alone once again before the group before us, beady eyes watching us even more intensely than before. “Right, now that the ruffians have left, we can focus on the main attraction,” his natural smirk appearing, bringing light to his face. “You are going to tell us what happened out there yesterday, and you’re not going to miss any details. Understand?”

I opened my mouth to speak but Cadence stepped forwards, shushing me with a nod. “I will speak for the group. My name is Princess Cadence of Equestria. I have come searching for my adoptive brother Spell Bound, who is behind the chaos.”

Her words may have been killer for the silence it brought. Nitro’s eyes looked as if they had been replaced with googly prank glasses. Swirly Puddle looked like he had had a heart attack. All the other council members were expressing their shock in their own way.

Just then the council doors opened, and in the doorway stood a unicorn mare. Her coat was pale, her mane was tied into a bun and was bright blue, and her cutie mark was three love hearts.

“Greetings Nitro, I am Sweet Heart, an official from Midnight Beach. I’ve been sent to take this group into my custody, as chaos has arrived back home.” Nitro looked at the mare and then to our little group.

“Very well, get them out of my city. Don’t let them return till this Spell Bound is taken care of.” Nitro turned his back to us and left the room.

Sweet Heart walked up to us smiling. “Hello. If you could please come with me.”

Cadence stared intently at the mare. Something about her was familiar, but she couldn’t put her hoof on it. It was if some sort of magic was blocking her. Shaking her head she looked at Sweet Heart.

“OK....” The mare smiled softly at us all and turned and leads us out of the council. She led us to the Train station, and we waited for the train to Midnight Beach.


There was little Mr Flower liked more than making his men pay for the mead at the local bar. However, his curiosity overcame him and he eavesdropped on the ending of the meeting. He watch the group leave from the air, then took off for his favorite bar. As he ordered his drink he heard voices behind him talking about the local chaos, and he heard Dream’s name. Taking his mug he sat at their table. He looked over the group and recognized the male. He had been questioned after the death of his sister.

Mr Flower looked at the small group that consisted of a male Pegasus, a blind earth pony mare, and a silver unicorn mare.

“So ya know Dream huh? Well then, you are just what I need. His group was taken into the custody of a unicorn mare from Midnight Beach, but I’ve never heard of an official named Sweet Heart. So you are going to come with me as I follow them.”

“Why should we?!” The Pegasus male asked. He was upset that this unknown Pegasus had rudely sat down at their table and interrupted their conversation.

Mr Flower looked him over. “Your name’s Long Jump, aye?” The stallion nodded his head, now worried as to why this stranger knew his name. “I’ll tell ya why. Because your silver friend here seems mighty worried about the outcome of this young group, your blind friend is curious about this Draconequus this Alicorn claims is my old friend Spell Bound, and because I can make it worth your while,” Mr Flower smirked smugly and drank from his tankard of mead. “Perhaps I can even let you know who let your sister die.”

Long Jumps stared angrily at Mr Flower. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Dawn Cherry Flower, but since I met Spell Bound, everypony calls me Mr Flower; especially now I’m in a place of power. You want vengeance, and I want to clear my friend’s name. So, do we have a deal?”
Long jump looked at Mr Flower for a while, and then nodded. “Good, ‘cause your tickets have already been bought.” He places three tickets on the bar counter. “Take ‘em and off with ya. I’ll follow in a few days.”


A few hours later the train pulled into the Midnight Beach station. “Right, you will be living with me at my house. It’s near that forest so you’ll be fairly secluded, which means we can work on solving this chaos problem.” She pointed at a forest with her hoof, and began leading us.

We walked through the bright lights and big buildings of this large city; it seemed to even outmatch Hour Valley for its building heights. The only downside of the walk was the red-light zone. Mares and stallions alike sitting on corners, cigarettes hanging out of their mouths. We passed quickly and reached the back of the city, where the mountains surrounding it came together and made a narrow passage to the forest.

Cadence seemed troubled by the mare, so I walked alongside her. “What’s wrong?”

Cadence just shook her head. “I don’t know. Something seems both familiar and off about her, but I can’t place what it is.”

We walked in silence for most of the way, apart from Sweet Heart and String Lyrics, who talked constantly. “Honestly,” I spoke out loud, “If it’s female String will flirt with it.”

Any further thought was replaced by a more immediate feeling of awe, as we arrived at the house. It was two stories high, with an old oak archway leading to the door, which looked to made of wood resembling stone. “Welcome to my humble abode. Now please come in, so we can discuss why chaos has arrived here.”

We entered the house, all but one of us unaware of the fact that we were followed. Before she followed us inside, Sweet Heart stole a glance to the bushed across from the house, smiling confidently. She’d find them out tomorrow, and take them into this group. She would need all the ponies, the Draconequus, and tormented for what she planned. ‘Soon,’ she thought. ‘Soon I shall have my Retribution.’