• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 1,470 Views, 44 Comments

Our Mutual Epiphany - Grisaille987

Pinkie Pie and Apple Bloom share a moment in the hospital after Pinkie nearly dies in a snow storm.

  • ...

Wearing My Faults Like A Noose

“All of these years, and you pick now to show your face around here?! You're such a shameless piece of trash!”

“H-hey, wait a minute, let's not--”

“NO, Pinkie. I've waited and we've waited for several years. We were waiting, hoping that one day you'd actually come back to see us. But no, you just had to stay around and frolic in that stupid and fruity town!”

“Whoa, come on, sis, calm down!”

“Stay out of this, Blinky!”

“You don't understand! I thought... I thought--”

“You thought what? That you being all grown up now meant you didn't have to pay attention towards your family, your own blood?! That it was all right to just forget about us?! What was so important back there that you were willing to cast us aside?! Huh?!”




Shouting out was the first thing Pinkie Pie did when she came back into the world of the living.

From what she assumed was a prostrate position, she jerked herself up in the trail of her own vocalization. Instantly after, she could feel a sudden weight press against her chest. In her world of blurs, she could not see what was responsible for it. Thus, she ended up struggling against what was attempting to hold her down. Despite her inability to shake off the pressure, she continued to fight in her blind panic. But once she heard a lone and familiar voice cut through her self-created haze...

“Pinkie! Snap out of it, wake up!”

...her body froze, and her dream shattered away to reveal the source.


The first thing she saw was the azure of the said pony's eyes glimmering with concern. Under that stare, Pinkie Pie allowed herself to relax and be pushed back to her prostrate position. It was here that she saw that she wasn't on the ground as she had been, but under the blanket and sheets of a bed. The hoof Rarity had on her chest felt strangely warm in contrast to a chilly aura that had overtaken the room she was in. She found that her body was shivering slightly and continuously, discomforted by the cold. When the hoof was taken off, she was quick to sink deeper into the covers.

When her eyes looked around, she realized that she and Rarity were not alone. At her bedside was the presence of her other six friends, who looked on with varying degrees of concern. In return, she regarded them with surprise and confusion. “Guys...?” She asked, finding her voice hoarse. “What... where am I...? What happened...?” She pulled a hoof out to place on her temples, trying to nurse a slight headache.

She would not get her answer right away, for her friends had to express their enthusiasm upon seeing her awakening.

“Oh, thank Celestia you're all right!” Twilight breathed out a relieved sigh and put on a smile to match. “With the days that you were out, I thought you'd never wake up.”

Her words made Spike, who was sitting on her back, quirk an eyebrow. “Well, wouldn't she be thanking you and Rainbow Dash for being all right?” He asked, seemingly oblivious to the nature of the statement. He only shrugged his shoulders when Twilight turned her head around to give him a look of annoyance. “Just saying.”

After rolling her eyes at him, Twilight turned back to Pinkie. “How are you feeling?”

Despite herself, Pinkie couldn't resist the grin that crossed her face. “Well, other than having more goosebumps than R. L. Stallion...” This earned her light laughs from all of them, consequently causing her smile to widen a little more.

“Yeah?” Applejack chuckled. “That's to be expected when you're out in a storm like that...” Upon the edge of her sentence, her mirthful countenance regressed back to her look of concern. “What were you doing out there in the first place, sugarcube? Didn't you know how awful it was? Rainbow Dash said you were covered in snow by the time she found you. If it weren't for Twilight's quick thinking, you probably would have never been found.”

“No kidding!” Rainbow Dash snapped, getting right up in a shocked Pinkie's face. “That was really stupid of you, Pinkie! What were you thinking?!”

“Rainbow...” Applejack said warningly, only to be cut off by the upset pegasus.

“No, Applejack!” She abruptly turned back to Pinkie, not holding back the contempt in her words. “Did you know how I found you? Your eyes were barely open and your whole body was so freaking stiff! I couldn't even tell if you had a pulse or not because it was so darn cold! I seriously thought you were already dead before I got to Twilight's! All of us were wondering if you'd even make it! What was so important that you couldn't wait until after the snowstorm blew over, huh?!”

A chord was struck within Pinkie's mind by that sentence.

“What was so important back there that you were willing to cast us aside?! Huh?!”

Just like that, her foundation collapsed.

“I...” Her eyes dilated as they stared into those angry, cerise orbs. She had to fight back the tears that were threatening to escape. “I don't... I can't... I can't tell you...” She said pitifully, averting her gaze away from Rainbow Dash. Much to her chagrin, this only made the pegasus even more angry and persistent.

“What do you mean, you can't tell-- Ah!”

Thankfully, Applejack was quick to intervene. She grabbed Rainbow's tail in her teeth and gave a fierce tug to pull her back. “That's enough, Rainbow!” She said fiercely, earning a glare in response. “If she doesn't want to tell us right now, she doesn't have to! She's been through enough already without you hounding her!”

Rainbow scoffed. “Whatever. I'm heading home.”

Before anyone could stop her, she had boosted up into the air and flew out the room, disappearing out of sight. As Pinkie watched her go, she couldn't help but feel guilty for her refusal of response. Telling them what had happened between her family would cause the memories of their argument to surface, and she wasn't in the mood to relive the experience. But in her wish to remain silent, she had made yet another pony close to her angry.

“Why, the nerve of that little...” Applejack scowled and grit her teeth, but did not finish what would have been a colorful remark that would have offended the rest of them.

“I had a feeling we'd all be a bit touchy over this,” Spike said, looking over at the doorway worriedly. “But that was...”

“She's just shaken, that's all.” Twilight said dismissively, although her own eyes conveyed concern for what had taken place. “I'm sure she just needs some time to herself right now.” She turned back towards Pinkie, who had her head hung low and her hair overshadowing her eyes. “Listen, Pinkie. You're in my home – more specifically, in the bed of the upstairs guest room. The number of patients within the hospital was so high, Nurse Redheart couldn't afford to check in any more. So you'll be staying here until you get better.”

“We'll make sure to visit you daily, just like we would in the hospital.” Rarity promised, giving an encouraging smile. “You needn't worry about Rainbow Dash. I guarantee that she'll cool off in time to join us tomorrow.” She was inwardly disappointed that the only response she got from that was a barely visible nod, but kept smiling nonetheless.

“And I'll be the best darn medical assistant you ever had!” Spike leaped off of Twilight's back and onto Pinkie's bed, puffing out his chest. “Dr. Spike at your service!” This earned a much better response in the form of a weak smile and a few chuckles.

“Thanks, Spike...”

“So, that's settled, then.” Twilight turned herself around so that Spike could jump on her back, giving the rest of them a nod towards the door. “Come on, girls. Pinkie needs her rest.”

“Twilight?” Rarity asked softly, a bit of pleading in her voice. “Is it all right if I stay with her for a moment longer?” This earned looks of surprise from the rest of them, but she kept her gaze towards the purple mare. “I promise you, it won't take long.”

“Take all the time you need, Rarity.” Twilight answered softly, looking back towards her as she walked towards the doorway. “Just don't push Pinkie too hard, all right?”

“Of course...”

When the four filed out of the room, Fluttershy was the last to go. She stopped at the doorway, looking over her shoulder at the two. “I hope you get well soon, Pinkie Pie...” She said softly, giving a small smile before turning around and walking out. The small voice was enough to make a smile appear across the sick mare's face, much to the pleasure of Rarity. It wasn't much... but at least they would know that she wasn't completely desolate.

After Fluttershy left, Pinkie raised up her head a little more. She regarded Rarity with weariness in her eyes. The fresh tears could be seen running down her cheeks. The very sight of the normally bubbly and cheery mare could've driven Rarity herself to tears. But she managed to keep herself composed, although empathy glimmered within her eyes. Slowly, she reached out to place a hoof on Pinkie's shoulder.

“Pinkie...” She said softly. “I don't know what it was that made you so upset. But I just want to know that you can tell us anything. We're all willing to share your pain if it has a chance of lifting your spirits. To see you so disheartened...it...” She began to choke up a little, placing a hoof to her mouth in order to keep herself steady. “Oh, it's just terrible!”

“I know...” Pinkie muttered, turning her head away. “Sorry I'm being such a--”

To her surprise, she felt Rarity's hoof reach to push her head back in her direction. When she looked up to meet the unicorn's gaze again, she shrank back at the stern look she was getting.

“Stop right there.” Rarity said, her voice low but stern and somewhat fierce. “I don't want to hear you finish that sentence. Even if you willingly went into such a dangerous storm, that doesn't give you the right to deprecate yourself. You're alive now, and that's all that matters. So don't you ever start assuming that all of the blame lies solely on your shoulders. Do you understand me?”

For a moment, all Pinkie did was stare into Rarity's eyes. Neither one of them averted their gaze from the other in the silence that ensued. But it lasted only for a moment, which ended when Pinkie averted her eyes downward. “Y...yeah... you're right. I understand, Rarity...” She whispered, nodding with a weak vigor.

Rarity's eyes softened, and she retracted her hoof. “Good girl...” She said, once again putting on a smile. “Now get some rest. We'll be back tomorrow.”

Pinkie expected her to leave after that.

What she didn't expect the fashion mare to lean forward and plant a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Her eyes widened and a faint blush spread across her cheeks as she watched Rarity pull away. But when she saw that caring smile, she couldn't help but sprout one of her own. She could understand the gesture to be one of kindness and encouragement, despite how out of place it seemed to be. It was enough to briefly pull out her old personality, her eyes squinting and her smile becoming more prominent. “Thanks, Rare-bear.”

Now it was Rarity's turn to be surprised.

“...that's going to be a thing now, isn't it?” She said flatly, earning a giggle in response.

“You betcha!”

Rolling her eyes, Rarity turned herself around and walked away. But she couldn't restrain the amused chuckle that escaped from her own mouth.

“Good night, Pinkie...”


It was in the early night when Applejack and her friends had visited Pinkie. Now it was much later, with darkness dominating the landscape. The snow had mercifully stopped, allowing her a clearer passage to her home. But in return, it left her to lift her legs up every time she took a step. Simply trudging through would have been like wallowing in molasses. She couldn't help but wonder why exactly the weather pegasi would even think of conjuring up such a storm, even if it was for the sake of making up for lost time.

Though the trip back home was short and uneventful, Applejack's heart became heavier with each and every step that she made. There was no doubt about it that she was forever relieved to see Pinkie alive. There was no denying her happiness when her friend awoke from what they thought to be an eternal slumber. What troubled her was not the status of Pinkie, but that of another. There was another problem that had afflicted one of family members, one that was possibly causing the same level of instability that resided within Pinkie herself.

The target afflicted was Apple Bloom.

Ever since a field trip out of and through Ponyville, the filly had become nothing but sullen and pacified. She had not said a word to anyone – not even to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. When she returned to her family, she had refused to say anything about why she seemed so miserable. It was clear that her mood was worse than what it had been prior to her experimentation with the Cutie Pox-inducing plants. Back then, she had not chosen to isolate herself so much from her own family. Back then, she was willing to admit her problems. So what could have caused her to keep everything locked away this time?

Before she knew it, she was at the door of her home. By this time, all of the lights were out and everyone was fast asleep. Even if she hadn't known beforehand, the sound of her grandmother's loud snoring made it quite obvious. She couldn't help but chuckle a little as she grasped the handle and pushed her way inside. She made sure to be quiet, lest she wanted to wake her family of three. At least one of them would be very cranky when woken up too early.

Once she stepped inside and closed the door behind her, she made her way into the den. She moved carefully, as the wooden floors would make too much noise if she was too careless. She slipped off the parka and tossed it onto the armrest of a nearby couch before making her way upstairs. As she approached the staircase and started her ascent, she took special care in making each and every step. In the darkness of the home, the last thing she wanted was to accidentally slip and fall back down.

“Can't wait to get under them blankets...” She muttered. “This house is going to be a might frosty when all of us get u--”

Abruptly, she stopped herself from passing the room of her little sister.

“Her light's still on...”

Indeed, it was. Although the door was shut, the telltale sign of bright yellow shining from the cracks let her know that Apple Bloom still had her light switched on. She knew that Apple Bloom wasn't the type to get scared by the dark – at least, not anymore. So why did the filly have any reason to have it on? Was she still awake? To answer these questions, Applejack grasped the handle of the doorknob and pushed gently, preparing a reprimand.

“Apple Bloom, you know that your flank's supposed to be in--”

But once again, she cut herself off at what she saw.

“Oh, no...”

The sheets on Apple Bloom's bed had been ripped and shredded, the pieces scattered across the floor. The window leading outside was open, the chilly night air dominating the space of the room. Applejack did not take this into consideration, briskly moving up to it and looking out. Upon seeing a nearby tree, she could spot that some of the branches were broken. It didn't take her long to guess what had taken place, and when the conclusion hit her, she did the one thing anyone would've done in that situation.

She ran out of the room in a panic, her desperate voice screaming throughout the residence.

Big Macintosh!! Granny Smith!! Wake up!! Apple Bloom's gone!!