• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 1,354 Views, 66 Comments

Catching Reality - TaylorDash

It's not always best to be a loner, and Xander quickly realizes this casted away from his world.

  • ...

Jingle Jingle

Twilight and Pinkie Pie couldn’t move no matter how hard they tried, the image in front of them was being soaked and scarred into their brain. They observed each of their bodies closely and could tell whatever happened here was nothing minor at all. Rainbow Dash looked as if something had thrown her onto a counter, she had a huge gash in her back exposing her spinal cord clearly. Laying limp against a wall was AppleJack, her head had been cracked open and along side her ribcage were deep claw marks. Sitting upright was Rarity, this image petrified Twilight and Pinkie because it looked as though she was still alive. Her head hung down and blood was slowly dripping off of her lips, along the ponies face were deep cuts and a massive laceration across her forehead. The last of the horrific scene was Fluttershy...Celestia help us all. The yellow pegasus pony had been pinned up against a wall and had her waist cut open, revealing her insides.

The room was dim and the lights flickered, more than blood was spattered on the walls. Again it was the black liquid that Xander had released from his body, only this time it seemed more...

“TWILIGHT!” Pinkie shouted snapping Twilight out of her concentration. “Twilight, the black stuff, It’s moving!” Twilight looked around the room to notice that the liquid was slowly moving towards each of her dead friends.

“We have to leave right now Twi! Now!” Before Pinkie could finish pleading to her friend that they had to leave a voice came crashing through the hall.

“Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, you must move at once!” Twilight's head shot up and turned around.

“Princess Celestia! What are you doing here!?” Twilight shouted.

“I will explain later, but for now you have to move quick get out of here!” Princess Celestia's voice sounded harsh and nervous. There was even a slight hint of fear in her voice.

It was too late to run. The black liquid that had been flowing towards her friends was now being absorbed into their bodies, crawling up and down their flesh like maggots. Sounds of slurping blood and saliva was coming from her friends, there bodies started to twitch. Twilight slowly began to back up as she watched. Each of the ponies that were once lifeless were now moving and make very awkward noises. The dead Fluttershy had removed her self off of the wall. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack had stood up, Rarity had turned her head towards the two ponies and alicorn giving them a devilish smile.
“Twilight, Pinkie Pie...run.”

Lifeless limping bodies came forward and fast attempting to lash out at the princess, she had to buy her faithful student and friend some time to get out. The once yellow pegasus had scooped up her organs and shot the gunky oil out of her intestines nearly hitting the princess. Splattering the wall behind her it burnt a hole clean through. Princess Celestia had formed an energy shield with her magic to block several projectiles coming at her. Rainbow Dash’s wings had turned into long black spines, they shot out of her skin making ripping noises each time one was thrown. AppleJack had her once blonde tail turn into a frizzy white mess that streched out and tried to whip her. There was only one pony who hadn’t been trying to attack and that was Rarity, Celestia could notice her turning back and forth in the background crying and screaming randomly at points. Her eyes were dripping red and the iris of her eyes were now a milky white.

Princess Celestia backing up to the entrance, Twilight came rushing through the hospital entrance and tossed a spell that sent the creatures that once resembled her friends flying backward enabling them to escape.

“Thank you Twilight, I need you to help me put up a barrier around this building.” Twilight nodded and both her and Celestia had conjoined their magic forces to make a spell barrier that could only be broken if they used their magic together. “That should hold them in their until we get everything solved, thank you once again for helping me my faithful student.” Celestia bowed her head in appreciation of Twilight’s bravery.

“Thank you aswell Princess, if you hadn’t arrived Pinkie and I would already be dead!” She shook her head with fear. “I sent Pinkie Pie off to the town to help anyponies who were in danger."

Princess Celestia nodded, “Twilight Sparkle, we do not have much time. We must hurry back to your library at once!” Celestia pleaded.


“Ughh, dammit I’m tired of getting off the ground. Why can’t I stay up for more than 5 minutes?” Xander said to himself sitting up. “Huh?”

There was no ground beneath him yet a solid surface he was able to stand on, he turned his head in shock to find 4 unconscious ponies only a few meters away from him. Walking over to them with caution he noticed that all four of the ponies were sound asleep. Bending down on his knees he gently shook AppleJack awake. “Hey...Hey wake up. Wake up.” He whispered.

AppleJack giving an annoyed groan mumbled, “Is it mornin’ already? Phew, ah had the craziest dre-” AppleJacks face fell and her voice went silent. Her heart beating faster she hit herself in the leg, “Ow!” she wanted to see if she was still dreaming or not. Frantically looking around she saw her 3 friends asleep and Xander sitting beside her.

“You! Wha- what’s goin on here?! You grabbed hold of me and then...then...ah’ don’t know what happened after that.” Her temper faded a little and she seemed calm herself. “You said your name was Xander right?” she asked, “Yes it is.” Xander replied. To his surprise she looked at him with glassy eyes that started to swell with tears, he suspected that she would attack him after punching her friend. A groan came into his stomach, he felt regret for hitting her.

“Hey, listen, I uh- I want to apologize for attacking your friend. As you could then I was upset and I still am, but who wouldn’t be after so much happening to one person?” He said in the best apologetic voice he could. “Lets wake up your friends and see if we can figure out what’s going on.” AppleJack nodded and stood up, both walking over to the three sleeping ponies. “Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash. Yall need tah’ wake up.” All in near perfect unison stretched out the legs and necks.

“Woah.” That was the only word the Rainbow said before looking ready to panic. “Applejack...What’s going on right now? And why is he here? I thought we left him in the hospital?” Xander could tell that trying to explain to these ponies what all that has happened was going to be tough chore.

“Now listen Rainbow please try tah’ take some deep breaths and remain calm, as long as we stay relaxed we should have no trouble.” Well that statement didn’t last very long.

The white one named Rarity was yelling and trotting her hooves up and down. “AppleJack what do you mean remain calm?! There is no ground? There is nothing around us! How are we standing right now!?” It was almost comical the faces and movements she was making, it looked like a prissy teenage girl getting scared by a small bug that was harmless.

“Rarity! Calm yerself down! We can’t be getting all riled up when we don’t know what’s going on!” Rarity stopped pacing but was taking very heavy breaths. Fluttershy he assumed was the yellow one, it was strange how she didn’t seem alarmed at all. She stood there staring at him, her stare was deathly, he had never seen someone or ‘somepony’ that could keep such a straight face especially when all this was happening.

She broke free from her stare and blushed. Looking down she whispered, "I'm sorry..."

Slowly walking over to the Rainbow haired pony, Xander gently reached his arm out to touch her hair. She flinched and backed slightly away when he tried to do so and looked afraid.

“Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise.” He said with a serious tone. Getting close to her reaching his arm out he ran his fingers through her mane. Running the gentle touch down her face he very carefully rubbed the spot Ihe hit. “I’m sorry Rainbow Dash...I think that’s your name. I was just a bit alarmed and It was my reaction. Where I come from I don’t have very good social skills and I tend to keep to myself, but after everything that has happened here today or however long I've been here, you deserve an apology from me.” Sliding his hand off her face all the ponies around me were in awe by the sudden amount of kindness Xander was showing.

“Ok, before we go into everything that has happened, I feel I should explain some things.” He said. “My name is Xander as you already know and I’m a human. Just like all of you I have not the slightest clue on what is going on but I’m going to admit something, I’m scared.”

Literally he had have never been scared of anything in life but this was to supernatural not to be alarmed by. “When I woke up here I thought I was just dreaming or something but I knew I wasn’t when I sorta...hit your friend in the face. The feeling took over me soon after that because when I started running away from you all, the inside of my stomach felt like it was being eaten away.” Just thinking about the pain made him cringe, “What I remember before waking up..here wherever we are is that I threw up this really nasty black stuff that was burning the hell out of me.”

“Wait I remember you begging for our help right before you collapsed. Twilight told us to get you on our backs and rush you to the PonyVille hospital. When we got there we put you onto a hospital bed and you grabbed my arm.” AppleJack said. “That’s when ah’ woke up here.”

All of them just looked at each other nervously, none of this seemed to make sense. Everything that had been told or need to be just added more and more into the confusion. Why is he here? How did this happen? How does he get back? It was starting to give him a headache.

Fluttershy finally spoke, “Hey umm Xander....what’s that by your foot?” she was almost whispering and sounded very shy, note the name FlutterSHY.

Xander bent over to pick it up. He could tell it was a small gray box. About 7 inches tall and 6 inches wide. It wasn’t very heavy, but it did do one thing for sure. Added confusion. Holding it in his left hand he opened up the flaps to find what resembled a toy. A shiny red and yellow can with stars and funny looking hats painted on the side of it. There was a red handle on the side that looked like it had to be cranked, “A Jack In the Box?” He said looking up at the four ponies. Removing the small can from the box, he held it in his hand and examined it closely looking for details he might have missed.

“Guahh!” Giving a small yelp of pain and dropping it. The box became very hot all of a sudden, “Xander...Please throw that thing somewhere it’s starting to freak me out how there was just a toy lying next to you.” Rarity cried. As he went to pick it up the little red handle slowly started to spin and gradually gaining speed playing a very creepy jingle.

*dun dun dun da ditty dun* *dada tada* *dun dun da ditty dun* *ting....da....de......dun*

A/N: Thank you to anyone who is still reading. I’m sorry for any annoyances when it comes to my grammar, if anyone would like to edit for me please tell me.

Comments ( 25 )

I wonder who is the weasel that's going to get popped?:pinkiecrazy:




Also i see you did what i said add a bit of background so we can have some details that was what the ponies wanted to know probably i mean seriously strange creature punches your friend in the face... twice the runs away then throws up and turns in to a horrendus beast that kills you you might want to know more about them before you try to kill it espacially if he's now bieng nice to you in an unknown place... I'm getting into detail way to much aren't I?


I'm trying my best to make everything bend out of place.


Thank you so much for the feedback. Yes I know my writing is very....shit. When I have a thought in my head I just jot it down and don't reallt think. I'm not very good at like, layering it like how you both said. I'm hoping to learn from this as a lesson. :twilightoops:


1460566 just give it a little more thought... also donutted get very descriptive or some might vomit and never read this agian


That would please me! :twilightsmile:


1460622 the vomit and people never read this? Why? Is it THAT terrible to you?


Nope, that people were continuing to read even though it made them sick. :pinkiehappy:


1460647 you wanna know what's even creepier than this story? I have a stalked on this site... i saw a person earlier without a certain pic... a few minutes ago i found out he has the same picture as me... also i went to his page and he's been registered a week after me

I just realized you made this story.
I guess I'm late to the party?

Oh, and don't worry! I'm back in my writing mood again. Thou shouldn't wait for an amazing(ly terrible) story like mine!

Yea, I'm going to read this later. I'm kinda busy.


Heh, thank you. I will read your stuff to :pinkiesmile:

Pretty gruesome probably should be mature great story though


Thank you so much! I keep it teen because not many people read mature rated stories.

Ehh to be honest i prefer mature but i guess thats all prefrence


Hmm, should I rate it mature?

Ya i mean its borderline mature but u probably should just dnt change up the story to make it teen wear that mature label with pride

It seems like a crossover of something or other. If not... :pinkiesick: You've got a sick and twisted mind...


It seems like a crossover of something or other. If not... :pinkiesick: You've got a sick and twisted mind...



:pinkiecrazy: I am very attracted to dark and disturbing things. I think everything up on my own.

2309199 On your own you say? :trixieshiftleft: Do you have any plans on continuing? If you do, might I proof read?


I've got a few things up my sleeve, very soon.

2312578 S-s-s-so, is that a n-n-n-no on the proof r-r-reading? :raritycry:


If you'd like you can. :pinkiesmile:

2313872 Gasp! R-r-r-really?

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