• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 3,399 Views, 217 Comments

Twilight Vs. Technology - ChainReaction

Twilight Sparkle. Bearer of the Element of Magic and personal student of Princess Celestia herself h

  • ...

Twilight Vs. iPod

"Okay, let's see what we got here." Twilight spoke to herself as she began to reach in the huge box and pull out gobs of packing peanuts.

After the horrible incident with the iPhone yesterday, Twilight Sparkle was determined to rise above it and attempt to conquer a device that was much more simple. She went out earlier this morning and bought an iPod at the new electronics store that was built next to Quills and Sofas. Fortunately, she needed to pick up some new quills as well while she was downtown. She saw that the iPod seemed much simpler than the iPhone and it was much easier to work. She still couldn't contemplate how Pinkie Pie, an earth pony of all ponies, could use an iPhone better than her.

In the empty and somewhat messier than usual library Twilight leaned down into the over-sized cardboard box. So over-sized in fact that it seemed to envelop half her body. Her flank hoisted in the air and wiggled as she dug through the box.

"Aha!" Twilight said loudly, at finding the huge manual for the iPod. She gripped what she was looking for in her magic and pulled it out of the box while pulling herself out of the mass of packing peanuts. Doing so caused many of them to be pulled out and scattered on the floor.

Twilight flinched at how messy her surrounding area became with the galore of shipping product. With a faint glow, she grabbed all of them with her magic and stuffed them into the cardboard box once more while still holding the large manual in the air.

"Honestly, why some ponies don't take things out of the shipping box first is beyond me," the young mare said out loud to no one in particular.

"Now, where was I..."

Twilight took a good, long look at the manual that she was levitating. It was leather bound, oddly enough. Twilight's eyes widened at what the title of the huge manual read.

How to work
Your MP3

A basic guide by
Ms. Scratch

Twilight could feel her teeth begin to grind together.

"Ms. Scratch?" she asked angrily. "As in, Vinyl Scratch? The pony who wakes me up every single morning by blaring her stereo with that dubstep stuff!" Twilight yelled. "How wonderful! What could she possibly know about writing a manual, let alone a whole book that is as thick as a manual?! I particularly just love when she sticks her head out the window every morning and yells," Twilight ranted and geared up the goofiest cross-eyed expression she could muster.

"Awwww yeeeaaah! Gooood Moooorniiing Ponyville!" she ridiculously imitated Vinyl Scratch with her voice as deep as she could possibly get it.

Twilight scoffed.

"How ridiculous!" she said before tossing the book with her magic onto the wooden table in the center of the library. The lavender mare then trotted over to the box to get her iPod, her hooves making a clip-clop the whole way, which echoed throughout the empty library.

Reaching in the box with her magic she pulled out a long, slender pink container of some sort with the same logo that her late iPhone bore. The logo alone sent shivers down her spine after what happened yesterday. She chased Spike for hours, screaming at him to tell her how he unlocked his iPhone. Spike thought he was dead, for sure. Fortunately, after running him into a bookcase and knocking him unconscious for several minutes, Twilight apologized profusely for acting so horrible to her number one assistant, before offering to take him out for ice cream. Spike assumed that this was to help dull the concussion he received.

Gently levitating the container, she slowly took the lid off to reveal the shiny, pink device with a two and a half inch LCD display. Underneath the display there was a single purple circle that had four symbols. One said MENU, the other was a double arrow facing the right, another double arrow facing the left, and one she assumed meant play and pause. Twilight smiled at her relatively simple understanding of the iPod.

"This should be simple!" Twilight announced with a happy grin on her face. Then she scanned the device for the power button.

::Thirty Minutes Later...::

To say that Twilight was mad that she had to consult the manual would be an understatement. Twilight was furious that she was forced to read the manual due to not being able to even turn the power on for her new iPod.

"How am I even supposed to read these instructions knowing she wrote them?!" she yelled. Reluctantly, she glanced over the page in the power section of her manual.

'In order to get the wub from your new iPod, you're gunna have to turn on the power. This is like, a given, but yeah. In order to turn on your new epic device fore maximum wubage, you're gunna need to press down on the magic button. Now, the magic button is what happens to make all the awesome music on your iPod run as well. It also, has the feature to stop the wubage if you want, mid-song. But, I recommend you never stop the wubage, unless like, you gotta use the bathroom or somethin'. Now, the magic button is located underneath the song select button. This is mainly used for when you want some of my music to be rockin' your pony earholes. Why? Because bass cannon, that's why! Right under that baby will be where you'll find the magic button. For more info, look in the appendix of the manual.'

Twilight stood and stared at the manual, mouth agape in disbelief, her intelligent mind nearly fried by the words she just read.

"HOW IS THIS EVEN A THING?!" screamed Twilight at the top of her lungs. Twilight began to breath heavily.

"This actually passed Canterlot Publications and got made into a full manual?! This is the worst advice ever! How am I even supposed to understand what wubage means?! And an appendix?!" Twilight yelled, half in shock at the horrible manual and the other half being pure anger.

"I guess I'll try the appendix!" screamed the mare as she was once again one the brink of having one of her meltdowns.

Quickly she sifted through the levitated book with her magic until she found what she was looking for. Worrisome, she scanned the text, hoping it would better clarify her iPod.

'Greetings. I know that Vinyl can be a bit...odd, in her descriptions of your device. I was actually entirely against making this manual in the first place, but then I was swooned by talks of "Tavi I'll do the dishes without the wubs if you help me publish this manual, I swear." Honestly, I didn't even fully expect such dribble to be passed through publication but yet here I am, describing your device for you...being regretful...How is this my life?'

Twilight was a little more than freaked out by the obvious melancholy of Octavia as she began the Appendix of the manual. She continued to read down the page.

Play/Pause Button (Magic..button); This is the button on the bottom of the wheel of your iPod that allows you to turn its power on or off. Personally, I would leave it off and pick up a Violin or something similar...but that's just me...'

Twilight beamed with happiness.

"Finally! A clear answer!"

Twilight looked down at the iPod on the floor of the library that she gently placed there while levitating the manual above it. She gently pressed her hoof down on the Play/Pause button and the display lit up. At this point, the mare was beaming.

"I did it! It's on!" Twilight announced happily. She looked up at the manual once more and began to read Octavia's descriptions.

After several minutes of sifting through very sad writing, and being convinced she was going to give Octavia a hug next time she saw her, Twilight believed she got the just of the process.

"Gently stroke your hoof around the circular pad to scroll to a song," she spoke out loud. She looked down at the device and gently touched it with her hooves, before tracing along the wheel. It made a click with each highlighted movement on the LCD while swapping through the sample songs. After finding one to try, Twilight glanced up at the manual once more.

"Now press firmly on the central button in order to select and play the song," she spoke once more to herself, assessing the information. She gave a satisfied smile to herself while she closed her eyes. She did it. With this action. she will have near mastered the use of her iPod.

She firmly pressed her hoof down on the central button.


She dropped the manual on the ground at the realization that she just stomped on her iPod, and completely shattered it.


"Boy...I really hope Twilight doesn't get angry with that iPod if she hasn't learned how to use it yet," Spike said while he held his iPhone sideways in both claws, playing a new app he bought called 'Robot Unicorn Attack'. All of a sudden he heard a whistling noise.

He looked up in the sky to see something falling. It was pink and purple. Spike narrowed his eyes to get a better focus.

"Is...that an iPo-"