• Published 17th Oct 2012
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A Transdimensional Family Trip - CaptainSanchez

The Hooves family is about to visit their Patriarch's home. Not town, not planet, but universe.

  • ...

The Reunion

A Transdimensional Family Trip

Chapter 3: The Reunion

Edited by Rain-M24

The Doctor stood there, his mouth agape. Before him stood three women he hadn't thought he'd ever see again; Jenny, Rose, and River. A daughter he'd watched die, a friend who'd been trapped in another universe, and a wife that travelled time stood before him. He had told stories of them to his daughters, but he never thought they'd all meet! He realized that everyone was staring at him, and decided to speak.

"Rose, how did you get here?" He asked, his voice dripping with disbelief. "The last time I saw you, you were on Bad Wolf Bay in another universe." Rose shrugged, and looked at him with a straight face.

"Don't you remember Torchwood's dimensional cannon?", she asked. "I may have caught wind of your dimensional wanderings and commandeered it. Maybe. Now, just who are these ladies?" She asked, for the first time noticing DItzy, Sparkler, and Dinky. The Doctor looked at his wife, his deep blue eyes begging her to explain for him. She caught the hint.

"Hi, Rose. I'm the Doctor's wife, Ditzy." She said, grinning like an idiot, "and these are Jenny's sisters, Sparkler and Dinky." Everyone was shocked at this. Some for different reasons than others, though. The Doctor, Susan, Sparkler, and Dinky were shocked at her audacity to outright say that they were also members of the Doctor's family. Rose was shocked that the Doctor had settled down, Jenny was shocked that she had sisters, and River was shocked that the Doctor had remarried.

"What?", asked all three women in unison. Ditzy was unfazed. Her special talent was handling delicate situations, after all.

"Yes, yes, I know; it's a bit shocking," said Ditzy. "At first I had trouble believing it, myself. You'll get used to it, though. Anyway, I'm excited to meet all of you. Muffin has told me all about you." Ditzy grinned as she went to hug Jenny. "Jenny, you don't look much like he described you, but you've probably regenerated." At this, Jen nodded, "I thought so. Rose, I'm a bit worried about you, interdimensional travel can have serious effects on one's body. I mean, just look at me!" Susan, Jenny, Rose, and River looked at Ditzy, puzzled by her remark.

"What do you mean?", asked Jenny, still a bit shocked at both her stepmother's hug and pet name for her father. "You look amazing!" Ditzy blushed a bit, not used to compliments on her appearance coming from anyone but her husband and daughters.

"Well, just look at me!", exclaimed the wall-eyed former mail mare. "My tail is gone, and I kinda miss my wings. I'm pretty sure that the girls miss their horns, too." Everyone from the Doctor's universe, except for The Doctor of course, were immensely puzzled by this statement. River was the first to speak.

"You mean he left me for a cross-eyed angel?", she asked. "Well that's just peachy." It didn't take a scientist to know that she had both misunderstood the statement, and spoken sarcastically. At this, Ditzy laughed.

"No, no. I'm not an angel," she began, "I am, or was a pegasus. When I came here, my body naturally assumed the form that I would've had if I'd been born here. Since you're probably wondering what I meant when I said that the girls missed their horns, they used to be unicorns." Everyone looked at the Doctor for confirmation. Well, except River, who giggled a little.

"A pegasus?" She asked, turning her head to the Doctor. "You naughty boy, you. By the way, just what do you plan to do about me? You have a kind wife to love and daughters to raise. I respect that, but you married me first." The Doctor was unprepared for a this question, despite having clearly expected it.

"About that," he said, obviously nervous, "I'm working on it. It's not easy, you know. There's no guidebook on what to do when your wife meets the wife you met in another dimension. At least, I don't think there is. I doubt it'd sell very well. This problem can't possibly arise very often. Which reminds me-" He was silenced by two irritated young women.

"Dad, shut up!" Sparker and Jenny both shouted simultaneously. Sparkler looked at her older sister and grinned. She's alright, thought the brown-and-fuchsia-haired teen. Apparently, Jenny had a similar opinion about Sparkler, seeing as she chose to vocalize her thoughts.

"I think we'll get along just fine," said the blonde Time Lady. At this, Sparkler smiled, Dinky laughed, and the Doctor sighed.


River was still angry at the Doctor. She couldn't blame him, of course. He had landed in another dimension with no idea of how to get back, met his soulmate, and married her. No, she wasn't angry at him for getting remarried, she was angry at him for marrying someone whose timeline was relatively in-synch with his. The one trait that made her marriage, or even her existence possible, was the reason that their marriage could never work. At least, it couldn't work in the traditional sense. Wait...

"Doctor, how did you even get back here?", asked River. "If you knew how to get back to our universe, why'd you bring your kids, or even wait long enough to have them in the first place?" The Doctor had known this was coming, and was glad he'd waited until everyone was present to explain.

"Well, River," he began, "I didn't. The only other time I'd gone to another universe, it was rather close to ours in the Dimensional Spectrum. The universe I'd arrived in last time was immensely different from ours. In fact, the primary body shape was equine, rather than humanoid. Anyway, we got here almost completely by accident. I say 'almost' because Dinky put in a code that she believed sent the TARDIS to the location, in both time and space, of alternate versions of me. She believed this because our two universes are naturally asynchronous, causing me to be able to interact with their universe's equivalent of myself, the Raggedy Doctor from Gallopfrey. It seems that he entered our universe by that point, causing my TARDIS to be sent to London, rather than Trottingham. Wow! That was a mouthful. Am I right, Ditzy?" His wall-eyed wife nodded. Sometimes I forget that he knows more about time and space than anypo- no, anyone else, thought Ditzy. Then they all heard a small, excited voice yell.

"Mommy, look!", exclaimed Dinky. "It's Uncle Raggedy and Colgate! Can we go and say Hi?" At this, the entire time-traveling family turned their heads in the direction of Dinky's yell. They saw a tall, dark-haired, young man in a top hat, walking alongside a young brunette. They noticed that the couple was walking towards their meeting place. They soon heard "Raggedy" speaking to his companion.

"Well, Cole," he said, "I'd say that we're almost there, and not a moment too soon. If we can't find him in time, we're going to have a very big problem." Cole nodded in agreement. She didn't even want to think about the negative consequences of not finding the Captain in time.