• Published 16th Oct 2012
  • 8,784 Views, 246 Comments

Tired of the Daily Routine - Feedbacker

When you're a ruler of a major country, you don't have much time for yourself.

  • ...

Sport (Finale)

Celestia woke up to the extremely loud sound of her sister's hooves on her door.

"Sister! The morning edition of Canterlot Daily is out!"

Celestia' heart sunk in her chest. Well, this was it, wasn't it? They had more than enough time to thoroughly analyze the previous day's revelations. Most of the papers published a purely informative evening edition in their rush to get the story to print. No indication of public opinion at all.

Just the thought of what they might think made Celestia sick. She went to bed early, leaving the sun-lowering duties to her sister. Not that she got even a wink of sleep. Her mind was plagued by nightmares of riots, public denunciation, a demand for a new ruler.

Celestia rolled out of bed and lumbered to her bedroom door, where her sister was still banging. She opened it just a crack with magic, looking out of it with one eye.

"What's it say?"

Her sister grinned wildly and shoved the door the rest of the way open, pushing Celestia out of the way. The elder Alicorn glared at her sister, but only for a moment, as her attention was drawn by the newspaper Luna was holding in her hand.

"Read it, sister."

Celestia bit her lip, mentally bracing herself.

No matter what happens, you did the right thing, she thought, trying to reassure herself. And, no matter what they think, you'll always have Twilight.

Celestia read the headline.


So far, just accurate. Her eyes drifted down the page...

"Speculation running wild! Possible wedding bells in near future? Magical foals on the way?"

Both inaccurate, but... Not overly accusatory. Celestia's brow descended upon her eyes as she continued to read, squinting.

"Eye-witness accounts of the intrigue-filled relationship!"

"Famous Romance Writer Paige Turner seeks to chronicle the epic love story! Plans meeting with Celestia's royal palace!"

"Expert analysis: Just who is the Princess's lover? Interviews with friends and family!"

Celestia rapidly scanned the page, looking for some indication of negative reaction. But the only thing on the page were wild rumors and speculation. Not the rumors and speculation she was used to -- the accusatory, panicking reactions ponies always had to a new trade agreement or treaty. No, these headlines had a much different tone. One of excitement.

Celestia slowly looked up at her sister, still not believing her eyes. "Luna. What do the other papers say?"

"Almost the same content!" Luna beamed, producing a different newspaper out of a saddlebag. "They talk about your future, your past... Everything to do with you and Twilight!"

"And... What do they say about me and Twilight?" Celestia asked, her voice very quiet.

"That it's, and I quote-" Luna began, unfurling another newspaper with magic, "'The Greatest Love Story of Our Time!' Sister, they love it!"

Celestia blinked. "All of them?"

"Oh, no, of course not. One article used the word 'degenerate' over sixty times. I counted." Luna stated, matter-of-factly. "But the overwhelming majority is positive!"

Celestia felt the corners of her mouth involuntarily turning upwards into a grin. There would be complications, of course. Nothing in life was perfect. People would have concerns about the relationship. Her and Twilight would no doubt have some turbulence in the future. But, for this one moment, everything was okay.

Celestia continued to read newspaper articles over her morning coffee. Most were just wild speculation, but one stood out to her.

The article was titled "A Royal Surprise: How Me and my Partner are Reacting to the News." It was one of those op-ed pieces, way at the back of the newspaper. In it, a mare described her own relationship with another mare, and how both of them reacted to Celestia's admission of her own homosexual relationship. To be honest, Celestia found the article rather uninteresting. The author wasn't saying anything that wasn't being said in many other, similar columns.

No, it wasn't the author's words that stood out to Celestia. It was the author herself. The mare had white fur, with electric blue hair. It took Celestia about a minute to figure out where she'd seen her before.

It was the dancer. The dancer, in the field. The one who started the whole mess.

Celestia stared at the image for a few moments, then put the paper aside, away from the others. She had somebody to thank--

Celestia's thoughts were interrupted by a guard. "Ma'am, there's a package for you."

The guard set the parcel in his mouth down on the table, quickly retreating out of the kitchen. Celestia looked at it with curiosity. No formal seal, no return address. It was plain, simple.

She opened it with magic. There was a letter at the very top, which she levitated in front of her face. She quickly set to reading.

Your Highness Princess Celestia,

On the behalf of the entire Griffon nation, I would like to congratulate both you and Twilight. We all hope that your relationship stands the test of time.

Personally, too, I send my regards. It's always very exciting to be in a new relationship. I should know, considering that I recently stumbled into one myself. Perhaps the fact that you went public with yours shall let me do the same with mine.

If I may be so bold as to list out my own personal desires for your future, I have but one: I wish that you and Twilight shall both 'open up your throat.' It's an old Griffon saying, traditionally states towards an opera singer before they take the stage. It signifies that the singer should allow their own emotions to flow out of them, to sing the song with such energy and emotion that it cease to be just a song, and becomes a work of art. In this context, however, I wish for you to sing metaphorically. I wish that you can shout your love from the high heavens, not caring for what those around you may think. You seemed a very kind mare when I talked to you. You deserve happiness.

Best regards,


Celestia closed the paper. It was a cheesy note, but touching nonetheless. At least he wasn't condemning the relationship and declaring war. She set the note aside, looking at the package.

Inside it was a single adobe slat, identical to the ones that covered the roofs of hundreds of buildings. Celestia remembered the griffon king mentioning something about that. How he preferred simple things to the complex, four walls and a roof to a giant castle. She smiled softly. She wasn't entirely sure what the griffon was trying to say, but she appreciated the gesture.

She looked out her window, the papers next to her abandoned. Perhaps the Griffon was trying to get her to ask herself what she really wanted. What her "four walls and adobe slats" was. Her simple joy.

She stood up, her horn already channeling a teleport spell. Her simple joy wasn't the papers, or the politics, or even the coffee.

It was a lavender librarian in Ponyville.

The most beautiful, wonderful librarian in all of Equestria.

Her librarian.

With a burst of magic, Celestia disappeared from the room, to tend to what was really important.

Author's Note:

I think, ultimately, this is a story about the early days of Celestia and Twilight's relationship. Besides, of course, being a fic based of an excellent AnCo Album.

But now we're at the end of those early days, and at the end of that album. So I think it's time for the story to end as well.

It's been a long ride. I'm awful with updating, I know. I'm actually unsure about this update. It's always hard to end something. But, well, it's my best effort. Hopefully that's enough.

Comments ( 22 )

What? That's it? It's over? You can't do that to me. Fix it! Sequel! The story must not end!

Sequel is a possibility.

Not quite sure yet.


I need my Twilestia fix, man. Don't hold out on me. :trollestia:

4639482 I concur, do a sequel, or at least a one-shot where Celestia tells Vinyl Scratch and Octavia about the day in the field.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

It was a nice story, no complains. And if you do end up doing a sequel (which you are by no means obligated to, of course XD), I'll definitely be there. =3

Lol, I haven't read a twilestia yet.

You won't hear a single complaint from me. Well done.

a good ending to an awesome story

Amazing story, but I found an error.

How he preferred simple things to the complex, four falls and a roof to a giant castle.

Though if you're a griffon, I guess that falls would be better to fly out of.

Rereading, I found some typos. Here's one from chapter one:

Besides that, there was only a single servant holding a tray with two full glasses on it, presumably filled with campaign,

I think you meant "champagne". It would be silly to have campaign in there. I can see a pair of glasses, each with a rolled-up piece of paper saying, "Elect Avery for King!"

And one from Chapter 6:


You're missing an "s" here. Unless it turned Rule 63 for a moment and Pinkie was seeing double...

There was another I spotted, but FlameSwordedLink already pointed it out.

Good show, sir! I enjoyed the long haul. :twilightsmile:

This was an enjoyable story. Perhaps not a Great and Awesome Epic of the Ages! but definitely a good piece of work.

Simple, fluffy but with some nice character moments. Not amazing, but it's a good story nonetheless. Thank you for writing it.

I liked this, but Celestia's voice seemed off. She uses some slang and a rather simple vocabulary, while in the show she always speaks somewhat formally.

This was a fun story. I'm a hopeless romantic, so I was rooting for Twilight and Celestia the moment I had the inkling that she was who Celestia was crushing on. It has a nice submessage about accepting yourself for who you are, and not being afraid to embrace it. I also enjoyed Luna's machinations, and feel this is how she would behave upon learning her big sister was in love with somepony.

The only nitpicks I have would be the occasional awkward sentence, and a couple of misspelled words. Nothing a quick edit couldn't fix. All in all, a sweet story, with a positive ending. Nicely done! :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

Nothing in life was perfect.

Except she.

I liked the beginning and the end, however, the middle of the story was kind-of... weak, I have no actual qualms about it, but it just felt weaker than the rest of the story.
Also, get someone to fix the grammatical mistakes and accidental uses of the words; god, people, man.
Otherwise, as a first fic, not bad, could be a lot better, and longer, improve and overcome.
Love and tolerate.

I completely forgot that I had even done this.

I might redo it, considering how awful my old mic was.

I read all this in one day. I couldn't stop reading, it was wonderful.

Started reading this little under an hour ago couldn't put it down. Good story.

So uhh... Is Spike just dead in this universe?

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