• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 619 Views, 19 Comments

The Father - DragonOverlord2012

Chaos isn't always what you expect, and Chaos definitely won't be who you expect.

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A Generous Aid

Chapter 3

A Generous Aid

Rarity was hard at work on another dress for Sapphire Shores. When she got the letter she got to work immediately. She’d have had Spike come over to help, but he was busy trying to ease Twilight out of her recent mental breakdown involving Chaos. She’d have had Sweetie Belle help, but she was of course crusading again. She’d have had Fluttershy help, but she was having her own nervous breakdown involving Chaos. That was surprising, since she seemed so gathered standing right in front of him. Perhaps it was a delayed reaction. Nonetheless Rarity was on her own, only stopping when she heard a light knock on the front door.

“Coming!” Rarity tried to keep her refined tone of voice, but in her panic she failed. She opened the door and gasped.

“I’d have come in to chat, but the sign said closed,” Chaos said warmly, taking a quick look inside, “Might I come in for tea?” He sounded surprisingly unsure of himself, given Rarity’s previous interactions with him.

“Um, yes fine come in, but I’m far too busy for tea,” Rarity said as she hustled back to her mannequin, “Large order from a rich pony, must work, work, work.” Chaos trotted in casually, spawning into existence a top hat just to put on the hat rack beside the door. Rarity watched him do so and rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness and pointlessness of the action.

“You mustn’t fluster yourself so, especially when working so hard,” Chaos said with a somewhat fatherly tone, “You may be young, but I’ve seen younger still suffer from stress induced heart attacks. Perfectly healthy too, also very sad.” Rarity felt her heart sink as she heard Chaos’ do the same just from the sad tone of his voice.

“Oh my,” she said quietly.

“One should never dwell upon such sad pasts either,” he said solemnly, “Such is the life an immortal leads. We see souls come and go, such is life.” Rarity gave a small nod, not wanting to dwell upon such a topic any more than he did. She quickly got back to the fabric she was pinning together, so she could sew it together and be done with that step. As she pinned the skirt to the rest of the fabric the collar and sleeves began to fall apart.

“Oh no!” Rarity tried to grab it with her magic, but dropped the half pinned skirt. Just as everything began to fall apart, everything froze with a flash. Rarity looked at the half destroyed progress and back at Chaos, who was proceeding to put things back in place.

“I’m surprised nopony jumped at the opportunity to help you,” Chaos said as he reset the pins, “I take it the candidates were all busy with other projects?” Rarity smiled at his concern and chivalry.

“Unfortunately yes,” she sighed, “But I suppose you’re here now, and I thank you for that. I still can’t believe what Twilight told us about you.”

Chaos’ expression softened to a melancholy smile. “I’d rather not talk about such a…it would be better if I didn’t start,” he changed quickly, “Once I get started…” He gave a small shrug. Rarity understood to some degree.

“Actually…I am curious,” she admitted carefully, “If…why do you hate him so much? I can plainly see the differences between the two of you, but there must be something personal.” Rarity didn’t know how right she was. The pins had all been reset, and she was checking it over before bringing it to the sewing machine.

The melancholy smile remained on Chaos’ face. “Discord was…to be my greatest accomplishment,” his smile faded, and the pain became audible in his voice, “A symbol of what I stood for, to take my place in my absence. Instead…” He nearly growled the last word. “I’m sorry, but I really shouldn’t say any more, lest I spoil the evening.” Rarity nodded and apologized. If anything she’d have a better chance to ask later.

“Where have you been all these years anyhow?” she asked curiously, “You had to have been somewhere.”

Chaos thought about it for a moment, as he looked her designs over, thinking how to best put it. “I’ve been many places,” he finally answered, “I was not but a nomad. No land’s colt if you will. I did nothing but travel for many centuries, always on my own, contemplating the nature of things. At the same time I enjoyed many a glass of fine wine, champagne, attended social gatherings, sometimes even taking a direct approach to the problems of others.

“There was one time in particular where a couple was arguing over something so trivial, that I felt something needed to be done. I stirred up a little problem, and at the end they realized just how irrelevant the argument was.”

Rarity stopped momentarily “Stirred up a little chaos you mean?” She eyed him suspiciously, but not judgmentally.

Chaos gave an obviously fake smile. “The world needs chaos Rarity, some essence of disorganization to, say, spark an idea,” he gave a coy smile, “I believe you of all ponies should know what I mean by that.”

“Organized chaos,” Rarity breathed with a small smile. He was right: that she understood. “What does chaos have to do with solving romantic problems though?” She seriously wanted to know his reasoning behind this one. A logical reason for why an illogical thing needed to happen to spark a questionable outcome.

“A test of faith of course,” he answered simply, “How many times has your faith for your friends been tested? How many times have you come through still friends? How much stronger have those bonds you’ve kept become, because of those tests? You see, tests of faith are not only that, but also ways to strengthen that faith. In a way, it’s like pulling at Chinese hoof-cuffs: the harder you pull…” He looked to her to finish.

“The harder you pull, the more securely fastened it becomes.” She closed her eyes and smiled in realization. Every hurdle she and her friends had overcome had made their friendship stronger, learning how to help one another, discovering their personal limits, helping one another surpass their fears; all of them grew closer and closer each time. Chaos could almost see her thinking when she stopped stitching.

“When you’ve been around as long as I, you see the truth within the truth,” he explained to her insightfully, “You either learn and gain virtues, or you go mad.” His eyes widened and his tone changed to sound ever so slightly deranged himself. Rarity gave a small chuckle at that.

“Well I already know two immortals that went mad,” Rarity chimed in, “The difference is one came back and is now one of the most well respected ponies I know.”

“Of course, quite beautiful as well wouldn’t you say?” Being put on the spot that way was a little unexpected, but Rarity nodded in agreement anyways. It was Luna they were talking about after all. She was a princess; they’re supposed to be beautiful.

“Well of course,” Rarity agreed, “They’re princesses after all. I’m sure they have many groomers to make sure they always look their best.”

“Perhaps, but I prefer a mare who can do as such herself and look beautiful everyday,” Chaos told her thoughtfully, “That’s what you manage to do after all, but of course it’s nice to have oneself pampered once in a while, yes?

He really knows how to flatter a lady.

“I agree wholeheartedly, and thank you,” she beamed, “By the way…I was wondering about something.”

“What’s on your mind?” he asked curiously. It was something that had been on her mind since she met him.

“When I first saw you…your irises looked like…” she trailed off wondering if she’d just imagined it.

“Crystals right?” Rarity looked at him in shock. “I didn’t imagine that?” she asked. He smiled, except this time he also giving off a small embarrassed blush. Pseudo or not, he still had the body of a mortal stallion.

“Well…you see I…it’s a tick,” he said finally. Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Using my power I often do that involuntarily due to old habits involving them.” Rarity took that as a sufficient explanation.

“If you don’t mind my asking, where do you think he got his…sense of humor from?” Rarity asked moving on to the next piece of the dress. Chaos knew whom she was talking about, and didn’t even bat an eye at the question.

“From me, naturally,” he answered to her confusion, “I can be mischievous when I want to be, and quite creative believe me.” Rarity almost shot him a look, but kept her eyes focused on the task in front of her instead.

“You can be, but you simply don’t then.” Chaos nodded with a slight “mhm”.

“Such as…” Rarity could almost hear the wheels turning in his head when Sweetie Belle finally got back from playing with her friends. Rarity looked at her and almost burst out laughing from the absurdity.

“Why are you wearing clown make-up?” Rarity snickered.

“I’m not wearing clown make-up,” Sweetie said as a red nose appeared on her on. Chaos gave the nose a squeeze with his magic, getting exactly what you’d expect.

“Not my best work, but you get the point,” Chaos said as the make-up and outfit disappeared.

“Wait a minute who’s he?” Sweetie asked as she checked the mirror, which suddenly sprayed her in the face with water.

Chaos smirked. “Sorry, my mind was still stuck in circus mode,” Chaos snickered. Rarity rolled her eyes, but smiled regardless.

“Yeah, hilarious,” Sweetie muttered, “That’s supposed to come out of a flower you know.”

“But you’d be expecting that,” Chaos countered.

“Touché,” Rarity added, “Sweetie Belle this is Chaos, Chaos this is my little sister Sweetie Belle.”

With a small flash Sweetie was dry again. “How do you do that?” she asked.

“I’ve been able to do that longer than even I can remember, which is longer than your princesses have been alive I assure you,” he shrugged, “It’s hereditary is all it is.”

“So what you’re Discord’s son?” Sweetie rolled her eyes. She was kidding of course.

“Other way around actually,” he corrected. Sweetie got a terrified look in her eye all of a sudden.

“Why must everypony do that?” he wondered aloud with an arched eyebrow.

“Sweetie Belle, dear, listen very closely,” Rarity demanded softly, “Celestia and Luna ordered that Chaos be watched by my friends and I, to make sure he’s not a threat.” Sweetie nodded cautiously with a nervous smile and she backed away.

“I’m going to go play upstairs now,” she said before zipping away.

“I’m starting to think that I should have an announcement of my existence made to the town,” Chaos stated thoughtfully, “Just to avoid having this conversation countless times over.”

“That might not be a good idea,” Rarity interjected firmly, “You’re Discord’s father. The more ponies that know that, the more ponies that will despise and distrust you. It would be better to keep your true existence a secret from everypony. That should be easy for you, since you’ve done so for many years already.”

Chaos sighed, but nodded in agreement nonetheless. “Perhaps so,” he mumbled, “I just hope I’ll be free someday. It almost feels as if I’m a bird trapped in a cage at times, hiding my power as I do.”

Rarity stopped her sowing suddenly to stare at him. The look on his face…so solemn, so pained. Rarity actually pitied the Lord of Chaos. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. His melancholy smile returned with a soft gaze.

“Don’t apologize,” he told her warmly, “It is to admit to an error you made. You have nothing to do with me hiding my power. It’s not your fault; so don’t burden yourself with it. After all, you look so much more beautiful when you smile, and so cute when you blush like that.” Rarity couldn’t help but blush faintly at his compliment yet again.

“Don’t take the focus off yourself by flattering me like that,” she told him, “And if it’s any consolation…I wouldn’t mind of you used your power in any way around me. I’d honestly prefer it if you just be yourself.”

His smile brightened slightly. “Thank you.” His eyes took their crystalline appearance again, “Would you mind if I kept my eyes this way? It…it feels natural is all it is.”

Rarity smiled and nodded. “I wouldn’t mind at all. It’s rather elegant actually.”

Chaos thought back and smiled. “You’re not the first one to say that,” he whispered.

Rarity barely heard him. “What do you mean by that?” she asked curiously. He gave a quiet, somewhat melancholy chuckle. From the sound of it Rarity knew it was a touchy subject, but he answered before she could withdraw her question.

“My girlfriend actually,” Chaos explained, “She was an amazing mare. Set me straight on a few things during a bad part of my life that I, well, I’d rather not get into it, but it went into a happy time.” Rarity could feel his happiness at the thought of her, but something seemed off.

“Did you ever get married?” she asked.

Chaos shook his head. “We were engaged, but…”

“What happened?”

“We were at the alter, and I got the message that she’d been kidnapped by gargoyles.”

“Oh my!” Rarity gasped, “Then what happened?”

“Then…then she died.” His heart practically flat lined. Rarity couldn’t see or feel any emotion in or on him. Even his still crystal eyes seemed lifeless, without any color of sparkle to them.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—“

“Don’t worry about it,” he said kindly, “It was so long ago…I’ve come to terms with it.” He was still visibly saddened, but Rarity understood. All wounds heal with time to a point. If he came to terms with it then it would be wrong to pry any further.

“You know I had a crush on Celestia’s nephew, until I met him,” Rarity’s eye twitched once, “He was nothing but a pompous oaf.”

Chaos tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Did you even know anything about him prior, or did you simply expect him to fall head over hooves for you?” Chaos asked. Rarity stopped to look at him oddly, so Chaos knew the answer. “How many mares do you think have tried to do the same thing per party he’s gone to?” Rarity’s ears drooped, and Chaos nodded. “I’m sure many mares have fancied the young prince, and many of them have tried to take advantage of his status. It only seems proper that he would develop a persona to appall such mares, although I’m sure you were merely looking for a fairy tale ending and ended up with the wrong kind of prince.”

Rarity’s heart sank slightly. “I suppose you’re right,” she sighed.

“Don’t fret over it my dear,” Chaos said with a warm smile, “I’ve only met you earlier today, and I can tell your prince charming will come along someday. I’ll tell you this though: fairy tale ending are highly overrated.” He rolled his eyes. “Never lasts, and I do mean never. After the puppy love phase it falls to shambles.”

“Good to know,” Rarity muttered, “That’s actually rather disappointing.”

“Perhaps it is a disappointment, but better to know that then to suffer the disappointment of a seemingly perfect love falling to shambles in the end.”

Rarity stared at him after she finished stitching the dress together. “Something I can’t figure out,” she said to him, “Are you a glass half full, or half empty type?”

Chaos chuckled. “It varies. It all depends on a multitude of things: my current mood, the situation, those involved, subject matter, etcetera. Did you really expect me to be consistent?” he asked slyly.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Pardon me, but I forgot who I was talking to. Oh, that’s right, I hardly know you,” she shot back playfully.

Chaos chuckled warmly. “Well that’s why I’m here today,” he told her, “I’d prefer us be friends than enemies if possible. Though perhaps it would be better to get to know each other when you’re not so busy. In the meantime I’ll help you any way I can.”

“That would be a better idea, I really can’t be distracted today, and I thank you for your offer to help.” She got to adding the assorted crystals of all kinds to the dress.

“Perhaps we could talk over tea sometime,” Chaos offered, somewhat nervously, although Rarity was absorbed enough in her work that she didn’t notice. “Would Saturday afternoon be a good time?”

Rarity mentally shifted through her schedule. “Mm, yes I’m free Saturday. Now I need the emeralds, would you get them for me?”

Chaos smiled. “Emeralds, yes of course. Coming right up.”

Comments ( 17 )

"Ahhh you think chaos is your ally, you merely adopted it, I was born in it, molded by it, I hadent seen sanity until I wal already a stallion, and by then it was just tiresome."

Rarity has a crush on him

2116377 Actually Rarity is just getting to know him for now, but yes (spoilers): that's sort of the plan.

2115927 Hmm...good quote...I wonder if I can work that into the story.

Comment posted by Sirius_Face deleted Apr 14th, 2013
Comment posted by DragonOverlord2012 deleted Aug 8th, 2013

2422664 You're posting your story on a public story site, if you didn't want people to read and review, why the heck did you post it here? That incomplete sign means that it is not complete, nothing more. If you didn't want people to review an unfinished piece of work, why didn't you wait until it was finished before to published it to the world? Sirius_Face put in the time and effort to actually read through your work and tell you what was good and bad about it; that's genuine feedback right there, if you just want people to post comments like 'i lik dis' or 'dis is bad yo', post this on fanfiction.net and leave fimfiction to its legitimately helpful community.


Politely, if you didn't want this reviewed, and your "idiot friend" put it in the group without your permission, why the hell didn't you ask them to remove it from the group?

2424526 2426608 I was having a bad day as it was and I apologized to him. Get off my back. No offense intended, but I don't really see how it's your concern anyways:trixieshiftright:. Bottom line: I overreacted and I made up for it. We're working things over:ajbemused:.



Do you have any clue just how long it takes to review a story? Do you realize how beneficial it can be and how little it affects your time should you choose to ignore it? How about you show some gratitude for a very labor-intensive review that you didn't even ask for?

Anymore comments getting on me about my initial reaction to the review will now be deleted.

The matter has been resolved as I ALREADY STATED! I'll be asking for an updated review at a later date.

I'm sorry I even need to make this clear, but thanks to this "meeester" proving that I have once again overestimated the entirety of the human race, it's clear that I have to.

2431141 Thank you for wasting my time and helping to chip away at whatever faith I had left in the human race. Keep in mind that this time I'm not being the ignorant one when I say this: if your response is anything but an apology, it will not only be deleted, but I will block you as well. Not much of a threat I know, but it's mostly a warning of my counter-measure: I don't deal with ignorance.

Comment posted by Bronymaster deleted Apr 16th, 2013

Author's note: pending rewrite of first two chapters. What the hell was I thinking?

I know that feel, bro.

Took it to dinner last week.

I don't know why this has such a high dislike ratio. In any case, I look forward to more.
Keep up the good work. Deus tecum.

3105530 It's gonna be a while before I get back to this, and I feel I should rewrite or at least heavily edit the first two chapters. Not enough going on and it's a single long note. Kinda boring looking back on it.

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