• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 1,446 Views, 8 Comments

The Adventures of Pip - CanUfeelit

The story of Captain Pipsqueak and the adventures that take him to the ends of Equestria.

  • ...

Crown of the Moon: Part 2

After the Wonderbolt tryouts…

“What the hay was that, out there!?!” Rainbow Dash yelled, enraged, as she pointed outside.

“I’m sorry, I—”

“I mean, what were you thinking?!”

“I was just trying to—”

“What in Equestria made you think you should attend the tryouts when you still can’t fly!?! If the other Wonderbolts and I hadn’t been there, You’d be dead!”

“Look, I can glide, I could’ve landed—”

“That’s not the point, you could’ve really gotten hurt! You shouldn’t ever try something dangerous like that!”

“But Rainbow Dash,” Scoot objected, “you do dangerous stuff all the time—”

“Well, you’re not me! You’ll never be me! So…just,” Dash fumed over to the door, only stopping briefly, slightly cringing at the harshness of her own words, “just stop…because eventually somepony is going to get hurt!”


Scootaloo jolted awake. The sound of Dash slamming the door had been so real. She panted furiously trying to calm her racing heartbeat. Small beads of sweat accumulated along her forehead. She tried to get an idea of where she was. It was a bedroom of some sorts. The covers of the bed had been lovingly tucked around her. Pinned all over the walls were maps and charts, some of the seas, some of the stars. A small desk sat in the corner. In the distance, out of the nearby window, she could see the night sky twinkling over the waters Horseshoe Bay.

How did she get here?

Then, the memories of the night’s events flashed back into her mind. Every little detail and emotion, even the kiss…

She softly touched the bottom of her lip. The memory of what it felt like caused her face to flush red again. “That idiot…” she said angrily. Pip and the others must have brought her here, but she was too tired to think any more about that.

She fell back onto the bed, staring at the dark, wooden ceiling. Rainbow Dash’s last words from the tryouts echoed in her mind. You’re not me! You’ll never be me! So just stop, because eventually somepony is going to get hurt. Scoot clutched her chest and felt an indescribably empty pain. She felt her eyes becoming heavy; slowly she slipped back into a teary eyed sleep.

… somepony is going to get hurt.

"—an’ so that’s about the gist of it.”

Applebloom, Rumble and Pipsqueak huddled together on the deck of The Mini. The two stallions listened quietly to what their friend, Scootaloo had been through. Applebloom had a solemn countenance, but she continued, quietly staring out into the dark, open, ocean.

“It just crushed her to have Dash tell her off like that. Ah’ve never seen her so torn apart. The next couple of weeks, she didn’t even come out of her room. She wouldn’t talk to no pony. She barely ate or drank anythin’ at all. I was so worried about her, I knew I had to do somethin’. So I took a few days off, and put together this trip to Baltimare…figured if she got away for a bit— you know, new surroundings— maybe it’ll help her.”

“I had no idea…I would’ve thought she’d have learned to fly by now. What about Sweetie Belle?” asked Pipsqueak.

“Oh, She came an’ tried talk to Scoot, mighty kind of her too–considerin’ she just started recording her new album and all—, but it didn’t go so well…Scoot just started yelling at her to go away, like she was angry at her or somethin’. I guess… I guess Scoot just couldn’t take it, seeing her living her dream, even if she is our friend.”

Pip gave her an inquisitive look, “Then what about you, Applebloom? You’re fulfilling you’re dream too, aren’t you? Why isn’t she angry at you?”

“Oh golly…I dunno,” she said, twiddling her hoofs, “ah s’pose she thinks I’m in the same boat,” remembering where she was standing, she added, “figuratively speaking, o’ course.”

“Why would she think that?”

“Well,” she sighed, uneasy about sharing the next part, “Ya see, I’ve spent my whole life in Ponyville. An’ it’s been great n’ all, but now that I’m constructing all sorts of stuff, I realize how little I really know…and how much of the world I wanna see. Like the squares of Stalliongrad, the skyscrapers of Neighjing, the ruins of Roam, all that architecture an’ history. I know I can read about them in one of Twilight’s books, but I’d love to see it for myself… someday,” she trailed off, her mind wandering off to the far off places that she had only dreamed of going.

For a moment, no one spoke a word.

“Look at me, ramblin’ on about myself.” Applebloom said, snapping back to reality. “The point is Scoot has lost all confidence in herself. She’s angry at Dash, she’s angry at Sweeitie Belle, but most of all, she’s angry at herself. An’ ah don’t think she knows what to do or where to go from here on out.”

Pip wasn’t sure what he could do to help, or if he should help at all. Maybe it wasn’t his place to interfere. Despite being a friend of the two, he felt so helpless. To have your dreams thrown back in your face…to lose all faith in yourself…it must have been unbearable.

“Speaking of places to go, you both probably haven’t found a place to stay, have you?” said Rumble.

Applebloom looked a little embarrassed, “Naw, we’d just barely got into town, and we haven’t had much time to look considerin’ all that happened at the pub.”

“Well, if that’s the case,” Pip moved over towards the door of the captain’s quarters, “you both are welcome to stay here on The Mini, at least for the night.” He cracked open the door just far enough to see inside. Scootaloo was still in his bed, and from the looks of it, still sleeping. After the incident with Tassel, they had all made it to the ship safely. Scootaloo had remained unconscious for the whole journey. In the back of his mind, Pip made a mental note to never get Applebloom angry enough to karate chop him too.

“Thank ya, kindly Pip. But I’d hate to intrude.”

“It’s no problem at all. You can room with Miss Scootaloo in the cabin. The rest of us will—” he located Snips and Snails, fast
asleep amongst a jumble of crates, supplies, and boxes, “—the rest of us will make do.”

“Well, if you insist.” Pausing briefly before she entered, she turned to Pip with a look of gratitude and…relief, almost as if a large burden had been lifted from her back, and said two words, “Thank you.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pip awoke to the odd thumping sounds echoing overhead. “Bloody,” he groaned rubbing his eyes, “what’s all that racket?”

He struggled to free himself from the pile of old ropes and sailcloth that had become his makeshift bed for the night, in the sub-level of the ship. Looking next to him, he spotted a box of full of sharp scissors that would have surely hurt, had he rolled over in the middle of the night. So, maybe this sleeping spot wasn’t the best idea he had ever had, but at least he was unharmed, save the sore kink in his neck.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Pip searched for the source of the noise and after finding nothing immediately around him, he realized it was coming from above deck. Climbing the nearby stepladder to the upper-deck, he swung the hatch open and squinted to see through the bright blaze of the morning light.

“Mornin’ Pip! Hope ah didn’t wake ya.” Came a cheerful voice. There stood Applebloom amidst a conglomerate of tools, nails, and wooden planks. Her saddle bags slung over her back revealed even more instruments than what was sprawled out on the deck. The goggles she wore made it impossible to see her eyes with the glare of the sun reflecting off of them.

“Applebloom…what are you doing to my ship?”

She picked up the nearby hammer with her mouth and pounded in a protruding nail. Bang! Bang! Bang! “Ah figured the least I could do to pay ya back for all ya’ done was fix up what I can on this thing. Now I don’t mean to be rude or nothin’ but whoo-ee, this thing is a piece o’ work. It’s a miracle she even floats. You must really know how to sail, cuz I’m pretty sure a normal pony woulda sunk her by now.”


“No need ta thank me. Like ah said, It’s the least ah could do.”

“Ugh, Applebee how much longer is this going to take?” Scootaloo walked over next to the yellow farm pony.

“Just hold yer horses Scoot, this is delicate work.”

She let out a frustrated moan and began pacing back and forth behind Applebloom.

“Good morning Scootaloo.” said Pip, looking around the ship, usually Rumble and the others were up around this time. “Have you seen Rumble or the others?"

“Rumble’s tied up to the mast,” the farmer said, not taking her eyes off of her work.

“He’s…He’s what?”

“Oh I tied him up to the mast.” Applebloom didn’t give any hint of it being a joke.

Pip casually started from the base of the mast and worked his gaze upwards till he spotted his friend. Sure enough, tied to the pole was a grey pegasus. He looked ridiculous, with half of his body covered in ropes, expertly tied, more than likely by Applebloom. “G’morning skipper.” Rumble said cheerfully.

“You okay up there, mate?”

“Doing fine captain! Just living the dream.”

“It’s looks a bit uncomfortable…”

“It’s all under control.”

“Every time you say that, you end up in ropes. You do realize that, right?”

Scootaloo leaned over to Pip, “Just leave him up there, he deserves it.”

“I don’t mean to be rude, but is there a reason my first mate is tied up?”

Applebloom stopped what she was doing and flipped her goggles up, “Well, I suppose it had somethin’ to do with what he did last night.”

Oh no. “Please tell me he didn’t-“

Scoot jumped in on the conversation, “That sicko tried to sneak into bed with me and Applebloom last night!”

Pip looked up to Rumble, “You did what?”

“Two beautiful mares sharing a bed? The temptation was too much.” Rumble attempted a guilty shrug in the state he was in.

“Blimey, Rumble did you really try and sneak into bed with them?”

“Hey, in my defense, Scoots was very affectionate in her sleep, she’s cuddles great.”

Scootaloo flapped her wings in anger as she barked back, “I did not cuddle!”

“You’re right…” he said, tilting his head thoughtfully, “I’d say it as more like, snuggling! Yeah, snuggling, not cuddling!”

“I did not!” she said, turning red, “It was just...it was just cold, that’s all!”

“You’re so cute when you’re angry.” Rumble teased a grin.

While Scoot and Rumble continued to argue, everypony else carried on with regular conversation.

“I’m real sorry about that Applebloom, I should’ve anticipated he would do something stupid.” Pip said, nearing the farm workers work area.

“Aw, don’ worry about it, I actually heard him come in right from the start. If he’d done anything stupid, I’d of bucked him faster than an apple falls from a tree.” She turned to Pip, making sure that Scootaloo did not overhear her. “The truth is, ah think he
was worried about Scoot.”

“What? What makes you say that?”

“Well, after he came in, the first thing he did was go over to Scoot. I couldn’t hear what he said, but he whispered somethin’ to her and just snuggled in between us quietly. Surprisingly he didn’t move a single inch the whole time. It was actually awhile before Scoot even woke up. O’ course, when she did, I had to do my duty and administer the right punishment.”

Pip laughed at the thought, “I could use you around more often.” He was drawn back to the heated argument next to them.

Rumble was obviously having fun just pushing Scootaloo’s buttons.

“What are you talking about? Most mares love how I wake them up in the morning.”

“As if! What kind of stallion sneaks into another mare’s bed, while she’s sleeping!”

“Technically it was Pip’s bed!” he justified.

“It’s still gross!”

Rumble had a wide grin on his face, “Then why were you cuddling so much?”

“I thought you were Appl…It was just co…URGH!!! I told you I wasn’t cuddling!”

“Oh right…snuggling!”

Scootaloo let out another frustrated roar and began throwing objects laying around deck at him.

Yet in the midst of this, Rumble was still able to see something on the dock next to them. A large group of ponies was gather at the edge of the dock and town, almost like spectators getting ready to watch an oncoming parade.

Scootaloo continued the attack, until she realized that Rumble’s attention had been drawn away from her. She slowly tried to follow his gaze.

“Captain!” he called down to Pip, below, “I think you’re gonna want to see this. It looks like something big is happening over there.”

Pip wasn’t sure what could be so important that it would stop Scootaloo’s intent to kill, but he figured it was worth a look anyway. Running over to the edge of the boat, he pulled out his telescope and viewed the large mass of ponies. They were all gathered on the sides of the road, while Canterlot Royal Guards cleared a path, as if they were waiting for something to come down the road. But what? Or who?

“Whatever is going on, it’s big. I’m going to have a look.” Pip said, putting his telescope away. “Rumble you just…Stay there.”

“Will do, I’d salute if I could skipper.”

“We’re coming with you.” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah, ah wanna see what all the fuss is about.”

As the three made their way over, they began to hear whispers and conversations of the ponies around them. Eventually the voices became louder and the excitement in the air grew even more.

“Isn’t that the arch mage? I wonder what she’s doing here.”

“Wow, mommy look! It’s the captain of the Wonderbolts!”

“Oh I love her new fashion line!”

“Who’s that yellow and pink one shying in the back?”

“I hear the Apple Family Farm makes the best apple cider!”

“That pink one ate my whole candy shop once!”

Suddenly Applebloom peeked over the heads of the crowd and found the cause of the crazed conglomerate, “Hey look! It’s Applejack! An’ Twilight! An’ the whole rest of the gang!”

Scootaloo ducked down quickly, “Rainbow Dash…”

Pip attempted to see over the mass, but eventually had to squeeze through to the front of the crowd, claiming a place on the edge of the street.

The crowd buzzed with excitement, everypony pushing, jumping, and shoving to catch a glimpse of the legendary Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic; Pinkie Pie, the element of laughter; Rarity, the element of generosity; Applejack, the element of honesty; Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty; And Fluttershy, the element of kindness. A host of burly looking Royal guard stallions surrounded the six ponies, keeping a clear distance from the crowd.

“Hey Sis’! Applejack! Over here!” Applebloom waved excitedly in the air, jumping above the others, attempting to get her sisters attention. Normally one wouldn’t be able to hear above the noise of a large crowd, but the Apple farmer knew her sister’s voice better than anyone.

“Heya fellas, hold on a second. It’s alright, lemme through,” Applejack pushed through the guards, who reluctantly let her pass. The two sisters ran up to each other and gave each other a hug, as if they hadn’t seen each other in a long, long time.

“Well howdy, Applebloom! Ah was hopin’ we’d run into you here. How’s the vacation going?”

“It’s uh…goin’ good.” she fibbed.

But Applejack knew better, she smiled optimistically. “That bad, huh?”

“We’ll figure it out. But hey Sis, guess what, we ran into Pipsqueak and some others from Ponyville.” She motioned to Pip and Scootaloo on the sides.

“Well look at that. Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, get on over here.”

Hearing the name ‘Scootaloo’, Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up, but she didn’t move her head, or even look around to locate her, she just kept walking straight with the others. Scootaloo recognized this and gloomily lowered her head and trotted over to the group with Pip.

Twilight spotted Pip coming their way, “Pipsqueak! It’s good to see you again. I hope the REN has been treating you well.” A small tweet came from behind her head, there perched on her back, was a small phoenix, no more than a couple of years old.

“Peewee says ‘hello’ as well.”

“Good day Miss Twilight, Peewee! Yes, I’m doing my very best in the REN. I hope things are going well over in Ponyville. How is Spike doing?”

“Oh you know Spike, he’s eating more and more each day. He’s almost three times my size, and he keeps growing exponentially. I’m wondering if we’ll need to start looking for a new cave for him to stay in—”

“Twilight, darling!” Rarity butted in, “Don’t speak such nonsense. I would never allow little Spikey-wikey to ever set foot in some drab cave.”

The purple unicorn rolled her eyes and continued, “But he’s doing very well. I left him to take care of things at the Ponyville Library. Ponies outside of Ponyville tend to get a little nervous around dragons.” She smiled.
Eventually Rainbowdash came within proximity of Scootaloo. On impulse, and believing that Rainbow was attempting to make communication, Scootaloo attempted to talk to her life long idol.

“Rainbow Dash…I…”

But it was met with nothing. No acknowledgment of presence, not even a snobby tilt up of the head to show that she was purposefully ignoring Scoot. Instead, Dash just kept walking, eyes narrowed in angry squints.
Scoot let her head fall.

Applejack noticed and walked over to her, putting an affectionate hoof around her shoulder. “Don’t you worry yourself about it sugarcube, she’s just throwin’ a fit. We’ll all have a word with her once we’re on our way.”

Pip perked up at the sound of this “On your way? Where are you all going? And what are you all doing here in Baltimare?”

Pinkie Pie jumped in from nowhere and answer, “We’re on a super-duper special short-notice mission! I was just hanging out at sugarcube corner, which is pretty super-duper anyway, because really, who doesn’t love to hang out at sugarcube corner, when Twilight came running in saying she’d received an urgent message from the Princess! So we all went to her place and she used her magic to teleport us to Canterlot! Pretty awesome, huh! Cuz’ usually we’d go by train but Twilight said that’s take too long and—”

“Thanks Pinkie, but I think that’s adequate.” said Twilight, putting a hoof on Pinkie’s mouth.

Pinkie pulled away, “Okie-dokie-lokie Twilight!”

Twilight then turned to Pipsqueak and went on “I can’t really tell you anything specific, but we’re here to investigate something on behalf of Princess Luna.”

Princess Luna, his heart seemed to skip a jump. No, not skip. Stop completely, and yet race at the same time. For some reason, jut hearing her name made him happy.

“Well, if you’re goin’ out to sea, I’d be more than happy to take you all out to where you need to go—”

“That won’t be necessary Captain Pipsqueak.” A commanding voice bellowed above the noise and commotion. A burly dark grey stallion with a light grey mane walked up to the group. His perfectly shaped mustache and eyebrows covered his mouth and eyes, but moved whenever he spoke or made an expression.

“Admiral Nibitz, sir.” Pip immediately stood at attention, same with the guards.

“At ease sailors, soldiers.” He motioned for them all to relax. “Captain Pipsqueak, there will be no need for your assistance.
I’ve already assigned Miss Sparkle and her friends an escort.”

“Y-You have, sir? But who?” he asked unbelievingly.

The mustache twitched its reply; “Captain Tassel has agreed to take them on his ship.”

Pip’s heart sank.

Tassel appeared from behind the admiral, a new uniform adorning his body. To Pip’s amusement, Tassel’s mane was slightly unbalanced, and several locks were clearly cut short, as if he had gotten into a fight with scissors. Actually, he had gotten in a fight with scissors. Pip hoped he had lost, badly.

“But sir, these six are good friends of mine, I would be happy to take them.”

“We wouldn’t mind having Pip take us, Admiral.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Sorry son, but Tassel is a master at navigating these waters.”

“Sir, I know these waters, just as well, maybe even better. I’ve—"

“No arguments Captain. Tassel’s ship has already been chosen.” He snuck a quick glance at The Mini and it’s wretched state. “Besides, I wouldn’t want something to happen to the Elements of Harmony on the way there. I’d expect you to take better care of your ship Captain Pipsqueak.”

Pip eyes widened with disbelief, “But sir, I’ve sent multiple letters to you requesting approval for funds to repair the ship. You’ve not replied once.”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, son. I haven’t received any letters from you.” Nibitz responded, not even thinking twice. The admiral and the six Elements of Harmony continued to move to the large ornate ship near them, Tassel’s ship.

“Sorry, Pip, maybe next time. It was nice to see you though, and I wish you the best of luck.” Twilight offered some encouragement.

This was impossible. Pip was being barred from a mission, and not just any mission, a mission for Luna! All because of the state of his ship, and the state of the ship was due to the lack of repairs approved by the higher ups, making it less durable for missions, discouraging approval for repairs. It was like an endless cycle. But he was sure he had mailed the letters. No, he knew he had. Several he had even delivered personally to the admiral’s office.

“Too bad Captain Dip-squeak. It looks like you missed out on this great opportunity. I bet that this would mean a promotion to the pony that took this mission.” Tassel swaggered past Pip, bumping him roughly. Looking back over his shoulder, he tossed an evil grin, “Oh and it’s a shame that none of your letters made it to the admiral, I wonder if the Admirals secretary might have accidentally discarded them.”

No, it couldn’t be. The images flashed in his mind, Tassel seeing the letters from Pip, flirting with the secretary and finding a way to make sure they never reached Nibitz.

“Why you!” Pip tensed, preparing to launch himself and finish what they had started the night before, rage pumping adrenaline into every muscle of his body.

“Not here skipper.” a hoof touched Pip’s back. Pip turned to his side to find…Rumble. Seeing Tassel from far away had been enough for Rumble to know he as needed.

“Rumble…how did you get out of the...”

“Let’s just say I’m good with ropes.” He replied in a serious tone, not letting his glowering eyes divert from Tassel.

Tassel knew his attempt to provoke an attack from Pip in front of the admiral had failed, and now that there were two of them, it would be harder without being too obvious. “Well then, it seems like I need to be off. You know, important business and all that.” With a flip of his mane, Tassel continued up onto his vessel, escorting the Elements.

Rarities voice could be heard as she hopped over onto the deck, “I’m sure it’s beautiful, I can’t imagine what the “Crown of the Moon” would look like. Oh that has sparked an idea for my new line! I’d call it-“

“Rarity, think ya could keep yer voice down a little bit.” And with Applejacks remarks, the group disappeared over the top, with no more to be heard.

The crowd started to slowly disperse, as the ship began to pull out of port and sail into Horseshoe Bay. But Pip remained. He did not move. He did not take his gaze off of the ship. He had been beaten.

The only one who could have looked more defeated than him was Scootaloo, who had decided to sit down next to the brick wall of a nearby storage house. The pavement held no comfort, but then again, neither had Rainbow. Maybe the ground was just as hard and cold as she had been. Maybe she should keep staring.

Applebloom hesitantly walked over to Pip “Ah’m real sorry about that Pip.”

It was silent for a while, and the only thing that could be heard was the soft rhythm of the ocean sea.

Pip turned in place, with a sincere smile on his face, “Don’t be…there was nothing you could’ve done. It’s all well and the same. Now, shall we get back to the ship, you can finish those repairs you promised and I’ll fix us up a meal.” And with that, he trotted off to The Mini, leaving Rumble, Scootaloo, and Applebloom alone on the dock.

Applebloom shook her head in confusion, “Is he gonna be okay?”

Rumble replied, smiling knowingly. “That’s just how he is. That’s the captain.”

The two started making their way over to The Mini as well, leaving Scootaloo there by herself. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched them all go back to the ship, but most of all she watched Pip go back. She found her body moving on its own, standing up, straightening a little taller, and heading towards the ship.

The ground wasn’t as interesting to look at anymore.


“Master, permission to enter.”

A sharp talon motioned for the voice to enter.

A raggedy looking griffon pushed aside a cloth acting as a barrier between the master and himself. The ornate quarters was filled with priceless objects, gold, and silver. Erected amidst the draperies and treasure was a throne, made of dark wood and adorned with various jewels.

A deep, scratchy voice echoed from the shadow cast over the throne, each word emphasized slowly. “What news do you bring?”

The griffon shuddered in fear at the magnificent presence before him, “W-W-We have news from the insider…” he clutched a small piece of parchment in his claw.

“Read it.”

The shabby griffon fumbled with the message, holding it out in front of him, and began reading aloud. “It says…‘Elements of Harmony aboard, heading east, coordinates written below.’”

“There is more.”

“T-T-Then is just says…‘Crown of the Moon’…I’m not sure what that means.” He nervously looked back up and down between the message and his master, hoping that he had done adequately.

The figure leaned forward, revealing a sharp beak, deformed by the evil grin growing in the middle. A single eye opened within the darkness, an eye like an eagle, burning red with fury, like a fire whose sole purpose is to consume everything around it.

“It means,” the figure said with an evil excitement, “we set sail.”

The sun was beginning to set, the crew of the Mini were quietly assisting Applebloom finish her work. Pip stoop next to the helm watching the others work below, whatever he was thinking or feeling was unreadable.

“So why do you do it?”

Pip turned to find Scootaloo next to him. She seemed bothered, yet oddly curious.

“What do you mean?” he replied casually.

“Why do you keep putting up with all of this?” she asked frustratingly, her gaze shifted towards the crew below, desperately trying to keep up with Applebloom’s orders. She had struggled to find the words that would create the question she so desperately asked. But no matter how she tried to word it in her mind, it never seemed to come out right. But Pip knew.

He leaned on the rail of the ship, staring out into the magnificent ocean. “I know it may seem rather silly, those ponies down there, the three of them, when I look at them I see hope. Wonderful, unbeatable, inspiring hope.”

“All I see is a bunch of featherbrains.” Scoot said sarcastically.

Pip chuckled, “Yeah, I can see that sometimes too. But when I see them I also see a little bit of me. You see, my whole life, ponies have been telling me what I can and can’t do. That I’m too small, that I can’t make a difference. And for a long time, I believed them. But then I met someone who changed all that; she showed me what it really takes to be something in the world.

That it doesn’t take strength, or smarts, or skill. The only thing anyone needs is heart.”

“Heart?” she said skeptically.

“I look at them and I see ‘heart.’ That fire that burns inside yourself, the will to never give up. Snips and snails may be clumsy, and probably more trouble than they’re worth, but their hearts are in the right place, and they never give up. And Rumble, well, despite his faults, you’d be surprised as how reliable and loyal he actually is. Although I’m sure you already knew that.” He gave her a quick grin.

She turned away embarrassed, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Pip was about to continue when something in the distance caught his eye. A small orange and red blur, flying in the sky, nearing closer and closer. It wan’t until the familiar tweet cried through the air did Pip realize what it was.

“That’s…That’s Piwi! What is he doing all the way…”

“Hey…What’s that in the distance.” Scoot pointed out to a small dot on the horizon.

Pip squinted to see past horizon, “What in Celestia’s name…” his eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open. “Oh no.”

“What? What is it?”

Pip ran over to the edge of the top deck and barked down to his first mate, “Rumble! Quick, fast boarding protocol. Snips, Snails, alert port authority that we’ll need a rescue and medical team immediately.”

“Aye Aye, sir.”

“What? What did you see?!” Scootaloo continued frantically. She was taken back by the solemn look that came over Pip’s face…

“It’s…Tassel’s ship.” Rumble flew over to Pip, picked him up by the fore hoofs and in a flash zoomed out to meet Tassel’s ship.

It was badly damaged; splintered holes dotted the hole like a slice of cheese. The sails had precise rips in them, leaving nothing but a rag of what it had formerly been.

The two landed on the deck and immediately spotted its captain, slumped over the helm, barely conscious and heavily wounded.

They saw no other ponies on board.

“Tassel. Tassel! TASSEL! Wake up, wake up.” Pip ran over to Tassel and began shaking him furiously. “What happened? Tell me, what happened to the crew, where are Twilight and the others?!

Tassel groggily opened his eyes, unable to focus on anything around him.

“Tassel, concentrate! Tell me what happened, where are Twilight and the others?”

In his haze, Tassel was able to mutter a few, garbled words.

"They...they took them..."

"WHO!? Who did it?!"

“P-Pirates…Griffons …”

Comments ( 6 )

Made some grammar corrections and forgot to add some scene breaks.
Thanks to all who brought it to my attention!:derpytongue2:

Pirates? winning? YES.

High adventure on the sea...and Pip rescuing the Mane six?


I salute you!

Just found this. Keep up the good work.

when is the third one coming out?

Moat chapters please

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