• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 8,373 Views, 121 Comments

Growing Some Wings - Madd the Sane

Twilight has to discover how to get her wings.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Twilight had slept well that night, the comfort of books familiar. She had slept in her old tower, the caretaker had been an old student of hers now in his fifties. He had been quite gracious despite the fact he was being kicked out on short notice. Twilight had insisted on staying at a hotel, but Luna was insistent on her having her tower back that night. Twilight still managed to pay for a week for the stallion's room at the hotel.

She woke up at ten, far later than she was used to. Groggily she walked down to the main floor, trying to remember what today's lesson with Celestia would be. It was after futilely looking for Spike did she remember she hadn't had study time with Celestia ever since she moved to Ponyville, an event that happened over a hundred years ago. But that would be changing soon. The thought of being her student again made her giddy and nervous. She had learned a lot in her studies; what more could she learn?

Moving to the door, she saw someone had pinned a note to it. Pulling it off, she saw it was an invitation to breakfast with princesses Luna and Celestia at 7:00 AM. Looking at the clock, she giggled nervously as she saw the time. "Looks like I'm going to be late."

Twilight was led through the castle's corridors by a pair of Royal Guards. For a moment she thought she would be led to the royal banquet hall, but they passed by it without a word. She soon found herself in front of what she knew as Celestia's private dining room. One of the guards opened the door and she did a double-take: half of the room was how she remembered it: bright, sunny colors accented with gold. The other half had changed to dark colors, accented with silver. Celestia was sitting in a gold-leafed throne on the day side while Luna was sitting in a silver throne by her sister on the night side. There was a chair in between them, sitting on the line between night and day.

"Twilight Sparkle, we expected you to be here sooner," Luna noted as Twilight walked into the princesses' private dining room.

"I slept in. It's amazing what the brain does when you have no responsibilities," Twilight shot back, glaring at her.

"I'm sure you will be quite busy in the following weeks," Luna brushed off Twilight's barb, either ignoring it or not noticing. It could have been the latter; she looked quite sleepy.

"Come, Twilight Sparkle, sit with us. I'm afraid that we have already eaten, but we can have some tea," Celestia said.

Nodding, Twilight took a seat on Celestia's right, purposely not sitting between the princesses. Glancing at the two Alcorns, Twilight took note of their bearing. Both were larger than her, with Celestia still the larger of the two. Celestia still stood tall and regal while Luna was slouched and clearly tired.

Pouring herself a cup, she waited for someone else to start the conversation. She waited ten minutes before giving up. "So I guess I'll be studying under you again, Princess." When both princesses turned to look at her, she amended "Princess Celestia," she amended, making Luna scowl.

Celestia smiled. "It will be more training than studying." The smile turned mischievous. "I will be pushing your limits; physically, mentally, and magically. What my guards go through will be a stroll to what I have planned."

Twilight blinked. She had some idea how grueling the guards' training was, and what Celestia had planned was worse? She wilted. Maybe training under the princess wasn't such a good idea.

Sensing her student's trepidation, Celestia tried to reassure her. "Do not worry, my little pony: I will not push you further than you can handle. At the end of your training, you will be a far greater mare than you are now."

Luna brightened up. "Indeed, with your wings and earth pony strength, not to mention your increased magical ability, nothing can stand in your way."

"So, after I get my wings can I go back to teaching?" Twilight glared at Luna.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Even after you ascend, there are a few things I would like us to teach you."

"Such as…?" Twilight hedged.

"How to raise and lower the sun and moon."

Twilight's magical grip on her cup faltered, spilling some of the tea onto the cup's saucer. Placing the cup back on the saucer, she cleared her throat. "You expect me to raise the sun!" she shouted. "Why would you want me to raise the sun!? Are you trying to say something!?"

"Twilight Sparkle, it pains me to talk of this, but Luna and I may not always able to do our duties. Should the need arise, I want you with the knowledge to do our duties."

Twilight spluttered "B-but nothing could happen to you! You are Princess Celestia, regent of the sun! Nothing can stand up to you!"

"I thought the same thing about myself," murmured Luna. "That nothing could beat me. Then I fell into my jealousy and I used forbidden magic to strengthen myself and I knew I was unstoppable. But my dear sister was far wiser and used the Elements of Harmony to imprison me on my moon. It took your friends, who exemplified the virtues of the elements far more than either myself or my sister ever did, to purify me from my twisted self."

Twilight turned to Celestia. She hesitantly asked "Is Luna trying to tell me something about you?"

Celestia shook her head with a smile. "No, my former student. I doubt that I will become jealous of the night life enough to force the sun up." Her smile faded. "But no one knows what the future will bring. I may be struck with a powerful curse that will leave me bedridden; Alicorns from the far reaches of our planet and strike me down for disobeying some inane law of theirs; a cosmic horror from beyond the veil of space could destroy the castle with a mere thought. And how would my little ponies live without the cycle of day and night? The knowledge on the unicorn spell to raise and lower the celestial bodies has been lost in time; not even I, a unicorn who used to raise and lower the sun, remember the spell used."

Twilight chuckled. "Your worried that something can kill you? You're an Alicorn: your an immortal, unkillable pony god!"

"My little pony-"

"Twilight Sparkle-"

Both sisters looked at each other, having spoken at the same time. Celestia motioned to her sister to speak.

She cleared her throat. "Twilight Sparkle, I told you last night that we are not gods. The only being that we have met that comes close to being one is Discord. Without the Elements of Harmony, we would still be under his dominion, with the whole world suffering.

"As for us being unkillable, think on this: before our ascension there was a myth of a strange breed of ponies that exemplified all the traits of the three pony races. They were said to be above any mortal pony, ruling the land in their benevolence.

"Then, one day, they just disappeared, throwing their kingdoms into chaos. There was a rumor that a mare found a body of an Alicorn on a forest trail, but other than that there was no trace.

"Think on this, Twilight Sparkle, and tell me again that an Alicorn cannot be killed."

Twilight was speechless for a moment. Alicorns, killed? She’d seen Celestia take on a death beam and was only knocked unconscious! She shakily took a sip of tea.

Celestia interrupted her thoughts with one simple sentence: "I got a letter from Spike recently."

The tea that Twilight was drinking ended up going down the wrong tube. Coughing, she felt Celestia pat her back with a wing.

"Spike? *kaff* How is he?" Twilight got out.

"He is doing fine. He misses his pony friends; he wants to come back," Celestia said somberly

"Can he come back? I thought dragon puberty lasted for a hundred years," Twilight noted. "I don't want Spike attacking every stallion that talks to me. It was bad enough when it happened with Rarity."

"Spike should have that instinct under control, but I would still sleep better knowing he will not harm my little ponies."

"How did Spike react to… my friends' deaths?"

"I didn't tell him."

"You didn't… princess! They were his friends as much as mine! What right–"

"He would have wanted to come to their funerals, and I would not have had the heart to deny him."

Twilight slumped in her chair. "It would have been nice to see him."

Celestia shook her head sadly. "He wouldn't have fitted through the door. And his desires would still be strong, far stronger than when he left. I fear he would have done some unforgivable act on one of my little ponies."

Twilight fidgeted in her seat. "How much longer until he comes back?"

"In about thirty years. I'm sure the time will fly."

Twilight again slumped in her seat and thought. Finally, she asked "May I write a letter to Spike?"

This time it was Celestia that had tea go down her air pipe. After a second of clearing her throat, she said "I think he would like that."

Luna cleared her throat. "I feel that my presence here is no longer needed, so I shall retire for the day." She pushed herself away from the table.

"Dear sister," Celestia called out. "I do want you present while I talk about your decisions regarding Twilight Sparkle."

Luna groaned but sat back down.

Twilight brightened up. "Will I be able to go back to teaching?" She asked with a smile.

Celestia shook her head. "While I do not agree with Luna removing you from your teaching position, I can see the merits of not having your attention split between teaching and training."

"I just wanted Twilight Sparkle to be in our company," Luna mumbled.

Her sister shot her a glare. "That and I am loathe to go back on a royal decree, especially one given by my sister. We are equal in power, and it will do no good of we second guess each other.

"Now, Luna, it is past your bedtime, and I would like to talk about some boring agendas to my faithful student."

Smiling, Luna scooted her chair back again and trotted away from the table. "Until tonight, Twilight Sparkle, Celestia." Luna said, nodding to each pony in turn. She quickly walked to the room's doors and flung them open, heading to her chambers.

Celestia shook her head in amusement, closing the doors with her magic. "Now, Twilight Sparkle, as to the matter of your training exercises…"

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. I'm a slow writer and some ideas just wouldn't come.

Comments ( 48 )

Oh my it updated! I've been waiting for this :twilightsmile:

Somehow had this in my favorites. Not that I regret putting this story in there, but it HAS been a while :applejackconfused:

Seriously glad to see this updated! I hope future updates don't take as long!:pinkiehappy:

"Nothing could happen to you!"
>Luna turned into Nightmare Moon
>Celestia failed to keep Discord contained
>Celestia also failed to defeat Chrysalis
Twilight has some major bias issues.


It probably depends on the different between neutralized/injured and killed.
Sure Celestia can be injured and hurt by something immensely powerful, but Twilight might have been under the impression that actually killing them was impossible.

When both princesses turned to look at her, she amended "Princess Celestia," she amended, making Luna scowled.

Multiple amendments, scowl should be present tense


I think she imagined they had the kind of immortality where they can be hurt or seemingly slain but will recover from even complete destruction in a day or so. Like in Sharing the Night: the sisters' bodies are sunlight/moonlight and magic and killing them just demanifests them briefly.

2015042 You and me both, Gandolf... You and me both...

... Sweet been awhile though Not Complaining this is amazing... just awhile.


Hey. Don't bring up Chrysalis. Think about it... Celestia single-handedly populated Tartarus with all of Equestria's demons. We can surmise this because it is her pet dog Cerberus who guards the gate to pony Hell, as is shown in the episode. Chrysalis is sort of like the alicorn of the Changelings, so sure she's pretty damn powerful - which means one thing.

Celestia couldn't deal with Chrysalis with only a small fraction of her power, and if she'd opened up the floodgates of her magical strength, unleashing the sun's wrath -right there in the middle of Canterlot, not ten feet from Twilight Sparkle and everyone else- what do you think would have happened? COLLATERAL INCINERATION.

That's right, my friends. Celestia CHOSE not to win that match, because it would have killed her precious subjects and beloved apprentice. Chrysalis is not stronger than Celestia, she is stronger than Celestia who is -keeping her powers sealed for the safety of the crowd-, which makes far more sense. :trollestia:

Wow, it's been a long time since this updated. Worth it, though.

Now don't ever let it happen again :pinkiecrazy:

What happened to the Prologue? Half of chapter one doesn't make any sense anymore because we lost the backstory in the Prologue :pinkiesad2:

Nice chapter!
A technical point: A horse's anatomy makes it very difficult for food or drink to go down "the wrong pipe". (I even looked it up to make sure I was right. Excuse the wikipedia articles.) I think it's always important to remember we're not writing for humans, and so we need to come up with some unique and humorous situations due to their inhumanity.
It was a bit weird that Celestia told Luna to stay, had a very short conversation about one thing, then told her to go to bed. It was a bit abrupt.

2016997 There wasn't a prologue: this is a sequel to my other story "Only Got 100 Years to Live." That story should still be up.

YAY AN UPDATE...exactly 3 months appart...BUT AN UPDATE NONE THE LESS


I can't remember where any of that is from. Please sources?


Watch the series. Everything you need to make the connections is in there. All logic is present. All base information is contained in the episodes.

Telling Twilight that alicorns can die right after she has a breakdown over the death of her last pony friend in the world? Nope, I don't see anything wrong with that! :twilightoops:


I was thinking that that information would be of some comfort to her since she would know that sometime far far into the future she could pass on and be with her friends again.

Now whether or not those old tales are true and not some fabrication of a storyteller or a being like Discord...or worse yet some time travel hijinks ...who but the author can say, yes?

In a vacuum, maybe she'd be comforted... but the entire context of the conversation is the possibility of her losing Celestia and Luna, not her own possible death. :twilightoops:

I'm glad to see that this story has taken a slightly cheerier note than its prequel. "Only got one hundred years to live" was good, but extremely sad, and I like to see that the entire story arc won't be like that.

What a blind luck you have. I mean it. You sturt this fanfiction where Twilight Sparkle become to an alicorn than a few month later she offically become to an alicorn in the cartoon too.

hope you continue this story soon

2832383 I seem to have taken an interest in this, so I might try to work on it again.

1566853>>1567800>>3038499 I may retcon Cadance out of this story.

I just found this, and love what you are doing. I hope you do pick it back up again, it would warm my heart to see my favorite bar flash with new chapters from this.

I agree that you probably should write her out. It is an AU already so no harm done.

Just found this and then hiatus D: my life is doomed, I hope you continue soon!

3986082 I do have the last part of chapter 3 done. I just have to write the beginning.
And I do not know when I'll get the motivation to continue it.

Comment posted by Derpinat0r deleted Jul 22nd, 2014

:applecry: Why u no update D:

is this story as dead as i think it is or is it just more slow moving than Rainbow Dash's pet ? anyway great story... pls have a :moustache:


Think about it... Celestia single-handedly populated Tartarus with all of Equestria's demons. We can surmise this because it is her pet dog Cerberus who guards the gate to pony Hell, as is shown in the episode.

I don't remember them mentioning anything about Cerberus being Celestia's pet. Thus, [Citation Needed].

While I share headcanon of Celestia holding back at the wedding - because, come on, she moves the sun on a regular basis, something it took 100 unicorns to do (and just two unicorns with Pegasus and Earth Pony support took out hundreds of changelings) - the "evidence" you've provided is conjecture and fallacy.


It annoys the shit out of me when people demand proof they can get for themselves. (Especially from 97 weeks ago. There's only 52 weeks in a year, Kage! Almost two years!) But since you haven't been MUCH of an asshole, I will do this once. I am going to go back, right now, and watch the whole episode "It's About Time" and find it for you. Be thankful. :| (Gawd Kage, you're making me go back and watch my favorite series. Shame on you, so inconsiderate.)

Spiderman: Everybody gets one.
Shut up, Spidey.

Upcoming evidence: 8:09-8:14 of Episode 46, It's About Time. Spike speaking to Twilight regarding the message he puked up at her face, resulting in a papercut.

There's also a later episode where the aforementioned lost dog poster is on display in the background in Twilight's Treebrary, in full "Lost Pet" format with a "Return to/Notify Princess Celestia" or somesuch on it. I'll watch one episode to point this out, not the next five to figure out where it is.


Apologies on bringing that back up after almost two years, then, I hadn't actually checked the timestamp before I replied... I'm usually very good about that.

Although people requesting evidence to back up your claim is an expected and implied part of debate. [SubSection: Holder of the Burden]

I will admit, however, that I can see how being asked for evidence can be annoying; I shall endeavour to adjust for your preferences in this matter, and any future matters that may arise in future comment sections.


Since when did I care about what people expected of me? :D I tend to label conjecture (my conjecture tends to be the most plausible!) for what it is, to allow people to tell the difference. Those who demand every last word must be proven tend to be the sort not worth my time - because if that were the case, there'd be no reason to ask questions or create simulations using superior understanding of similar events and situations to create an analytical model based on sociological and psychological background and comprehensive study. They make very droll conversation partners.

That and my strong leaning towards integrity and irritation at having it questioned, tend to annoy me when people make a demand and act as if I'm already wrong before showing them evidence. That's, more often than not, the hallmark of the sort of person who always believes themselves correct until proof is shoved down their throat, even though they don't put any effort into -being- right (or as right as plausibility allows).

^-- A look into why I don't like being asked that, due to annoying and boring people in the past.

All the same, there is what Spike directly mentioned, and in a later episode the poster is seen pinned to a wall in the background in the library, classic "Please let me know if you find my pet" format. Celestia is certainly Cerberus' owner, and those evil creatures had to be locked in Tartarus by /someone/. (Note, in the episode Twilight states the creatures were IMPRISONED there.) Celestia having Cerberus guard the gates of Tartarus leads one to believe it is most likely that she's the one who threw all the dark beasts and villains in there - with allowances for Luna if any are still in there/alive from before her banishment. (Such as Tirek)


ask questions or create simulations using superior understanding of similar events and situations to create an analytical model based on sociological and psychological background and comprehensive study.

To me that is an entirely acceptable source of information. I enjoy debates on conceptual topics, if I know ahead of time that the debate is on concept rather than on reality - or in this case Canon.

Furthermore, when I ask for evidence, it is not because I am so dead-set on being right until proven otherwise, but rather because I am genuinely intrigued by the possibility of such a thing - but I require a little more validation from official sources before I devote my energy behind it. And it's not that I don't believe you have integrity, but rather an acknowledgement of the fact that people, as a whole, are flawed; You may have recalled incorrectly or out of context. In essence, you are recounting what you truly believe happened, but have accidentally forgotten or mixed up some things that were not so.

2015258 It should be noted that Twilight wasn't running on all four cylinders when she said it.


Oh, that's quite alright. It's simply a lack of familiarity. I actually have a perfect memory when it comes to memory retention. The trouble comes in at memory recall, in which case I always remember things as they were I simply just rarely remember everything. But I've never had an issue of corruption that wasn't caused by trying to fill in gaps that my memory refused to supply for, with guesswork based on context clues. Which is also rare that that is also incorrect, as I do my best to triple-check before anything is said unless I'm quite certain that I've maintained a mastery of the topic at hand.


I see... Well, I don't have a particularly great memory, so please remember that if I ask you for your source it means I am invested in the conversation at hand, and not that I am trying to be difficult or that I don't believe you. It just takes time for trust to build.


Congratulations on being a good conversation partner and not an asshole, Kage.

Has the author given up on this fic?

6351319 I hope not but the evidence strikes that this story is unofficially cancelled or something:ajsleepy::fluttercry:.

Please, please, please continue this awesome story!

So I guess this story is cancelled? :fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair::twilightoops::ajsleepy::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::fluttershysad:


i agree ... it saddens me that i read these great story concepts but never get completed

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