• Published 18th Oct 2012
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Trixie - Saviour of all Equestria. What, you don't believe Trixie? - Fimbulvinter

Trixie realises her destiny as the most powerful unicorn in Equestria

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Far away in the rustic town of Ponyville Twilight Sparkle was having a very good day. She had finally gotten her hooves on the final ingredient for the most complex and powerful piece of magic she had ever attempted – powdered loadstone crystal.

Ounce for ounce, loadstone crystal was one of the most expensive commodities available in Equestria. Only the Diamond Dogs knew the secrets for locating and extracting the rare crystals. Her brother, Shining Armour had once told her off the record that this was the only reason that the Princess allowed the Diamond Dogs to remain in Equestria.

In its powdered form, the crystal acted as an alchemical catalyst, increasing the power of any magic that it was used in. Twilight had scrimped and saved for months and had finally managed to buy enough of the crystal to fuel one spell. She had spent many days trying to decide what the spell should be, creating checklists and flow charts, and checklists of the flow charts summarising the earlier checklists. Finally she had decided on a summoning spell. But not just any summoning spell. If she could pull this off right, she would be able to summon one of the greater kakòdaimons of Tartarus and seal it under her control, if only for a short time.

Such a feat would be almost unheard of from a mare as young as Twilight was, and would be sure to earn her the respect of her academic peers and rivals in Canterlot. While she was still nervous about her ability to correctly summon the creature, all the theory suggested that if the spell was not performed correctly, nothing would happen at all. She had also cast multiple redundancy wards around the library in case something else happened. Once she began, nothing would be able to enter or exit the library until she removed the wards.

With the arrival of the crystal powder, Twilight and Spike were ready to prepare the spell. Twilight concentrated, summoning power to her horn, a bright purple glow shedding light over the interior of the library. Around the library exterior, multiple layers of her signature bubble shield blazed to life, sealing the library off from the outside world. Until they were finished with this delicate operation, they were totally cut off.

“Ready Spike? No distractions remember” Twilight called out to her draconic assistant.

“Ready Twilight, but are you totally sure this is a good idea?” Spike asked back.

“No, but progress demands unconventional ideas. Rather than ask why, ask why not?”

Twilight rubbed her hooves together with glee. It was these moments that she lived for, just her and Spike against the unknown, ready to stretch or even break the accepted boundaries of theoretical magic.

With all preparations in order, Twilight looked over her notes for the spell one last time. She had slaved over these, making sure that every step was exact – the amounts of ingredients were perfect down to the milligram, the ritual incantations had been practiced. The binding slave rune, which Twilight would wear herself had been prepared. All was in readiness, and it had to be. Such a delicate spell demanded no mistakes. If something went wrong, at best nothing would happen. At worst, Twilight could find herself dragged down into the pits of Tartarus by the very daemon she sought to dominate. History was littered with examples of sorcerers being destroyed by their own lust for demonic magic. Such was the laws of magic; abuse your power, and it will turn on you.

Twilight was not worried about that though, her talent for magic was unparalleled. With the library sealed off, and final checks for Pinkie Pie coming up empty, there was nothing within the library that could possibly distract her from this task. Spike reported that Pinkie had been seen outside the barrier since it had gone up, and there was no way she could get through, even with her strange ability to warp reality.

Twilight readied herself and began the spell, adding in Manticore venom and powdered swamp root to a lit brazier, acrid smells quickly wafting through the air.

“Oh blackest night and coldest void, I call upon thee
Grant me thy power, that I might do thy will.”

Twilight cast a selection of spells, opening up her natural reserves to fuel the powerful magic. Runes and glyphs appeared in the air around her, each one radiating its own aura into the mix.

“Hear me, Lord of Hell. Hear my voice and obey. I summon you with the power of the Bell, the Book and the Flame.”

As she spoke these words, Twilight struck a small bell, its clear tone ringing out. After that she quickly and deliberately closed a large book, specially enchanted for this purpose. Finally she blew out a ritual candle she had prepared. The runes swirling around her increased in power, a feeling of unease sweeping through the library.

Even outside the barrier, ponies were finding excuses to not go near the library, a sense of dread lingering over it like a pall.

Twilight watched with excitement as a large rift opened in the centre of the spell circle she had created, it was working! Time to add in the last ingredients.

Placing her left hoof above the burning brazier, Twilight felt the heat of the flame. While most ponies would have quickly retracted their hoof from the heat, Twilight didn’t mind it. It almost felt pleasant. In a quick motion, she brought up a knife and made a small cut, hissing as the metal bit into her skin. Several drops of her blood entered into the mix, sizzling away into the flame.

Finally it was time to add the loadstone. This was the ingredient that would allow her to summon the more powerful kakòdaimon, rather than a lesser imp or scamp. Absolute precision was required, as she only had just enough powder for one try.

Carefully she brought up the vial to the brazier, making sure not to lose any of the precious material. She was just about to add it to the mix when a pink hued she-demon appeared out of the swirling portal, ramming into her and spilling the loadstone all over the floor, or scattering it to the swirling winds of the portal. With the spell focus broken, the portal quickly lost cohesion and closed in on itself, leaving no trace that it was ever there.

“HIYA TWILIGHT, What are you doing, OOOHHH is it something fun, I Know, Lets throw a ‘Twilight is doing something Sciency Party” Pinkie Pie yelled out, bouncing up and down on the spot in her classic style of stotting.

Twilight simply stared in horror at the mess Pinkie’s entrance had wrought. All the lodestone was worthless now, even if she managed to recover it from the floor, there wasn’t anywhere near enough to allow her to try the spell again. Months of planning and saving had gone down the drain, all because of some insane pink pony with a party fascination. One who was currently standing right in front of her, grinning like a madpony, which in Twilights mind was exactly what she was.

‘Deep breaths Twilight, Pinkie didn’t mean to wreck your experiment, the one that you slaved over for days, the one that you ate nothing but ramen hay for months for so you could afford the crystal, the one that you and Spike put up flyers for weeks ago telling everypony the library would be closed toady for delicate experiments. I’m sure she would be sorry if she… AH BUCK IT’

Twilight simply let her repressed rage and anger at this pink ball of destruction loose. Every inexplicable thing Pinkie had ever done that defied scientific reasoning, including how she managed to somehow get through the portal Twilight was opening flooded her brain, overloading her reasoning and common sense.

Pinkie finally started to realise something was wrong as she saw Twilight’s mane and tail begin to smoulder, smoke rising up into the air, as if there was a burning ember embedded in her coat. Her oblivious smile faltered and she took a short step back.

Twilight simply exploded, her entire body catching fire as it had done once before, at Froggy bottom bog. But this time it did not put itself out as it had that first time. Twilight was far too enraged for that to happen.

“PINKIE PIE, do you have ANY idea what you have done here today?” Twilight yelled, smoke spewing from her mouth as she rounded on the now terrified pink party mare. Small spot fires erupted with every hoof step. The fire retardant spells Twilight had placed on the library after Spikes mishap with the astronomy book tried in vain to cope with the sudden outbreak of fire, but nothing appeared to work. The flames upon Twilights body seemed unquenchable. The water landing on her body sizzled but had little other effect.

“Twilight, you’re scaring me” Spike called out, hiding behind of the couches in the lower levels of the library. He flinched as the flaming pony turned to look directly at him, blazing eyes full of rage.

Through the haze of bloodlust, Twilight caught sight of her assistant and closest friend, cowering in fear at her. A moment of lucidity came over her and she reverted into the normal purple mare that she was, albeit somewhat charred and blackened with soot and ash.

“Oh Spike, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you like that.” Twilight knelt down near him, hugging him in close to her body, hoping that she hadn’t caused him or the library any serious harm.

Pinkie was watching the exchange from the other side of the room. As soon as she saw Twilight change back into her normal form and embrace Spike, she began stotting again, bouncing her way over to the pair, her frizzy mane bouncing all over.

“ThatwassocoolTwilight,canyoudoitagain?” Pinkie was so excited at the strange happenings that she ran all her words together, not even bothering to breathe.

Twilight felt all the anger draining out of her. Pinkie hadn’t meant any harm, and she had snapped at her over something as trivial as money. She could always save up some more bits and get more crystal. If she had hurt Spike or Pinkie, they were irreplaceable.

“Pinkie, how did you get here? I sealed off the library. Nothing was meant to be able to get in.” Twilight was perplexed, but that was Pinkie Pie. Often when asked about her unusual abilities she had simply replied ‘Screw physics, I’m Pinkie Pie’ as if that was all the explanation needed.

Pinkie bounced with glee, her eyes half closed and a goofy smile plastered all over her face. “Silly Twilight, you called me here, so I just jumped in the portal and came. Easy as that!”

Twilight was stunned for a moment. Her portal was meant to call an elder daemon from Tartarus, not a local pony. “Pinkie that is impossib…” Twilight trailed off as she looked into Pinkie’s eyes for a moment.

For a brief moment, staring into those cool blue orbs, Twilight felt her mind touch the essence of pure madness, beyond all ability of logic or reasoning. A presence older than any pony stared back at her from within Pinkie, the sheer power of madness flowing from her body, warping reality and threatening to break the minds of lesser mortals. Twilight felt herself drowning in those bottomless pits, each eye promising horrors and hedonistic revelry beyond the limits of the sane mind. Twilight could swear she heard a voice telling her that ‘it was a lovely day in the isles’.

It lasted only for a second before happy-go-lucky Pinkie was back, skipping around the library, then out into the Ponyville main street. Somehow she passed directly through all the wards as if they were not there at all. Twilight shook her head, watching this impossible act, attempting to clear the cobwebs that had formed there. Suddenly she was not so comfortable about having Pinkie around on her own.

With the spell ruined, Twilight began the task of deconstructing her ward spells. Each one was heavily re-enforced with symbols of power, and not easy to take apart. This would take a while.

Trixie stumbled over the last crest and the town of Ponyville came into view. For the most part it looked like any other small rural town, it had a central town hall, scattered housing and businesses, and large tracks of farmland on the outskirts. Trixie remembered the last time she was here, most of the ingrates and hicks had seemed in awe of her abilities right up until those two morons had actually found and brought an Ursa minor to town. It had been partially her fault for making such wild claims, but still she never expected somepony to actually go ahead and test them.

It had seemed that the few years since she had been through here had not had a kind effect on the memories of the townsfolk. Most of them had either actively avoided her, or refused to talk to her, taking to muttering once they thought she was out of earshot. One white mare had actually spat on her, mumbling something about ‘green hair’. Only one pink mare actually stopped to talk to her, before gasping and dashing off, babbling something about a ‘welcome to Ponyville party’.

Still, Trixie did not need their approval. All she needed was to show up that stupid Twilight, then she could go cash in that favour the royal family owed her, get a new wagon and embark on the quest Ixion had charged her with.

Images of Twilight, with her arrogant, superior smile, her pristine hooves that reeked of time spent at a spa or groomers came into Trixies mind.
‘Her mane is such a stupid colour, with its purple highlights and her… rather shapely plot, and curvy flank’

Trixie cut that thought off quickly, though images of Twilight wiggling her plot in the air continued to float through her mind, teasing her mercilessly.

“Stupid Sexy Twilight, get out of Trixie’s head” Trixie muttered under her breath, her eyes roaming around for anything that could lead her to the mare of her dreams, mostly bad dreams, but still dreams.

One building looked like a good candidate, a large tree surrounded by multiple layers of energy shielding, some of which seemed to be disappearing. Such magic was easy for a spell caster as accomplished as Trixie was, so it stood to reason that the slightly less gifted Twilight could be the one doing the magic. It certainly beat just wandering around, attracting the ire of the townsponies.

Trixie reached the tree house just as the last of the barriers came down. Through one of the windows, she could see Twilight, her horn glowing as she undid whatever magic she had cast in the first place. Trixie noticed just how shapely her horn was, the spiral ridges were perfectly spaced. The rest of her face was also perfectly sculpted, and seriously cute.

‘Stop it brain, I’m here to show her up, not fall for her’

Twilight finished removing the last of her wards and looked around at her library. Scorch marks and debris littered the insides, testament to her rage and fury earlier.

“What happened to me, how did I cause all this damage. Did I really turn into a fireball?” Twilight asked, more to herself than to anypony in particular. The only pony she had ever heard of actually combusting into flame without suffering injury was the Wonderbolt Spitfire, and not something she did all that often. Never had a unicorn been able to do such a thing. This would take a lot of study to get to the bottom of, study she would not be able to do as long as there was the pink ball of destruction roaming free and some obnoxious blue mare staring in through one of the windows. Twilight turned to get a better look at the gawker, noting her blue coat, silver mane and eyes similar to her own.

‘Distinctive colour, wait a minute. That almost looks like…’
