• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 1,206 Views, 18 Comments

A Sisterly Holiday - Secret_Shadows

Scootaloo and Aero are followed in this Holiday Special.

  • ...


A Holiday Special

Written By: Secret_Shadows
Editor: Avorin

Our story begins in the evening on the snow covered mountainside city of Canterlot. Ponies were bustling around through the town doing last minute Hearths Warming shopping. The streets were filled with decorations. The centerpiece of this city was the palace, its beautiful towers normally elegant in their own manner were decorated with beautiful ornaments. Sitting atop the highest tower was a large magical ornament that displayed the two majestic alicorn sisters spinning around a central light.

The cold winter weather was broken by the warm hearts of the ponies attending the Hearths Warming Eve play at the Canterlot theater.

We focus on two young ponies in the audience watching the play for the first time together.

“Aero, stoppit.” Scootaloo scolded in a harsh whispered tone.

Aero continued to nuzzle her neck.

“Seriously, stop it!” She said, a bit louder, drawing unwanted attention to herself and Aero.

Aero leaned back and looked at Scootaloo. “But we see this boring play every year...” He said receiving a glare from Scootaloo.

“Yes but this is the first time we have seen it together, on a...” Scootaloo trailed off and blushed. “...Date...” She said softly.

Aero didn’t respond, instead he decided to nuzzle her again.

Scootaloo sighed, as much as she liked him nuzzling her, she was trying to enjoy the play.

Scootaloo started to blush as Aero continued to nuzzle her.

“Seriously Aero, stop, it’s not-” She stopped when her wings suddenly flared up. Scootaloo’s face turned very red.

“And this is why you listen to me the first time!” Scootaloo said in a very loud whispering tone.

Aero’s wings suddenly popped up as well, his face, now matching Scootaloo’s in color. He sunk himself deep into his chair, Scootaloo did the same.

By this point several other ponies had turned around and were telling them to be quiet, furthering their embarrassment. For the rest of the play they sat, faces as red as apples.

The play had soon ended and Scootaloo and Aero were reunited with their respective guardians.

“You did great Fluttershy!” Aero said as he hugged her.

Rainbow exited the stage and walked up next to Scootaloo, still in her stage costume.

“Hey Scoots!” Rainbow smiled as she started to take her costume off.

“Hi *snicker* Commander Hurricane.” Scootaloo burst out into laughter.

Rainbow’s face turned a light shade of red before she recovered. “Oh ha ha, very funny....” Rainbow rolled her eyes. It was at this point Rainbow noticed Scootaloo’s wings. She leaned down to Scootaloo and whispered in her ear. “Uh, Scoots, you have a bit of a wing problem...if you know what I mean...” She trailed off.

Scootaloo looked over to Aero, then back to Dash. “Blame him.” She said pointing a hoof at Aero.

Rainbow chucked a bit to herself. “Aw, but you two are cute together, don’t be mad at him for making you two a cute little couple.” Rainbow giggled at her own comment.

“Dash!” Scootaloo’s face turned even redder.

“Alright, fine, I’ll go talk to Fluttershy.” Rainbow said, she trotted over to Fluttershy who was still talking to Aero.

“Flutters, we have a bit of a problem here, it seems Scootaloo had an embarrassing uh, ‘wing’ moment during the play if you catch what I am saying, and Aero caused it, could you talk to Aero maybe? You know to make Scoots feel a little better.” Rainbow was still struggling not to giggle at the whole situation.

“Oh, I guess I can, but um, is Scootaloo alright? I mean...”

“Yeah she’s fine...she’s just a bit upset is all.”

“Oh I see.” Fluttershy turned to Aero, “Aero, you um....shouldn’t um...See.....when a filly.....um, you just shouldn't do that, you know, if you want to, that is.”

Both Rainbow and Scootaloo face-hoofed at Fluttershy’s statement.

Aero looked at Fluttershy, then over to Rainbow and Scootaloo, he looked down and his ears fell. He kicked at the ground a bit.

“Sorry...” He said in a hushed tone.

“Oh Aero, don’t be sad, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, you just shouldn’t do that...” Fluttershy trailed off.

“What exactly did he do anyway?” Rainbow asked. She looked over to Scootaloo.

“He was um, well he...” Scootaloo blushed in embarrassment, even though Rainbow and Fluttershy already knew that her and Aero were involved she was still shy about it. “...He kept nuzzling me...” She trailed off.

“Awww, my little sister has a colt friend.” Rainbow teased, though she had teased this subject many times before.

Scootaloo and Aero both blushed in embarrassment.

“Oh relax, I’m just teasing...” Rainbow smiled.

“Yeah she’s just teasing Scoot” Said Aero afterwards walking over to Scootaloo and laying a wing over her, she blushed and looked away bashfully, but then she heard the two mares giggling.

“Stop that Aero!” Scootaloo snapped and pushed him away. Aero feeling more confident smiled and looked back to Scootaloo.

“Why cause you like it?” She gave him a surprised embarrassed look and blushed.

“N-no! Thats not..” She looked over to Dash.

Rainbow was just giggling then walked over to Aero and gave him a nudge with her hoof. “Careful there young colt, you’re making my sister embarrassed. You don’t need me to step in and defend her now, do you?” Aero stepped back a little more timid now.

“Oh.. N-no I’m sorry Miss Rainbow Dash.” Dash gave him a stare.

“Don’t call me that!” She snapped making the young colt flinch. “You know how old that sounds?”

Scootaloo laughed. “Oh we’re sorry Miss Rainbow Dash, we won’t do it again” The filly said and walked over to Aero. “We’ll try not to say that again isn’t that right Aero?” She gave him a wing bump of her own causing him to now blush.

“Y-yeah I-I g-guess.” He stammered.

Rainbow decided not to pursue this matter any further as it would just cause trouble, trouble that she did not want on a holiday, any other time of the year yes, but tonight was special.

“Well, Scootaloo, we had better be going if we want to make it to Twilight’s for the party, its a long flight from Canterlot back to Ponyville.” Rainbow, who had now shedded her “Commander Hurricane” Costume, had started to stretch her wings for the long flight.

“Aww, Rainbow can’t we take the train with Aero and Fluttershy?” Scootaloo looked up at Dash with big, puppy dog like eyes.

Rainbow was confused by this as Scootaloo had just been mad at Aero.

“Uh, sure, I guess, if its ok with Fluttershy.”

“Oh yes, um, you can come with us, if you want...” Fluttershy trailed off.

“Awesome!” Chirped Scootaloo and she galloped off to the train dragging Aero behind her.

Rainbow and Fluttershy just watched and laughed as the two young ponies left for the train, one excited, the other being dragged along for the ride.

Scootaloo had relinquished Aero and allowed him to walk next to her. The four ponies were now making their way through Canterlot to the train. It was now snowing and the temperature was dropping by the minute. Most ponies were making their way to their warm homes.

“Its c-cold.” Scootaloo said, giving a slight shiver.

Aero moved a bit closer and draped his wing over her. His body heat spread to her fast warming her up.

“Better?” He asked.

Scootaloo looked over to him and smiled. “Yeah, thanks.” She blushed and leaned her head onto his side.

Rainbow and Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile at the scene. They spoke out of earshot of the two.

“They really like each other huh?” Rainbow said.

“I think they do, Aero can’t ever stop talking about her, its the cutest thing!” Fluttershy smiled.

“That’s adorable, I guess there is a perfect special somepony for everypony.”

By this time they had reached the station. Scootaloo still under the warm protection of Aero’s wing.

Scootaloo and Aero hurried into the warm train car followed by Rainbow and Fluttershy. They quickly took their seats. Aero and Scootaloo sat down next to each other, Fluttershy and Rainbow in the seat across from them.

The train eventually jolted forward then started to slowly glide out of the station. It was quiet in the train, there was almost nopony on board as most were home with their families.

Scootaloo yawned and leaned over onto Aero who was also starting to look tired. She smiled as she tilted her head up to look at him. He looked back at her and smiled. She returned her head to a comfortable position and continued to lean on Aero. He extended his wing around her again and nuzzled the top of her head. Aero then rested his head on hers and he wrapped his fore hooves around her in a hug. Scootaloo moved a bit to get comfortable, but eventually the only movement Aero could feel was that of her content breathing, she had fallen asleep in his fore hooves. Soon after he had fallen asleep as well.

“Fluttershy, Fluttershy, look at that, how cute is that?” Rainbow whispered. She pointed at Aero and Scootaloo.

Fluttershy simply smiled. “You know Rainbow, eventually if Aero and Scootaloo keep going the way they are going, your little sister may never have time for you.” Fluttershy giggled at her own comment.

“Scootaloo wouldn’t abandon me like that...” Rainbow thought for a moment. “...Right?”

Fluttershy giggled some more. Rainbow simply blushed realizing that Fluttershy was being sarcastic.

“Oh shut up.” Rainbow said, now embarrassed that she played right into that one.


An hour passed and the train came to a halt. Scootaloo and Aero were still asleep resting on each other.

Rainbow got up from her seat and walked over to the two. A devilish smile on her face. She moved her wings to their faces gently tickling their snouts.

Scootaloo and Aero both started to rub their snouts, but remained asleep. Rainbow sighed and continued to tickle their noses. Scootaloo wrinkled her nose and opened her eyes. Aero also opened his eyes. This was followed by a unison sneeze right in Rainbow’s face.

“Well that didn’t go as you planned Rainbow.” Fluttershy said giggling.

Rainbow brought her hooves up to her face and wiped it off.

“Ew!” Rainbow said, displeased with the results of her plan.

“Um, Do you want help, you know getting clean?” Fluttershy asked, afraid Rainbow might be mad.

“Nah, I got it, its just gross is all.” Rainbow said as she proceeding to finish wiping her face off.

Scootaloo and Aero started off the train as Fluttershy helped Rainbow clean off her face.

She’ll never expect this.’ Aero thought to himself. He checked to make sure nopony was looking and he gave Scootaloo a quick peck on the cheek.

“H-hey, what?” Scootaloo said blushing, her wings flared a bit at this sudden show of emotion. Rainbow soon walked out of the train followed by Fluttershy. She assessed the situation, Scootaloo blushing with her wings flared and Aero grinning.

Rainbow grinned. “Well isn’t that cute, what happened now?”

Scootaloo looked down at the ground blushing, her ears fell and she spoke softly.

“Aero k....” Her voice got too soft to be heard.


Scootaloo started kicking at the ground drawing circles with her hoof.

“Aero kiss.....” She continued to make her voice softer.

“Scootaloo, Just tell me.” Rainbow said, now slightly aggravated.

Aero Kissed Me!” Scootaloo yelled, perhaps a bit too loud. Afterward throwing a hoof up over her mouth ‘Oops’ She thought to herself.

Rainbow and Fluttershy looked at each other then looked back at Scootaloo and Aero.

“Well you two just keep getting yourselves into shenanigans tonight don’t you?” Rainbow said rolling her eyes. “Well lets keep going, we don’t want to miss the party at Twilight’s.”

The four started walking through Ponyville. Aero and Scootaloo were standing on opposite sides of Rainbow, now awkwardly keeping distance from each other.

Rainbow noticed the two keeping distance and she started to slow her trot, slowly pulling behind the two. Scootaloo and Aero, who were both staring at the ground started to drift closer together.

Rainbow, now feeling that the two had drifted close enough together, called their names.

“Scootaloo! Aero!”

Scootaloo and Aero turned their heads at the same time, so close that their mouths hit each other and they met in a kiss. Scootaloo started to loose her balance leaning more of her weight onto Aero for support as she blushed in her state of bliss.

Aero just blushed as his wings flared, unable to move, frozen in place.

A few moments passed and Rainbow started to get a bit protective over her little sister.

“Alright, that's enough, break it up!” Rainbow said as she forced them apart by walking in between them.

“W...wow.........” Scootaloo said in a shock as she stepped backwards landing on her rump.

Aero stood in place, Blushing, still frozen in shock.

Scootaloo looked at Aero, who was now starting to become unfrozen from his shock.

“A-Aero.......th-that was-” Scootaloo could not finish her sentence as Rainbow interjected.

“Enough, lets get to Twilight’s already!” Rainbow snapped. She walked over to Scootaloo, lifted her to her hooves and started pushing her forward. Aero Obediently followed close behind Fluttershy who ironically thought the entire thing was adorable.

As they neared The Library they saw a wonderful glow from decorations and lights. Beautiful red flowers adorned the branches of the tree which, with the help of unicorn magic still had its leaves. Multiple lanterns were hung in the branches lighting up the ornate stained glass and gold cases that held them.

“Oh wow, its beautiful.” Scootaloo said as she stopped and started in awe at the sight. Aero slowly walked up next to her and inched his way closer until he draped his wing over her pulling her close.

Rainbow and Fluttershy started for the tree as Scootaloo and Aero slowly walked together.

The four walked into the door and were greeted by a party. Ponies were dancing, decorations were everywhere, there was even music playing.

“Well Howdy, how was Canterlot?” Applejack said as she approached the four.

“It was fun, though it wasn’t the same without the other girls in the play this year.”

“Well Twi wanted ta throw the party this year, and I was busy with the winter harvest, Ah’m not sure about Rarity and Pinkie, they’re here somewhere, in the meantime, come have some cider wit me, Ah’m sure Scootaloo and Aero would want to go play with Sweetie Belle and Applebloom anyway.”

“Scootaloo, you better not get into any trouble while I go with Applejack.” Rainbow said in a stern voice.

“Ok Rainbow, I’ll be good!” Scootaloo said cheerfully.

“Aero, don’t let her get you into any trouble!” Rainbow said. “Also, she’s my little sister, I’ve got my eye on you.” Rainbow stared daggers at Aero before returning to Applejack.

Fluttershy simply wandered off and got lost in the crowd of ponies.

“So I guess its just us then.” Scootaloo said to Aero, who still had his wing over her.

“I guess-” Aero was interrupted by two fillies that approached them from behind scaring them when they shouted. “Happy Hearth's Warming Eve!

Both Scootaloo and Aero jumped when they heard this sudden noise pierce their eardrums.

Scootaloo and Aero turned to See Sweetie Belle and Applebloom standing behind them covered in streamers and confetti.

“Looks like you two have enjoyed the party so far.” Scootaloo said laughing to herself.

“Yeah! Its fun! ‘cept for when Sweetie tried ta kiss spike an’ made it all awkward.” Applebloom said rolling her eyes as she spoke.

Sweetie blushed and looked at Applebloom with an angry face. “I told you never to speak of that again!” She squeaked.

“Gee, Sorry” Applebloom said to Sweetie.

Aero, after hearing about Sweetie and Spike, put his wing over Scootaloo and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Aww, why can’t my Spikey be like that?” Sweetie said. Applebloom giggled to herself as she noticed Scootaloo’s face turning red.

Scootaloo’s face instantly turned from orange to deep red and her eyes widened. She pushed him away.

“S-Stop it Aero!” She said angrily.

“But I was just trying to-” Unable to finish his sentence before Scootaloo stomped off, he hung his head down low.

Applebloom walked over to Aero and lifted his head with her hoof. “Let me talk ta her.”

“I just wanted to show her how I feel...this is a disaster.” He said.

“Listen ta me, Scootaloo is, uh.” She stopped for a moment to think, removing her hoof from Aero’s head and placing it on her chin.

“She ain't into publicly showing her emotions, Ya just gotta give her time.”

“I know, I just.”

“Just shut up, and don’t go worrying yer snout off.” Applebloom said as she hit his snout with her hoof as she walked past. She proceeded to look for Scootaloo until she found her sitting alone on the balcony.

Scootaloo was silently letting tears escape her eyes.

“What’s the matter?” Applebloom asked as she walked up to Scootaloo and sat down next to her.

Scootaloo didn’t answer. She just stared at Luna’s night sky. It was snowing and cloudy, but every so often a small hole in the clouds revealed the stars.

The wind blew past blowing Scootaloo and Applebloom’s manes about.

“You know, every night before I went to bed, I’d look at the night sky, wondering if he was looking at the same star, wishing just to be with me, and out of that horrible place.” She paused. Applebloom looked over to her.

“I waited, for weeks I waited, I hoped he would come back and just tell me everything would be ok, but he never came, slowly my hope went away and I was ready to end it all...” She trailed off, continuing to look at a patch of stars showing through the clouds.

“One night, I decided he was not coming back, so I tried, and there he was, we escaped, but then we got lost in what I now know is the Everfree, he woke me up in the middle of the night telling me timberwolves, we waded into the river to try to get away and we were separated, I thought he had died.”

Applebloom sat and listened to the story, she had no idea about any of this.

“So many years I lived in that tree house, when it rained I got wet and cold, when it was too cold I was just wishing he had been there with me, and he never came, then I met Rainbow and she took me in, things were great, then it happened. And then, he was there.”

Scootaloo continued to let tears escape from her eyes. You wouldn’t know she was crying unless you were sitting right next to her, like Applebloom was.

“He was gone from me, for so many years, and then he was just back, he thinks a hug and a kiss makes it better, but it doesn’t!” She lashed out. “For so many years I was alone, he never once came for me, I always thought he would but he didn’t, He never did!”

Applebloom put her hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder “Scootaloo, it’ll be oka-” Scootaloo cut Applebloom off and she shook the hoof off of her shoulder.

“No, no it won’t be ok, you can’t just forget things like that, terrible terrible things that shouldn’t have to be endured by anypony, and he never came for me!”


“Just go Applebloom.” Scootaloo said pointing a hoof to the door. Applebloom bowed her head and retreated to the door.

She made her way to where Aero and Sweetie stood.

“Aero, Ah think, Ah think she needs ya, she’s, she is mighty upset ‘bout somethin.”

Aero nodded and left for the balcony.

He opened the door, his shadow distinctly showing his profile.

“You never came.” Scootaloo said, looking away from the door.

“What?” He walked up to her, and he saw she was crying.

“All of those years I waited for you, and you never came, and now.” She swallowed. “And now you think a hug and a kiss will make it all better, well it won’t Aero.”

“I never sa-”

“You didn’t have to Aero, You never came for me, and, I should....” She trailed off as she collapsed to the wooden deck of the balcony crying.

He laid down next to her and put his wing over her.

“I should have looked for you.” Scootaloo said. She buried her face deep in Aero’s side. “Just as you never came looking for me” She stopped, letting more tears escape. “I never looked for you, and it hurts Aero, it hurts me that I never came to look for you.”

“Scootaloo, It’s ok, It’s not your fault. And you should know, I never stopped looking for you.” He said as he nuzzled the top of her head.

Scootaloo looked up at him.

“Y-you looked for me.”

“Every day.”

She gave a weak smile.

“Come on, cheer up a little bit, we are at a party, and Rainbow is probably worried that we haven’t come back in yet.” He was about to stand when Scootaloo spoke.

“No, lets stay out here a little bit longer, its, its nice to just be out here.”

“Can we at least stand up, laying in snow is not the best thing.” Scootaloo giggled at his statement.

“Sure.” She said as she stood up next to him.

They both looked up at the sky again as they leaned on the rail of the balcony. Scootaloo pointed a hoof up at an opening in the clouds were the stars shone through and the rays of light emitting from the moon elegantly hit the surrounding clouds. “Look at that Aero, its beautiful.” She said.

Aero put his wing over her. “So are you.” He said, silently thinking to himself how corny that line was.

“Yo-you think I’m beautiful?” Scootaloo turned to look at Aero.

“I don’t think, I know.” He said, complete certainty in his voice

Scootaloo looked up again at the sky again, Aero looked up as well. A shooting star streaked across the night sky.

“I wish” She stopped to think. “I wish, this moment would never end.” Scootaloo said. Soon after a Heart Flower hovered above them, surrounded in the pink glow consistent with Sweetie Belle’s magic.

Scootaloo and Aero looked back to see Sweetie Belle and Applebloom trying to hide behind some plants on the balcony.

Scootaloo smiled and whispered in Aero’s ear.

Aero smiled and nodded. The leaned closer together and kissed. Both of them blushing and extremely nervous. The kiss seemed like it lasted forever, but soon they broke.

“Aero, that was...” Aero put his hoof up to Scootaloo’s mouth, he tilted his head to the plants and Scootaloo looked over remembering their ‘guests.’ Aero removed his hoof from her mouth.

“We should probably get back to Rainbow soon, we’ll have to help her home, you know how she gets at these parties.” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah, we don’t want a repeat of that Nightmare night party.” Aero said in agreement .

Soon the two went inside and found Rainbow, asleep on the sofa of course. And the night progressed on peaceful and calm.

((Excuse the quality of the picture, my scanner isn’t the best, but it looks better than this I promise!))

Comments ( 18 )

The D'awwww are to much:rainbowkiss:


Well I'm glad somepony noticed the d'awwws!

I c-can't controll them

The D'aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwws are taking over the world

Great story by the way

D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really am enjoying your story "Sisterly Love" and this was just as wonderful! :twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile::yay:

I didn't make a story called "Sisterly Love" ? I made a story called "Sisterly Bonds" if thats what you mean.

Also thank you for liking the story! :twilightsmile:

My apologies it's almost 4 in the morning and I'm not thinking very straight haha.


There is however another story, made by Lux called Sisterly Love which is shockingly similar to Sisterly Bonds....even has the same cover picture, so I can understand your confusion........I may have to go have a word with him if people are confusing his story with mine.....(Mine was out first...and I have copywrite on my idea so)

Any, only 4 there? pfft, try it being 6:47 A.M. and not sleeping for more than 23 hours XD lol.

:facehoof: It was a mistake on my part >.> I sincerely hope he did not plagiarize.


Well when he originally posted the story....there was a small little suspicion it was copied...but I was convinced it was different after the first few chapters and I haven't read more since because I've been busy. Not saying he'd intentionally copy or anything....I just need to keep an eye on the story now is all.

while reading this... i thought... wow you can totally easily added FLUTTERDASH to this!


That was stated in the writing process, it was decided unanimously that that's not where we wanted the story to go so we stayed away from it.

My apologies i usually read these fan fics around 3/4am-ish and only remembered how i felt. I don't really get to sleep much ao i over shot thay premise of how you wrote this. Otherwise I thought it was a marvelous story =)

And apparently my phone doesn't know how to spell.



I know exactly how you feel, I do the same thing, lol.


When you can't d'awwww enough, we release a story like this one, to make you d'awww some more...expect more cute Scootaloo and Aero D'awwww stories soon.

Gotta.. Control it...
Can't its to much....

DAMN IT! Couldnt help it:facehoof:

Aero has to be in the show now...just has to...and nice writing by the way :D

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