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Chapter 4: Twilight's First Date

“Princess! Princess!” said yelled Twilight, loud enough for probably the whole castle to hear.

“What is it Twilight Sparkle?” said the princess, telling by her pupil’s tone that it was exciting news.

“I’ve been asked out on my very first date by a gentle colt!” said Twilight.

“Oh my, really!?” said a surprised princess. “That’s wonderful, dear!”

“I know! I’m so excited!” Twilight kept shouting with enthusiasm. “You may know who it is! His name is Bookworm! He’s really smart and very polite!”

“Bookworm?” the princess thought for a moment. “Oh yes. I do know who you mean. He is a fine young gentle colt. I’m very happy for you my little pony. Have you told your parents yet?”

“That’s right!” said Twilight. “I almost forgot about telling my mom about it! You were just closer so it was easier to tell you first. I better write a letter to her now.”

Twilight rushed off to her room to prepare a letter for her mother.

Dear Mom,
Guess what?! I have a date! My very first! A colt in my class named Bookworm asked me out today! He’s very smart and nice to me! I hope everything turns out well! I hope you and dad are also doing well!

Much love, Twilight Sparkle

She then thought about what she was going to talk about with Bookworm and what she should bring along for their picnic. She wasn’t sure if Bookworm would provide the food, so she figured she’d make some just in case. It wouldn’t hurt to have a little extra food.

The next day at school Twilight was having trouble concentrating; a rare thing for this young filly. She was so excited for her first ever date. From time to time during the day she and Bookworm would eye each other, then look away quickly blushing brightly. Once school let out, Twilight had an hour to prepare for the picnic. She decided to wear a simple, but cute, sun dress. She headed down to the royal gardens, where Bookworm was already waiting for her. He had a whicker basket and checkered blanket; standard for most picnics. Twilight approached him slowly.

“Hello, Bookworm,” Twilight said nervously.

“Gr…greetings Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm, nervously as well with a bit of a stammer. “You…you look quite lovely.”

“Thank you very much,” she said. “I see you brought food with you.”

“Oh yes,” he said. “Since I was the one who asked you out, it seemed only natural for me to bring the food. Although I see you also brought some along.”

“Well I wasn’t sure,” she said. “This is my first date. I brought a few books along too in case we needed something to talk about.”

“This is my first date as well,” he said. “Though I did not think to bring any books.”

“That’s okay,” she said. “I’m sure we’ll figure it all out.”

They placed both blankets down on the ground and set up everything they’d brought along. Bookworm had brought along some oat sandwiches and milk. Twilight brought along some seasoned grass and hay sandwiches, and even some plates. She’d also brought three types of books: works of Starswirl the Bearded, Astrology for the Advanced Pony, and Daring Do and the Land of Equine Giants.

“Oh, Daring Do?” commented Bookworm. “Those are some exciting stories.”

“I know right?” said Twilight. “It’s good to have something to read other than school books. Not that I don’t enjoy my text books.”

“I understand what you mean,” said Bookworm. “Without a stimulating fiction story, your mind does not have a great opportunity to expand.”

It was at this point Twilight decided to ask Bookworm something that she’d been curious about since meeting him.

“Bookworm?” she said. “I hope you don’t mind me asking…”

“Yes, Miss Sparkle?” he asked.

“Why don’t you ever use contractions?” she asked.

“Oh?” he thought. “Well you see…when I was younger, I had a very bad stutter. And when going to speech therapy my teacher and I noticed that I speak with greater ease when I simply say words in their full form. So I do not use words such as d-d-don’t or c-c-can’t. A strange quirk I realize, and I know it does not go unnoticed by other ponies.”

“I hope I didn’t upset you by asking,” said Twilight.

“Not at all, Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “It was a valid question. It used to bother me, but over time I have learned to see it as something that makes me who I am.”

“That’s a very good way of looking at it,” said Twilight. “I’m going to guess you’re cutie mark has to do with reading?”

“You are quite right, Miss Sparkle,” he said. “I was among the first in my class to get my cutie mark. It was early on that I knew I had a great affinity for books and most reading material. I even enjoy the occasional comic book. The artwork for many of those can be quite stunning. Even something as simple as the adventures of Super Colt can be a refreshing change of pace.”

“My older brother Shining Armor loves Super Colt!” said Twilight. “They do have some exciting stories. Personally I like Wonder Mare.”

“Yes Wonder Mare is quite amazing!” said Bookworm. “You remind me of her in many ways.”

“Really?” said Twilight, blushing from this comment. “In what way?”

“Well,” Bookworm started. “You’re feisty and energetic like her. You never seem to take any insults, and are willing to stand up to those who are being mistreated. And, as I have already mentioned, you are very pretty.”

“You really know how to flatter a filly, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“I am just stating a fact, Miss Sparkle,” commented Bookworm. “I think any colt could easily see that you are a vision.”

Both of them blushed a deep red after he said this. There was a bit of silence, but neither seemed to mind. Finally, Bookworm took a sizeable gulp and spoke.

“Miss Sparkle?” he asked.

“Yes, Bookworm?” she asked.

“Would you mind if I kissed you?” he asked very nervously, with a quiver in his voice.

Twilight went wide eyed at this question. As this was her first date, this was of course her first time being asked for a kiss. She had read some books on the subject, and knew there various kinds. She wasn’t sure of his experience, but if she had to guess it was going to be his first kiss as well.

“I would love it, Bookworm,” she said with a bit a sultriness in her voice.

The both leaned in, both clearly nervous. Both figured it would make sense to close their eyes. It started out as a standard peck on the lips. But as the time passed they began to open their mouths more and explore more with their tongues. Bookworm even placed his front hooves onto Twilight’s face and began to feel her mane. It felt very soft. It lasted for a few minutes before finally stopping and looking into each other eyes.

“That was wonderful,” said Twilight. And she meant it, Bookworm must have read up on kissing as well.

“Thank you, Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “I enjoyed it very much as well.”

They had some food and talked about various topics. They then decided to go for a walk around the garden, as they had never really had the time to appreciate the wondrous sites before. They walked very close to one another. They pointed out the various flora and fauna, and the different kinds of statues. They particularly enjoyed a statue of the Draconequus in the center of other statues. As the sun was finally going down, Bookworm escorted Twilight back to the castle. Twilight managed to convinced the royal guards to let him take her up to the front door.

“I had a very lovely time, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“As did I, Miss Sparkle…I mean, Twilight,” said Big Worm with a big smile. Tiwlight was surprised by his sudden use of her first name. But was glad to see he had gotten comfortable enough to say it. “Would you like to do this again sometime soon?”

“Absolutely,” she said. “Let’s talk about it at school tomorrow, during lunch.”

“Alright, sounds like a good plan,” he said.

They leaned in for one more goodnight kiss.

“Good night…Twilight,” he said.

“Good night, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

Twilight closed the door and went up to her room. Along the way she ran into Princess Celestia.

“Did you have a good time, dear Twilight?” asked the princess.

“Oh Princess!” started Twilight. “It was absolutely wonderful! He was the perfect gentle colt, and we plan to go out again very soon!”

“That’s so wonderful to hear!” said Celestia. “Have sweet dreams, my little pony.”

She gave Twilight a quick nuzzle on the forehead.
“I certainly will, princess!” said Twilight in great excitement.

She was so excited for the days to come. Before heading off to bed she decided to write another letter to her mother.

Dear, Mom
My date was fantastic! And I even got my very first kiss! Bookworm is an amazing colt! I hope you, dad, and Shining Armor get to meet him someday soon! I’ll be sure to tell you more.

Much love, Twilight Sparkle