• Published 13th Apr 2020
  • 233 Views, 3 Comments

A stroll through the dark - Vash_ts

Equestria sleeps, let's take a closer look, shall we?

  • ...

1 Just passing by

Author's Note:

Well, surprise!

I had two hundred words in this since 2015. Yesterday, thanks to my sister I decided to at least finish the first chapter and upload it, because why not?. So here it is! I have no idea where I was going, and no idea if I ever will continue this (and no idea that reaching a thousand words was so hard). For now, someone somewhere might like it, so cheers to you!

Edit: minor grammar and punctuation fixes. (thanks for the heads up, Sis!)

A Stroll through the dark

It was a beautiful night, there was no denying it. A pony wandered around, basking in the kind moonlight, its shine dimly lighting the gravel path surrounding the town of Ponyville. Up high, a thousand of little dots gleamed, painting the sky with constellations and catching this lone pony's gaze.

A slight breeze shook her mane, but couldn't break her amazement at the amazing work of art. While walking closer to the whitetail woods, a nearby rustle in the treeline instantly broke her gaze from the stars, and brought her attention to the offending shrubbery.

"Is anypony there?"

Her trembling voice broke the silence of the night, and shortly after, a mysterious figure emerged from the bushes. His long legs making the biped tower over her, two thin arms crossed behind his back and his face hidden by the shadows.

"Well hello, dear! Don't mind me, I am just admiring the scenery. Beautiful work you did out here, if you ask me"

The mare shrank a bit at his imposing appearance and stepped back, but curiosity kept her from running away. "W-who are you? And what do you mean by 'work'?"

He looked at her and chuckled a bit, before lowering himself and sitting cross-legged on the grass a few meters away. Getting level with her but curiously keeping his face hidden somehow, as if the night itself wanted to keep him...

"Come on, no need to be shy! I don't bite on the first date dear, and you can call me Lucius. As for work, well, isn't this beautiful night your doing?"

Whatever fear the lone pony might had vanished in front of that statement, to be replaced by embarrassment and furious hoof waving. "No no no no, that wasn't me! The night sky is arranged by princess Luna, I was just stargazing!" A furious blush started to appear in her cheeks. "A- and what do mean by date?"

"So, a joint effort?" Lucius asked, leaning backwards a bit to admire the stars and ignoring her flustered reactions. His hands on the grass behind him providing support. "A fine work, she does. Did you make the town, then? Or maybe the trees?"

The mare's nervousness stopped to make way to bemusement. Was this beings mind as alien as its looked, or was something else going on? Looking behind her, the town started to blur as bemusement started to turn into slight panic. Why was the town behind her so quiet, and what was she doing all on her own next to an unknown and maybe crazy alien?

Lucius tore his eyes from the sky and caught hers in a mesmerizing stare, his small eyes ("A predator's" her mind told her) widening a bit when seeing her growing panic.

"Now, now, take it easy. You wouldn't want to interrupt our date so fast, would you? And we were doing so well."

The mare, now paralyzed by his eyes, didn't answer and started hyperventilating.

While Lucius tried and failed to calm his host for tonight, somepony far away felt the mare's growing panic and decided to make an entrance.

Up in the sky, the moon started to shine brighter and brighter, until it exploded. A majestic mare with mane like the night itself flew down from the shattered skies and landed between them. The panicked mare saw a cloud of starlight surround her, and powerful wings extended before her, as to protect her from the world itself. Princess Luna had arrived. "At ease, my little pony, No harm shall befall you on our realm"

The realization hit her like lightning, and Luna's next words went unheard as the world fell apart. The last thing she saw was Lucius cheerfully waving her goodbye as Luna's wary gaze fell upon him and then everything vanished.

Twilight Sparkle, Ponyville librarian woke up on the floor. Her face smooshed against the polished wood and her legs tangled on her own blanket. Outside, the first lights of dawn started to enter the room, rousing her loyal assistant from his own slumber.

"Twilight, are you alright? how late did you go to sleep last night?" Spike the Dragon, loyal assistant and pretty much her little brother helped her get up on her hooves again and accompanied her to the kitchen for an early breakfast.

"I- I had a weird dream but now... now I can't seem to remember" Twilight sat on the table as Spike started to prepare some toast and coffee. "I remember stars, and- and a monster"

"A monster? like a timberwolf?"

"Not really, I can't really say, but..." Spike gave her her coffee and sat with her, curious. "...it felt... Alien."

"Well, maybe Princess Luna was way too busy today, but maybe this is another thing saying that you might want to lay off the sweets before bed"

"SPIKE!" A giggling dragon ran away from the kitchen, an angry unicorn chasing him while wielding a dangerous looking loaf of bread in her magic. The sun rose in the sky, banishing all thoughts of dreams or nightly visitors in them.


In the Space between realities, Princess Luna watched the fragments of a dream vanish completely. The Sun was starting to pull on her consciousness, warning her of the night's end.

"So, we missed thee again. But we art getting closer"

In the real world, Luna opened her eyes and walked to the balcony. The moon answered her call and went down on the horizon, leaving the sky for her sister's Sun.

"Maybe we should write Twilight, ask her if she can tell us something new about this visitor"

The sun rose in the sky, illuminating Equestria and waking up the city.

"But for now, we shall try to find him again tonight..." Princess Luna went into her room again and started her path towards her last meal before bed. "Or you might visit our own dreams for a chat this time... Lucius"

Outside the castle, Canterlot welcomed a brand new day.