• Published 26th Oct 2012
  • 6,514 Views, 258 Comments

Making Adjustments - Spazzy Jamz

Tristan Shay is now an Equestrian. How will he adjust?

  • ...

Workin' For The Mare

A week has passed since Tristan's date with Twilight Sparkle, where the two unicorns have deemed themselves an official couple. Tristan had adapted to life as a pony quite well during this short period of time. Twilight took him, as well as an overly-eager Sweetie Belle, as her own personal students in the use of beginner's magic. Tristan had also been taking his own tours of Ponyville in order to get better acquainted with his new environment.

While his relationship with Twilight flourished, he felt bad for not contributing to the household. He would be given small errands to run and, occasionally, watch over the library in her place with Spike to help him, but he still wasn't convinced that he was helping much at all. One morning, as he arrived into the kitchen for breakfast, Tristan decided to take matters into his own hooves.

"I need a job," Tristan said, laying his chin on the kitchen table.

Spike took a quick glance backwards to the unicorn, then returns to flipping a haycake. "Why do you think that?"

"Because," Tristan replied, lifting his head, "I hate just sitting around here while you and Twilight work. I feel like a bum."

"You're not a bum, honey," Twilight comforted.

"I am a bum," Tristan sighed.

"Wait, what's a bum?" Spike asked.

Tristan groaned in frustration and laid his head back onto the kitchen table with a thud. "This sucks. I'd sell vacuums if I had to."

"Why do you want a job so badly?" Twilight asked as she set the table.

"I want to help out around here," Tristan stated. "Financially, that is. I feel guilty for just laying here. Like a bum."

Twilight perked up a small smile. "Please stop saying that. I promise you, you're not a bum."

"Yes I am," Tristan groaned.

"Seriously, what's a bum?" Spike asked again.

Twilight took a seat next to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. Tristan lulled his head to the side, releasing a sigh. After a couple minutes of staring blankly at the table, an idea finally came to the Element of Magic.

"Maybe one of the others can help you out."

Tristan lifted his head just enough to give Twilight an expression of confusion. "Huh?"

"Yeah!" she exclaimed, hoping to lift his spirits, "I'm sure somepony could use a helping hoof. Maybe you can get a job helping one of them."

"Except Rainbow Dash," Spike added, starting on a new haycake. "Tristan can't fly, so he can't help her. Everyone else is fair game, though."

Tristan righted himself in his seat. "I guess its worth a shot," he mumbled.

"Great!" Twilight chirped, "Now, eat up. You'll need all your strength and energy."

"I will?"

"More than likely."


With breakfast finished and the dishes all cleaned and put away, Twilight levitated her saddlebag onto Tristan's back and secured it. She licked a hoof and fixed a wild strand of hair on Tristan's mane, then delivered a soft kiss to his forehead.

"There you go!" she announced cheerfully, "You're all ready for you big day of job hunting!"

"I feel like I'm being sent off to my first day of school all over again," Tristan replied, "All I'm missing is my Power Rangers lunchbox."

Twilight giggled and magicked the front door open. "Okay, then!" she said, giving Tristan a friendly, yet forceful nudge. "Have fun! I'll see you later!"

Tristan stopped just outside the doorway. "Wait, you're not going to come with me?"

"I would love to, but I can't," Twilight informed. "Miss Cherilee asked me to host the Filly Book Fair today."

Spike heard this and poked his head out from the kitchen. "And you agreed to this?" he asked suspiciously.

Twilight turned to him. "But of course!"

"Can't I go with Tristan?" he begged. "Please?"

"I need you here to help with the event, Spike." Twilight reminded.

Spike threw his arms up with a huff and returned to the kitchen. Twilight returned her attention to Tristan with a look of annoyance.

"What's up with him recently?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"I'm not sure," Tristan replied. "Maybe I should talk to him later."

"That would be a great idea," Twilight agreed. "But you should get going. Rarity was telling me that she had a large order to fill, so maybe you can start there."

"Well, I suppose-"

"Great! See you later!" Twilight chirped.

She surrounded the door once again with her magenta magic and slammed the door. Tristan stood in place for a second, then turned in the direction of the Carousel Boutique.

Upon arriving at the Carousel Boutique, Tristan could hear a frantic commotion coming from inside. He could easily distinguish Rarity's voice, but her tone and inflections gave way to a sense of panic. Tristan figured that maybe it was a bad time to be bothering her for a job. He began to turn away when the door was flung open by the store's proprietary herself.

"Tristan, darling!" she greeted. "So good to see you!"

Her mane was messy, heaps of cloth lay across her back and a multitude of sewing needles hovered around her. The bags beneath the eyes of the Element of Generosity gave Tristan insight to a possible all-nighter.

"I wish I could say the same to you," Tristan replied bluntly. "What's going on?"

"Oh, I have a rather large order to fill and a limited time to do so," she said, leaning against the door frame. "I guess that's just the price to pay for success. But enough about me, dear, what brings you by?"

Tristan hesitated. He made a few quick glances around before answering.

"I was just wondering if there was a possibility that you needed help," he said quietly, "You know, with the business and all."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "You mean, like a job?"

Tristan nodded somberly. "It seems to be a bad time for you, so I'll just-"

"Nonsense, dear!" Rarity returned, fixing her stature. "Although, it is odd for a pony such as yourself to want in on this line of work. I assumed you would sell vacuums or something."

Tristan sighed a little. "That's what I was thinking."

"Oh, I'm just teasing," she said, waving a hoof. "But I must ask, do you have any experience working with fabric?"

"I patched a hole in my jeans before using some mismatched thread, a needle, and a pair of old boxers."

Rarity flinched at the image her mind drew for her of the tattered jeans with an orange thread around a polka dot patch. She shivered from the thought, and though Tristan's experience was little, her need for help at this stage of development was greater.

"That will have to do." she finally replied. "Come on in."

Tristan followed Rarity into the Carousel Boutique and up the stairs into her workroom. Pony-shaped mannequins stood about the room, along with shelves and shelves of miscellaneous fabrics and threads. Rarity quickly trotted over to her work area and began working again. Tristan stared at the inventory another second longer before joining her at the workbench.

"So, uh," Tristan fumbled, "What do you want me to do?"

Rarity took a quick glance to the bench next to her. "I need those two pieces of cloth there sewn together with no more than an inch overlapping," she instructed.

Tristan levitated the needle and thread. With a deep breath and a nod, he went to work. Rarity looked over a few minutes later to see Tristan making the last push with the needle. She hovered her work over to an empty mannequin and inched over to him.

"Okay, deary," she said, "Let's see what you've got."

Tristan laid down the needle and held up the finished product with pride. The two pieces of cloth were, indeed, sewn together, but Rarity had seen better work from Sweetie Belle. She forced a smile as a bead of sweat rolled from her brow.

"Oh, it's, uh, fine," Rarity stated, trying to keep a high spirit.

Tristan sighed. "This isn't working, is it?"

"No, not really."


Rarity frowned. "I'm sorry," she apologized.

"It's cool," Tristan replied. "I just hate letting Twilight and Spike take care of the bills and stuff. I want to help out."

"Well, that's very commendable," Rarity said, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "Actually, I think Sugarcube Corner is in need of a helping hoof. Maybe you should try there."

Tristan smiled and dropped the cloth disaster back onto the workbench as he bolted out of the room.

"Thanks, Rarity!" he called, zipping down the stairs.

"No trouble! See you later!" she returned. She took a glance back at Tristan's work and chuckled, removing the thread and starting the project over.

The possibility of redemption had sent Tristan speeding through Ponyville. He dodged ponies left and right on his way to Sugarcube Corner, and was soon joined by another pony who appeared to be heading the same direction.

"Hey, Tristan!" Pinkie Pie gasped. "What's up?"

"I was actually on my way to see you at Sugarcube Corner," Tristan replied. "Do you not work today?"

"Yeah! I'm late! I gotta hurry hurry! I'll see you there!"

"But I thought you... lived... there..."

Tristan slowed to a trot as Pinkie Pie rocketed away in a pink streak, zig-zagging between the crowd of ponies. He stopped for a moment to catch his breath, then began trotting again until Sugarcube Corner came into view. Tristan approached the door and pushed it open, revealing a rather calm interior.

The unicorn glanced around, taking short notice of the few customers that stood in the shop. He found himself admiring the contents of the glass case of which he stood in front of. Cakes, pies, and other delicious desserts tempted Tristan's tongue. Maybe this was a bad idea, too.

Before he could think any further, Pinkie Pie bounced up from behind the counter, startling the unicorn.

"Hiya! Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!" she greeted. The earth pony giggled a little.

"Hey," Tristan replied. "Uh, Rarity told me you guys were possibly looking for another employee?"

Pinkie Pie bounced. "We sure are!" she answered. "The Cakes aren't here right now, but they've left me in charge of things until they get back, including hiring!"

Are they insane? Tristan wondered. He shook off the thought, not wanting to doubt the Element of Laughter, and instead perked up a smile.

"I just have to ask some questions," Pinkie continued, motioning him to the back of the shop. "It's a formality. Just has to be done."

"I totally understand," Tristan replied. He followed the pink pony to the back room of Sugarcube Corner where he guessed the "interview" would take place. As he stepped into the room, the door was locked behind him and the lights were killed.

"Hey! What gi-"

Tristan felt himself grabbed and slammed into what he assumed was an old chair. Before he could react, he also felt something like rope being wrapped around him, completely immobilizing his front legs. He struggled against the restraints until a single lamp illuminated part of the room. Pinkie Pie picked it up and shined the bright light onto the unicorn's face, causing Tristan to wince.

"What's your name!?" Pinkie Pie demanded. Her facial expression had changed to one of anger and scorn.


"Answer the question, punk!"

Tristan glanced around, not sure of what to do. The best possible solution to this madness, he figured, was to simply comply.

"T-Tristan Shay?" he sputtered.

"Wrong!" she boomed. "What's your name?"

"Star Skipper?"

Pinkie Pie switched off the lamp. Fear had set back in for the unicorn, but it was quickly alleviated when the room was illuminated again by the room's main lights.

"Oki Doki Loki!" Pinkie Pie said, beginning to untie Tristan. "That's it! You're hired!"

Tristan shot an incredulous look to the earth pony. "Seriously?! You put me through all that for a name you already knew?!"

"I told you it had to be done," she replied, bouncing out of the room. "Gotta be professional and all. Wasn't that fun, though?"

Tristan released a deep breath and slowly made his way into the kitchen with Pinkie Pie. Maybe this was a bad idea.

Pinkie Pie pulled the oven door open, presenting a perfectly baked pie to the apprentice unicorn.

"See?" Pinkie said, "Easy as pie!"

Tristan groaned inaudibly at the joke. After a short giggling fit, the pink pony proceeded over to Tristan's oven.

"Let's see how yours turned out!"

The Element of Laughter repeated the process of opening the oven door, but instead of a smile, a grimace spread across her face. Tristan leaned over to observe the object of Pinkie Pie's expression only to share her feeling of disapproval. He levitated the pie pan out, its contents looking something similar to a nuclear test gone horribly awry.

With a heavy sigh, the unicorn dropped the pan onto the counter. He dropped the pan onto the counter and began removing his apron.

"This isn't working either," he said quietly.

"You can't just give up, Tristan!" Pinkie Pie replied. "It was only your first try! Come on, let's try again!"

Tristan hovered the apron back onto the rack with the others and retrieved his saddlebags. "No thanks, Pink," he declined soberly, "You guys have a good bit of work to do. I don't want to get in the way."

Pinkie Pie reached out for her discouraged friend, but he was already too far from her grasp. He sauntered out of the shop with his head hung low in defeat.

Once Tristan had made his way outside, he wandered aimlessly into the middle of the Marketplace. He made glances at the vendors and shops that lined the sides of the street in hopes of a "Help Wanted" sign. To his despair, he found none.

"Ugh," he muttered, "I'm getting nowhere with this. There's gotta be something around here that I can do."

"Now what's got ya talkin' to yourself like that?"

Tristan looked up quickly to see Applejack. She was carrying saddlebags that appeared to be full of random gears, rods, and other miscellaneous nuts and bolts.

"Oh, hey AJ," he greeted, faking a smile. "What are you up to?"

"Well," the farm mare began, shifting the saddlebags, "Ah had ta pick up some parts Ah need for this contraption back on the farm. It's a plow that also plants the seeds and replaces the soil as it goes along."

"That sounds cool," Tristan replied.

"It sure does!" Applejack agreed. "The only problem now is puttin' the darn thing together. Ah'm not too bad at makin' sense of blueprints and all, but this is a tad out of mah league."

"Can I have a look?" Tristan asked impulsively. He normally wouldn't have asked, but for some reason, his curiosity got the better of him.

Applejack raised an eyebrow, then fished a rolled piece of paper from one of the saddle bags and tossed it his way. Tristan received it with his magic and unrolled it, silently studying the various diagrams and notes that had been scribbled next to them. After a few solid minutes of reading, he rolled the blueprints back up with a smirk.

"Piece of cake," he said, placing the paper back into Applejack's saddlebag.

"You understand all that mumbo jumbo?" replied the Element of Honesty.

"Yeah," Tristan said. "I used these all the time when I had my human job."

Applejack's smile returned rapidly. "Ya think you could help put 'er together?" she asked. "Ah'm sure Ah could make it worth your while. That is, unless your busy, of course."

"I've been job hunting all morning," Tristan replied, "But I suppose I can take a break from it for a while."

The farm mare reared at Tristan's answer, then re-adjusted her Stetson. Tristan began to follow her out to Sweet Apple Acres in a much better mood, knowing that at least he was going to be somewhat productive today.

Tristan wheeled himself out from underneath the contraption after about half an hour of working. He levitated the wrench away back over to the toolbox and wiped some sweat from his forehead with a semi-clean rag.

"Okay," he said, standing, "I think she's ready to go."

Applejack beamed at the announcement, waving over a rather large stallion. As he silently began to hook himself up to the plow, Tristan decided to finally make some conversation with the brawny farmhand.

"So, you're Big Mac, right?" he asked.

"Eeyup," the stallion replied, still attaching the equipment.

"You're like the main muscle around here, huh? Kickin' trees, plowing, etcetera."

Big Mac stopped to think for a moment, then nodded. "Eeyup."

Tristan narrowed his eyes. "You don't talk too much, do you?"


Tristan sighed as he took a step back, finding himself next to Applejack. She shook her head with a small smile, then turned to her brother.

"Alright, Mac!" she called, "Let 'er have it!"

Big Mac's facial expression instantly changed from one of indifference to determination. He gave a great pull with his body and the plow followed suit. As the stallion charged through the field, Tristan found that the contraption had been brought brilliantly to life. All the gears turned effortlessly, the bolts held their place, and one after the other, seeds were planted into the tilled earth and quickly covered.

Tristan sighed in relief, glad that his work had paid off with success. Applejack's grin grew wider as Big Mac plowed a couple more rows before coming to a stop in front of her. As the eldest sibling began unhooking himself from is harness, Tristan looked over to Applejack.

"Works like a charm," he commented.

"No kiddin'!" Applejack remarked, "Did she run good, Big Mac?"

"Well," the stallion began, "Ah think one of the belts is a little loose and the harness seems to be coming apart on the strap that lays across my back, but other than that, Ah think it runs great."

Tristan silently stared at Big Mac with a twitchy eye, taken aback by his sudden vocabulary growth.

"Thank ya kindly for your help, Tris," Applejack said, "Ah do appreciate it and wish there was a way we could repay ya for your work."

Tristan rubbed the back of his head with a hoof and smiled. "Oh, no worr-"

Tristan's stomach interrupted him, gurgling loud enough to draw the two Apple siblings' attention to his torso. His face became red as he held an arm over his side to block their view. Applejack chuckled to herself.

"How 'bout a down-home lunch?" she said. "You deserve it."

Tristan took another bite of Applejack's signature apple pie, smiling at the pure deliciousness that it contained. Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith all occupied the table in the kitchen, devouring the mid-day meal.

"Thish ish really good," Tristan complimented, indulging in yet another bite.

"Why, thank ya, sugarcube," Applejack replied. "Ol' family recipe. Ain't that right, Granny?"

"Wha?" the senior asked, looking up. "Speak up. Ah can't hear ya."

"Ah said," Applejack repeated, "'Ol' family recipie', right?"

"Who ya seein' tonight?"

Applejack put a hoof to her face. "Nevermind," she mumbled. The farm mare turned her attention back to Tristan. "So what had ya all down in the dumps earlier?"

Tristan swallowed his last bite before answering. "I was feeling bad about not helping out Twilight and Spike financially, so I've been desperately hunting around for a job all morning." He hung his head. "It seems like everything I try for ends up in failure."

Applejack nodded in understanding. "Ya haven't brought yourself down to selling vacuums, have ya?"

Tristan shrugged. "At this rate, it may be more of a reality than I'd honestly like. It doesn't matter as long I'm contributing to the household somehow."

Applejack looked at her half-eaten pie in thought, then was struck with a brilliant idea. "Why not be a handypony?"

"Huh?" Tristan asked, wearing a puzzled look. "A handypony?"

The Element of Honesty nodded quickly. "You fixed up our equipment like it was nothin'! And even back on your world, ya said you were good at puttin' stuff together and fixin' things! Why not do that here?"

"Eeyup," Big Mac commented, starting on a new pie.

Tristan thought for a moment as a small smile stretched across his face. "You know what? That may work." he said. He had begun bouncing in his seat from excitement. "Yeah! That's great! I gotta go tell Twi!"

Applejack smiled warmly. She pushed her plate to the middle of the table. "Ah'll see Tristan out, Granny."

Tristan also pushed forward his plate and followed Applejack just outside of the house. The earth pony turned to him and smiled.

"Ah'll make sure to get the word around town about ya," she stated. "You'll have business in no time."

"Thanks AJ," Tristan replied. "I appreciate it."

"Least Ah can do, sugarcube," she returned. "But, uh, can Ah ask ya about somethin'? It's a little crazy, but I'm pretty sure I can trust ya."


"Well... uh... ya see... Ah have a crush on somepony..."

Tristan chuckled. "It seems everypony is coming to me about this sort of thing. First Rarity, then Rainbow Dash, now you. Has the love bug bitten everypony in town or something?"

Applejack blushed. "Ah reckon so."

Before she could say another word, Apple Bloom bounced up to them, grinning from ear to ear. "Hiya, sis! Hey, Tristan!"

"Howdy, Apple Bloom!" Applejack greeted. "How was the book fair?"

"It was okay," the filly replied, "Ah checked out somethin' pretty, uh, interestin'."

Tristan looked to Apple Bloom. "What was it? I don't see you with a book..."

Apple Bloom blushed. "Oh! Uh, Ah musta forgot it at the library! Silly me..."

The filly bounced past them and into the house. Applejack squinted at the door, then snapped her eyes back open.

"Aw, ponyfeathers!" she said, "Ah completely forgot! Have a safe trip home Tristan! Ah gotta ask a certain somepony about a certain somethin'."

She dashed off into the house, leaving Tristan standing alone at the beginning of the dirt road that led back towards town. He shook his head and began walking.

"What's gotten into everypony recently?"

Tristan burst through the door of the library, throwing his saddlebag off to the side of the room as he galloped full speed up the staircase into Twilight's bedroom. He knocked the door wide open, startling the purple unicorn that sat inside on her bed. Books lay on both sides of her.

"Twilight!" he shouted, "I've figured it out!"

Twilight fixed her head to the side, staring in confusion. "Figured out what?"

"I've figured out what I can do for a job!" he replied, bouncing in excitement. "Applejack helped me figure it out!"

"Vacuum Salespony?" she teased.

"Very funny."

"Are you going to be working at Sweet Apple Acres?"

"Nope," he said. "I'm going to fix and build stuff!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "You mean, like a handypony?"

"Well, sorta," Tristan answered. "I'm hoping to figure out a better title, but essentially, yes."

Twilight smiled and closed the book she had open. She climbed off the bed and trotted over to give her companion a congratulatory nuzzle.

"That's great!" she said. "I'm so happy that you found something you can do!"

Tristan beamed with pride. "Yeah. I fixed Applejack's plowing machine at the farm, and then I thought, 'Since I was so good at it back home, why not make it a career here?'".

Twilight levitated a small scroll from her dresser and presented it to the unicorn. "That's perfect! I already have your first job for you!"

Tristan's prideful grin dissipated into the same look of confusion that Twilight wore just a moment ago. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"As you can see, there are drains that need unclogged, some of the lights aren't working, which i suspect is because of some faulty wiring. Also, there's a few-"

Tristan gladly took the list from Twilight's magical grasp and planted a light kiss on Twilight's cheek before trotting back through the bedroom door.

"Honey," Twilight called, "Don't you need tools first?"

Author's Note:

Okay, guys, first off, I'm extremely sorry about not updating the story sooner. I've been going through a bit more personal stuff (attempting to quit smoking, working nearly six days a week, etc.), so I haven't really been able to write nearly as much as I would have liked. So again, major apologies and thanks for sticking with me.

Also, on top of all that, I've been trying to kick start my solo music career (which is going supremely slow, thanks for asking). I have been writing a few songs and I may or may not have a gig set up this coming weekend, but it's all acoustic stuff, which, being a pop-punk/metal artist, is supremely weird for me. I'll see what I can do about filling you guys in more about that later. You all can follow me on Twitter @ThatSpazzyKid if you want in the loop about my music or my life away from the keyboard.

Thank you guys for reading this. I promise the next few chapters will have some more exciting content, seeing as how this one was a tad humdrum. Anyways, let me know what your thoughts are in the comments section below and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

- Spazzy Jamz