• Published 21st Oct 2012
  • 892 Views, 7 Comments

Pegacorn - TheButcher

Princess Stella was born with horns and wings because his Parents didn't love him or each other.

  • ...

The Greatest Pegacorn Ever.

"Princess Stella was like, the best! Stella was super duper smart, the smartest and the coolest and the funniest Pony ever. Twilight Sparkle said she read all his books and learned a lot from him. She even said he knew more about Magic than her. He was generous and Rarity said he had good style. Fluttershy said he was really kind and should have gotten her Element, too. He was loyal and honest too! Rainbow Dash called him cool, Applejack called him strong. Pinkie Pie said he was weird and that's Pinkie Pie we're talking about. Even Princess Celestia called him the greatest, strongest and most magical Pegacorn ever! I really liked his humor and style..."

Suddenly the earth exploded with pink spellfire.

Princess Stella erupted from the ground in an explosion of power that put Nightmare Moon to shame. Her black coat was scratched but mended itself in seconds. Her powerful wings flared and blew away the dust with a single flap. Her horn shone with a brilliant pink aura, revealing itself as the origin of the explosion. Her pink ethereal Hair waved slowly in spite of the chaotic winds her magical Pegasus wings conjured.

Diamond Tiara, who had spoken was scrambling back to her hooves after she fell from the explosion. "Pinkie Pie!" She shouted. Princess Stella's mouth opened and said in an apologetic voice: "Sorry! But I didn't get any air in there and panicked! I tried to wait it out, but oxygen deprivation seems to really erode my control. You should put some air holes into the coffin!"

"A coffin doesn't need air holes! And those won't work under the earth anyway!"

"Maybe poisoning him before we bury him works? It did help the Changeling Queen to defeat the Princess.", Twilight Sparkle supplied helpfully. "I just happen to have invented several poisons specifically for use on him when I was a filly."

"You won't poison my boyfriend!" Diamond Tiara screamed. *Oh Celestia, please let that have been a one sided crush.*, everyone thought. "I don't think it was.", Princess Stella seemed to read everyones mind.

"We can even make it look as if he died peacefully in his sleep! Or a Heart Attack, or a ruptured liver! And it's completely undetectable too!" Twilight continued. Princess Celestia, who came to the funeral in order to console and comfort Twilight wished dearly she hadn't skipped out on personally supervising the boring Theory Lessons. Also she was going to have to investigate weather any Ponies her student didn't like died of natural causes.

Diamond Tiara meanwhile stomped towards the shining black and pink apparition of supreme power. "And you, get the fuck OUT!" "Diamond!" a very distraught looking Filthy Rich scolded, but was silenced by his daughters harsh glare. "I really can't!" said Stella, "I never really could ever since Princess Stella got my Cutie Mark!" She gestured to her flank, where three colorful balloons where indelibly emblazoned. "And even before that he always had to kick me out himself."

"AAARRRGH!", growled Diamond and slumped to the ground.

"Maybe we can postpone the burial until we found a way to make it permanent." Injected Princess Celestia. "Meanwhile Pinkie Pie can keep the body."

"Corpse!" shouted Diamond Tiara. "He told me I could have it when he died." Princess Stella told Diamond for the thousandths time.

"But he tasked ME with the funeral you, you... Eldritch Abomination! I was his best friend!", yelled the filly.

"And we can have a memorial service without actually burying the... corpse. Princess Stella was a Scientist and in a way he donated his body to his chosen field. Sometimes in such cases there are funerals without burials. This can be such a case." Diamond was about to protest when even the patience of Princess Celestia ran out. "Consider it a Royal Degree."

Princess Stella wisely refrained to break out into a happy song. It was his funeral after all and she wasn't invited.

"AND HERE I THOUGHT YOU CARED ABOUT HIM!" Diamond yelled at the Princess and ran off.

This is Diamond Tiara writing. Into this Book I copy the personal blog of the Great Researcher Princess Stella. He was a great stallion and maybe my only real friend. I won't give any more exposition or anything. He was always better at explaining things anyway. I loved him. Because he always tried and never gave up and no matter how many times he slipped and failed and let loose a sharp word or a witty insult, he always tried! He never thought to himself "Well I can't be kind enough anyway so I can just give up." And who cares about his motives, the important thing is what he did! The important thing is what he meant to do!

Anyway, the rest of this Prologue is just his introduction to Magic and Pegacorns, which he wrote even though everypony who went to kindergarten and had a sex-ed class worth it's salt should know. He was thorough like that.

Hello, my name is Princess Stella and I am a stallion. When I was born with both a horn and wings my parents were overjoyed and thought I was going to be a princess.

But I’m not an alicorn. I am a pegacorn.

If you don’t know what that means I should explain. Ponies are creatures of Magic. A Ponies race is determined not by their genes, but by their Magic. Alicorns are so powerful they have enough Magic to power the flight and weather control of Pegasi, the strength and life Magic of Earth Ponies and the Spells of Unicorns. A ponies Magic is further specialized and defined by their Cutie Mark, whose appearance stabilizes and shapes their Magic. In utero their Magic determines what traits are grown and more importantly what traits are suppressed. This Magic comes from the love of the parents for their unborn foal and, if they don't know about it, their love for each other.

I was born without magic. If my mother didn't just love the fact that I was a princess before they cut the umbilical cord I might have died on the spot. I do have a little Magic. Just enough to keep me sentient, because it seems without their Magic a pony would be dumber than a dog. But there isn't enough to go around. My wings cannot manipulate the air. They work exactly like a bird's wings, but those are not sufficient to keep a pony shaped creature aloft. When I try to use my Earth Pony Muscles over the limit of what a buff unicorn could do I black out and can't think straight for days, nearly killed myself a few times. My horn is more then useless. It only saps my Mana, nothing else.

Sadly a transfusion of Mana or Magic is nearly unheard of. They can constantly heal me to stave off my demise, but I cannot use another ponies magic, they have to be the ones to direct it if they want it to do anything useful in my body.

There is one way however. Sadly I am not really that generous. I try, but seeing as I obviously have an ulterior motive the whole thing doesn't really work out. I am kind to everyone I meet, but my snark and bitterness kinda gives that a damper. I never lie. Well. Sarcasm doesn't count, does it? I am doing this blog thing to be more open and give full disclosure to everyone who wants to know. I don't have that many friends, but I always strive to be loyal to them. But there aren't really many opportunities for it. The Doctors tried to set up a few, but that didn't really work out, because I didn't fall for them.

Terminally ill ponies don't normally spread much cheer.

I know really really really much about Magic. I studied not endless amounts of spells I can't cast anyway, but I read every Book about Magical theory and pure Magic. I know how to teleport and levitate and heal and some other random stuff, but of course cannot do it.

I hope I can somehow convince the Princess to let me near her OCD top student, but she thinks I would break her heart and doesn't think she could add any new insight she or the teachers at her school couldn't. But the elements are the only thing that could plausibly help me and Sparkle used them better than Celestia. She studied them for over a year now, she must have found out so much of their inner workings…

You see that? YOU SEE THAT! If he only could have come to Ponyville sooner, if only he had more time he could have been healed. And "Break her heart?" That bitch fucking HATES him. Look at what she said at his funeral. But he always emphasized the good in ponies... The Princess was afraid, afraid because he had the potential to become more powerful than her!