• Published 22nd Oct 2012
  • 2,028 Views, 84 Comments

Thine Own Self - Doctorparadox13

A human is transported to Equestria through some unknown means, and suffers from major amnesia

  • ...

Getting to know Lyra

''Samson! hey Samson! Wake up!'' A voice belong to Lyra yelled, I then felt a cold splash of water on my face.

''Alright! I'm up!'' I yelled quickly sitting up and rubbing my eyes. ''Ugh, Lyra? why are you here?''

''We're going to lunch remember?''

''Oh yeah... sorry... overslept.''

''Actually no, I just wanted to see you again so badly, so I came over here.'' Lyra said smiling at me and invading my personal space. Oh... those beautiful golden eyes...

''Well, alright then, where are we going?'' I said hopping out of bed. Still in my dirty, torn, green uniform

''Um, Lyra, can you leave the room while I change? I'll see you downstairs.''

''Sure thing Samson, don't keep me waiting!'' Lyra said happily trotting out of the room and closing the door behind her. I took off my green uniform, strange, I slipped on the metal bracers I found yesterday and picked up the black outfit I had found in my backpack yesterday. Heh, it was a complete outfit with black pants with many pockets, and a hooded robe of some sort... the robes also had a gray-white fur padding on the left shoulder and under... um whats the word, not sleeves, ah, bracers and a small, adorned buckle in a shape of diamond, which connected the belts which crossed over his chest. There was also an upside-down symbol on the tip of the hood, heh, the hood was in the shape of a beak too. This looked brand new. After putting on the outfit I decided to go through that briefcase again, looking at the ''vigors'' I picked up one that said ''Undertow'' and on it was a picture of another human... levitating an apple? Maybe this vigor would give me telekinesis like a unicorn. I stuffed it in my pocket and headed downstairs, can't keep Lyra waiting. When I got downstairs Lyra was chatting with Twilight as she sorted books onto the shelves.

''Good morning Twilight!'' I said cheerfully as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

''Good morning Samson, sleep well?'' Twilight asked me

''Yeah, what time is it?''

''11:09.'' Lyra answered

''Well, bye Twilight, Me and Lyra are headed off for some lunch.''

''Have fun you two!'' Twilight called after me and Lyra as we left.

''So where are we eating Lyra?''

''Oh, my favorite restaurant, Hoity Toity’s Fine Equestrian Cuisine.''

''that sounds fancy, oh, um... Sorry i can't be a proper gentleman and pay, but i'm broke.'' I said with slight shame in my voice

''Don't worry about it Samson, I got you covered.'' Lyra said as we walked through ponyville, I was getting a lot of odd looks from the ponies on the street. typical.

''Hey Lyra, what do you do for a living?''

''Well, i'm a musician of course!'' She said ''I play the Lyre, the cutie mark says it all.'' She said shaking her flank at me. ''So how do you like ponyville so far?''

''its great, everypony is so nice here. Well, maybe accept for Rainbow Dash.''

''Why do you say that Samson?''

''She seems... arrogant... And she didn't really get to know me, She spent the entire party away from me.''

''Psh... yeah, that sounds like her. Always jumping to conclusions.'' Lyra said with a chuckle

''Heh, well I don't think theres anything to do to change that...'' I mutter, but Lyra heard me.

''She probably will, us ponies are very forgiving.''


*A few minutes later at the restaurant*

''Um... What should I order?'' I ask Lyra flipping through the menu. Heh, this restaurant was pretty fancy. kinda reminds me of... um... whats that city called... it started with an ''F'' ah, yeah... France. the so called ''City of love'' Heh, speaking of love... Wait, do I like Lyra? i mean sure shes a good friend so far... but... wouldn't that be weird? A relationship with a pony? Ugh, no stop thinking about that and pick something to order.

''Well, what do humans usually eat?'' Lyra asked

''Hmm... let me think... i guess everything a pony eats.'' i said staring into her bright golden eyes. Heh, I then looked around at all the other ponies in the restaurant, they were sitting on all fours like dogs in their chairs while Lyra was sitting... um... the same way I was, human style.

''Lyra? Why do you sit like that? isn't that uncomfortable''

''Actually yes, but it cracks my back and helps me think. Yeah, I have a reputation for sitting like this.''

''Or maybe because Humans sit like that? Like me for example.''

She blushed slightly. “Well, I do think it’s a cool pose, but the thinking part is important .”

''Maybe you have a big interest for humans because the way you sit.'' I said leaning in.

She leaned in too and said ''I guess it’s possible, I've always had a fascination with humans, can't remember how it started.''

''Can I take your orders?'' A brown earth pony with a black vest and a red bow tie said holding a notepad in his hooves.

''Uh...'' I stutter looking at him and flipping through the menu.

''I'll have a dandelion sandwich, extra lettuce.'' Lyra told the waiter

''And for you sir?''

''Um, same thing shes having...''

''This will take a few minutes.'' The stallion said walking off. Male ponies were called stallions right? Ugh... Lyra looks absolutely beautiful…

''So beautiful...'' I mutter

''What was that?'' Lyra asked

''Um... I said, the food looked really good in the menu!'' Lyra looked at me suspiciously, then down at my hands, I was just twiddling my thumbs.

''Hey Samson... can I... um...'' Lyra said nervously

''C'mon,'' I said smiling at the beautiful green unicorn, ''You can ask me anything, anything at all.''

''Can I play with your hands?'' Heh, what an odd request.

''Sure Lyra, go ahead.'' Lyra took my hand and started experimenting and fondling with my hand. Bending the fingers, waving it around... Awkward.

''Where are you from Samson?''

''Well, the only place I can remember is America.''

''America? is that a country like Equestria?''

''Yeah, except humans live there.''

''Do you come from some specific town or city?''

''Now that I can't remember.''

''You don't remember much do you?''

''No, I don't really. my memory is like... um.. let me think... Swiss cheese!'' That comment made Lyra laugh.

''Do humans have music?''

''Yeah... I remember one song, actually.''

''Can you sing it for me?''

''Um... somewhere, beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me... And i actually don't remember the rest of the lyrics, just the tune to it.''

''Can you at least hum it for me?'' She asked fluttering her eyes lashes.

''of course. But a few questions first, whats it like to have magic?''

''Hmm, I don't know, it just comes naturally.''

''Here you go.'' The brown earth pony said dropping plates onto the table. ''And heres you bill.''

''Thank you kind sir.'' Lyra said jokingly taking out a small bag of coins and levitating it over to the brown earth pony, still holding my hand with her hoof. (somehow). then Lyra let go of my hand and started eating her sandwich. I looked at my own sandwich, it looked normal I guess... wait, were those flowers in the sandwich? I frowned at the thought. Ugh, can't let Lyra's money go to waste, besides I'm starving. I picked it up and took a bite out of it. It actually tasted pretty good, like honey, but it was also pretty dry. Wait, I still have that undertow vigor in my pocket. Time to give it a taste.

''Whats that?'' Lyra asked me with her mouth full

''A drink I brought with me.''

''What's it called?'' Lyra asked finally letting go of my hand.

''Undertow Vigor, it claims it will give me telekinesis.''

''Well thats possible, Applejack's little sister Applebloom once drank a potion she got from Zecora and caught the cutie pox.''

''Is that bad? The cutie pox?''

''Oh yeah, probably the worst thing you can catch. All these different cutie marks start appearing all over your body and you can't control whatever talent it brings you!''

''Well, thats bad I guess. Whos Zecora?''

''Zecora is a zebra who lives in the everfree forest, everypony thought she was a crazy witch at first, but then we got know her.''

''Then why doesn't she live in Ponyville?''

''I don't know, probably to be closer to all her plants she uses for her potions, your lucky you didn't get the reaction as everpony else when you first came to town.'' Lyra responded

''What do you mean?'' I said taking a sip of undertow, I instantly felt sick to my stomach. it tasted... decent... but I felt really weird.

''Well, everypony was afraid of her, we barricaded ourselves in our homes, when she came to town ponyville was practically deserted, how does that Vigor taste?'' Lyra said smiling

''Um, sorta good, I mean it is good, but its not exactly my new favorite drink.''

''Can I have a taste?''

''Um, I don't think this stuff is good for ponies.'' I said eating the rest of the sandwich.

''C'mon, just a sip.'' Lyra said levitating the vigor away from me. I reached out to grab it and the Vigor, just floated over to me... There was no golden aura surrounding it like Lyra did when she first levitated it. Was I using magic?

''Are you doing that?'' Lyra asked me

''Well I'll be damned, the vigor worked.'' I said spinning the bottle in the air. ''Heh, this is fun.''

''Do you have any more of those?''

''About 11 more back at Twilight's. Different kinds.''


''I don't know what they do, I remember the names though.''

''And what are they called?''

''Um, give me a few seconds... Um, Buckin' bronco, Devil's kiss, Undertow and... Ah, yeah, Shock Jockey.''

''Those are really weird names, then again ''Samson'' is a weird name.''

''Well, I like it, Lyra is a really nice name.''

''Thanks Samson.'' She said smiling at me, ''Did you like your sandwich?''

''Yeah, it was pretty good.''

''Samson, can i ask something random?''

''Anything.'' I answered back grabbing the half empty vigor bottle out of the air and stuffing it in my pocket.

''If I can convince Bon Bon to let you move in with us, would you?'' i remembered Bon Bon, cream colored mare with light blue eyes, seemed suspicious, not as suspicious as Rainbow dash though, but she seemed to like me.

''Um... Yeah.''

''You hesitated right there, you don't really do you?'' Lyra asked with slight sadness in her voice.

''No No! I do, really!'' I said raising my voice and standing up, everypony in there stopped eating and looked awkwardly at us.

''Um, just a misunderstanding everypony! Go back to eating!'' I said nervously sitting back down. Lyra blushed, cute. Everypony else did as I said and went back to eating and chatting with each other.

''You really want to move in with me?'' Lyra asked

''Yeah, I do if that's OK with Bon Bon I'm sorry I raised my voice.''

''Forgiven, I'm done eating, wanna leave?'' She said smiling again. I love that smile...

''Where to now?'' I ask standing back up.

''Hmm... I feel like going bowling, how about you?'' Lyra asked standing up as well.

''Okay.'' I said following her outside. Hmm, I can't remember what bowling was, it sounds nice though, whatever it is. Hmm, funny I can remember certain things like America and France, but I can't remember anything about me.