• Published 1st Mar 2013
  • 1,386 Views, 12 Comments

Falling - PinkiePie35

Time can only heal so much.

  • ...

Fall from Grace

The sun is out and shining, several rays of golden sunlight beaming upon my face. The air smells of gentle lavender and cotton, an easy breeze wafting the sweet, light air into my nose. All around, I am greeted by the carefree chirp of birds, the warm glow of the sun above, and the crisp whistle of blades of grass blowing back and forth.

Cool flames of wind lick past our ears and manes as we run together in the morning blaze, eyelids closed, mouths turned up in smiles, souls content with the company of the other.

Just the two of us, together.

I crack my eyes open for a moment, and look to my side, specifically my left. On my left, a soft stream stretches in both directions parallel to me, flowing the same direction we are moving. With the sun emitting its shine upon the land in a radiant blanket, the water sparkles with warmth from the heated riverbed beneath its surface. A serene slush is audible as the clear, blue liquid trickles down the stream, slowly and unhurriedly. The stream bends westward as we continue our brisk graze and, after gradually swerving quite distant from us, empties into a large, calm pool.

As we pass the far-off pond, my eyes still focused on my left side, I glance outwards and upwards to the horizon. Thin, wavy puffs of white speckle the skyline, their edges blending into the surrounding baby blue sky. Their shadows cover the earth before us, seemingly protecting it from harm.

Low above the ground, insects buzz, butterflies flap their wings against the air, and small creatures rustle cautiously through the morning dew. Squirrels sit perched in trees, squeaking among one another and scurrying about the leafy branches.

We continue galloping forward.

Onward we run, past vegetation and wildlife, over hills and under trees, never stopping, not even for a brief moment. Even though we travel a great distance at great speed, our breathing remains controlled and calm. Neither of us feel any physical exertion as we canter speedily across the dirt; rather, our bodies are relaxed, our minds clear and focusing on each other.

We arrive at a green incline, and begin our ascent towards the pinnacle. The air rushes past our bodies as we rise to the top, climbing higher, higher, higher...

At last, we arrive at the peak.

At our altitude, the wind is slightly stronger than the wind of the ground. Our manes blow past our ears and in front of our faces as we turn away from the breeze.

Once turned around, we gaze together upon the expansive field over which we had just dashed across. I can see the pond, a large distance away, glimmering in waves as it reflects the sun's light.

The sights and sounds of this morning's atmosphere are magnificent and breathtaking.

But the true beauty of this day, however, is not found in its sights of pleasure or elegance, nor is it found in the calming, soothing sounds it possesses.

Rather, it is found beside me.

Not to my left side, but to my right.

The true beauty of this morning is the mare standing with me, at this very moment.

The love of my life.

My entire world.

I look over to her, a truly content smile painted on my face. Her breezy spectral mane floats in the wind, its strands of rainbow flicking about gently. When she notices my stare, she returns the gaze, and smiles back. Words need not be spoken, for our minds are in total concinnity. My eyes are fixed on hers, two gorgeous, round ovals of bright and hopeful magenta.

As I stare into her heart, the feeling in my own cannot be described with words.

If I were to say that I feel true happiness, that nothing in the world could make me more complete, that I feel like I belong nowhere except right here, next to the side of this absolutely 'perfect in every way' mare, even that description would be a major understatement.

Finally, she breaks the silence with her clear, daring voice.

"Let's go," she says softly with an angelic grin.

Her grin widens, she spreads her wings, and jets herself into the early sky with the thrust of her hind legs. I chuckle, watch her for a moment as her beautiful form soars through the morning majesty, and then follow suit. My own violet wings spring out to my sides and I hop off the peak of the hill. The air whisks past in a light whistle as I hurry to catch up to her.

If the ground was magnificent, then the morning sky is even more lovely. The sun graciously warms my back as I flap my wings and cut through the air. A mockingbird flies up next to me, inspects me for a moment, and flies back downwards towards a tree, presumably to nurture her young.

A good length away, I notice my love angle upwards higher into the sky. I follow her, and allow my wings to curve me up closer to the sun.

As my altitude increases, I soon find myself immersed in a kingdom of white, carefree clouds. Here, no insects stir, and few birds soar. For the most part, it's only me, the clouds...

She suddenly pops out from behind a snowy and fluffy cloud with a fierce expression on her face, and upon seeing me recoil in surprised fear, she bursts out laughing at her successful attempt in startling me. She flies over to me, grabs me into a hugging embrace, and pecks a kiss on my cheek.

...and her.

I giggle a bit, thinking her little prank both cute and funny. Her energetic and playful personality is the very reason I love her so much; even if it may be slightly overdone at times, I know she can't help but mess around with me a bit- and to be honest, I find it kind of adorable. In truth, the fact that she truly acts herself around me tells me that she really does accept me as her partner and soul mate. The very thought makes my heart flutter as she holds me in her hooves.

She starts to speak with her young voice, in a calm and soothing tone.

"Do you know just how much I love you?"

My heart nearly flies out of my chest. Up close, cradled right in her arms, her features are beautified with extreme detail. Her cerulean cheeks are blushed a barely visible shade of pink, her lips turned upward in a passive smile. I once again feel captivated by those resplendent magenta eyes of hers; just staring into them allows me to be captured in her protective shield of love. Her dark eyebrows nonchalantly lay atop her eyes as she gazes at me seductively and sweetly.

"Of course I do," I reply.

"Good. As long as I know that you know that, I'll be okay until you come here with me for good," she says.

For a moment my thoughts pause as I contemplate the sentence that just came from her lips. Until you come here with me for good? What does she mean? Trying not to look surprised for yet the second time this day, I push the concern off to the side for the time being.

She begins to speak once again.

"Twilight. I want you to know that for all the time we've been together, my feelings towards have not changed, ever. You're always going to be my best my friend, and my mare. You have no idea how proud it makes me to be with somepony as perfect as you. In all of the beginning of my life, I always wanted somepony to be my partner, somepony to pull through difficult times with. Somepony to call my own. Twilight, that feeling fills my heart with joy every single darn time I look at you. Thank you for gifting me with that pleasure."

Wow, is she reading the book of my heart or something? Because, to be blunt, I reverberate the exact same feelings to her. For a mare of such energetic and active zeal, the words which she just spoke were more expressive than anything I have ever heard before.

My expression must look completely dumbfounded, for she snickers a bit after I fail to answer within a few seconds. Embarrassed, my cheeks flood with red and I quickly scramble for something to say.

"Er... I'm sorry, Rainbow, I just... I forget sometimes that even though you're so bold, you're also a mare of many words..."

Her own cheeks turn red similar to my own, she scratches the back of her neck with one of her hooves, and says, "Ha, I know, I kind of surprise myself a bit sometimes as well...heh..."

I sense in her expression that she worries what she just said scared me; however, to assuage her fears and show that my feelings for her are exactly the same, I slowly shut my eyelids over my eyes and lean inwards to her.

She replies by doing the same thing.

Soon, I can feel her breath as we are but a small space away.

Finally, our lips meet and we share a long kiss. Her tongue enters my mouth, but rather than moving around greedily, it meets with mine and simply connects with it. Some of her mane blows into my face as we share our moment together.

At last she draws her tongue and moves ever so slowly away from my face, still blushing as much as she originally was. Though, I can now rest assured that she knows that I feel, in every single aspect, the same emotions of love towards her as she does to me. I kind of have a feeling that she truly knew that from the beginning, however.

However, this time, her eyes contain a tinge of melancholy; why this is remains a mystery to me. Suddenly, a few tears begin to well in her eyes as she continues to cradle me like a little filly in her arms. She closes her eyes and inhales deeply, as if to attempt to handle some hidden emotional pain. My mind races, desperately trying to figure out what is upsetting her.

At last she says, "Come on, Twilight. Let's go for one more flight."

"Okay, Rainbow," I reply.

I hop out of her hooves and spread my wings back open.

Her eyes still closed and a seemingly bittersweet smile on her face, she begins to fly upwards towards the sun. I follow her and soar up straight towards that big ball of Celestia's fire hanging in the mid morning air.

At first, I have no trouble in trailing but a few feet behind her as our wings carry us higher and higher. However, after a few seconds, I notice she begins to gain some distance away from me.

"Rainbow, wait for me!" I cry out.

But for some odd reason, she cannot hear me. The distance between us only lengthens, and my shouts increase in tension and volume.

"Rainbow? Rainbow Dash! Rainbow!"

I can now no longer see her elegant form gliding through the sky, and the sun's light now becomes unbearably bright as I continue towards it. In fact, it begins to grow downright painful.

The pain lies mostly in my back. As the pain climbs from my back into my wings, I can feel them disintegrating to dust. I shout in pain, sobbing in agony from the sun and the internal pain of being so unfairly ripped away from the mare I so love.

Finally, the wings on my back are no more.

I begin to fall, tears rushing down my face as I scream.

I descend faster, faster, faster yet, my face wet and body shaking.

I look downwards and see the ground coming closer to me at an alarming rate.

I shut my eyes tight and brace for what is to come.



I awake in my bed in a cold sweat and sit up, stuck in an uncontrollable fit of sobbing and heavy breaths.

A few rays of sun shine through the window and blind my eyes, and my bedroom begins to materialize around me. As I begin to wake and become conscious of my surroundings, I realize.

Another false illusion.

Another tantalizing dream that seemed so real but now, as I sit here under my covers, alone and depressed, betrayed me and teased me with an illusion of the one mare I care about most.

The one mare that means the world to me.

The mare that is no longer here for me to care for and love.

And the mare that is no longer here to care for and love me.

I lay my head back down and sulk in tears for a few moments more, my body refusing to get up.