• Published 25th Oct 2012
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Tales of Little Consequence and Other Such Nonsense - littlerobotbird

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TMP Prompt #202: Egg On Her Face ["Dumb Meme!" /SB]

The Prompt: You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs.

"Oh, Celestia! Oh, Luna!" the little filly cried out, tears streaming from her eyes. "Oh, please, Luna!"

Hooves scrabbling for traction on the slickened metal floor, she followed her companion through the twisted halls. She could feel their breath billowing from behind her, the red heat of the lamp singeing her hindquarters as she buzzed her wings hard as she could.

Through the darkened halls they went, certain death behind them as the beasts' words floated before them.

"Mmmm…Canterlot Fried Scootaloo..."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Scootaloo yelled out, chancing a look back only to find the gnashing jaw of the masses snapping at her tail tip. Beating her wings even harder, she shot past her companion and down a side tunnel.

Then she felt it.

Just barely at first, but getting stronger as she galloped for her life.

A breeze. A cool, faint breeze, but a breeze just the same. And a breeze meant outside and outside meant escape.

"C'mon! We're almost free!" Scootaloo called over her shoulder as she turned a corner and saw it, a sliver of blue light. Escape was within their grasp. "Almost there!"

She skidded the last few feet towards the end of the hall, the tiniest sliver of blue the only hint of the door hidden there.

"C'mon, let's--" Scootaloo cut herself off as she turned to grab her companion only to find her farther behind than expected, red tendrils curling about her. "Elizabeak!"

"No, don't come back!" the chicken yelled, scratching at the monster with her claws as best she could, dripping fangs descending towards her.

"Chicken..." the mob grumbled from a thousand muzzles, the monstrosity filling the hall with red light as flames whipped from its coagulated hide of bone, blood and beak. "Tasty chicken..."

"No, I won't leave you!" Scootaloo dashed back for her companion, slamming into the monstrosity shoulder first, sending it back, but going with it. "Ewww..."

She gagged loudly as she stuck fast to it, the slime that formed the creature sticking to her, hide and hair.

"Scootaloo! You idiot!" Elizabeak growled, fighting towards the little pegasus pony. "Now, we're both doomed!"

Scootaloo coughed, the smell overwhelming her as a tiny smile formed on her face.

"I'm sorr--" Scootaloo put a hoof to the chicken's beak.

"Nah, we had a good run." She grinned, teary eyed as more and more of her body sunk into the beast, fur burning away, unfelt.

"Yeah…I guess we di--" Elizabeak disappeared as the mass of red crawled up Scootaloo's vision.

And then...



Scootaloo stared up at the ceiling, tummy rumbling and swaying as if she were out at sea. She could hear the familiar snores of her compatriots next to her as she tried to recall the dream.


It was always chickens.

With a growl, she rolled over and socked Apple Bloom right in the shoulder.

"OW!" Apple Bloom yelped, shooting up in her sleeping bag. "What the hay was that for, Scoots?!"

Scootaloo just glared through the darkness, Apple Bloom shrinking back a bit.


"I'm not a chicken."


"I'm NOT a chicken."

"Fine, y'all ain't a chicken."

"That's right," Scootaloo stated with a smirk before snuggling herself back into her sleeping bag.

"Jeez..." Apple Bloom mumbled to herself. Wanting for an apology for her smarting shoulder, she settled for simply glaring at the back of her friends head before turning over in her sleeping bag. "Someponies jus' can't take a joke…t'ain't like it was some big thing or nothin'." Apple Bloom gave one last glance at the slumbering pegasus before settling back down. "Wonder what set her off..."


Elsewhere, Celestia sat in her chambers, up rather early that morning as she let the light fade from the crystal ball before her. There was satisfied smile upon her face, one that grew in satisfaction as her sister, bedraggled and sighing, trotted into the room.

"I trust that was to your satisfaction, sister."

"Yes, Luna." The elder princess rose from her bed to embrace the younger. "It was indeed."

"Well," Luna began, pausing momentarily to fight down a yawn, "now that I have played my part in whatever it is you may be scheming, sister, I do believe I shall retire for the day. These…nightmares of yours…they give me quite the headache."

"Oh, do stay up awhile longer. The kitchens have just sent up the morning's menu."


"How does eggs benedict sound?" Celestia asked, grinning wide as her sister gagged before glaring at her.
