• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 1,268 Views, 24 Comments

Fuzzy Mcfluffenstein's Equestrian Rat-killing Spree - The Seneschal

The Rat-killing Cat with Fluttershy. What could go wrong?

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Fuzzy McFluffenstein's Equestrian Rat-killing Spree

In the well-known and highly esteemed random house that contained the rats, Fuzzy McFluffenstein, the feline rat-genocidist, has been blissfully enjoying the day, dodging bullets and rockets, killing a few rats here and there, you know the drill. As he (she?) is popping out the organs of the rats, he sees a rat with a new device on it's back. Fuzzy was confused. He hadn't seen the device before. But he just shrugged it off and went for it, thinking he might get some bonus points along the way. But then it shot, and it couldn't be dodged, being too big to do so, it hit Fuzzy square in the face, sucking his body into the blue void where he has no idea what's going on...

In Equestria, it was a beautiful day, as usual, and at the cottage of a very well-known creature caretaker,Fluttershy, she was casually feeding her more outdoor-type animals as she did daily.

"There you go william, now be sure to eat all the lunch today, okay?" Fluttershy said in her usual light sounding voice, to the lizard in front of her, who nodded politefully and obliged, sinking his teeth into the well-prepared dinner in front of it.

Fluttershy turned around at the feeling of a soft paw on her leg, and, looked down to see the familiar sight of her white rabbit, Angel Bunny.

"Oh, hi angel, what do you need?" asked fluttershy to the little ball of fuzz at her hooves.
Angel just motioned her to follow him as he lead her to a field, where there was an odd-looking cat just sitting there, looking entirley content, in a pikie-ish sort of way.

The cat was a very small cat, about the size of angel, who was grey, and hade HUGE eyes, ones that were strangely bigger than it's head and were hanging off it's head slightly.

"Oh my, now who do we have here?" said Fluttershy, as she gently floated toward the cat.

"I've never seen you before, I guess I should take you inside and get you fed, thanks for telling me about him angel." she said, taking the cat and waving to angel, who gave a simple nod, before hopping off to who-knows-where.

5 minutes earlier:

Fuzzy emerged from the blue void, landing in a strange field he had never seen before. Giving a quick look around, he didn't see any rats. No Rats! That was a first. Fuzzy had no idea what to do, seeing as he was rat-less in a weird lush field. he noticed something white moving to his right and got ready to pounce, but then he looked closer, and saw it was a rabbit, not a rat. Relaxing his stance, he saw the white rabbit notice him. The rabbit told fuzzy to wait, then ran off.

So fuzzy just waited there for a few minutes until the white rabbit came back. with a yellow, tiny horse with wings. "Oh my now who do we have here, I've never seen you before, I guess I should take you inside and get you fed, thanks for telling me about him angel" the tiny horse said, picking up fuzzy and carrying him to a cottage.

Present time:

Fluttershy floated gently to her cottage with the cat in her hooves (of whom some voice in her head told her to call Fluffy McFluffenstein) to go feed and take care of. When they finally got there she felt a stirring in her arms. Looking down she say fuzzy get in a pouncing stance. Fluttershy, knowing animals, knew she was about to attack one of her animals. "Fuzzy wait-" was all she got out before he went forward like a rocket towards one of the mice. She watched in horror as fuzzy crushed the rat into a bloodstain on the ground, and got proppeled by it , hopping onto another one after another one, leaving a bloody trail in it's wake, and with that adorable smile on his face the entire time.

"I've gotta go get the girls!" Fluttershy squealed "Angel, try to catch him, i'll be back as soon as possible!"she instructed angel while running off towards ponyville as fast as her little hooves would take her.

A few minutes earlier:

When fuzzy and the horse finally got to the cottage, he noticed it seemed peaceful enough, until he saw...THEM.
RATS. A lot of them, all in some part of the house, somewhere. Fuzzy then got into his pouncing stance, with his usual gleeful smile on his face, and jumped, with surprising accuracy, right onto the rat.Fluffy loved the feeling of a rat slowly being crushed under his body weight, and then it exploded into a mass of organs and blood, which sent fuzzy into the air landing on another mouse after mouse, glad he could rid the world of the nuiscances he knew as rats.
He thought he heard the horse say something, but disregarded it, and continued destroying the creatures he so dispised.


Fluttershy had arrived at the library in ponyville, the home of her friend, Twilight Sparkle. This being an emergency, Fluttershy didn't even bother to knock, and just went straight through the door. "Twilight! IfoundacatearlieranditturnedouttobeananimalmurdererandIneedyouandthegirlstohelpmestopitbeforeitkillalltheanimalssogetthegirlsandtellthemtogettomyhousenow!" She said in two breaths,before returing home, leaving the lavender unicorn confused, until her massive brain comprehended flutterhy's statement, and left the library frantically to go find the other girls and help fluttershy with her murderous cat, which in itself sounded weird.

Back at the cottage, now:

Fuzzy was chasing a particularly pesky rat, which had avoided his every attempt at destroying it.'These rats aren't usually this hard to kill' thought fuzzy,'That must mean this is the level boss!'. And with that thought, fuzzy chased the rat even faster than before, vying to beat this level whether the rat wanted it or not.
At the cottage now:

Fluttershy was with angel bunny, trying to capture fuzzy to no avail, while fuzzy kept chasing this one particular rat, trying to kill it the way he had killed the other ones: the leap of death.As they were trying to capture it, they heard applejack call out to them. They went over to the group of her friends that had gathered, and then tried several tactics to capture fuzzy, which included flanking him with nets, lassoing him, and just tackling him, all of which failed to capture fuzzy or the rat he was chasing. After chasing them for a while they rested against a wall, that's when it happened: Fuzzy finally caught the rat. When it exploded, it not only caused another bloodstain, but fuzzy did a flip into the air, and then just vanished into thin air, leaving the mares and remaining animals confused, but then the ponies began to clean up the mess fuzzy left, with Fluttershy mourning her lost animal friends...

Back at the house:

Fuzzy had just teleported out of the strange land he was in. He started thinking about the whole thing, but then the rats started coming, ending his thoughts as he did what he did best: Murder Rats Gorily.

Comments ( 24 )

Hehehe, a little errors there and over there. Otherwise, this's pretty good!



Will read later, when it's not 3am

Thank you!:twilightsmile:
I feel like win now! :pinkiehappy:

Hmm at a quick glance it seems sound. After I finish updating my stories, I shall read like no one has read before. I mean I have like 10+ books to read.

Not sure if donwvote...
or upvote... :rainbowhuh:

Well, I hope you like it :twilightsmile:

YAY! THAT'D BE AWESOME!:raritystarry:

:rainbowlaugh: Excellent
May I invite you to the Cockroach Club

I'LL KILL YOU WTH FIRE!!!!:flutterrage:
And yay :yay:


The lizard is named William? Just...William? Also, names aren't capitalized, which looks rather sloppy. I suppose this is decently done for the source material, as I didn't really expect much from this game to begin with.

Thank you, and your constructive critiscism.:twilightsmile:
And yes, just william...

You got my attention at Fuzzy

Comment posted by The Seneschal deleted Oct 19th, 2014

1501665 *Remembers you as one of the guys who liked his fic* *Decides to give it a read*

Poor Fluttershy... and poor rats... oh well, nothing escapes cats.:pinkiecrazy:

While I feel bad about Fluttershy, I still think this was an okay concept, so I think it's good.

And you receive extra points for the Deadpool video. DEADPOOL FOR ZE WIN!:flutterrage::pinkiehappy:

YAY! and your story's awesome too, btw, still following it:pinkiehappy:

Hmmm...I think my OC character deserves a better "pest" control.

Present media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7om8xGo2O1r95fgm.png

30 seconds later media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7omaqVvaw1r95fgm.png

will read later. :twilightsmile:

Eh. It could have been better. I've never actually played any of the games, but there could (and should) have been so much more to this. What if Fluffy went on a murderous rampage in Ponyville, before causing some inane parody of Godzilla or King Kong? Perhaps the wonderbolts show up? Perhaps he murders Celestia? While the "perhaps"s could go on for a while, there is potential here, and I suggest you make this longer and/or rewrite it completely.

Hmmm, I see your point BUT if you'd have played the games, you would have seen that fluffy ONLY kills rats, but I will take your ideas into consideration, for that would make for HILARIOUS story though :rainbowwild:

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