• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 2,556 Views, 65 Comments

To Everypony, A Season - GarlandGala

A coming-of-age story featuring Scootaloo and her precocious, school-filly crush

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Chapter 3

The Braided Mane appeared to light up the entirety of Ponyville without the help of a sun. Tear-shaped bulbs framed each and every window in a full spectrum of colors, while the pale walls shone vividly in the moonlight. A seemingly endless line of equally colorful couples stretched out across the outer wall, all waiting patiently as the door-colt processed their reservations one by one.

The six most inseparable mares in Ponyville were now very close to the front of the line. Each had a date and each wore a dress, all according to Rarity's grand design. As far as the flashy fashionista was concerned, the twelve of them formed the most glamorous party that any up-scale restaurant had ever seen (especially for what Ponyville considered "upscale".)

The dates looked sharp, with Rarity's being the sharpest. After all, the tailoring had been done by none other than herself. He wasn't really her kind of stallion, but Big McIntosh was an absolute gem to have around... possibly because he let her do all the talking. She couldn't help but sidle up against the big ox occasionally, if only to watch his cheeks go all rosy like a little school colt. Which reminded her, Cheerilee was probably somewhere in the line too. Unfortunately, it would have been a touch awkward for her and Big McIntosh to arrive together after what had happened. Such a shame.

Twilight Sparkle stood next in line, with Spike by her side. The baby dragon's eyes were jealously fixed on Rarity and Big McIntosh. He was wearing a tiny tuxedo, which made him look a bit less like a baby and also a bit less like a dragon, but not by a huge margin in either respect. Twilight, who had opted to be his date for the evening, was secretly hoping that Rarity would find him dashing. Precious might have been closer to the truth.

Rainbow Dash was next, looking terribly bored. She was more or less ignoring a certain white stallion who bore a cracked mirror on his flank... none other than the famously handsome Vain Glorious. The two hadn't spoken much at all just yet, but Vain was remaining calm and patient, awaiting his chance.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy followed respectively, each more or less contented with her gentlecolt. Applejack's was a gray-coated hunk with a polite and no-nonsense disposition - perfect. Pinkie's looked like some kind of artist with an attention disorder. Fluttershy's was the strong, silent type, but also very attentive. The fact that she was hadn't darted off crying into the neighboring trees yet was a good omen.

The line stopped moving for a time while a few more tables were lain out. Pinkie Pie began to bounce up and down in place. She never could stand still very well.

“This is such a cute place!” she squealed, "It's like a mini Grand Galloping Gala! And ooh! We have ponies from Ponyville AND Canterlot at once, and we're all going to dance, and eat and ...” Pinkie suddenly turned to her date, “are you excited?! Pleeeeease be excited!”

The stallion grinned and nodded his head furtively. “Indeed I am, my dear Pinkie!”


Rarity turned to frown on her loud friend. “Pinkie Pie, really! Please settle down a little bit. I realize this is... well, mixed company, but we really must remain civilized. Remember, this is a romantic occasion for someponies."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me! Watch this!" Pinkie turned and spontaneously smooched her date square on the cheek, causing his ears to shoot straight into a vertical position. "Hehehehe see!? They won't come down for like ten minutes!"

Rarity watched them warily for a few moments, exchanged awkward glances with the flushing stallion, and finally allowed herself to sigh. She turned and looked straight ahead, whispering her mantras beneath her breath. Please not another worst night ever, please not...

Twilight trotted up beside Rarity, barely out of earshot from all the males. “Hey, thanks again for getting everyone a date on such short notice, Rarity.”

“Ahem. Not at all, dear. I'm just glad to see you've decided to bring our own little Spikey Wikey.”

“Well, I'd hate to see him left behind just because he isn't a pony.”

Rarity grinned teasingly. “Mmm-hmmmmmmmm!”

Twilight giggled, unfazed. “We're only here as friends, Rarity. I had to bring my number one assistant!”. Then, turning the tables, “So, how about you and Big McIntosh, hmmmmmmm?”

“Oh, heavens no. It's the same for us. I mean really! Do you realize how difficult that stallion is to clean up? He - oh! The line’s moving again."

And so it was. Everypony scooted up as the door-colt began working people through again. Spike and Big McIntosh walked side-by side. They glanced at each other briefly, and Spike scratched awkwardly at the back of his neck.

“Um, so...” the dragon said, catching Big McIntosh's attention. “We’re both here as... friends, huh?”

“Eee-yup.” Said Big McIntosh, calmly.

Spike grinned as angelically as he could. “”Wanna... trade?”

“A-nope.” Big McIntosh didn’t change his expression as he followed the others in the line.

Spike snapped his claws. “Rats!”

Lining the building's wall just past the entrance was a rather thick bush that had a tendency to rattle on occasion. This was because three little fillies were hiding inside, peering out between the leaves. The line was moving in their direction and then funneling into the Braided Mane, but that just meant more eyes to avoid if they were going to get in this way. Scootaloo peered, but full concentration was difficult. Seeing Vain Glorious, and how handsome he looked, made her feel nauseous. On the other hoof, seeing Rainbow Dash, and how beautiful she looked, made her want to collapse into a puddle. It was all very distracting.

If only I were an adult, thought Scootaloo, clenching her teeth. I'd show them all. Man, why couldn't there have been a potion for that?

Apple Bloom frowned as she examined the line of ponies. "What’re we gonna do now, crusaders? There’s mares ‘n’ stallions everywhere."

"I'm thinking..." Scootaloo whispered back.

Sweetie Belle poked her face up beside Scootaloo's and darted her eyes around. "Hey. What if we all hid inside a big dress and pretended to be a mare? Doesn't that usually work in stories?"

Apple Bloom giggled. "Sweetie Belle, first of all, we don't have a dress. Second, don'cha think they'd want to know where our date is?"

"Oh yeah." Sweetie sighed.

But Scootaloo broke out in hushed laughter, turned, and gave the little unicorn's mane a rough noogie. "You're a genius, Sweetie Belle!"

"Huh?" Apple Bloom shook her head in confusion.

Scootaloo pointed through the twigs and leaves. "There. Her."

Sweetie and Apple Bloom craned their heads to follow the hoof. A particularly haughty couple was in line about five couples back. One was wearing an exceptional frilly dress that looked almost like a huge, upside-down umbrella resting over her flank.

Apple Bloom furrowed her brow. "What, the goofy lookin' mare in the fru-fru dress?"

"Our invitation, girls." Scootaloo whispered deviously, as she sank back into the bush.

Minutes later, the overdressed couple was passing through the door, noses in the air. With their attention squarely on themselves, they never noticed the two little fillies that darted out from underneath the terrible dress. A large statue close to the door became the new hiding place of Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, who leaned their backs against it and stood on their hind legs to make themselves more scarce.

"Geez! We could move the treehouse under there!" Sweetie said in a rasped whisper, as she gazed around the corner for one last look.

"Shh! Where’s Scoot?"

Both fillies glanced all around the statue, looking high and low for their missing friend. Sweetie couldn't see her hooves under the bouncing of the dress, and Apple Bloom didn't see her anywhere else.

Sweetie frowned. "Did... did we lose her?"

Apple Bloom swallowed heavily at a sudden revelation. "I'm thinkin' she lost us."

They both looked at each other, each thinking the same, horrifying thing.

"Oh no." Sweetie whispered. "That potion isn't for Scootaloo, is it?"

"Hey, I thought we were sharing a table!"

Rainbow Dash scowled as she reviewed the arrangement. Several tiny tables with two plates apiece, delimited by a wide margin each. She looked at Vain Glorious, who was smiling calmly. Then she looked at Rarity, who was smiling as well, only more because of smugness.

"Now, Rainbow Dash," teased the unicorn triumphantly, "We shall all spend plenty of time together. Go on with your date, now."

"But I-"

Applejack nudged her on a wing. "Don’t y'all worry your head about it, Sugar Cube. It’s only for the eatin’ portion of the night. Once we get to the dancin’, we’ll be minglin’ like a big ol’ hive o’ bees."

"Yay, bees!" Pinkie Pie seemed to materialize out of thin air with her date. "I can’t wait! Did you know Artie is a professional dancer? It’s true! I know because... he told me!"

Applejack blinked. "Fancy that."

The stallion named Artie - or rather, just Arthur - proudly posed himself with a hoof against his chest and his chin held high. "Dancer, singer, thespian, yes."

Pinkie Pie giggled. "Thespian! That's a funny word. Pickle barrel thespian! Thes- oh! Artie says he’s going to teach me some moves!"

"I will certainly do my best!" Agreed the stallion with a dip of the head.

"I’m gonna spin and twirl out there like a pink tornado!"

Applejack hid a grin behind her hoof. "Darlin’, you’re always spinnin’ and twirlin’ like a pink tornado."

Fluttershy poked her face into the eye of the discussion and gently cleared her throat to get everypony's attention. “Um... hi, sorry. I... don't think we're supposed to stand here. We’re … um ... getting looks.”

“Quite right.” Agreed Rarity, without looking to see the rubberneckers. She gracefully crossed to a table with Big McIntosh trailing behind.

“Food!” Cheered Pinkie, stotting to a random seat.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash fanned out in silence. Most of the gentlecolts followed their respective partners to the table of the lady’s choosing. Fluttershy’s stallion, however, held her by a hoof, whispered something comforting in her ear, and personally led her to a table as she held her breath.

”Twilight gave Spike a playful nudge. “Come on, 'shmoopy doo'. We’ll take the table after Rarity and Big Mac.”

Spike nodded as they made their way over. “Hey, you think if we acted all lovey-dovey like that, she’d get... like, jealous?”

Twilight just grinned. “Sit down, Romeo.”

In the midst of everything, a small figure was almost completely missed darting from table to table, aided by the long cloth that draped over each one. Almost completely missed, that is, except for two other little figures which were themselves in hiding. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle took note as Scootaloo zipped beneath Rainbow Dash's table, whose two occupants sat looking awkwardly in various directions.

Islands of conversation began cropping up. Applejack was warming quickly to her date - much to the chagrin of Apple Bloom - and Fluttershy began to visibly relax and smile as though being successfully wooed. Cider was brought out and placed on each table in turn, with Applejack being the first to sniff, sip and grumble about its quality. Soon the quiet conversations became a growing storm of chitter-chatter as each couple began to enjoy the evening - except one.

Rainbow and Vain looked across to the others, uncertain what else to do. At just that moment, Scootaloo’s face materialized over the side of the table with the vial held securely in her mouth. By the time she was out of view, both glasses were a little more full than before, the cider a little darker.

Around the edges of the statue, Apple Bloom’s eyes went as wide as saucers “Why that little so-and-so! She did lie to us!”

Sweetie Belle went directly into panic mode. “Oh my gosh! Why would she do that!? What do we do?”

"We... uh... we...." stuttered Apple Bloom, as her entire body began to perspire.

Then Vain turned things from bad to worse. Reaching out and lifting his glass in the air, he uttered the words "Let's toast. To... friends."

Rainbow sighed and picked up her glass as well. "Fine."

Two little fillies appeared, running full speed towards the two adults. Seeing that the beeline coming their way, Rainbow and Vain both placed their glasses down and turned in alarm, preparing to catch a filly apiece.

It wasn't necessary - a tan hoof came down harshly on Apple Bloom's tail, a white one on Sweetie Belle's. The fillies collapsed flat on their bellies, neither of them bothering to look back at the big sister pinning them in place.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie were literally tossed from the retauraunt's back door, landing together in a heap outside, just past the doorstep. Neither of their sisters were interested in dealing with them right now, so this was it then.

"Ow." Sweetie groaned, as the door slammed shut. "Mean ol' grownups."

After collecting her senses, Apple Bloom immediately lept to her feet and began running along the side of the building. "Come on!"

"Hey Apple Bloom, wait up!"

"So... fillies trying to crash our party, hmm?"

Rainbow Dash looked up as she heard Vain talk to her for the second time since they came into the resteraunt. He was smiling at her in a way that put her off a bit. Perhaps if she could find something to say that would put him off, he'd leave her alone.

"Tss, nothing I never did myself!"

"Hmm, I understand."

Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever, you Canterlot ponies just sit around all day sipping tea and feeling awesome about yourselves."

Vain stared at her severely. "Oh, and I suppose you’ve never had something you were proud of? I may not be much for tea parties, but I do, in fact, feel 'awesome' about myself."

"Yeah, well." Dash began, but the words had hit surprisingly close to home. "Eh, I guess I do too. About me, I mean. I'm pretty awesome."

"Yes." Said Vain flirtatiously. "You certainly are."

Beneath the table, Scootaloo grit her teeth. Drink your stupid cider already, you big jerk.

Vain Glorious ran his hoof over the side of the cider glass, looking down into the swirling pool idly. "But you know, miss Dash, I really am not as boring as you think. In fact..." he peered around, lowered his voice and leaned forward. "Once, when I was very young, I actually snuck into Princess Celestia's throne room. And then, I had a sit on the big chair itself."

Rainbow Dash, who was about to sip her cider, slammed it right back down against the table and stared wide-eyed at the stallion. "G-get out of town!"

"And it’s quite comfortable, let me tell you." Vain winked.

Dash went directly into competitive mode. "Oh yeah? I've snuck into the palace too, you know. Pssh, who hasn't?"

"Uh huh." Vain grinned. "You even got into the throne room, I bet."

"Well, no." Rainbow blushed. "Okay, try this. I just might have been responsible for a little thunderstorm that kept the Wonderbolts stuck in Ponyville for a few days longer than they were scheduled."

"And I just m..." Vain blinked, shaking his head. "Wait, wait, wait. The Wonderbolts? As in, the most magnificent fliers in all of Equestria? Well, one can’t rightly blame you for that one!"

Dash looked as though she'd been punched in the stomach. "Y-you're a Wonderbolts' fan!?

"And... who isn't?"

There was a long pause as the two ponies stared at one another in thought. Dash's features visibly softened, and she allowed herself a smile.

"You know..." she said, "I hate to admit it but... I totally had you wrong. You're a crazy guy, and anyone who likes the Wonderbolts can't be all that bad."

"Thank you, my dear."

"It's kinda weird how Rarity picked the perfect date for everypony."

"Oh?" It was a leading tone.

"I mean, Fluttershy is like, relaxing. She’s NEVER relaxed. That guy with Pinkie Pie... he’s been making her laugh all night. Okay, that's all she does, but still. And even Applejack seems to be having a good time... how much could a Canterlot pony possibly have in common with a farm girl?"

"You never know when two ponies will find something in common, my dear. And Rarity, for all her posh, is an excellent judge of character."

"I..." Rainbow bit her lip, then nodded resolutely. "Yeah. I can see that she is."

Beneath the table, Scootaloo no longer wore a devious, jealous expression. Instead, she frowned harder than she ever had in her entire life. You really like him, huh?

Vain's voice rang out. "So, let us have a toast to good decisions!"

Suddenly, chaos.

In the kitchens, cooks dropped pots and pans and even carefully prepared foodstuffs as two little fillies zoomed out of seemingly nowhere and bowled through them recklessly. Hardly a moment later the double doors swung open, and the agents of disarray came running out among the stunned diners.

But before they could begin their second assault on Dash's table, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom came to realize there was nothing that they could do. They were at the opposite side of the room, and both Rainbow Dash and Vain had already raised their cup to their lips. In milliseconds, it would all be over.

"We're too-" began Apple Bloom, but then something unexpected happened.

The table beneath Rainbow Dash and Vain Glorious thrust itself into the air, smacking the glasses from both hooves and sending them in a wild spiral toward the entrance wall. Following was the table itself, which flipped entirely over until it was upside down on a pile of crushed plates. Scootaloo was standing in the center of what used to be the belly of the table, breathing heavily as tears streamed down her face. The entire restaraunt fell into dead silence.

Rainbow Dash was the first pony to speak, after what seemed like an eternity.


Scootaloo wiped tears from her eyes and slowly turned to face her, looking up from what seemed like the lowest position of her life.

"I just want you to be happy." She managed, before turning again and running full-speed through the front door.