• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 2,794 Views, 15 Comments

Pinkie Goes to the Dentist - cyberpeajay

Pinkie has a cavity! How will she take it considering all she eats is sweet treats?

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Pinkie Goes to the Dentist

Pinkie Pie was happily sitting down at a table in Sugar Cube Corner chowing down on a delicious assortment of treats. Cobblers, cupcakes, cookies and chocolate cake, you name it, Pinkie was eating it. In the background behind the counter Mr. and Mrs.. Cake watched in worry, but decided not to intervene and shrugged it off with the roll of their eyes.

Pinkie finished off the last few cookies by hitting the edge of the table, causing the cookies to fly in the air and land right in her mouth. She slurped her lips and let out a loud belch in satisfaction. She patted her now large stomach and sighed.

A little while later she trotted up the stairs while humming a cheerful tune going into her living space. As she entered, she gave Gummy a 'Hello!' wave and kept walking. Gummy returned the hello by giving a blank stare and not moving. Pinkie entered the bathroom and took a toothbrush out of a mirror cabinet and applied some blue toothpaste and began fiercely brushing her teeth. After about four seconds of brushing, she stopped and winced in pain.

"Ow!" She yelped and spat out the toothpaste and opened her mouth to see a throbbing yellow molar tooth. She shut it and rubbed the outside of her mouth with her hoof and looked worried.

*Intro theme plays*

A knock on Twilight's door startled the purple unicorn and interrupted her study session. She didn't look impressed but didn't let it distract her. "Spike!" She yelled.

"I know I know." Spike mumbled and opened the door to the library. "Hi Pinkie." Spike said. "Twilight is actu-" He got cut off by a dust trail engulfing him and Pinkie zipped in the library. She was underestimating her own speed and crashed into a pile of books near Twilight and sent them flying. Twilight grumbled as she climbed out from under the once pile of books that landed on her and gave a disapproving stare at Pinkie. She inhaled for a lecture, but before she could explain it, Pinkie started talking.

"Hey Twilight! Twilight! Look at this!" She proceeded to stick out her tongue and make "Bleh!" noises and opened her mouth wide.

"Ew! Why did you come over here?! To smell your bad breath?!" Said Twilight as she plugged her nose with a clothespin.

"What? My breath smells good! Like frosting! But that's not what I'm here for!" She opened her mouth again and pointed to her yellow tooth in the back of her mouth. "Ih hurtch an' ish yellow!" She was speaking with her mouth still open.

Twilight took both her hooves and closed Pinkie's mouth. "You should go see a dentist if it's bothering you so much Pinkie." Twilight looked to her left, then her right, and noticed the once neat pile of books scattered around her. "Also, I don't appreciate the barging in." When Twilight looked back at where Pinkie was, she was gone. "Pinkie?"

Pinkie Pie was walking down town and eventually saw a nice hut that had a sign beside it which read 'Ponyville Dental Clinic'. Pinkie smiled with glee and bounced in the clinic. She immediately stopped and her ears perked straight up when she first heard a loud whiny high pitched noise, and a pony yelling in pain behind a wall somewhere. Pinkie lowered her ears, cowered and slowly walked backwards out of the hut. "Uh, I can live with the pain." She said to herself and started walking back home.


The next morning Twilight walked into SCC and ordered a strawberry tart for breakfast. As Mrs.. Cake was retrieving it, Twilight glanced to the side and saw Pinkie sitting at the table, her mane all scruffy and had her chin resting on the table so she could see straight ahead of her,she also had her eyes half closed. "Uh Pinkie?" She asked. Mrs.. Cake placed the tart in front of Twilight and she grabbed it with her magic and sat at the table Pinkie Pie was at. "Pinkie?"

"Huh? Oh hi Twilight." She said rather unenthusiastically and kept her eyes half closed.

"Something wrong?" Twilight said and took a bite of her tart.

Pinkie was watching Twilight eat the tart, which made Twilight feel a little uncomfortable. "Oh I'm just hungry." She lifted her head and leaned on the table with one of her forelegs. "You know, I haven't had a sugary snack in eight hours? Eight Twilight!" She said with her normal high voice getting excited. "It hurts my mouth." She then flopped her head back on the table.

Twilight noticed Pinkie in distraught and thought it was a silly thing to get depressed about. "Really?" She asked unimpressed. "Didn't you go to the dentist?"

"No! I don't want to go in there!" Pinkie replied. She then shivered and got up. "It's creepy in there."

Twilight sighed and finished her breakfast. She got up too and put a hoof on Pinkie's back. "Come on, let's book you for an appointment. You know I can't stand seeing my friends unhappy."

Pinkie gave a look of horror, then back at the sweets in the shop. Knowing she couldn't have any more until her tooth was better, she lowered her ears, closed her eyes and gave a weak nod. Twilight smiled a bit and they walked out of Sugar Cube Corner together.


Pinkie and Twilight left the clinic and Pinkie was shaking like a leaf. "Well tomorrow morning! Lucky they could get you in so soon!" Twilight enthused and gave Pinkie a nudge.

"Heh. Yeah." Was all the pink pony could muster up. "Lucky me."

Twilight started trotting back to her tree house when she turned back around. "Oh! I almost forgot, Spike is gone for the day and I've caught up on all my studying. Want to come down to my place for a bit later? I have nothing to do."

Pinkie shrugged. "Yeah. I guess so."

Twilight turned back around to go home and looked a little worried. "If she's like this without sugar, I want her to gorge herself in chocolate cake afterwards."


Twilight was pacing back and forth. It was evening and starting to get dark. Still no Pinkie. "I don't get it Spike. Pinkie said she'd be here and it's almost nightfall!" She said rather annoyed. "I understand that she's worried about the dentist, and hasn't been getting sweets, but come on!"

Spike was sitting on the stairs listening to her. "Yeah I don't know either." Was all he contributed to the conversation.

"There's being late, and there's being just plain rude." Twilight said and opened the door.

"Hey! Where are you going Twilight?" Spike asked standing up.

"I'm going to see Pinkie." She then slammed the door shut.


"I'm sorry Twilight, Pinkie seemed tired out and went to bed." Mrs.. Cake said behind the door to their shop. "But I'm afraid we're closed now so you'll have to come back later!" And with that, Mrs.. Cake slammed the door shut in Twilight's face, bonking her snout.

From up above, Pinkie was watching through a window as Twilight left. She wasn't very happy with her right now. Pinkie had an angry expression on her face. "She drags me along to the dental clinic and makes me take my spot in the chair of torture!" She said yelling to herself. "I mean, who does she think she is?!" She asked out loud and looked at Gummy who was sitting on the bad. Gummy just slowly blinked. "Exactly what I was thinking!" Pinkie responded. "It's one thing to ask nicely to go, but how Twilight did it. OoOoOo..." She began her own version of a flashback of earlier...

"Pinkie! We're going to the dentist right now and that's final!" Twilight yelled at Pinkie then grabbed her by the tail and started dragging her into the clinic forcefully.

"No Twilight! Please don't!" Pinkie screamed.

"Too bad! It's your turn for the chair of pain! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Twilight started laughing menacingly. She opened the door to the clinic and there were flames of fire burning inside the building with scary sounds of screaming patients in agony. As soon as they entered the building, two nurses who looked very scary grabbed Pinkie and threw her on the ground in front of a counter.

"When should I book your appointment?" One receptionist asked behind the counter to Pinkie in a rather raspy voice.

Just as Pinkie was opening her mouth Twilight put a hoof over it and talked for her. "She wants the next available spot!" She then turned to look at Pinkie and tilted her head downwards, looking sinisterly evil at her. "I want her to suffer as soon as possible! MUAHAHAHA!!!" Twilight and the rest of the staff laughed, with each laugh their voices getting deeper and slower. Pinkie just ducked and covered her ears with her eyes shut tight.

"And then lightning struck behind them as they continued laughing!" Pinkie exclaimed to Gummy while standing on two hooves to simulate shock and horror. Gummy just slowly blinked again and turned around and walked away. "Well, maybe it wasn't quite like that." Pinkie said looking up and rubbing her chin. She then pounded one hoof into another. "But it might as well have been!" She looked out the window again to see Twilight getting into her tree house home down the trail.

It was dark by now and Pinkie wasn't asleep. She laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. Gradually she getting angrier and angrier as she replayed that fake flashback in her mind of Twilight dragging Pinkie into an abyss. Pinkie got out of bed and threw her blankets to the ground. "She's not getting away with this!" She ran downstairs and grabbed a basket, put some chicken eggs in it and ran off.


Spike and Twilight were sleeping peacefully in their respective beds. Spike had his arm slung over the side and was lying on his back snoring quite profusely. Twilight was a heavy sleeper though and could sleep through it. All of a sudden Spike heard a slight thumping sound. He opened his eyes very narrowly and snorted, but fell asleep instantly again. But he heard another thump. "Huh? Wha?" He asked himself then yawned.


"What is that?" He said dragging himself out of bed.

Outside, Pinkie was whipping eggs at the side of the tree house. "Yeah take that!" She taunted. "No pony pushes Pinkie around!" She assured herself and threw another egg.

"What the pony feathers?" Spike redundantly asked as he opened the window and rubbed his eyes. Just as he opened them an egg splattered in his face. "Huh?!" He shook the egg off his head and saw Pinkie Pie galloping away. "Pinkie?"

"Spike, what are you doing?" Twilight asked from her bed with a yawn.

Spike couldn't believe what he had just seen. Then he looked outside the window onto the outside of the tree house and saw a slew of eggs splattered against the side of it, making a slimy, yellow, mucky mess. He blinked a couple times and scratched his head.


Pinkie ran inside and locked the door to her place. She laughed quietly to herself and was clasping her hooves in enjoyment. "Now that will teach her." She put her blankets back on her bed and slid in, getting warm and comfortable. She sighed and closed her eyes. "That'll teach her..."

"Uh Pinkie?" Said Twilight.

"Oh, hi Twilight." Pinkie responded rather unenthusiastically.

"Something wrong?" Twilight said.

"Oh I'm just hungry." Pinkie retorted.

"Really?" She asked unenthused. "Didn't you go to the dentist?"

"No! I don't want to go in there!" Pinkie replied. "It's creepy in there."

"Come on, let's book you for an appointment. You know I can't stand seeing my friends unhappy."

Pinkie lowered her ears, closed her eyes and nodded. She agreed to go with Twilight to make an appointment with the dentist.

Pinkie's eyes shot open and saw her blankets all mangled up. She must have been tossing and turning. Her eyes gave a sorrowful look as she looked up at the ceiling again. She realized her dream she just had was her conscience making her feel upset. "What have I done?" She asked herself.


Twilight and Spike were outside early in the morning wiping the egg off their place. Twilight was using her magic to hold a rag, and Spike was using a ladder. Neither of them looked the least bit impressed.

"Twilight?" The purple unicorn spun around to see Pinkie Pie looking rather sorrowful. Twilight didn't respond. "I came to say I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me last night."

"Well I don't know either. Pinkie..." Twilight dipped her rag in a bucket of water and left it on the grass beside it. She gave her full attention to the pink pony. "Why did you do this?"

"I was upset and well, kinda, sorta, took it out on you by putting you in the blame." Pinkie responded, still not sounding like her usual self. "Can you forgive me?"

Twilight pondered for a bit and gave a small smile. "I can tell you're sincere, and ponied up and admitted your mistake and apologized. Apology accepted."

Pinkie started to smile happily too and both gave a quick hug. Pinkie grabbed the rag sitting on the grass and started helping clean the mess.

"It's only egg." Twilight reassured.


*Play happy music*

Pinkie hopped out of the dental clinic smiling. She waved bye to her dentist, who happened to be blue, with a light blue stripe in her mane. She waved back. Pinkie started bouncing down the trail to Sugar Cube Corner. *Read in Pinkie's voice*

'Dear Princess Celestia,
When you're upset or scared about something you caused, you should accept the consequences and not try to blame others for your misfortunes. Blaming other ponies can cause conflict, which no pony enjoys nor benefits from. I also learned not to judge something without knowing anything about it! I thought going to the dentist was going to be the worst thing in the world. Turns out it wasn't as bad as i made it out to be! In other words, don't judge a book by its cover!'

"I still can't believe you've never been to the dentist before Pinkie!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I've never had a problem before. Oh well!" Pinkie grinned at Twilight, blinding her a little with a white gleam on her teeth.

Pinkie then walked into Sugar Cube Corner and saw all the treats. She dove in head first and was gobbling down the sweets. Twilight rolled her eyes and smirked to herself.

*Ending theme and credits*

Comments ( 15 )

They should make this into an episode. I would totally watch it. Also, FIRST!:yay:

It's a really nice little piece. As has been mentioned, it would work as the kind of show FiM actually is, as opposed to most stories we tell based on it on this website.

The only thing I don't really like is that it could have dealt a little more with Pinkie actually going to her appointment, and contrast that with what she imagined would happen in there. It would have worked well if we do see this as the script for a show for little children, since they are often genuinely worried about the dentist. ( I was! :raritycry:) But that's all.

1503796 To be honest this isn't the first time someone has written a fanfic where Pinkie Pie goes to the dentist but this one has to be the best one I've read, as for the other ones, one of them involved the dentists trying to scare Pinkie Pie on purpose which doesn't work, and the other was a pun based fic. :eeyup:

Also I think I'd throw in a plot twist by making it so that Twilight is told SHE has to go the dentist as well and when Pinkie Pie confrots her about it Twilight blushes and run offs with Pinkie Pie shrugging before Spike points that Twilight thinks she can take care of her teeth herself and he and Pinkie Pie start laughing as the episode ends. :trixieshiftleft:

The dental clinic is Pinkie's personal hell...:pinkiecrazy:

HERE, PINKIE! *gives her all of my spiced wafers* EAT 'EM UP, YOU CRAZED PONY! :pinkiecrazy:
(:rainbowlaugh: In other words, I loved this. They should so make this an episode; it would be sooo epic :raritystarry:)

I understand Pinkie here, the dentist is a mildly painful yet necessary place.
Unless you're totally high on laughing gas and just don't give a crap. :pinkiecrazy:
I'll read later.

Pinkie should have watched this first. It worked for me.

Easily could be a good episode. Great read. Thumbs up

I added this to a group of mine. One for fics that would make good episodes or movies.

Thanks! I plan on writing more 'episodes'!

This was very good! It's true what they say up there, this could be adapted to an actual episode of the show.

Good job! :pinkiehappy:

That was very cute. I don't understand why this idea has crossed the minds of the writers. Season 4, maybe?

Huh. I'm writing a fanfic with Pinkie and Twilight too. Going to the dentist and twilight is the supporter. STOP READING MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!

I wanted pinkie to get loopy gas! :fluttercry: why couldn't she of gotten loopy gas?!

3730133 i dont think it would have effected Pinkie much since she is sorta loopy from before

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