• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 3,553 Views, 60 Comments

Lucidity - Antisocial Ind.

Scootaloo's life with Rainbow Dash as her adoptive mother.

  • ...

Chapter 2

The entirety of the Apple Family that lived at that farm listened intently, mouths ajar.

"And she told me to come here." They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Rainbow Dash? An unfit parent?

"Woah," Applebloom said, unable to process this caliber of information. "So, like, they're tryin' ta send ya back to tha orphanage?" Scootaloo slowly nodded her head.

"Well that's a load of rotten apples if Ah ever heard one." Scootaloo looked up. Applejack looked angry. "Y'all can stay here with us until this whole mess gets figured out, understood?" Scootaloo smiled for the first time since the agents showed up to her house.

"Thanks, Applejack." Applejack smiled and walked over to the girl, putting a hoof around her neck, and pulled her into a familiar embrace.

"Think nothin' of it, sugarcube. Y'all are always welcome in this here farmhouse."


"Ah wouldn't have it any other way ya whippersnapper!" came a voice from the rocking chair in the corner. Granny Smith was a frail old woman, but when she wanted to be, she was a fiery force to be reckoned with. If you were a respectable pony, that is.

"Yeah, y'all can come here whenever ya want, Scoot!" The final confirmation from Scootaloo's childhood friends did the trick, and Scootaloo started crying again. Not out of sadness, but out of happiness. She knew that because of the generosity and kindness of the Apple Family that she would be spared the indecent horror of going back to that awful place where she had spent most of her childhood.

"Where did you tell her to go?"

"Shove it, assclown." Rainbow was not having it. First, they come up with this bogus charge of being an unfit parent, then they try and forcefully take Scootaloo away fro her and PUT HER BACK IN THE ORPHANAGE, then they think that she'd ever talk. It was honestly kind of pathetic.

"Look, you can cooperate with us and make it end quicker. The faster we find Scootaloo, the faster we can proceed to trial and get her back to you, if indeed you are a suitable guardian."

"Is she going back to the orphanage?"

"At some point, she'd have to, yes."

"Then no deal. Until I get a form or something guaranteeing that she can stay away from that place, you're just gonna have to keep paying to feed me and keep me here." She didn't want that, not at all, but it was better than thinking about her daughter, alone in the orphanage.

"OK, wait here. I'll see what I can do."

Four days later

"They WHAT!? Spike! Take a letter, now!" Twilight Sparkle had a plan. This was complete crap, and she had to get Rainbow and Scootaloo out of this mess. She knew the mare, Mrs. Strongwing, as she used to live in Canterlot with her second husband, and she was always causing a fuss over something. Twilight also knew that she had connections. However, it's hard to beat having a direct line to BOTH Princesses.

"OK, go."

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I am writing to you about something rather serious. It appears as though Rainbow Dash has been declared an unfit parent, and as such the Filly Protective Services attempted to remove Scootaloo from Rainbow's custody. Scootaloo fled, and her whereabouts are unknown, but Rainbow is being held in contempt for not disclosing Scootaloo's location. I would like you to please put some weight in our favor, as these claims are frivolous at best, and I fear that without some sort of royal intervention, Rainbow may lose Scootaloo for good. I cannot describe the immense happiness they have brought one another, and I believe it would be a crime to force these two apart. The claims are illegitimate, I assure you. Please put some thought into my plea.

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle."

"Got it." Spike held up the letter, and set it aflame. The green flames and smoke traveled quickly out the window towards Canterlot. "Do you think she'll help?"

"Ah sure hope so. Also, er, Twilight?"

"Yeah, AJ?"

"OK, I didn't tell ya this before because Ah didn't want the Princess knowin' in case she's obligated to tell or whatever, but Ah know where Scootaloo is, and Ah need your help convincin' Scootaloo to come in. It's been four days now, and after thinkin' about it, I figured it would be best if Scootaloo went in ta the trial an' stuff. One a the agent people talked ta us and told us that the faster Scootaloo is, er, found, the faster all this gets over with."

"Actually you're right. The Princess is required to tell if she knows. But I don't see how I can help you at all."

"Aw, come on, Twi! You're super duper smart, I bet y'all could talk Zecora into givin' up her stripes on a whim!" Twilight still looked skeptical.

"Alright, I'll give it a shot. Spike, stay here and-"

"Yeah yeah, man the library, I know. It's always the same when you go out on your adventures. Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"OK, I'll see you later tonight." With that, the two mares walked out of the door.

Rainbow laid on her pillow. She was allowed to go home, but she was to have a guard outside at all times to make sure she didn't try and escape her trial, and also to make sure that if Scootaloo tried to come back that she'd be taken into custody. However, the guard couldn't catch Rainbow even if he tried, but she'd rather just not make things more difficult.

She got uncomfortable, and turned over. ALl she could think about was her little Scootaloo, out there, missing her. She knew that they would pull through. In hindsight, she should have just let them take Scootaloo for a little bit to sort this whole thing out. Then again, the look of horror on her face- no. Rainbow made the right call, It kept her daughter out of a place that she hated. She would do it the same way a thousand times. Still, she couldn't help the tears at the thought of losing her little girl

Two days later

My Faithful Student,

Try as I might, the claims appear to be legitimate, and even as a royal Princess I am unable to dismiss such a serious case. To do so would be catastrophic for out system of law. I also cannot make an appearance as Luna and I are occupied with international diplomacy. I am so very sorry for not being able to aid you and your friends. I wish you the best of luck with your endeavors.

"NO WAY! I am NOT going back!"

"But, Scootaloo," Twilight pleaded, "the Princess can't do anything about it, and the only way that we can get you back to Rainbow Dash is if you come along for the duration of the trial!" Scootaloo looked defiant, but she hung her head slightly as she weighed her options. She thought carefully for a few moments.

"How long?"

"A few days, max." Scootaloo walked around the library, feeling the books with a hoof, deep in thought.


She still couldn't sleep. At first she had been fine, but as the time dragged on Rainbow was constantly thinking about a myriad of topics that kept her up; Scootaloo, hurting Mrs. Strongwing in every way she could, how well Scootaloo was eating, the way Mrs. Strongwing's joints would pop as they were pulled from their sockets, whether or not she could overpower the guard in the event that she got tired of flying for some weird reason. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at her door. She got up lazily, trotted down the steps, and to the door. She sighed audibly, and answered the door.

"Ma'am, we've found Scootaloo." Rainbow's first instinct was to kick the crap out of him and go to aid her daughter, but she thought if she played nice she could make a better case, so for now she decided to play it cool.

"Where did you find her?"

"She came to us." Rainbow was visibly surprised.

"What!? No, you're lying. She would never do that! She knows she'd be taken to the orphanage. I won't fall for your tricks."

"It's not a trick. She is currently at the Ponyville Orphanage, and she will be present at the trial tomorrow. I suggest you sleep. In your sleep-deprived condition you'd be at a disadvantage in court."

"How do you know I'm not sleeping? You spying on me now, too?"

"No, ma'am. You have circles under your eyes so big it looks like someone punched you in the eye." Oh.

"Whatever." With that she slammed the door shut. OK, tomorrow I will see her. I hope she can make it for just one night. Don't worry, honey. Mommy's coming!

The next day

This is it. Once I go through those doors, I can finally see my little Squirt again. She walked quickly through the halls, and into the court room. It was bright, and everypony near and dear to her was there; the Apple Family, her friends, her parents, and, most importantly, Scootaloo. She walked over to her seat, staring at Scootaloo the entire way. She was so glad to see Scootaloo's smile. She wanted to sprint over to her daughter and embrace her, but a sudden movement like that would prompt action from the guard, so she calmly walked to her daughter and scooped her up in her forelegs. Scootaloo returned the hug tightly.

"I'm so glad to see you again. Don't worry, in a few hours we'll be back at my house, chilling out and relaxing." She was yanked out of her hug by the guard, a rather large unicorn, who escorted Rainbow to her seat. She looked back in time to see Scootaloo mouth I love you. She mouthed the same back. Rainbow sat in her seat, and then she realized who she was sitting next to: Twilight Sparkle. Oh, HELL YES! With Twilight as her representative, there was no WAY she could lose! The judge came in and started the trial in the typical Equestrian fashion. The prosecution got up, and made his way to the front. Rainbow looked over to the other table, fuming at the sight of the two Strongwing's; the two ponies who had thrown a huge wrench in her life. She'd make them pay in some way or another.

The judge banged her gavel with her magic. Rainbow was surprised, as she hadn't even noticed the judge come in. They all rose and sat on the command of the judge. The prosecution began.

"Your Honor, it's not even a question that Miss Dash is a bad influence on her daughter. I mean, her daughter does the same things Miss Dash did back when she was her daughters age, not to mention their latest scuffle. Little Dartanian over here was assaulted by Scootaloo, and when confronted about it, Miss Dash proceeded to do the EXACT same thing to Mrs. Strongwing. The reflections in behavior is so obvious that, quite honestly, I have no idea why we are even at trial right now. But then, that is your decision." The judge was slightly skeptical of the prosecutions claims, but then again it was hard to believe this actually happened if you weren't actually there to see it.

"Is this true, Miss Dash?"

"Uh, yeah," Rainbow said, reluctantly. "BUT! She," she was now pointing to Mrs. Strongwing, "was insulting my daughter, and so I attacked. Yeah, she was being a complete bi- er, witch, and I realize that what I did was wrong, and I am sorry. As a matter of fact, after we got home I told Scootaloo that what she did was wrong as well and that violence is never the answer and that whole spiel about being in the wrong and blah blah blah. The point is, I was wrong, I admitted it, and I made sure Scootaloo knew it. I am not a bad parent, and I'm not gonna let some prissy Miss High Horse take my daughter away."

"Why I never! You are simply upset about the fact that you not only taught your child ill, but also that you picked the one idiot that would actually learn that type of behavior!" The blood was boiling in Rainbows veins at hearing her daughter talked about like that. It was almost too much. Had there been no one around, the woman would have been dead before she realized that she had been attacked. However, they were in the courtroom so Rainbow had to deal with it.

That's when Rainbow heard it; crying. She looked over to her left to where Scootaloo was sitting, and saw that Scootaloo was crying audibly, though softly. Her lips were moving. Rainbow's motherly instincts drove out everything, all sound, all the world, so it was just the two of them, and dead silence. Rainbow could hear her say it.

"I'm not an idiot..." That was it. Rainbow didn't care. She jumped up and flew, quick as a pegasus naturally was, and landed beside her daughter, embracing her.

"Shhhh, it's OK. She's just pissed that you're going to be a better pony than she is when you grow up. Come on, don't cry. Look at me." Scootaloo looked at her mom, accepting the hug. "I know it hurts to have someone speak so bad about you, it hurts me too. But you gotta remember that if they are willing to speak about you like that, then that's just their way of letting you know that they think you're better than them." She wiped away two tears on Scootaloo's face, and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Th-thanks, mom." Seeing the perfect opportunity, Twilight stood up, and moved to the center of the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen: Exhibit A. Rainbow Dash is an excellent, caring mother figure. Even in the formal and sophisticated environment of a courtroom, she placed her child's well-being first, coming to her aid to comfort her even though the gesture was fast and likely to elicit a reaction from the guard." Who is sleeping, I might add. "I hope that after seeing this, Your Honor, that you will see them as I know them to be: a small, happy family." The judge looked pensive. She was silent for a few moments. During this time, Twilight took her seat, waiting for the judge to come up with a verdict. I wish judges could come up with decisions faster. Or maybe if we had a new method we could let third parties decide. Eh, whatever.

It was a few minutes before the judge spoke. When she did, all ears were immediately directed at her.

"After careful consideration, I have decided to rule in favor of the prosecution. The defendant will pay for the cost of the injuries she caused, and Scootaloo will be removed from her custody and placed in the Manehattan Center for Juvenile Orphans." Bang. The guard awoke, and walked over to a crying and yelling Scootaloo. Rainbow immediately flew at them at full speed to kill the guard and get her daughter, but she was caught on something. She looked back, and saw that Twilight was holding her back with her magic.

"Rainbow, stop! You can't just attack the guard!" She looked back forward, and Scootaloo and the guard disappeared in a flash of blue light. Twilight released the no longer struggling pegasus.