• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 3,753 Views, 221 Comments

Resistance: Remain Human - Hurgusburgus

A group of misfit Chimera are transported to Equestria after the Battle of London. What do? Attack the royalty, that's what. To be honest, she started it.

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Chapter 8

Well, this was strange.

I examined the vehicle. A P-1117 Kingfisher.

How’d this get here? Perhaps it had been caught in the explosion, like me and the others. That would have been a plausible explanation.

So where was the crew, then? I clambered inside, cautiously of course. I like to keep my brain inside my skull, not splattered over the wall by a Rossmore. Where-Oh. Oh boy. The crew was here alright, but they were in coma. Crawlers had gotten to the poor sods. I could see the claw marks on their faces. Oh, dear. There was only one thing for it.

Birds fluttered forth from nearby trees at the sharp rapport of a Bullseye being fired.

I carried the bodies outside, reminding myself to come back later with Fred and dig some graves. Now, however, it was time to learn how to fly a Kingfisher.

I sat down in the pilot’s seat, looking around confusedly. Was there a manual somewhere that I could use? Of course there was… not. Well, looks like it’s going to be the good old method of trial and error. I scrutinised the array of switches, lights and dials before flipping a couple. With a stutter, the interior lighting came alive. Success!
One down… Dozens to go. I kept at it, though. After (somehow) starting the engines, I found the hydraulics dials. Everything seemed to be in the green, as they say. The thrum of the two engines steadied, and then intensified as I pushed the throttle forward. A press of a button later the doors were closed and I could hear again. Hastily strapping myself in, I grabbed the controls and pushed them forward a bit, not willing to tempt fate. Slowly, but surely, the Kingfisher inched forward. A quick glance at the fuel gauge told me I was full. Well, that was fortunate. Okay, now for the fun part. I had at the dashboards again and I heard the whirring of hydraulics as the engines swivelled ninety degrees. For a moment I experienced vertigo as I lost some altitude, but then the VTOL surged forward and I pulled up, the forest blurring below me. Oh, boy was this fun! I pushed the throttle to the max, hearing the roar of engines intensify as I gained altitude. Flicking the controls, I pulled off a barrel roll. Then another one. Seeing a familiar landmark below, I went in for a flyby, roaring low over the apple trees, now leafless and empty. I glimpsed small figures flinch as I passed overhead.

Applejack flattened herself on the ground, glaring at the strange machine that had arrived from nowhere.
“For hay’s sake! What in tarnation is that thing?” Fred ambled over, rather excited.
“It’s a Kingfisher! To put it simply, it’s a flying machine. Where did this one come from?” He waved at the aircraft, almost squeeing as the pilot waggled its wings, returning his greeting.

I chuckled, and then banked away, heading for Ponyville. Time to give the natives a greeting, British style. I soared past, low and fast, shaking snow from the tops of some houses. A multitude of ponies ran out, of course, surprised at the machine that was soaring through the skies. Many scattered, terrified by the noise. Others, however, stared, transfixed by the sight and I hammered onwards, heading for the castle sticking out from the side of the distant mountain.

Everything was calm in Celestia’s bedroom. There was nothing wrong with Equestria. No changeling invasions. No Discord or Sombra coming back to life. Her sister was back to normal again and wasn’t going to start an eternal night. And then something happened. A distant, low drone reached Celestia’s ears. Her left ear twitched and she sat up, annoyed.

What is that noise?

Both ticked off and intrigued, she cantered up to the balcony and promptly ducked out of sheer terror as a large metal machine thundered past meters away.
By Faust! What was that?
Her curiosity and worry boiling over the top, she pushed the doors open and took off in pursuit.

I levelled out, heading back towards Apple family’s farm. I felt Fred and others should know about my find. Just then, a blur of white shot past me, circling back and heading right towards me. Yelling something incomprehensible, I veered off, spotting the blur zoom past me. Okay, apparently someone doesn’t take too well to Kingfishers. Eventually, my assailant came near enough for me to see who it was. It turned out that Celestia was pursuing me. I tried to pull away before she flew too close to the propeller blades and was turned into mincemeat. That’d suck real bad. I activated the airbrakes and went to hover mode, bringing the VTOL to a shuddering halt as Celestia rocketed past me. Soon enough, though, she returned, hovering in front of the Kingfisher. She looked both surprised and angry. Maybe my big grin served to further infuriate her. Nevertheless, I opened the right-side door, letting her inside the Kingfisher.
“James! What have you done this time?” A rather angry Celestia tried to get in the cockpit, but I shook my head frantically. If she bumped her big arse in any of the dashboards, we’d be doomed.
“Don’t! Stay where you are!” I shut the door, easing the throttle back some.
“James! Answer me! Where’d you dig this up from?”
“Found it in the forest.” Like she was going to believe that. Right, brain?
“I did! I’m serious!”
“Well, then, care to enlighten me?”
“Sit down, princess.” I went to flight mode, resuming forward motion and heard Celestia stumble as she tried to retain her upward position.
“I was having a walk when I saw this thing. The crew were dead, though. I’ll have to go back there and give those lugs a proper burial.”
“So you just left them there?”
“Hey, what do you expect from me? The ground’s frozen solid! You couldn’t bury a grasshopper there! The point is, it’s not a one man’s task. And I don’t have a shovel.” I banked, heading back towards the castle.
“How do you know how to fly this machine?”
“It’s still pretty much touch and go. I couldn’t find the manual. Luckily, it seems I’ve gotten the knack of flying.” I sneezed, sending the Kingfisher in a rather steep dive. Celestia cried out indignantly, tumbling across the floor. Whoopsie daisy.
“JAMES! GET THIS INFERNAL CONTRAPTION UNDER CONTROL!” I cringed, pulling up and levelling out. Celestia muttered sullenly, grumbling all manners of curses at my oafish skills. Can’t say I blame her.
Fortunately, the rest of the trip passed by relatively quietly.

I heard the whir as the engines swivelled upwards, reducing forward momentum considerably. A flick of a switch later the doors slid open and Celestia leaped out, landing gracefully on her balcony. Waving her a quick farewell, I backed the VTOL away before turning about and heading towards the Sweet Apple Acres. Doubtlessly Fred and others would want to know about this.

I saw Ted jumping up and down, waving his arms just as I came in for a landing. With slightly more ease than all other times, I touched down. Several loose bits and bots clattered around the hull. As soon as I had turned the engines off, Snag was already clambering across the window.

I climbed out.


“What the hell was that for, Jen? Is this going to become a habit of yours?” I shouted angrily, cheek throbbing and bruised. The sucker puncher in question pulled me upward, shaking me like a ragdoll.
“Fred’s been worried sick about you! You think you can just forget about us?” She hugged me fiercely. What the what?
“I’m so bloody angry and happy at the same time it’s a wonder I’m not going crazy!” Bill walked up, grinning broadly.
“Well put, Jen. You took the words right outta my mouth. Nice t’see ya again, pardner.” He shook my hand as Jen let go of me, a gesture I gladly returned.
“Same here, Bill. Say, where’s others? Alice? Ted?”
“They’re around. Jack and Will got part-time jobs in th’ town, so they’re not here. Th’ rest of us are stayin’ at here, at the farm. Applejack said we can help when winter’s over. That leaves you, Jimmy boy. Whatcha gonna do?”
“Truth be told, I have no idea. Thought I was going to finally go nuts and run off in the wild. That is, until the princess did that magic thing or whatever on me. I didn’t really plan any further than that.”
“Well, I’m sure Miz Applejack can help you with that. Her fam’ly’s plannin’ big. They’re going to expand their fields come springtime and could use the extra help.” Well, since my brain was being particularly stubborn today, I simply nodded.
“That’d do just fine, Bill.”

Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud Thud

Oh, balls! I’d forgotten about Fr-

“JAMES!” I cringed as I felt my ribs being nearly pulverized. Fred had scooped me up in one of his trademark crushing hugs. And wh-JESUS CHRIST

Snaggletooth filled my vision, screeching as loud as possible. I responded in kind. Our shouting competition was interrupted as Fred dropped me on the ground, sitting down in front of me. Of course, he wanted to know where I’d gotten the Kingfisher from, so I regaled him with my tale and everything else I’d been doing during my time in the cave.

“Well, that is a plausible claim, James. But I’m worried now. What if any other Chimera than us got here? They could wreak havoc in this world.” Fred voiced his concerns. I had to agree with him. After all, we did get here without getting harmed. But then Jen piped up.
“Wait a moment. While they might’ve gotten here, too, they wouldn’t survive without an Angel. Remember what happened when the Manchester convoy Angel died?” I did. That’s about the same time when I broke free. Hundreds of Chimera died, leaderless. Relieved that there was no imminent alien invasion we’d have to deal with, I sighed.
“Well, that’s good news, then.” We spent some more time chatting, catching up with things I’d missed during my absence before going inside the house. Though rather annoyed at my Kingfisher-inspired antics, she accepted my request for helping at the farm, saying I could stay here during the winter. Well, since I could hunt squat back in the forest, since most animals were giving the cave a wide berth by now, I was glad to stay here. Even Jen was happy, seeing as she could tinker with the VTOL I brought her. Best Christmas ever, eh?