• Published 26th Oct 2012
  • 1,823 Views, 21 Comments

All The Ponies - CanterlotGuardian

A whole bunch of stories. All of them exactly 750 words. Sorta.

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Vinyl Discovers Skrillex

Vinyl rolled over in her bed, startled awake by her alarm clock. She flailed a bit wildly at the time-box that was making all that racket. She didn’t really want to open her eyes, not yet anyways. That would mean that she would have to resign herself to being awake, and she never liked that.

Finally, her hoof found the alarm clock, and she shut it off.

She groaned and sat up in her bed. She looked at the empty bed beside her, and sighed in resignation. She needed to find herself a roommate, and quickly. Her DJ work just wasn’t paying the bits that it used to.

She stumbled groggily over to her laptop and fired it up, waiting for the password screen to come up. She typed it in- “octaviaisbestpony”- and upon pressing the enter key, smiled as her desktop wallpaper came up. It was a picture of her and her marefriend, Octavia, from when they had gone to Manehattan to do their first-ever mash-up performance.

To both their surprises, it had gone much better than either had expected.

Suddenly, Vinyl face-hoofed. “Oh damn. I forgot I promised my fans that I’d have a new song for the concert tonight! I’ve gotta come up with something, and quick!”

While her mind raced with possible synth lines and wub patterns, she checked into PonySpace, accepting her usual morning quota of friend requests and checking out the 15 or so messages that normally awaited her after a night of not having been on the site.

As she scrolled down through her new messages, she noticed one from Record Scratch, her older brother who was also a wildly popular DJ. She grinned as she clicked on the message; she always loved hearing from her older sibling.

“Hey, Vinyl!” the message started out. “I remembered that the last time we saw each other at the family reunion, you’d mentioned to me that you were looking for more artists to give you inspiration. Well, I found one that I think you might like. His name is Skrillex, and-“

She had to stop reading there and scratch her head. “Skrillex? What on earth kind of name is that?” She shrugged and kept reading.

“-And he’s gotten really popular in a pretty short period of time. I think his style might be right up your alley, Vinyl. You might want to give him a listen and see if maybe he could give you the inspiration you’ve been looking for. Love always, Your brother.”

Vinyl got up and went over to the coffee pot that sat on her bedside table- yes, that’s where she chose to keep her coffee maker- and turned it on, pouring the water and coffee grounds where they needed to go. After that was done, she went back over to her computer and started typing a reply to her brother.

“Hey, bro! Thanks for writing me; I miss you so much. Maybe the next time I’m up in Detrot, we can hang out for a minute. Anyways, thanks for the recommendation. I’m fixing to look him up on PonyTube and listen to some of his stuff. I’ll let you know what I think of him. All the love, Vinyl.”

With that done and over with, she pulled up a new tab and went to PonyTube, signing in under her regular username, ibringdawubz. After successfully doing this, she typed “skrillex dubstep” into the search bar and pressed Enter. A moment later, the search results filled the page.

“Huh. Interesting song titles… Which one do I want to listen to first? First of the Year? Kyoto? Or maybe Ruffneck…?”

After a moment, she remembered her coffee and levitated the pot over to her, pouring herself a cup. The aroma of gingerbread filled the room, and she closed her eyes and smiled before taking a sip.

“Oh, yeah… that hits the spot.” When she opened up her eyes, she clicked on the first track she saw. “Okay, here we go… Bangarang. Interesting title…”

The sounds coming out of her speakers intrigued her, and she kept listening. As she sat there and drank her first cup of coffee, though, she found her interest waning.

“Well…” she murmured to herself. “I’m not sure I like this too much. The beats are way too simplistic and repetitive, not to mention way too formulaic… Dubstep is supposed to be chaos refined, and this… well, this is just not good at all.”

She resolved to listen to the whole song, though, and she did. When it ended, she gazed at the computer screen. “Okay, one more song. Maybe that wasn’t one of his better tracks. It was the first one I clicked on, anyways.”

She listened to a few more songs before sighing in disgust. How on earth could anypony actually like this artist? She found nothing really redeeming about his music.

A small smile crept over her face. “Well, I guess it wasn’t a total waste… Now I know what not to make my music sound like.”

Comments ( 5 )

So... is this AU or crossover... Lol. Well, I won't speak to the musical taste presented here. Regardless of how his music rubs ya, you have to admit, the guy knows how to produce a hella tight track.

My two critiques:
1) When you're actually breaking the action with more force than a semicolon, you use an em dash (—), not a regular hyphen (-). It's Alt+0151 for the keypad shortcut.
2) I think you broke for funny details a bit too often. If you had just picked one instance, it would have had a lot more impact.

I actually really like Skrillex. I just took a lot of the common critiques that people have about him and presented them here.

my favorite song from him is his remix of Nero's "Promises"

hay guardian, whatever you do, do not make a story about Lyra discovering her plushie, and its use!


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