• Published 19th Nov 2012
  • 1,469 Views, 17 Comments

"What a Shame..." - tragicCaligula

Rumble finds a pair of blue-tinted shades.

  • ...

"What a shame..."

I recommend listening to this for the rest of the story: Use this.


High atop the clouds of Equestria was a magnificent and beautiful city. Expertly crafted and designed by revered pegasus artisans and architects. Even to this day, their effort shines through the floating pillars and the expertly crafted landmarks strewned throughout the heavenly city. I am, of course, talking about about the famous cloud city named Cloudsdale. Pegasi flew across the intricately designed buildings, landmarks, and pillars, all of which were hoof-crafted by the city's engineers and architects. Streams of technicolored water poured from openings of the rainbow manufacturing plants across the cloud city, flowing into the wind to make jaw-dropping rainbows for the denizens below the heavens. And with the Sun above the denizens, they received warm temperatures and calm weather for the foals to play in and the workers to work in. Yes, it was an ideal place for any pegasus to raise a family, work in fantastic conditions, play uninterrupted by storms or other types of bad weather, and just be happy overall. It was a peaceful and strikingly angelic place for any pegasus who wished to make their home atop the heavens .

Unfortunately, this story is not going to be about Cloudsdale or its history. Instead, we will focus on the day a young pegasus colt found a peculiar pair of blue-tinted shades and the subsequent situations that followed.


Rumble awoke to the sounds of his alarm clock, the irksome ringing shaking him out of his dreamland. The colt brought a tired hoof down on the loud contraption, silencing it's infernal sound. He sat up in his bed and rubbed his tired eyes; why did it have to be a Monday? Rumble dragged himself out of bed and into his hallway bathroom. He gingerly flew down the hallway as to not wake up his older brother, Thunderlane. With a click sound, the bathroom lights turned on and the colt proceeded to to wash his crusty, taxed eyes.

"Why did dumb clock have to wake me up," Rumble complained mentally. Rumble turned off the sink and wiped the excess water from his face. "I mean, I was having such an awesome dream! I swear when I get home, I am tossing that clock out the window." Rumble complained in his tired state. It was commonplace for ponies to complain about things that wake them from their slumber but they usually forget about it once their drowsiness dies down, Rumble was no exception.

The pegasus colt reached his kitchen and immediately went to the pantry. From there he scooped up his favorite cereal, Frosted Hay Flakes, and retrieved a bowl from a nearby cabinet. Fishing out a carton of milk from his fridge, he combined all three ingredients to his usual morning meal, a bowl of cereal. He picked a seat from the living from table and sat down, beginning to munch on his favorite morning meal.

"Hoo, that was some good cereal! I'll have to remind brother to get ten more boxes." Rumble chuckled.

He dumped the bowl into the kitchen sink and went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and comb his hair in his usual style.

Just like every other day.

He checked his saddlebags to make sure he had everything he needed for school: Two #2 pencils, two notebooks, two highliters and seven assorted markers for Art, one stapler, and his trusty pencil sharpener. All was right in his saddlebags.

Just like every other day.

Rumble flew to his big brother's bedroom to wake him up from his slumber and waited for him to freshen up and eat breakfast so that he could drop off the young pegasus at Ms. Cherilee's schoolhouse. Why did Rumble attended a school on the ground instead of one in Cloudsdale? He would never know.

"Alright Squirt, you ready to go?" asked the elder sibling, opening the front door.

"Sure am!" replied the the prepared colt, saluting to emphasize his enthusiasm. Thunderlane smiled as the two siblings flew out the door and soared through Cloudsdale, sharing their usual banter as the made their way to the Ponyville schoolhouse.

Just like,





It was half past two when the schoolhouse bell rung; similar to an alarm clock. In the back of the class, Rumble instinctively waved his hoof around to turn off the imaginary alarm that continued to plague his sleep for the second time today. It wasn't until the the teacher, Ms. Cheerilee, announced the end of the class:

"Have a great day, everypony! Remember to study what we learned for today for tomorrow's test!" said the magenta colored teacher. With a snort, the lethargic pegasus colt awoke - for the second time today - from his slumber; wiping drool from his chin. He quickly filed out of the schoolhouse with the rest of colts and fillies. Rumble adjusted his rumpled mane back to its original style.

"Oh boy, I fell asleep half way through the class! And there is a test on Celestia-know's-what! It was probably explained when I was sleeping. Pardon my language but I am screwed!" worried Rumble. He was contemplating his options as he walked down the trail into Ponyville, which was where Thunderlane picked him up everyday.

"Okay, maybe I can ask Thunderlane to let me stay in town to study with a friend of mine. Maybe then- wait, what is that?" Rumble said. As he was walking down the path into town, he spotted something peculiar in road. He used his wings to fly over to the unknown item. The colt looked at it, it was embedded in the dirt.

"What the heck?" questioned Rumble. Deciding to investigate, he began to dig up the object. As he removed the dirt from the ground, he slowly identified what the item was.

"Are these... sunglasses?" asked the confused Rumble. Sitting on his haunches and dropping his saddlebags, he cleaned the excess dirt from the sunglasses, giving him a better view of the facewear. They were simple sunglasses with no other special quality. Well, there was one: they were tinted blue. Rumble looked around for somepony these glasses could belong to; none were present.

"Well, it would be a shame to leave these sunglasses out here. Maybe I'll keep them for safe keeping." said the mischievous colt, scrunching his face and looking side to side. Deciding to try out 'his' new sunglasses, he placed them on his face when a strange sensation overtook him.

"Whoa, I feel different." Rumble started to slowly fly straight into the air, leaving his bags on the earth below him. "I... I... feel stronger," he flew higher. "... I feel faster! Ha ha!" he cheered. Rumble was now high up enough to see all of Ponyville; the stalls, stores, homes, and a cyan and rainbow spot on a cloud was what he saw. The foreign sensation now showered his body with awesomeness.

"But most of all: I... feel... augmented."


The augmented randomness begins next chapter

Comments ( 17 )

Ooh, the original Deus Ex!

My parents died in a car accident. :coolphoto:

I didn't ask for this.

It's "I never asked for this"

Ah sue me, it means the same thing.

In any case, Deus Ex and Ponies can only lead to good things.

I was playing this game a few hours ago. :pinkiecrazy:

Now to get a new VGA for Human Revolution.

I finally got around to reading this.

As for the story:

Edit: But what would be the best aug for mischief, aside from Cloak and Light? Spy drone...?(PLUEEASE zap Rarity in the ass!)

I was wondering... which augs did Rumble get? You expressed your hate for spy drone, how would the agressive defense be useful? Planning on some hostilities?

When I get around to writing the rest of this, he will probably have Combat strength, Run silently, Regeneration, the flashlight aug and thats it. I am not planning on running this story any longer than a couple of chapters.

I got myself very excited to see where this was going. Then I saw the chapter ended right when it got to the good part. Then I saw how the next chapter never even came out.


"What a shame. What a rotten way to die."

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