• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 1,622 Views, 28 Comments

Return of the Ura - Brotato

The Ura, a long-time enemy with the Kid back in Caelondia, has returned.

  • ...

Ch.1: A familiar threat

Chapter one

A familiar threat

"Have you been enjoying yourself in Ponyville?" Twilight asked as all six ponies and Kid casually walked down one of Canterlot Castle's halls. The stained glass lining the walls beside them filtered Celestia's sunlight, creating a mixture of colors to dance across the floor. It was eerily quiet, with only the sound of hooves against the marble floor.

"Oh, the usual," Kid began as he motioned a hand in front of him. "Being Mr.Fix-it for anypony who needs a hand, and still trying to introduce myself to anypony I haven't met. Not to mention trying to get used to your winters in Equestria." He shivered at remembering how cold it was when he first woke up at six in the morning.

Rainbow Dash, who was staying airborne straight above him, laughed heartily. "Cold? Please, this is nothing. Wait until the weather team brings in the snow." She let out a smirk. "Not that it makes your whining any-" Rarity loudly cleared her throat and gave a dangerously look, causing Rainbow's wings to momentarily lock up. Luckily, she remembered to keep flapping before hitting the floor. "Uh... Right. Not that it makes your complaining any more valid."

Kid looked between the two mares curiously and thought best to not ask about it. Instead he focused his gaze on the golden double-doors ahead of him. The guards stationed on either side reminded him of the time he got chased by almost every guard on duty. He couldn't blame Twilight for it though, even if she was the unicorn who sent him to Canterlot; straight into Celestia's bowl of cereal no less.

Good times...

The doors opened on its own accord and the first thing one would notice was how bright the room was. Sunlight came through at just the right angle during its apex from a window above. It was enough to fill the room with light as if standing outside, but without the need to squint.

The dining table sat in the middle of the room, and it could easily allow a dozen guests per side. At either end was a single tall chair, which was where both Princesses were seated; their heads turned directly towards him.

"I'm glad that all of you decided to join us." Celestia stated happily. She motioned with a hoof for the group to join them at the table. As they pulled the chairs out and began taking their seats, with Hammer two seats away from Celestia, she continued. "I took the liberty of having the royal chefs make something small to eat, considering I summoned you an hour before lunch."

Just as she said that a doorway opened at the wall behind Celestia's chair, and out came several ponies garbed in the usual servant attire. While the earth ponies carried the covered platters on their backs, the unicorns had the convenience to hover it above themselves with magic. They all placed their platters down in a line across the table and, in one swift motion, lifted each silver dome to reveal what was underneath.

Kid's eyes lit up at the spread. The platter in front of him held dozens of stuffed bell peppers in several colors. Down the line he could spot several more dishes ranging from pastas, pastries, salads and, to his horror, bite-sized daffodil sandwiches. If Celestia truly though this was something "small" to eat, he'd love to see what a true feast composed of.

Seeing everyone staring at the feast in shock, Celestia cleared her throat. "Please, help yourselves. It would be a shame to throw away all of this good food." Nothing else needed to be said after 'help yourselves' since everyone broke into action to fill their plates. Except Applejack who took longer as she didn't know which dish to try first.

"Thank you for doing this, your Highness." Kid promptly popped a tear of soft bread in his mouth and swallowed after a quick chew. "But I'm sure from the letter you're not here to treat us to an emergency luncheon," he added with a small chuckle.

"Of course, but not now. Please enjoy the meal. We'll have plenty of time to talk afterwards."

The next hour consisted of the sound of polite conversation and appreciative hums when somepony enjoyed another delicious bite. Pinkie managed to somehow eat the rest of the pasteries before they went bad; consuming the whole platter then spitting out the plate itself. When everypony else had enjoyed their fill, the servants began clean up while the two Princesses and their guests made their exit. After traveling down several gleaming hallway did Celestia speak once more.

"Two days ago, we received a report listing several strange events during routine clean-up duty near your Bastion, Hammer. Strange lights that disappeared when somepony drew close, figures in the forest who looked unlike anything they've seen before, and sounds from a creatures that were unheard of. Just to name a few. However, what happened yesterday afternoon caused me send my letter to you."

She stopped in front of a pair of doors with an obvious large cross carved into the doorway; painted red. "The guards were attacked by something in the forest, and returned with wounds unlike anything I've ever seen." Seeing the confused looks on her guests' faces, she frowned. "It would be best to just show you." Without another word, she opened the doors with her magic.

A collective gasp came from everypony as they peered inside the long stretch of room. Ponies without their royal armor were laid out in white beds that lined the walls. Nurses and doctors frantically weaved through the lines of beds as they did their best to treat their wounds, or at least relieve the pain.

While the ponies stared in shock, Kid tentatively took a step inside. A teal stallion was sleeping peacefully on one of the beds, even with all the frantic movements and sounds going on. However, the pony wasn't what interested kid. It was what laid inside the small bowl next to the bed; sitting on a silver cart.

Kid picked up one of the many thin barbed projectile with utmost care, some of them still stained with blood; most likely from the stallion. He inspected it closely as a detective would search for clues, twisting it slowly with his thumb and forefinger. The purple barb had a menacing gleam to it, as if polished to a shine. He had seen them before, and had his share of being stuck with them in the past. The very fact he was holding one in his fingers made him realize how dire the situation was. He muttered a single word.


The very utterance of the word would have Caelonians diving for cover, even when behind the safety of the Rippling Walls. Pincushions were a native plant in the wilds; known for the barbs Kid had just held in his hand. They were hard to spot in the dense foliage due to their low profile, and could pierce any form of armor like a hot knife through butter. Not to mention that one could literally turn you into a pincushion in mere seconds. Hence why they were named that way.

The sense of realization Kid felt was not lost to Celestia. "You know about this?"

"I do," Kid replied while still looking at the dangerous deadly barbs. "They're from a very dangerous plant from my world, but that's impossible. What are they doing in Equestria?" He finished mostly toward himself.

"That..." Celestia started as she walked to his side. "Is what I'm hoping you can find out."

"Are you all positive you want to come along?"

Kid tightened the straps holding his armor plates in place while looking down at Twilight and her friends in front of him. After visiting the infirmary and confirming that several more injuries were from creatures of his homeland, he agreed to help her. The idea was pretty simple: Find out what is wrong with the Bastion and hopefully fix it. If not... Well, he'll just have to figure that out when he gets there.

They were all now waiting inside a room with a large opening to the outside, like an enormous marble hangar for chariots. Pegasai guards were most prominent in this place, and some could be seen actively pulling in and taking off while the small group stood to the side.

Kid didn't like the thought of bringing his friends here now. It would've been better if it was him alone. His world was too dangerous of a place compared to Equestria, and who knows what would be waiting in that forest when they entered.

"Absolutely! you're going to need all the help you can get." Rainbow Dash said with a determined grin.

Applejack stomped a hoof. "Yeah! we cant let some varmint hurts ya. We need to stick together as friends should!" The others nodded their heads in approval.

"Applejack is right, Hammer." Twilight piped up. "A group can achieve more than a single pony."

"Yeah, I know," Kid groaned. "But all of you being there is what worries me." Kid never had anyone else with him to look after during his life in the wilds. He was usually alone, with only himself to look after. The thought of having to hold off creatures while keeping six ponies safe made surviving the Calamity a cakewalk.

Rainbow dash let out a raspberry. "Don't be ridiculous. We've taken on Nightmare Moon, Discord... whatever that bug lady was during Twilight's brother's wedding" She motioned with one hoof as if counting with fingers.

"Queen Chrysalis?" Twilight suggested with exasperation.

"Yeah! Queen Crys-a-less!" Seeing twilight roll her eyes, she sighed heavily. "Whatever. The point is: We're coming with you no matter what."

Kid crossed his arms and looked over the group in front of him. "I hope you have some way to defend yourselves?"

"Of course, darling. Twilight and myself have our magic. Applejack and Rainbow Dash have their own... Brutish ways. Fluttershy has been known to intimidate even dragons; and Pinkie can... uh." She looked over at Pinkie who pulled a wrapped candy out of her mane and chomped on it.

"Mmm, lemony!"

"Erm... whatever Pinkie Pie does," Rarity finished with a cringe as she watched her enjoy her sweets.

Rubbing the side of his head like he had a headache coming on, he nodded. "Alright, I'll trust you all to know what you're getting yourself into."

Several minutes later, the same chariot that brought them here landed before the small group. He gave a small greeting, which the two guards simply nodded in return. When everypony was aboard, the guards rushed forward and dove out the opening leading outside with the wings wide open. A moment of vertigo gripped Kid when they dropped a good foot, but the guards managed to increase their speed before they fell from the sky.

Soon, Canterlot was nothing but a distant memory, leaving only the vast expanse of blue and spots of white fluff. Kid wasn't sure how long they have been flying, but the edges of Delamare Forest came into view. It easily rivaled Everfree in size; almost reaching the horizon while this high in the sky. Though the trees were not as dense, leaving dozens of open space to peek into the forest grounds. During Hammer's examination of the forest, he found himself descending towards it; the guards spiraling down toward a small camp just outside the edge of the forest. When the chariot landed with a soft thud against the green grass, the pegasai pulling it turned to look at him. His voice holding the smallest tinge of fear.

"We're here."