• Published 3rd Jan 2012
  • 4,380 Views, 251 Comments

A History of Long Nights and Blood - Balancer

Vinyl vampire awesomeness, with a dash of Twilight crazy. Plus sad stuff.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Darkness surrounded her and yet she could dimly see, taking no notice of this she ran and ran. She barely recalled who she was; she didn’t belong down here, where ever down here was. She searched desperately for a light, for some sign of an exit, desperate for a way out. But around her was only a never ending labyrinth of darkness, the walls filled with skulls. She recalled she was in some kind of catacombs, a tomb.

With ragged breath she turned a corner, only to find herself face to face with a…creature. She tried to turn around, forgetting she was galloping at full speed only to end up tripping as the thing launched itself at her, fangs bared fore-limbs stretched out towards her. Luckily her tumble meant the thing sailed right over top of her into the wall behind her. She quickly scrambled to her hooves and ran as fast as she could down the corridor, sounds of enraged snarls as the thing behind her quickly rose too and gave chase.

She ran down the corridor her legs given wings by fear; she bounded off walls as she rounded corners. All the while the sounds behind her kept pace with her, never diminishing never fading. Eventually she came to a large room, three more corridors branched off it, without thinking she turned to run down to nearest one but lost her footing and slipped. She struggled to hooves and made to run down the corridor but was tackled as one of the creatures rushed from the corridor and pinned her to ground. She screamed and struggled but the creature had her to well grappled, it screeched at her as it tried to bite her. The creature atop her was suddenly wrenched off her as it was tackled by the creature she had been running away from.

She got to her hooves as the two monsters rolled around the floor biting and hitting each other. She ran down one of the other corridors, panting heavily. Eventually she came to another cavern; this one had a spring flowing from the wall. She walked over to take a drink and recoiled instantly, one of the creatures was in the water. She waited for the creature to burst out and attack her, but nothing came, confused she went to the water’s edge again. And again she saw the creature; she made to recoil again but stopped when the creature did nothing.

She watched it and it watched her, she reached out to it and slowly the creature copied her. However when their hooves met, her hoof simply passed right through it into the water. She was shocked; she pulled her hoof out and looked at it looked back at the water creature and back to the hoof. Neurons sparked as a partial memory blinked across her mind, reflections, that…thing in the water was…her.

She looked back at the reflection, studying it; she had the same features as the creatures but she was different. What were they, why was she here….who was she?

Shaking her head she reached down and took a drink of water. Wiping her muzzle with her hoof she looked around in the darkness, it occurred to her that she could see as if she was in a low light area. She could see it was dark, there were no obvious light sources, and yet she could clearly make out the wall on the other side of the cavern. Puzzled but with no answer forth coming she pushed it to the back of her mind; she’d figure it out eventually.

Looking around she choose to go down the corridor furthest from her, this time she moved slowly keeping an ear out for more…creatures? No that wouldn’t do, she was one of them…Others? Yes that sounded better. As she came to the opening of another cavern, sounds of drinking reached her ears. Crouching down she crawled over to see what was making the noise, her breathing stopped. In the cavern was one of the Others, a scream rose in her throat but she forced it down instead huddling closer to the ground. The creature was resting its fore limbs on some sort of fountain that had been built into the wall and was drinking from it in large greedy gulps. A sound of fighting and screaming burst from one of the corridors; the Other perked up at the noise and ran off.

She waited till it had run from the room, slowly got up from the ground and cautiously made her way into the room. Looking around her for danger she approached the fountain and examined it. It was made of stone, the base was carved with what she could approximate to claws, and the outside of the bowl seemed to be a tangle of thorns the spines pointing inwards. She rested her fore limbs on the edge and leaned into examine the contents, it was some kind of dark liquid, the insides of the bowl were sticky with partly dried contents.

Not much of the liquid was left, however a small river of the liquid was pouring from a hole in the wall. Gingerly she reached in with her tongue and lapped up some of the liquid. As she swallowed her throat seemed to catch fire and a hunger she had been unaware of made itself known. She pushed her muzzle into the small pool of liquid and steadily drank it up. The hunger died down and she stepped away from the fountain, licking her lips she walked down a random corridor, and thinking about what had just happened.

Wondering why the smell of the liquid had seemed so familiar.


Vincenza walked into the bar with a heavy heart, she had told Twilight she needed to run some errands. That was mostly true; she did need to do some grocery shopping.

Looking around she put on a smile as she approached the bar, ordering a shot of whiskey she scooped out the patrons there were a few stallions and mares that held her gaze, some not at all bad looking.

None of them held a candle to Octavia though, she took her shot and her smile turned down at the edges.

She gestured for another shot and the bartender obliged, as he turned to walk away she asked if he could leave the bottle. The bartender raised an eyebrow but left the bottle as a bag bits appeared on the bar, he swept it into his apron and she got to work on the bottle.

She was half way through the bottle when a husky voice called out to her. “Trying to drown your sorrows hun?”

Vincenza turned to reply, the pony next to her was a mare, a unicorn and a good looking one at that. She put on her best smile and leaned on the bar. “Nothing a beautiful mare like you can’t fix.”

The mare smiled and took the stool next to her. “Oh I don’t know you seem to be doing fine by yourself.” She flicked at glance at the whisky bottle.

Vincenza grinned and pulled a second shot glass over with her magic. “Maybe you would care to join me?” She filled the glass and pushed over to the mare who accepted it with a smile as she downed it.

The mare breathed deeply as the fiery liquid made its way down her throat, she let out a ragged breath. “So what’s a fine mare like you doing in a place like this?”

Vincenza shot her a grin. “Oh you know, the usual story, found my two-timing mare-friend in bed with some pony else ect ect.”

The mare put on a frown. “Somepony cheated on a fine mare like you, I find that hard to believe.”

Vincenza shrugged and poured them out another shot. “Well it’s the truth and here we are.” They took their shots and Vincenza poured them another. “So who would I have the pleasure of sharing my company with tonight?”

The mare smiled. “Name’s Dove Tail, and you would be?”

“Vincenza Nightingale.” She smiled back.

Dove Tail raised an eye brow. “That’s an exotic name.”

“I’m a very exotic pony.” Vincenza retorted, she reached over and lightly brushed Dove’s fore limb with her hoof. The two ponies smiled at each other and in response to unseen signal the rose from the stools and walked out on to the dance floor.


She was roused from her slumber by the growls of an Other she emerging from the crack in the wall she had found and looked for the source of the noise. She could tell it coming from her left, so she decided to go right. Creeping along, careful to make as little noise as possible she rounded the corner…and found herself face to knee with a tall bipedal creature.
She blinked, it blinked, she screamed, it pounced at her.

She ran forward between its legs and galloped down the tunnel into a cavern. She turned to run down another corridor when an arm exploded from the ground and grabbed her. The creature pulled itself up from the ground shouting but all she could make out was some weird barking noises. Its claws dug into her shoulder as it shook her, she tried hitting it but it seemed to have no effect on the crazed creature. It raised its other arm to strike her when a voice cried out.

“Leave her alone!” The creature turned to see what had called out when it was sent flying by a tackle from an Other, making it stumble and lose its grip.

The other spun around and bucked the creature in the chest, the creature was sent flying into the wall and its head made a sickening crack as it collided with the cold stone. The other turned to face her, she tried to crawl backwards but the creature’s claws had injured her shoulder. The other noticed this and quickly went over to the creature, it tore the ragged cloth it was wearing into strips and flapped over to her.

It had wings! She was stunned, the rest of the others she had seen had just had horns on their heads like her, this one didn’t.

“You haven’t tried to bite my face off so I’m going to assume you’re friendly, okay?”

She nodded and it….he, it was a he, came closer and tied the rags around her shoulder.

“Can you talk? My name’s Lucas.”

She moved her mouth up and down, she could understand what he was saying and slowly she began to link syllables together to form something that resembled a reply. “I-I-Yes. Yes I can talk. Thank you.”

Lucas grinned. “Nothing to it, what’s your name?”

She frowned, searching her memory but came up blank. “I don’t know.”

The….Pegasus…yeah that sound about right, cracked her a grin. “Well we've got all the time in the world don’t worry about it.”

She gave a grin in return and got to her hooves, “Do you have any idea where we are?” she asked.

“Underground?” Lucas responded.

“I was hoping for something with a bit more detail.”

Lucas tapped his hoof on his chin as he furrowed his brows in thought. “Very far underground.” He declared with a totally straight face stamping his hoof for emphasis. She chuckled and shook her head.

“Fine then what do you propose we do now, oh master of the obvious?”

“Well I’ve been walking down random tunnels, want to keep doing that?”

“Why not, it’s not like I’ve got much else to do.”

The Pegasus gave another of his grins and chuckled. “Very well then.” He looked around the cavern, choosing a tunnel at random and looked at his new companion and with a slight nod to each other they set of together.

They had been walking (and sometimes hovering) along the tunnels for a long time and had gone through many rooms. They had talked and discovered that they both had gaps in their memory, he told her that after he woken up he had started walking around the tunnels, surviving on the water and the stuff in the fountains. Eventually he began to recall bits and pieces of his past, mostly his name and a few scattered memories, he told her not to worry about her memory loss it would probably come back on it’s on.

They would banter and just talk for the sake of talking, after spending so much time alone it was good to have some company for once.


Vincenza danced to beat feeling the pulse of her partner as they grinded against each other. She let the alcohol filter through her blood allowing a feeling of inebriation to overtake her, and judging by Dove Tail’s actions the alcohol was affecting her as well. Their dancing had gotten more intimate as the night had worn on. During the brief lulls in the music they had made small talk, mostly with their tongues, but Vincenza had been able to get some conversation in there. Turns out Dove Tail was an aspiring actor, had been for the past few years.



They had come to another one of the rooms with a fountain in the wall; it looked like none of the Others had found it yet as it was mostly full. Taking turns they drank all of the liquid in the fountains. They had discovered it was blood some time ago, the news hadn’t been as unsettling as she would of thought; Lucas though had taken it a bit more harshly but had quickly gotten over it. It was strange traveling with him, she grown close to him not in a romantic way but in a sort of friendly way. Somehow she knew that if they ever got out of here they would be friends for ever.

She gestured at the fountain. “Who do you suppose made these?” She asked her companion.

He looked the fountain over. “Don’t know, whoever put us here I guess.” He turned to face her. “How’s the memory coming along, got your name yet?”

She shook her head. “No, every time I try I can feel it somewhere in the back of my head, but it just slips out of reach when I try to grab it.” She sat down on her haunches. “I’m starting to wonder if I’ll ever get it back.” She turns her head to look at her cutie mark. “Even this thing doesn’t help, I know what it is and what it means but I can’t remember how I got it.”

Lucas put a hoof on her shoulder. “Hey hey now, listen it was tough for me to, I know exactly how you feel but trust me you’ll get it eventually.”


“Yeah, and besides, I need to know who I’m buying a drink for when we get outa here.” Lucas playfully shoved her shoulder, referring to the first thing they had agreed on doing once they got out, finding the nearest inn and getting wasted.

She smiled and shoved him back with her magic, he chuckled. “At least you got your magic back.”

“Yeah thank the gods for small mercies I guess.” She got up from the ground. “Do you think we’re ever going to get out of here?”

Lucas shrugged and stretched his wings. “There has to be a way out, we couldn’t of just appeared down here, and I’m thinking who ever out us down here had to of made a way out, all we have to do is find it.”

“Yeah, but have you ever wondered why were down here. The only other ponies we’ve encountered are less intelligent than rabbits and have tried to kill us. Do you think it’s some kind of disease and we’ve been put down here to isolate us from the rest of the populace?”

Lucas shook his head and nodded towards the fountain. “No it doesn’t make sense; if they wanted to isolate us then they wouldn’t keep feeding us.”

She shrugged. “Maybe it’s a test or something, like who can find their way out or something.”

Lucas shook his head. “Yeah but if that’s the case then there would be signs or something…." the pegasus snapped his head up like he had an idea. "Or maybe there is and we’ve just been missing them all this time.”

“What do you mean?”

Lucas tapped the rim of the bowl. “Look at where the thorns touch the rim.”

She looked at the bowl. “I’m not seeing it.”

“They’re all pointing the same way.” Lucas nodded his head in the direction of the thorns, towards one of the tunnels.

She raised an eyebrow. “You think that they might be pointing to a way out?”

Lucas shrugged. “Better than anything else we’ve got to go on.”

She shrugged and they began to walk down the passage, every now and again she would hum or whistle a tune tapping out the rhythm with her hooves. They walked in the direction of the thorns; every cavern that they came to that didn’t have a fountain would have another corridor directly opposite.

Sometimes they would find a fountain that would point them in a new direction which they would walk down, after a countless amount of time, and a couple of scraps with Others later, they eventually came to a large cavern with no roof, a tiny pin prick of light shining up above. It was a perfect circle with three entrances, and unlike the walls in other places these were smooth brick. In the center of the room there was a large circle shaped whole only about a hoof deep.

Lucas flapped his wings and looked around the room. “This is new.”

She nodded in agreement as she helped to look around the room. “What do you suppose this is?” She asked as she indicated a wooden lever in the wall.

Lucas hovered his way over to her. “I don’t know, but I’m willing to bet it’s our way out.”

He placed his hooves on one side and she placed hers on the other, they looked at each other and flashed a manic grin before they threw their weight onto the lever. It creaked and groaned then suddenly it came crashing down with an all might boom followed by the sound of rattling chains.

They looked at each other and laughed.


Twilight looked at the space that Vincenza had occupied only a moment ago. Giving a sigh she decided to explore her new surroundings. On the first ring there was a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms, one of the beds looked like it had recently been slept in.

Vincenza and Octavia

Twilight blinked away the tears that sprang up and walked out of the room and decided to look down stairs on the ground floor. There was a small pool being feed from a waterfall in the celling beside it was a table two plates on it on the ground beside it.

They must have been eating when I summoned them

Twilight felt her breath catch in her throat as her eyes fell on the broken shape of a double bass cello, the wood given a much deeper colour by the afternoon sun.

The summon spell must have been too much for the wood to handle

Twilight knelt by the broken wood, not touching it. Tears leaked from her eyes at the thought that she would never see one her friends again choking sounds filled the cavern as she began sobbing over the broken instrument, the realization hitting her like an apple cart.

Oh Gods, it's all my fault Octavia is dead because of me

Twilight turned to look at herself in the pond beside her, the red eyes looking back out at her filled her with revulsion. The red was the same colour as blood, the thought of blood kicked her memory back to that moment when she bit Octavia, the taste of her blood assaulted her senses and that same terrible hunger began to rise up in her.

Twilight screamed and curled into the foetal position trying to force down the rising red tide. Eventually the tide abated and Twilight opened her eyes, the broken haft of Octavia's cello filled her vision.

I’m a monster, just like the rest of them

She pulled herself up and picked up a sharp shard of the broken instrument.

I may have been disowned by my mentor, my friends may have abandoned me and my comrades will undoubtedly be out for my blood but I haven't given up on them

She stared at the shard, rotating it in the air as she studied it for weakness.

I may not be able to kill Vincenza, but at least I can stop another monster form being unleashed on the world

She closed her eyes and placed the shard against her chest.

Forgive me Octavia, i'm sorry

She pulsed her magic and the shard ripped through her chest like tissue paper.


Vincenza reappeared at the safe house, the unconscious form of Dove tail draped across her back.

"Twilight!" She called out, but there was no reply.

She was about to take a step when the smell of vamp blood hit her, her eyes widened and she rushed to the balcony, saw that twilight was lying on the ground a large hole through her chest and jumped over to her.

"Buck buck buck buck buck buck buck." She swore as she weaved healing spells to repair the damage, Vincenza thanked her lucky star that the mare hadn't destroyed her brain. Twilight gasped for air as she twitched and jerked.

Vincenza pinned her with her magic. "What the buck were you thinking you stupid little..." Twilight flinched as the elder burst into a flood of insults, most of which were in another language or other.

When she was done she released the mare, giving a death glare. "Get up, I’ve brought you some food." The elder mare however wasn't prepared when the mare at her hooves burst into tears.

"Why did you bring me back?! Do you have to take everything from me, can't I even decide when to die?" Twilight screamed at the brunet above her, her head snapped backwards as the elder struck her across the face and tackled her to the ground.

"No Twilight, no you can't. I have given up too much to just let you die."

"But why do you need a monster like me!"

"Monster?" Vincenza asked. "What in Equis makes you think that you are a monster."

"Because I killed one of my best friends, because I’m like you that’s why."

Vincenza flinched. "Like me? Like me! You are nothing like me!" She shouted.

"Then why do you need me?!" Twilight shouted back. "You're stronger than me, faster than me, wiser than me. What could you need me for?!"

Vincenza got off Twilight. "I don't, my master does."

Twilight looked up at the elder. "That black thing? What was that? What does it want with me?"

Vincenza looked at Twilight and turned away. "He just does."

"But but why me? "

"Because you're powerful Twilight that's why. He...asked me....to train you, to teach you how to control yourself."

The cavern was filled with an awkward silence.

"Twilight why do you think that you killed Octavia?"

Twilight hung her head. "Because I’m the reason she was in hospital because..." She stopped as Vincenza put her hoof on her shoulder.

"That wasn't you Twilight, it was your blood rage." She looked deep into Twilight's eyes. "You aren't to blame for anything, trust me when I say it wasn't your fault."

Twilight looked away. "But but-"

"Come on I brought you some food, you should eat before it gets cold."

Twilight nodded and watched as Vincenza jumped up over the balcony above them, shaking her head to banish the dark thoughts that were plaguing her she climbed the stairs.

She froze when she saw the 'meal' Vincenza had been talking about.

"What the buck, that’s a pony!" She yelled.

Vincenza gave her a stern look. "Calm down Twilight, you need to feed soon, that blood pack wont last forever."

"But you can just get me some more blood packs, I don't want to kill anypony."

"Twilight this is a part of being a vampony that you need to deal with." Vincenza levitated a knife she had gotten form the kitchen. "If you don't drink I will make you."

"But she's innocent, she hasn't done anything wrong. No I won’t do it, I refuse."

"Twilight don’t make me do this." Vincenza gauged the other mare. Seeing that she wasn't going to budge she sighed and pressed the blade of the knife to Dove tail's neck, a thin line of blood appeared and steadily leaked out of her. Vincenza released her and took a step back.

As soon as the blood appeared the thirst began to risen again in Twilight, she tried to stop it but the pain in her throat was too much and she threw herself at the poor mare, her fangs ripping into her neck.

The moment the tongue tasted the blood, the pulse of her prey thumping slowly beneath her teeth, all other thoughts were banished from her mind. A glorious feast was at hoof and Twilight sunk her fangs into it, greedily slurping the blood in loud gulps, blood flowing down her muzzle as it rushed out.

Soon the mare was dead and lying lifeless on the ground, Twilight wasted no time in lapping at the pools of blood around her, licking it from her muzzle and coat. Vincenza watched the whole ordeal with a look almost bordering on disgust.
Slowly the purple unicorn's face twisted from a look of joy and savage glee to one of muted shock then repulsion as she tried shake the blood of her. The panic in her eyes growing by the second.

Vincenza shook her head and wiped the disgust off her face. "Twilight." She called out as she grabbed the mare's head with her magic.

"Focus on me, look at me." Twilight's eyes were twitching rapidly, her mouth moving but no words coming out, tell tail signs of a panic attack, Vincenza teleported them to the bathroom.

She levitated the hyperventilating mare into the shower, turning on the warm water. "There there, let’s get you cleaned up." She cooed softly to the mare. "It's going to be okay, talk to me come on Twilight."

Vincenza softly massaged some soap into the worse areas of her coat, Twilight flinched but didn't otherwise react. The blood ran off the unicorn in thin strips into the water where they swirled down the drain.

She didn't look at the elder as she spoke. "W-What was that?"

Vincenza stopped momentarily before resuming. "Your blood rage."

"W-W-Will it happen every time I...." She tried to finish her sentence but couldn't get the words out. Vincenza understood.

"Were you turned willingly?"

Twilight tilted her head slightly. "What?"

"I need to know."

Twilight watched the blood swirl down the drain, a few minutes later she answered in a shaky voice. "N-no."

"How did it happen?" Vincenza asked keeping her voice low and comforting, know this was probably a very traumatic experience for the young mare.

"I-I don't know." Twilight paused momentarily before continuing. "T-There was this one mission when my squad got....killed, I was the only survivor....I guess....guess that would be it..."

Vincenza didn't press the issue, Twilight didn't offer any more information.

Eventually she just broke down, Vincenza wrapped her fore hooves around the crying mare comforting her as the warm water rained down on them. She knew all too well what it felt like to have your world crashing down around you.

Outside the boom of thunder heralded the beginnings of a storm.


The elevator slowly clinked down the shaft suspended from two thick chains, on it were three Others. She noticed that the one in the middle had a horn on his head like she did, whereas the two either side of him didn't, she also noticed that the other two were wearing full amour, whilst the one in the middle was wearing a richly decorated shirt.

The elevator trundled to a stop, the one in the middle looked Lucas and her over before smiling, showing a set of fangs like they had.

"Hello younglings, you have done well to find this place." He announced. "All that remains is one more step." The Other gave them a cold smile.

Lucas gulped. "What do you require from us?"

"Simple, to prove that you have come back to us you must tell us one thing, what is your name."

She felt her throat constrict, Lucas glanced at her with a worried expression. "What if we can't remember our names" She asked him.

He gave a chuckle. "Why then you don't get to come back to the surface my dear."

Lucas patted her on the back with his wing. "Don't worry it'll come to you." He then turned to the Other on the elevator. "My name is Lucas Vorticita."

The Other bowed his head. "Welcome back to us Lucas Vorticita." He then looked to her. "And what is your name darling."
She looked at the Lucas with a pleading look, Lucas only shrugged and gave her a sad look as he placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Come on, you can do it."

She nodded and furrowed her brow in concentration, the Other stood watching her.

"My name is....my name is..." She could feel it squirming around in her head, all it need it was a spark, but she couldn't get a hold on it. She cast her mind back through the murky fragments she could remember, the only thing that made any sense though was a tune going through her head, if only she could remember where it came from.

She sighed and sat down on her haunches, eyes closed as she breathed in and out to calm herself, Lucas and the Others watching expectantly.

Bird song...

Her eyes flicked open as her memory lit up like the sun, the Unicorn smiled. "What is your name?"

She smiled as she and Lucas walked onto the elevator. "My name is Vincenza Usingolo."

The Unicorn smiled in return. "Welcome back to us Vincenza Usingolo."

He lit up his horn, and the elevator began to rise up into the light above.