• Published 30th Oct 2012
  • 2,640 Views, 68 Comments

A Hoof In Two Worlds - Silverwing Strong

A HiE fic, plain and simple. I do not claim it is great or anything. I hope you will enjoy this...

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Prologue: An Unfortunate Event

Prologue: Unfortunate Event

It was possibly the hottest day within Canterlot. Many ponies could not cope with the unbearable temperature that continued to rise, and had fainted from heat strokes. Some had taken shelter within the castle, which was adequately cool by unicorns that specialized in cooling magic.

Celestia, deeply concerned with the safety of her subjects, had spent the entire day with her best advisors, trying to discern what would bring about such a heat wave. They hadn’t even the slightest idea after a few hours. It wasn’t until one of the unicorns from the farther side of Canterlot came to her that the answer revealed itself.

“What?!” Celestia exclaimed. “Are you telling me that this is heat magic?”

“Yes Princess,” The small unicorn said quietly. “It s one of the more ancient of spells. It was used long ago to assist in sieges. The spell had long been forgotten after all fighting had ceased. It is known as the Hellfire Wave. It generates a wave of intense heat that cannot be countered except by using a spell known simply as Arctic Winds. The only known tome that contains the spell has supposedly been lost for generations.”

“Hmmm,” Celestia said quietly. “That is the only way then?”

“I’m afraid so Princess.”

“Very well then,” Celestia said standing up. “Contact all the able-bodies unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies that live within Equestria that have knowledge of ancient magics, no matter how small it is. This crisis must be stopped at all costs!”

Celestia turned around, signaling that the audience was over. She walked back into her room, and layed down to sleep. She had been out for what felt like a minute when a knock was heard at the door.

“Enter,” Celestia said getting to her hooves.

In stepped two of her loyal guards, followed by a hooded figure. Recognizing that the hooded character was Zecora, the zebra that resided within the Everfree forest, Celestia dismissed her guards. She walked over to the hooded zebra, and spoke calmly.

“Hello Zecora,” the Princess said. “I assume you are here to tell me of some ancient knowledge passed down among your people. Am I correct?”

“You are wrong, but only just so,” Zecora said in her rhyming voice. “I have a prophecy that you must know.”

Zecora, widely know for her strange ways, had been of great help to many people. When she said something, it was wise to listen. Celestia knew this, and straightened up immediately.

“Please continue Zecora,” she said seriously. “What is the prophecy?”

“He will come on two, and save us all,” the zebra spoke loudly, her eyes clouded over. “But he and she together will fall. Harmony will return forever more, but only at the cost of war.”

Celestia had regarded the first half with caution, but she forgot that at the mention of war. Centuries had passed since the last had been fought. If war threatened again, would Equestria be able to stand up to it?

“Zecora, everypony knows of your talents. And if you say there will be danger, then I will not doubt you. But are you sure of war?”

“Princess,” the zebra began. “My cauldron shows me many things, both good and bad. If there is war, it will be had.”

Celestia nodded, knowing that arguing with the zebra would gain nothing. Instead she thought back to the first half of the prophecy.

“Zecora, you said ‘He’. Who is that? And what do you beam by ‘He will come on two’’?” The alicorn asked carefully.

“He does not live like you and I,” Zecora rhymed. “He lies in a world unseen by our eyes. To bring him here I’ll need your help. To summon now the human whelp.”

“Human?” Celestia asked curiously. “That is not a race I have heard of.”

“A room I need, soon and fast,” Zecora said, disregarding Celestia’s comment. “If we are to right the wrong within our past.”

With that, the hooded zebra left the room. Celestia, now alone, thought about what she said. To right a wrong from our past? The more she thought about it, the less Celestia was sure what to believe. Shaking her head clear of the unhappy thoughts, Celestia called in two guards to direct Zecora to a large quiet room. Whatever would happen to Equestria, lied in the fate of this…human, and the strange prophecy around him.

“But just who is ‘he’?” Celestia thought.


“Hey Tory!” called an unpleasant voice behind the young man. “You gonna go home and cry it out again?”

The boy named Tory simply turned away, and hoisted his backback higher on his shoulders. He hooked his left thumb on his pocket, and walked away. Before he got ten feet, he felt something pull him back, and he fell to the ground.

“Where do you think YOU’RE going loser?” The obnoxious teen called to him. “The fun is only just starting!”

“Aaron, are you in love with me or something?” Tory asked the annoying one. “You seem to stalk me pretty often.”

The bully stepped back, unsure of how to respond. He wasn’t gay, but he couldn’t respond too fast or the crowd that had gathered for a fight would think he was. He opted to not speak at all, and lifted Tory by his shirt collar. The action took more energy that normal, since Tory was kind of large. He reared back his other hand, prepared to smash the teen’s face in, but another hand held it in place. He turned around to find the principal Mr.Crouch standing there with anger on his face.

“Aaron Skipper,” Mr.Crouch said in his ‘No Bullshit’ tone. “Why do you insist on wasting your time with senseless fighting? If you would just focus on your studies, you might actually make a grade higher than an F- on your tests.”

Without another word, Aaron dropped Tory onto the ground, and turned back towards the school. He dragged his feet through the cement, turning back only to flip off Tory. Mr.Crouch pointed towards the school, indicating that Aaron had better get moving before he was in more trouble. The crowd broke up, going out to their buses that took them home. As Tory got up, Mr.Crouch walked over to him.

“You okay son?” Mr.Crouch asked. “You seemed like you were about to do something irrational.”

Tory stuffed his hands into his pocket, and pulled out his mp3 player. Putting one earbud in, he looked at the principal. The man raised an eyebrow, surprised to see the teen pull out electronics in front of him. Normally, he would have confiscated the small device, but Mr.Crouch knew that Tory only pulled it out to start his calming process. The teen had said that he always felt calmer when his head was filled with music.

“No worries Mr.Crouch,” Tory said, forcing a smile. “Nothing a little Alternative music can’t cure.”

The principal nodded, and Tory walked away. As he neared the bus ramp, Tory heard someone call out his name once more. This time it was Cory, a fellow brony. His orange-red afro puffed out on all ends, casting a shadow on his face.

“Hey man, you good?” Cory asked. “I thought Aaron was gonna kill you.”

“Not if he doesn’t want to go to jail,” Tory said with a laugh.

For as long as he could remember, Tory had been the target for bullies. There hasn’t been a punishment he hasn’t suffered at their hands. Swirlies, noogies, you name it, and Tory could tell you the mechanics behind them all. He had experienced that much from their kind. It had taken him years of anger management to not assume a person he didn’t know wasn’t out to get him. Even now, he still held his guard up against new people.

That being said, Tory was always on his guard. His high school was the only one in three counties, so three different middle schools sent in tons of students in each year. Being only in his Junior year, Tory knew that he still had one more hellish year of studies and uncertainty. His only solace were the ‘friends’ he had made, if you could call them that.

Cory was the closest thing he had to a friend. The guy was cool to everyone, and made them all feel great about themselves. He was even a brony, something Tory had recently become, and something that was rare in their school. Even then, they only met at lunch. Next in line was someone he regarded as closer, but still far away, Grace. She sat with him on the bus, talked with him about anime and other pleasantries, and made him feel like he could actually be himself for once. It could be said that he felt something towards her, but afer a rough year, he thought she felt farther from him than they began. After her, were his ‘dueling buddies’. They only met at lunch in the library, and played Yu-Gi-Oh. Being nerds, that was what they did. But Tory was proud to be one. Lastly, there was Chris. He and Tory had started out decent, but then the guy had downright become an ass to Tory. The teen wasn’t even sure if the guy counted as anything CLOSE to a friend!

Realizing that he had spaced out, Tory noticed Cory still standing there. He laughed a little at himself, and said good-bye to his fellow brony. He quikly dashed to the front of a line of buses. As he grabbed his seat at the front, Grace came up the steps and sat down next to him.

“Hey,” he greeted her with a friendly look.

“Hey,” she said back in an uncaring tone.

Needless to say, the entire bus ride had been spent in silence. She had spent it reading a fan fiction on her android, while he had cranked up his music to drown out the other students. A few times Tory had tried to start a conversation, but most ended with Grace saying nothing. It made him feel depressed, as he often did nowadays.

When he finally stepped off the bus onto his driveway, Tory waited until the bus rounded a corner, and dashed into his crappy trailer. He slammed the broken door, which was held in place by a piece of cardboard. The knob had broken years ago, and being broke as shit, they had simply found a replacement method. It worked quite well surprisingly.

Tory walked into the living room, and angrily tossed his backpack into the unused chair where he kept all of his school stuff. He stormed through his house, avoiding the weak parts of the floor that were held together by planks of wood that couldn’t support him. He pushed the curtain that acted as a door out of the way, and grabbed a pair of boxers and jean shorts. He crossed the trailer once more to his parent’s room, where the only working shower was. As he moved himself under the heating up water, Tory lets his thoughts drift around.

“Why the hell do I leave myself so open?!” Tory raged. “If I just cut everyone out of the picture, maybe I’d be able to avoid the pain!”

The teen shook his head. Giving up like that was something that made him think of his least favorite anime character: Sasuke Uchiha. Taking that path led to self destruction, he remembered from a story he once read. Tory let his thoughts go somewhere happier.

“Heh, I bet things would be much more different if my life was an anime,” Tory thought aloud. “Or at least a pleasant cartoon, like My Little Ponies. Maybe THEN, I’d be able to feel like I belong.”

After another few minutes of thinking, Tory finally climbed out. He slowly got dressed and walked into his half-acre back yard. He walked over his brother’s dog, Nina. She barked happily at him, and begged for attention. He got down on one knee, and slowly petted her.

“You don’t think bad of me, do you girl?” Tory asked the energetic dog. “You’re happy to have me around, right?”

Nina simply whined, and licked his face. He wondered if dogs actually understood human language. It didn’t seem like it. More likely they understood that they were to do and not do certain things when we humans said something they didn’t comprehend, and treated them accurately based on the intention.

Getting back up, Tory walked back inside. He walked into his room, and waited for the day to end…


Night had finally come, and Zecora was just finishing the incantaion for her summoning spell. It was not like the ones most were accustomed to. This one took YOU to where your target was, and allowed you to convince them to follow you back through. The spell worked for the most part. Sometimes it malfunctioned and separated one from the other, often sending the target into an unknown location.

Celestia quietly walked into the room, and noticed all of the seals on the floor in a circle. Zecora looked up, her eyes clouded once more. She looked to be in a trance. Celestia waited for her to say something.

“This boy is unhappy, and his life is quite bad,” She said. “Maybe bringing him here will make him glad of what he has.”

“Zecora, are you sure about this,” Celestia asked in a concerned tone. “What if something goes wrong?”

“I am sure of this as I’m sure you can fly,” Zecora said in a humorous tone. “Believe me now, the cauldron doesn’t lie.”


“Hush! My vision is clear,” the zebra said suddenly. “The time for calling is almost near.”

With that, Zecora began to chant in her native tongue. The words echoed around the small room, and made Celestia feel tiny. After a minute of chanting, Zecora called out loudly, and the room was engulfed in a green light…


Night had finally fallen, and the good shows were on now. Adult Swim and Comedy Central were the only good things about TV for him. And tonight he had the house to himself. His dad had gone to stay with his girlfriend, which Tory thought it was kinda weird that the man still dated. His brother was out of town on a business trip, so that left him alone with the TV and his Xbox 360.

He had been watching a small time comedian at the time a storm broke out. Lightning had apparently struck a transformer somewhere, as all power within the house went out. Tory grabbed the scented candle that was on the table, glad that his brother had bought them, and lit it up. The room began to fill with the scent of fresh grass and forest, which confused Tory. The candle was supposed to be vanilla scented, so why was it so different?

As he thought about this, Tory heard a knock at the door. Unsure if he should open the door, the teen just stood there. Tory had seen enough shows to know what happens when home alone without power. It was these same shows that had made him paranoid over the years. The knocking came again, and this time Tory decided to answer it. He grabbed a broom that was nearby, hoping he wouldn’t need to use it. He didn’t really think a broom would do much, but Tory knew that anything could be a good weapon in the right hands. It just so happened that he was knowledgeable in martial arts, with a bit in swords.

Opening the door, Tory quickly swung the wooden broom in front of him to hopefully block any incoming attack. He saw no one at first, but then he heard a soft snort from at his feet. Looking down, Tory noticed a small hooded figure. He thought it looked familiar, but he couldn’t think of it.

Realizing that he was being rude, Tory invited the stranger in. He knew the small person posed less of a threat, and was more willing to let her into the house. As he closed the door, he placed an old blanket in front of the gap at the bottom, to prevent any rain from blowing the door open or letting rain in.

“Careful,” Tory said to the stranger. “The floor isn’t really stable. Oh what am I saying? Forgive me, I should get you something to warm up in. I’ll grab you a towel and heat another up. Please give me a second.”

He dashed into the bathroom and pulled two fresh towels off of the counter at the sink. He went over to the dryer in a side room, and put the spare in for ten minutes. He walked back to his guest, who was sitting on the smaller of two couches. Tossing them the cloth, Tory tried to start a conversation.

“So, what brings you to my humble abode? It can’t be the fine weather,” He joked.

“You joke around, but at what cost? Every second we wait, another life is lost.”

“That voice. I‘ve heard it before.” Tory thought to himself.

“If you have, you know where I reside. Have you glimpsed upon the other side?”

“Wait a second! How did you read my thoughts?” Tory said getting up. “Why do I feel like I know you? Your voice is so…familiar.”

“If of me that you know, then maybe you’re more likely to go.”

“You’re…What the?! You’re Zecora, the tribal zebra from Ponyville!” Tory called out, excitement and fear within his voice. “But you can’t be real! Is this some strange dream?!”

“Dream or not is up to you,” Zecora rhymed. “But now is the time to move. You can stay here and remain safe, or come with me to a whole new place. You know of it, that I’m sure. If you go, I have the cure.”

“What cure,” Tory asked. Had the tribal zebra used some strange gas to poison him?

“Your life I have seen is with much pain.” Zecora said calmly. “Come with me, and you mey yet gain. A second life I have to give, but I cannot guarantee that you will live.”

“T…To Equestria? With Celestia, Twilight, Rainbow, and the other elements of Harmony?” Tory asked in disbelief.

Zecora nodded, and Tory stood there thinking. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. He could become a member of Ponyville, and befriend all of the villagers. He could maybe meet someone special, and live a long life with them. He could finally meet the one pony he actually felt something towards: Fluttershy.

Tory had liked Fluttershy since episode one. She was the kind, timid type, much like Hinata. If there was one thing Tory liked, it was a kind girl. There weren’t many in his town, he knew that much. But it just made him like the good ones even more. It was only a bonus if they were timid. He found it attractive if they were, but he could never say it aloud. Hell, he couldn’t even explain it properly!

But at the same time, it could be a trap! He was paranoid enough to know when things were too good to be true. It was that which had gotten him out of many situations. This character that looked and sounded like Zecora, could easily be a puppet controlled from somewhere. It could lead him into the open where he could be taken down silently and efficiently.

But what if it wasn’t?

That question struck him like a rock. What if it was real? If he turned it down, he’d be stuck with his old life. He might eventually get SOMEWHERE, but that would take a long time. If he left, he could start anew. It was just too good a chance to pass up. So what if it was a trap? If he died, he wouldn’t have any more worries. Sort of a win/win!

“I…Okay,” Tory said with a nod. “I’ll go. But can I pack a few things?”

“Take what you wish, for we are still here,” She said. “But the time to leave is very near.”

“Thank you,” Tory said with a respectful nod. He dashed into his room.

Tory figured electronics would be useless, since there was ne electricity within that world. How could there be if they still used carriages? His games and music would only last a week at most. Instead he chose small momentos. Family photos, a picture of Grace, his art book, a notepad with all of his deepest thoughts, and a card. The card was a creation of his. It was a black and white Yu-Gi-Oh card cutout of his family, Grace, and himself. He made it so he would never forget his childhood. Tory stored them all within his Dale Earnhardt Jr wallet, and made his way back to Zecora. He noticed his signature dog tags on the table, and put them on. It was only thing he had that represent him.

The front tag had his name in an italic style, his Zodiac sign Virgo, and a small cross etched into the metal. The back one was a larger cross that took up the entire tag. It held a small sapphire in the center. It was a gift from his aunt, before she died of cancer. He looked at the tags for a second longer, before he walked up to Zecora.

“Zecora…I’m ready.” Tory said solemnly.

The zebra led him out into the biting rain, and showed him a small green light that hovered beside his bike. It bobbed up and down, and covered the car port in green light. How had he not noticed this earlier? It was literally twenty feet from his back porch!

The tribal zebra touched the light, and it increased in size until it was as large at Tory. Energy swirled about the portal, visible as day. Tory knew it shouldn’t be possible, even though he was failing Chemistry, but he should’ve come to expect the unexpected by now.

“Step through if the courage you do not lack,” Zecora said. “But once you do, there is no going back.”

With that, she walked into the green oval of energy. Tory worked up his nerves, and slowly stepped into it. The light engulfed him, and it twisted and turned him. He felt his skin get hot, and then it cooled down to below normal body temperature. He felt like he was being battered by Aaron and his cronies. A strike to the face here, and blow to the gut there. Tory took it all in silence. He was no stranger to pain.

After what felt like an hour of being brutally assaulted, everything went quiet. The green around him vanished, and Tory collided with something hard. As he pulled himself to his hands and knees, Tory felt the dirt, and knew that he had arrived. He tried to survey the area, but it was too dark to see anything.

Tory felt exhaustion grip at him like a fat kid to a twinkie. He let his arms fall into the dirt once more, and closed his eyes. He had seen the time it had been before he left his world. His battery powered clock had read 1:43 a.m. in the morning. Tory knew that he had been inside the portal for a decent amount of time, and sleep does not come to one who gets the shit beaten out of him for what feels like hours. He let out a sigh, and felt the soft wind in the trees soothe him to sleep…