• Published 31st Oct 2012
  • 22,278 Views, 680 Comments

Twilight's Life - DuskShadowTheArkane

We all know of Twilight Sparkle, the hero of Equestria.But what was before that?

  • ...

Preparations And Premonition

Three weeks had passed since the dinner with the Princesses, and Cadence was now a frequent visitor of the small family. She would come by for lunch or dinner or just to play with little Twilight. The foal surely had evolved in the time passing. A week after the event she could be seen scrambling around the house, climbing into the hamper and scooting under the bed. A week later from that she scared the daylight out of her parents thanks to her curiosity. They were visiting a park, the filly deciding that she wanted that butterfly that had landed on her nose. Utilizing a moment of inattention, she climbed out of the buggy and hurried after the small insect. When her parents had noticed the lack of purple foal in the buggy, Night Light had fainted while Velvet let out a panicked scream, shaking a close Royal Guard while rambling about her missing daughter. The Guard had to be treated with for tinnitus as well as for whiplash and a mild concussion (the Royal Guard decided to drop the charge on Princess Celestia’s behest). Luckily for all parties, Shining Armor had managed to keep a level head and had found his little sister after a short time, lying on her back and squealing in delight as butterflies frolicked around her, her little hooves rotating around in the sky. Now, three weeks after Princess Celestia’s visit, it was time for Twilight’s next step in development.

“Come on, Twily, you can do it!” Shining encouraged his sister. The family was sitting in their spacious living room, enjoying the fire in their chimney and the warmth in the room. Night Light was reclining on a comfy hoofchair, reading the Canterlot Times. From time to time, he would peek over the edge and smile at the antics of his wife and son as they mentored Twilight. Said filly was next to Velvet, leaning against her mother as she stood on her wobbly purple hooves. Velvet was leaning down to her daughter, her snout close to Twilight’s belly in case she faltered. The baby pony, under the expectant gaze of her family, decided to take an unsteady step forward, swaying to and fro as she tried to steady her stand. As soon as she had a safe hoofing, she tried taking another and… tilted over, just to land on her mother’s snout as she gently lifted her back to her hooves.

“Take your time, my little princess, we have all day,” Velvet reminded her daughter, softly nuzzling her snout against the filly’s neck. Twilight looked up to her mother before smiling. She turned back to her brother and prepared for the next step. “That’s it, that’s the spirit,” her mother cheered her on. “Walk on, you can do it. Hoof by hoof.” Shining watched as his sister took a step, swaying slightly, but keeping her hoofing. Slowly, she approached him, her little brow furrowed in utter concentration. A few steps away however, she suddenly stopped before plodding down to the ground. She looked up to Shining with a sulky frown on her face, her lower lip quivering.

“Ah, come on, Twily, don’t be like that,” Shining said, walking up to his sister and taking her into a hug. “You did awesome! You almost got it!”

“He’s right, my filly, you did wonderful,” Velvet said, taking Twilight from Shining and placing her in her high stool. “And guess what fillies get that did so well? A cookie!” She exclaimed, levitating a chocolate chip cookie over to Twilight. Twilight squealed in delight as she was hoofed the cookie, promptly taking it and beginning to munch on the delicious treat.

“Well, little Twilight surely is growing up fast,” Night Light said, looking up from his newspaper. “If things go on like this, she will be out and about with some colts in no time!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, honey, she’s gonna be our little angel forever,” Velvet said, rubbing cheeks with Twilight. Looking up, she suddenly eyed Shining. “Speaking of colts, you didn’t get into any trouble with the royal nephew again, did you now?”

“I didn’t do anything to him, mom,” Shining complained. The upside of being into school with royalty was that he had the chance to see Cadence every day. The downside: Princess Celestia's "newphew" and Cadence's "cousin," Prince Blueblood. Cadence had once explained to him that Blueblood wasn’t related to them at all, but since his father was a huge benefactor, Princess Celestia had conferred them both to princes of Equestria. Now Blueblood strutted around like he was Celestia herself. He came to school whenever he liked, treated everyone as vermin, and always boasted with his father’s wealth. But the worst thing, was that he cast an eye on Cadence. Since he thought himself royalty, he had the gall to claim that she should stop seeing “rabble” and only associate with the “noble” ponies. He sent her gifts, invited her to expensive dinners or coach tours and gave her tips on how to be a “proper” princess as he liked to call it. Cadence despised him to death, but had promised her aunt to be nice to him. Luckily for her, this didn’t hold true for Shining, who, to her great amusement and gratefulness, never got tired on picking on the snob. Unfortunately, his teachers and parents found his shenanigans not as amusing as Cadence. Since he was nearly expelled from school for a magic trick involving a beehive and his “guards,” his mother always scapegoated him.

“You know that isn’t true. Stay away from him.”

“But mom, he always annoys Cadence and picks on me.”

“I don’t care. Cadence is old enough to look after herself. Besides, she is royalty. She can ORDER him to leave her alone. You, on the other hoof, are a normal colt. And I don’t want YOU to ruin your future! Don’t you realize that he could ensure that you’ll never be a royal guard? And what if you were expelled before you could graduate? Do you think they’ll take expelled students in cadet school?”

“Yes,” Shining answered. “As you might remember, mother, the guard already wanted me years ago. Besides, Princess Celestia promised that she will personally help me with becoming a royal guard. And Blueblood only gets what he deserves for annoying my Cadence!”

Your Cadence?” Night Light asked, putting the newspaper aside.

“Wha? What… I… I mean… what?” Shining stammered his cheeks fire-red. Velvet decided to quit her lecture and redeem her son.

“It’s alright, Shining, it’s perfectly normal for a colt your age to feel like this for a filly. Besides, I think it’s cute that you want to protect her so much.” Shining shook his head, his cheeks slowly clearing up again.

“Well, um, it’s my duty, isn’t it? To… protect royalty, no matter where and how. And I’m responsible-minded.”

“Well, you can prove this tomorrow. As you know, we’re having a meet-up with the family. I still can’t believe my parents never saw Twily. I think it’s high time they met their granddaughter.”
“I’m glad mine didn’t come by until now,” Night Light murmured under his breath.

“So your father and I are going to be busy with preparations,” Velvet carried on, ignoring Night Light’s muttering. “As soon as your father is back from work, we’ll be on our way. Since we will be out the whole afternoon, I want you to foalsit your little sister. Oh, and it would be nice if you could invite Cadence right in the morning, as well.” Shining perked. Not only did he get the chance to again spend some time with Cadence after school, but he moreover had the chance to watch his sister and bond with her. A smile on his face, he walked over to where Twilight was still munching on her cookie.

“You heard that, Twily? We’re gonna spend an awesome afternoon together. Just you and me. Isn’t this exiting?” A cookie half landed on his face, hitting him square in the muzzle as Twilight squealed and babbled in joy, clapping her hooves all the while.


The next morning, Shining awoke before sunrise. He had tried to sleep longer, but he was way too excited about the coming afternoon. He knew that they would have lots of fun together. He would teach her everything he knew. He imagined them playing in the backyard, reading comics together and eating ice cream. His mind wandered from his sister to Cadence. He felt a small pang of guilt when realizing that this afternoon, he would do something he knew Cadence had wanted for the past three weeks: to foalsit Twilight. Even though they had barely spent any time together, Cadence had already taken the little foal into her heart. She would always ask Shining about every detail of his sister’s development and as often as possible if she could come over just to see her. At first, he had felt a bit of jealousy that his sister got all the attention from his princess, but soon discovered that they grew closer with every day she came over. An idea found its way into his luxuriating mind.

Maybe I can coax mom and dad into letting Cadence foalsit Twily, he thought, a grin forming on his face. Oh, I can’t wait to see the look on her face as soon as I tell her. I’ll ask mom and dad, right away. He climbed out of bed, just to realize that the sun had just risen above the horizon, the first rays not even strong enough to illuminate the room.

Well, maybe I should wait a bit before asking them, he thought as he stepped out of his room and hopped down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.


Meanwhile, in the palace, Celestia’s horn ceased glowing, her charge peeking above the horizon, and her sister’s moon beginning its descent. She was standing on her balcony, watching the celestial objects for which she had taken up the baton begin their millennia old dance across the skyscape. Closing her eyes, she let the rays of her sun wash over her face, it’s gentle, warm touch feeling like the caress of a mother. Opening her eyes again, she remembered days long past, days spent frolicking in the courtyard of the old castle under the loving gaze of her parents. Content with her work, she stepped back inside and began her walk to the royal banquet hall. Opening the door to her chambers, she noticed that one pony was already standing outside, waiting for her.

“Good morning, Cadence. Did you sleep well?” Celestia asked her niece, stepping out and closing the door behind her.

“Good morning, Aunty Celestia. Yes, I did.” Cadence answered, following her aunt out of the tower and into the main building.

“So, what are your plans for today? After school, I mean.”

“Well, I thought about visiting the Sparkle family today,” Cadence answered, a light blush rising to her cheeks. Celestia raised an eyebrow, an impish grin forming on her face.

“You sure do visit them often. This filly sure melted your heart, didn’t it? Or is it perhaps a certain colt that has got you all jazzed?” Cadence’s cheeks became a familiar shade of red from her aunt’s implication.

“AUNTY! We’re just friends! We’re… “ she stopped when she saw her aunt watching her with unveiled mirth tinkling in her eyes. “Oh, aunty, you’re terrible,” Cadence remarked, a small smile spreading on her muzzle.

“So I was right, wasn’t I? That filly has got you all in a tizzy.”

“How could she not? I mean, you have seen her. Isn’t she the cutest filly you ever saw?”

“Well, I could think of a cuter one,” Celestia said, bending down and nuzzling her cheek against her niece’s.

“Aw, thank you, Aunty. But now I think I need something to eat. I am starving.” Together, they continued to the banquet hall for breakfast.


Shining was just finishing the last touches for his family breakfast when his parents entered, Twilight on his mother’s back.

“Morning, son. Ah, I see you prepared breakfast. Perfect. I could use some cereal. I am starving,” his father said, rubbing one eye with a hoof before taking his coffee mug and filling it to the brim.

“Did you think about the extra soft hay for Twily?” his mother asked, placing Twilight in her high chair. Shining nodded, placing a little bowl in front of his sister and giving her a nuzzle. Velvet smiled before beginning to feed her foal with the hay. “Thank you for making us breakfast. You thought about everything. Eggs, coffee, hay, honey, jam and even - what do you want?”

“Well mom, I thought about something. You both know how much Cadence likes Twilight, right? Right. Well, how about we let her foalsit Twilight from today on?” Velvet and Night Light exchanged a quick glance.

“Well, Shining,” his father started. “I know how much Cadence likes Twily and you, and I know how much you like her, but remember, she’s still a princess. I doubt a Princess of Equestria would do so much as foalsit.

“But dad, can’t we at least ask her?” His parents again looked at each other before simultaneously giving a sigh.

“Alright, you can ask her. But today you will foalsit your sister.”

“ALRIGHT! Thanks, mom and dad. You’re the best!” With that, Shining sprinted up to his room to prepare for school. Velvet just shook her head before continuing to feed Twilight.

“Open wide, Twily, here comes the Equestria Express. Choo Choo!” she said, “driving” the spoon into her daughter’s waiting muzzle. Twilight giggled with her snout open, sending hay flying everywhere. Velvet smiled, cleaning up her daughter. “You sure are a messy little foal sometimes, are you not, my little pony?” she asked, earning a slight giggle from the foal. Just in this moment, she heard a whoosh behind her, telling her that Shining was back and almost out for school.

“GoodbyeTwilyandmomanddadloveyougottago!” he rambled before hurrying out of the door.

“Don’t forget to ask her if she would like to come to our family dinner this evening,” his father called after him.

“WILLDOBYE!” Shining answered, already galloping towards the school building.


Five minutes later he arrived at his school, out of breath but gung-ho to tell Cadence about her chance of foalsitting Twilight. He knew the young princess wanted nothing more than to spend time with his baby sister whom she thought of as “the most adorable filly ever,” and having her over would mean they could spend some quality time, as well. Encouraged, he began searching the school for the young princess. He found her in the school yard, sitting under the canopy of the old oak; her favorite reading spot. She was surrounded by flowers of all kinds and colors blossoming on the lush grass, permeating the air with their rich scent. The old oak moved slightly under the gentle breeze; the leaves in its old, strong branches playing the tune of nature. Cadence lay, her face slightly scrunched in concentration, as she read a book about modern Equestria’s economic system, her mane and tail gently floating in the wind. She was humming a soft tune, unaware of the birds and woodland creatures that stood by, listening to the Princess’ song. It seemed as if nature itself was halting, the rustling of the leaves accentuating her melody.

Wow, she is… amazing, Shining thought, rooted to the spot and a goofy smile on his face. Remembering his intent, he shook his head and stepped up to Cadence, just as she was finishing her song, the animals dispersing upon noticing him. Looking up, she smiled when she saw Shining approach, stowing away the book in her saddlebag.

“Hey Cadence, guess what?” Shining said, stepping up to her.

“Hi Shining. What’s up?” Cadence asked, eyeing him curious.

“I have two things to say. And the second announcement is gonna put you in a flurry. First, my parents would like to invite you to our family meeting this evening. Are you in?”

“How come they want me at a family meeting?” Shining went rigid. How in the world was he going to explain that Cadence was invited so his mother could annoy his grandmother Dazzle? Sighing, he decided to go for the truth.

“Well, my mom and my dad’s mom can’t stand each other, since my grandmother Dazzle thinks that my mother is a mere peasant not worthy of my father, so Mom thought it would show her when the niece of Princess Celestia herself came to our house,” he told her, his cheeks warming uncomfortably. “I’m sorry,” he added, looking to the ground in shame. He raised his head, though, when he heard her giggle.

“Your grandmother sure sounds like a real nice pony. She could be the perfect female Blueblood,” she laughed, starting to walk inside, with Shining in tow. “I like your mother’s plan, though. Count me in!” Shining watched her bemused before joining in her laughter.

“But,” Cadence suddenly said, regaining his attention. “You said you wanted to tell me something else.”

“Right. Well, I talked to my parents this morning, regarding a foalsitter for Twilight. And since I know how much you’d like to be her foalsitter, I asked my parents if they were okay with you watching over Twily, and they agreed with it. So, would you likAAGH!” Shining had to stop as Cadence had grabbed him and was holding him in a rib-crushing hug.

“Oh, Shining, are you crazy? OF COURSE I would like to foalsit her. I would LOVE to!” Feeling a tapping on her shoulder, she looked at Shining, noticing that he had turned an unhealthy shade of red-blueish. Letting go, she let Shining take a few gasping breaths before she continued. “When will I start?”

“Well,” Shining started before starting to cough again. Taking in a deep breath, he continued. “Today my parents want me to foalsit her. But I guess you can start next time.”

“Aww, you’re gonna foalsit her? Are you sure you’re up to it?” Cadence asked mischievously. Shining shot her an unamused look.

“Just you wait, princess. In fact, you should come and watch me. You’ll learn something for sure.” Cadence shoved him, laughing as she did. Shining joined in to her laughter and shoved her back, although too strong, causing her to stagger before falling to her side. “SORRYSORRYSORRY!” Shining gibbered, rushing to her side and offering her a hoof.

“It’s alright, relax,” Cadence replied, taking the hoof and getting up.

“Are you sure? Did you hurt anything?”

“No, Shining, everything is alright, thank you,” she said, smiling at him. Shining let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding in. Humbly looking down he noticed that Cadence was still holding his hoof. Blushing, he looked up into her face again, noticing that she was blushing as well.

“Step away from the princess, peasant!” a voice suddenly yelled, startling them both and driving them apart. Looking down the hallway, Shining noticed a white unicorn his age with a golden mane and a blue bow tie flanked by two brutish looking unicorns walking up to them. Alerted, he stepped forth, standing between Cadence and the trio.

“What do you want, Blueblood?” he asked, taking an offensive stance. The trio stopped three hoofsteps away from them. Shining noticed that the brutes, probably Blueblood’s newest bodyguards, were taking an aggressive stance as well, letting their necks crack while staying close to their charge.

“That’s Prince Blueblood to you, peasant. And I want you to keep away from the princess. I won’t let you spoil her and taint her royal status with your uncouth demeanor.” Shining groaned. He had heard Blueblood tell him this at least fifty times. It was like the prince didn’t want to understand that Cadence thought him to be a spoiled, arrogant, no-good brat. So of course it wasn’t a surprise when she stepped forth, an annoyed expression on her face.

“Go away Blueblood. You are getting on my nerves. I told you before that it’s not your business who I decide to spend my time with.”

“But Cadenza, please, you’ve got to see reason,” Blueblood replied, switching from his brisk tone to one he obviously thought fawning. “Can’t you see that he," Blueblood said as he pointed to Shining. "Is bad company? Why don’t you come with me? Think about it: we could take a ride through Canterlot’s noble neighborhood in my carriage, dine with the nobles, and even go shopping on Hurricane Boulevard. I could show you the advantages of living the life like a princess should. And my… friends here would deal with this peasant. Come on, why don’t you just say yes and let me do the rest?” Blueblood asked, trying to take her hoof. Cadence backed away from him.

“Just who do you think you are?” Cadence asked, disgust evident in her voice. “You come here, insult Shining, try to charm me into abandoning a friend and even threaten him with physical violence. You’re a disgrace to Aunt Celestia and the whole royal family. And now get lost!” Blueblood flinched in shock, not expecting her to behave like this. Regaining his composure, he shot her a mean look, snarling as he did.

“How dare you?! How dare you insult me in such a preposterous way? And in front of this dense peasant? Why, I ought to – “ He didn’t get any further as he and his goons were suddenly lifted into the air and thrown into the dumpster outside the window. Cadence whirled around to see Shining with his horn fizzling out, a smug grin on his face.

“Not so bad, huh? Looks like the ‘dense peasant’ thought you a lesson or two, Prince Blueblood,” he said, slamming the container’s lid closed with a spark. “I hope for you that you’ll leave Cadence alone in the f –“

“SHINING ARMOR SPARKLE!” Shining ducked his head, his ears falling back as he turned around to see his teacher, Mrs. Heartstrings, running towards them.

“Oh horseapples!” Shining cursed under his breath.

“Shining Armor! What in the wide world of Equestria were you thinking?” Mrs. Heartstrings asked with a stern face, opening the container and floating the trio back into school.

“HOW DARE YOU?! That will have utter consequences! I will have you thrown out of this school!” Blueblood screamed.

“Now, my Prince, I ask you to let me handle this.”

“NO! This has gone on for far too long now. It’s time he got what he deserved! As for you,” he turned, fixing Shining,” you can forget about becoming a royal guard.” Shining started to shiver. As prince, real or not, Blueblood had not only the permission to expulse him from school, but also the authority to ban ponies from becoming staff of royalty. It looked as if his little prank not only cost him his education, but also his future.

Try explaining THAT to mom, he thought bitterly. Frightened, he looked back to Mrs. Heartstrings, who looked deep in thought. Raising her head, she addressed him again.

“Well, Shining Armor, since the Prince’s authority surpasses mine, I have no alternative but to expel y –“

“NO!” Cadence suddenly interjected. Everypony present looked at her, Shining hopeful, Blueblood and his goons fuming, Mrs. Heartstrings confused. “With MY authority, I forbid this reprimand of Shining Armor. Furthermore, I take the blame for the situation with Blueblood. He did what he did in order to protect me, like a real bodyguard should,” she said, looking over at Blueblood’s goons who seemed to deflate a little. “As for Shining’s future as a royal guard,” she continued, this time focusing on Blueblood, “this is Princess Celestia’s matter to decide, not yours. And she already said that she would personally see him becoming a member of the Guard.”

“YOU take the blame for this insolent cad? How can you disgrace your royal heritage like that?” Blueblood exclaimed incredulously, fretting and fuming.

“Loyalty to your friends isn’t a disgrace; it’s what matters the most, more than blood or status. If it was, I would happily give up my title and live as one of those – how do you call them again? – ‘peasants,’ dear cousin. As for my heritage: At least mine is based on real royalty, and not a pity one.” Blueblood looked as if he was gonna burst, his face as red as a tomato.

“Why, you… little… Princess Celestia will DEFINITELY hear about this!” he fumed.

“She will, then,” Cadence simply replied, eyeing him with utter loathing. He shot her a disgusted look before turning around and stomping away, only to slip and fall over a banana peel that had fallen from his head.

“GUARDS! CARRY YOUR PRINCE TO HIS BATH!” he screamed, his guards wincing and lifting him before running off. Cadence watched them go for a short while before turning to Mrs. Heartstrings.

“I think that was everything?” she asked friendly. Mrs. Heartstrings watched her, still confused, before shaking her head to clear her thoughts.

“Well, yes, we did, I think, I mean I guess I think,” she rambled. Turning to Shining, she added “But still be warned, Shining Armor. You can’t go and pull off such things with Prince Blueblood. He’s a royal. Just stay away from him.”

“But ma’am, he came to us. He always bugs us, especially Cadence. He always annoys her because she’s friends with me.” Mrs. Heartstrings rubbed her temples. She had heard this before. Indeed it was common knowledge Blueblood and Shining Armor despised each other to no end, probably because both cast an eye on her at least a little bit, or because of Blueblood’s arrogance regarding his royal status. She had seen many occasions where Blueblood and Shining would pick on each other or throw insults and didn’t really know what to do. Sure, Blueblood was a prince and as such had the authority to do what he pleased, even fire her, but he was such a spoiled brat that she found herself daydreaming about spanking his hide till it glowed scarlet so he would finally know his boundaries. On the other hoof, Shining, while being a top student, especially when it came to magic, was a huge troublemaker. Before she could answer, however, Cadence interjected again.

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Heartstrings, this is not your burden to bear. I shall talk to my aunt and see how we can solve this situation.” Mrs. Heartstrings sighed in relief at having that duty taken away from her. Smiling, she dropped into a deep bow.

“As you wish, princess,” she said, before standing up again and turning to go. “Don’t be late for class, you two,” she added, looking over her shoulder before nodding at them and going back to the faculty lounge. Shining watched her go, waiting until she was out of earshot before turning to Cadence… just in time to receive a royal face slap. Recoiling in shock, he stood there, dumbfounded, seeing a very angry looking Cadence, any hint of that friendly smile gone.

“What by my Aunt’s sun WERE YOU THINKING?!” she yelled, just faint enough as to not alert their teacher again.

“Well… I thought… it would look funny… and… I… didn’t…” he stammered in response, holding his cheek.

“Funny? FUNNY?! Tell me, Shining Armor, how funny does ‘no graduation’ sound? Or ‘no job?’ Don’t you EVER do something like that again! Even if it was a little funny,” she said, her last statement reversing all hints of a reproach. Shining Armor grinned.

“Told you!” he sang, earning a scowl from Cadence. “Anyway,” he continued, as to not anger Cadence further,"thank you very much. You surely saved my flank. I don’t wanna know what my mother would have done to me.” Cadence immediately relaxed.

“No problem at all. Think of it as a ‘thank you for making me Twilight’s foalsitter’ present.”

“What do you think Blueblood will do now? You’re not in trouble, are you?” Shining asked, concerned.

“No, I’ll be fine. Celestia knows you, and she knows Blueblood. Maybe I can bring her to reprimanding Blueblood for bugging us.”

“That would be awesome. Just think of it: Princess Celestia of Equestria ordering Prince Pest to stop annoying us. I dream of the day to come. I think I would propose to her,” Shining said, laughing.

“That would certainly be a new one,” Cadence answered, joining in to his laughter. “Come on, now, let’s get to class.” Together, they made their way to the classroom while imagining Blueblood being blocked from them by royal decree.


Velvet had finished feeding her daughter and was now preparing a daisy sandwich when her husband arose.

“Well, I should get going,” he said, grabbing his suitcase.

“Have a nice day, honey,” Velvet said, floating the sandwich into a box next to an apple and giving both to Night Light. “And remember, you have to leave early today, or we won’t be able to prepare for our get-together tonight.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be here faster than a Wonderbolt,” he said, giving her an Eskimo kiss. Velvet smiled, nuzzling him back in return. He went over to Twilight, who had discovered that an empty bowl was the perfect musical instrument for a foal her age. She had turned it upside down and was now delightedly drumming on it with a foal fork. Grinning, he nuzzled her head. She looked up from her drumming and smiled, offering the fork to him. He picked it up in his magic and proceeded to tap it on the bowl a few times, making Twilight squeal and clap her hooves in joy. Laughing, he levitated the fork back to his daughter, who picked it up and hit the bowl harder than before.

“Well, I’ll be on my way. Have a nice day,” he called, picking up his suitcase and exiting the house.


“Well Twily, since your brother is in school and your daddy at work, we have the whole morning to ourselves,” Velvet said, taking the fork away from Twilight, levitating her out of her high stool and placing her on her back. Sniffing, she grimaced and looked back at her daughter, who gave her a most innocent look, her eyes glistening a little mischievously. “First, you need a bath and a new diaper,” she said, trotting up the stairs. Hurriedly, she started filling the tub and freed her daughter of the old diaper, not even taking the time to levitate it over to the trash can, but directly teleporting it inside. Shaking her head, she stopped the water and levitated Twilight and her rubber duck into the tub.

“How can one little filly be so stinky?” she asked her daughter, incredulous. Twilight smiled innocently, pushing her duck around, babbling to herself. Velvet watched her play, carefully lathering and cleaning her before taking her out and placing her on her towel, gently rubbing her dry. Content with her work, she proceeded to give her foal a new diaper before she levitated her on her back again.

“Well, now that you’re clean, what do you want to do?” Velvet asked her daughter, walking down the stairs and into the living room. Twilight looked around before clapping her hooves together.

“Baba!” she exclaimed, pointing to her toy box. Velvet walked up to it and placed her on the foal blanket in front of it. Twilight rose onto her hind hooves, holding herself on the box, and stuck her head into the box. Velvet stood above her daughter, ready to take out what the foal wanted to play with. Twilight dug a hoof into the box, pushing around some toys.

“Da!” she suddenly exclaimed, pointing to a bucket containing ABC – Blocks.

“So, you want the blocks, huh? Good idea, that way we can practice talking,” Velvet said, taking the bucket’s handle between her teeth and placing it on the blanket. Twilight clapped her hooves together and sat down, pulling the bucket towards her. Velvet sat opposite of her daughter and started emptying the bucket. She picked up a few blocks in her magic and arranged them, creating a word for Twilight to learn. With a critical eye, she shifted the blocks around a bit until they were perfectly strung.

“Now, Twily, this word means ‘Daddy’. Can you say daddy?” she asked, smiling encouragingly. Twilight tilted her head to the side, looking at her quizzically, her ears perked.
“Come on Twily, say ‘Daddy,” Velvet encouraged. Twilight slowly opened her mouth. Velvet leaned in in excitement, looking at her daughter expectantly.

“D… Da… Dada!”

“Great job, Twily,” Velvet exclaimed, nuzzling her daughter’s head. Twilight giggled at the contact, holding onto her mother’s foreleg for a moment. Smiling, Velvet put the blocks away and picked up new ones. “Now, this word means ‘Mommy’. Try saying mommy for your… err… mommy,” she finished, giggling slightly.

“M… M… M…”

“Come on, mommy knows you can do it. Just say ‘Mommy’ once.”

“M… M… Mrrlllb!” Twilight suddenly called, blowing a raspberry before laughing in glee. She picked up a block and proceeded to bash it to the floor.

“Nonono, Twilight, don’t do that,” Velvet said, pushing the block away from the floor.

“Dadada!” Twilight called out, pulling the block closer and trying to gnaw on it.

“No, don’t do that, either!” Velvet ordered, taking the block away from her daughter. Twilight looked at her mother, tears brimming in her eyes. “Oh, Twily, don’t do that. I know you’re teething, but you can’t gnaw on everything. It’s not healthy, especially not with wooden blocks. Oh, don’t look so sad. You know what happens when you look so sad; the TICKLE MONSTER ATTACKS!” Velvet called, tackling her little filly and proceeding to rub her belly. Twilight squealed under the attack of her mother, tears of joy flowing from her eyes. Velvet laughed as she rubbed her hooves up and down her daughter’s ticklish underside. Twilight writhed on the ground like a worm, trying her best and failing to defend her belly against her mother’s fiendish attack. Velvet was applying enough pressure on her as to hold her in place, so she was helpless against her mother’s shenanigans. Smiling, Velvet stopped her attack on her daughter, but not without giving her foal a raspberry on the belly. She stepped back and sat down on her haunches, allowing her daughter some room. Twilight, still giggling lightly, stood up and made a few wobbly steps towards her mother, only to drop into Velvet’s lap and snuggle into her fur lovingly.

“Oh, my little filly, you are such a snuggle bear,” Velvet laughed, pulling her daughter into her forelegs and hugging her to her chest, nuzzling her cheek against her daughter’s. Looking up from her foal, Velvet noticed it was already ten-thirty am. “Oh my, look at the time, Twily. It’s time for us to start preparing lunch.” Twilight looked up at her quizzically, not understanding the contraption hanging on the wall. Noting her daughter’s confused look, Velvet smiled before standing up and placing the child on her back. “Don’t worry, I will teach you how a clock works once you’re old enough. For now, let’s concentrate on cooking your brother and father a delicious meal,” she said, prancing to the kitchen at a brisk pace, much to her daughter’s enjoyment, who was bouncing up and down with each step.


“… and that is how my grandfather, an ancestor of Commander Hurricane himself, fought off a whole battalion of griffons and saved Canterlot using only his mind and 300 sticks of butter,” Mr. Grumpyfeathers, the weathered history teacher, concluded another one of his most boring stories about his oh-so-great ancestors. While his friends Dusk Shine and Cadence were following every word of the old Pegasus, Dusk Shine with rapt attention and awe etched onto his face, Shining fought the urge to doze off.

How many stories about his oh-so great ancestors do we have to hear? He mentally asked before letting his drooping eyes wander through the classroom. He watched his classmates and their mixed reactions to the boring lesson. He watched as Lyra Heartstrings, daughter of his teacher and his father’s boss, floated little pieces of paper between herself, Moondancer and Amethyst Star. When Amethyst Star noticed Shining staring at them, she started blushing furiously before turning away, her cheeks burning crimson, while her friends snickered behind their hooves. Shining rolled his eyes. He knew that Amethyst Star had a crush on him, but although he had told her off, nicely of course, she always tried to woo him. Her friends, instead of stopping her and letting her avoid the eventual heartbreak always encouraged and supported her by trying to persuade him to go on a date with her, much to Cadence’s gloating. Thinking about Cadence, Shining averted his gaze from the now vigorous whispering trio to the alicorn princess. She was listening to Mr. Grumpyfeathers’ story, occasionally taking notes. The longer he watched, the better Shining could read her expression. While seemingly listening attentively, he, being a long-time friend of her, could see the boredom in her eyes, a boredom just like his own.

Well, would you look at that. She really got that ‘Royal Attentiveness’-thing she told me Princess Celestia is a master of. But I can read you like a book, Cadenza. Yeah, you better watch out, ‘cause Special Agent Shining Armor always knows what his opposite is thinking. You can’t deceive him at all! You thought your dress and the dance on this ball would be enough to veil your true colors, for you are the greatest thief in history, notorious for stealing the crown of the high deity of the sun, Princess Celestia herself! Seemingly noticing Shining was starring at her, Cadence looked over to him, noticing the distant look in his eyes and the drool dripping from the corner of his muzzle.

Great, he’s started daydreaming again. Probably his dumb ‘Special Agent Shining’ thing. As soon as the teacher turned to face the chalkboard, Cadence crumpled a piece of paper into a ball and lifted it in her magic, sending it directly at Shining’s head. She watched him start, smacking his books off the table. Ponyfeathers!

“Ah, Mr. Sparkle, great to see that at least a minimum of your consciousness is with us today,” Mr. Grumpyfeathers grumbled, stepping up to the poor colt. “Let’s see of how much of my lesson it was aware of. How was my grandfather rewarded for defending Canterlot against the griffons?”

“Um… with bread to go with the sticks of butter?” The whole class snickered at Shining’s comment, but stopped almost instantly at the look the old Pegasus shot them.

“Very funny, Mr. Sparkle. That calls for a reward. How does detention sound?”

“Not too good, Sir.”

“A pity. Tomorrow, 2pm to 5pm. No backtalk!”

“Yes, Sir…” Shining muttered sadly, just as the bell rang.

“Class dismissed. See you the day after tomorrow, students. And see YOU tomorrow, Mr. Sparkle.” Shining picked up his books and followed his classmates outside and out of the building, his glance cast down.

Great. Just great! Not only did I get into a scuffle with Blueblood AGAIN, but now I have detention as well! Mom will be VERY happy, he thought bitterly.

“FINALLY, there you are!” Shining looked up to see Amethyst Star and her friends stepping up to him.

Perfect. Just what I needed… “Girls, please leave me alone. I’ve got other things to worry about.”

“Oh, but Shining, we’re only here to cheer you up,” Moondancer said. ”We thought you could use some cheering up since Cadence – ” she spat the name like it was filth staining her tongue,” – got you detention.”

“What do you mean with ‘Cadence got me detention’?”

“What I mean? Didn’t you notice the paper ball she threw at your head? The one that made you start? It’s like she wanted you to get detention.”

“She… what?” Shining stumbled over his words, trying and failing to process the accusation.

“And the smile she wore when you were reprimanded. She enjoyed letting you suffer!”

“She… did?” he asked appalled.

“Shining?” a voice sounded behind them. Shining turned around to see Cadence standing in the doorway, a worried expression on her face. The girls around him hissed, glaring daggers at the princess.

“What do YOU want, Princess?” Amethyst Star spat. “Haven’t you already done enough damage? Go away!” Cadence’s eyes widened in shock before narrowing to slits, her facial expression hardening immediately.

“You know, I could incarcerate you for your insolence,” she said menacingly,” but you’re not even worth the effort. So if you could just go away and let me talk with Shining.”

“He doesn’t want to talk to YOU, though. I mean, why would he? You caused him enough trouble!”

“Shining, please, could we just talk without them?” Cadence asked.

“Why should I talk to YOU?! Because of you, I got into trouble with Blueblood, Mrs. Heartstrings AND Old Grumps on ONE day! I always get into trouble thanks to you! You are the WORST friend anypony could have!”

“Sh…Shining…please,” Cadence pleaded, tears brimming her eyes.

“Didn’t you hear what he said? He doesn’t want to talk to you! Get lost!” Moondancer yelled. Cadence started to whimper as the tears started to flow down her cheeks. Moondancer eyed her disgustedly. “Come on, Shining, let’s get away from her.”

“Just LEAVE ME ALONE, all of you!” Shining shouted, turning around and galloping away from the huffing trio and the teary-eyed Cadence

“Shining, WAIT! I’M SORRY!” she sobbed, bolting right after him. As soon as she was out of earshot, Lyra ruthlessly laughed.

“Don’t worry, Star, soon he’ll see that he’s better off with you,” she said, winking at her magenta friend.


Shining slowed down to a slow pace. He had brought enough distance between himself and the school to be alone with his thoughts. Looking around himself, he noticed he had run into Canterlot Park. Sighing, he trotted over to the pond before lying down in the grass.

That sure went swimmingly, he thought bitterly, not only did I manage to get in trouble TWICE on one day, but I also told off my dearest friend. He looked into the water, lost in thought when he heard hoofsteps approaching. Turning his head, he saw Cadence approaching him. He turned his attention back to the water, avoiding her gaze. She neared him before sitting down a few hoofsteps away.

“Sh… Shining… ?” she said. He noticed her pleading tone and turned his head back towards her. He saw her tear-soaked face and her red, puffy eyes and his heart gave a lurch as if he was falling down a cliff. “Sh… Shining? I… I’m… I’m sorry…” she stammered before breaking down again, tears streaming down her face. “P…please… please don’t h-hate me.” Shining watched her cry, his mouth hanging open, his eyes wide, unable to utter a single word.

Well done, bonehead! You just made your very best friend cry. Only because you blamed her for your own stupidity.Shaking his head, he stood up and walked over to the sniveling princess before sitting down in front of her. He lifted his hooves and scooped her up in a tight hug, letting her sob into his shoulder. She grabbed him as if her life depended on it, her tears wetting the fur on his shoulder. After what seemed like eternity, he gently pushed her up, holding her at leg’s length.

“Cadence. I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know what came over me, but please remember one thing: no matter what I say, no matter what others say or do, you are the BEST friend I could ever hope to have. Please forgive me for being so foalish.” Cadence, though still with misty eyes, smiled before hugging him again.

“Of course I forgive you, but only if you forgive me for causing you trouble again.”

“It’s worth getting into trouble if it means being your friend.” Cadence nodded into his shoulder. They stayed like that for a while, basking in the warmth of their friendship before Shining heard the belfry striking 12pm and pulled away again. “Alright, I’ve got to go home and watch Twilight. Will you be there with us this evening?”
“Of course I will. I promised you I would come.”

“Awesome. Well, then we’ll see each other tonight.” Cadence nodded and stood, stretching her wings and turning to the direction of the castle. As if just remembering, Shining added: “As for the doom trio,they deserve to be punished.” Cadence turned her head and locked eyes with him. Shining could see mischief gleaming in hers.

“Let me take care of that,” she said before turning again, flapping her wings and flying off to the castle. Shining shook his head, grinning in gleeful anticipation before starting to walk home.


“… And that, my fair Princess, is why we should accept the griffon’s quotation,” Fancy Pants, her young financial adviser, concluded with a serious expression which she matched wholly. Financial Business and Trading were serious matters, and unlike most other courts, which were necessary, but unbelievable boring, and which she most zoned off through, Celestia had listened to him with rapt attention. There were few things in court which had her full attentiveness, with the others, for example, being the Defense of the Equestrian Borders and Trading was definitely one. It tended to strengthen peace and was the fundament for treaties, but if handled incorrectly could easily start wars. Celestia pondered his words for a while. It was not an easy feat to do, but she knew that, should she decline, it would heavily burden the relations with Gryphonia. She would let nothing interrupt this serious matter. After a while, though, she began to smile.

“Well, Fancy Pants, I’ve come to a conclusion. Let the Gryphons know – “

“BITE ME, BLUEBLOOD! I DON’T CARE WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE, BUT I’M GONNA MAKE YOUR PLOT GET KICKED! NOW MOVE!” Fancy Pants spun around and eyed the double doors to the throne room, his muzzle wide open in shock, unsure of what would happen next. The other ponies present matched him, aghast at the vulgarity in Cadence’s voice. Celestia just raised a hoof to her head and rubbed her forehead.

“Oh, what did these ponies do this time?” she asked nopony in particular.

Ten minutes prior

Cadence bid Shining farewell before stretching her wings. It had been too long since she had taken a little flight around Canterlot. A mischievous smile on her face, she jumped into the air and began pumping her powerful wings. Closing her eyes, she soared through a stray cloud and let its mist cover her face. Up here, she felt carefree and fully relaxed, as opposed to staying on the ground, which felt to her like being confined. Celestia had explained to her that her mother, Luna, had also always preferred the sky, even going so far as to shaping her beautiful night sky while airborne, which, according to her Aunty, gave it its smooth, fluent appearance.
Remembering her aunt’s words as well as the hard work her mother had put into making the night as magnificent as it was, Cadence couldn’t keep herself from losing a few tears. It felt unfair and painful to her to know that all her mother had done, all the kindness and love and happy spirit her mother had emanated, hadn’t earned her the least bit of appreciation. In fact, the ponies of her time had loathed her for bringing an end to Celestia’s beautiful day as well as shrouding the world in shadows, which they deemed evil and imperfect.
She suddenly became aware of the reason of her existence. Her mother had formed her from her magic and her soul to become a pony that she could care for and show to the love she never got. A child to raise and mold. Blinking her tears away, Cadence smiled at her mother’s intensions.

I’ll make sure to be the best daughter a mother could wish for. I promise, she thought. The small smile still on her lips, she banked to the right before flying through a window and landing in a corridor that led right to Celestia’s throne room. As soon as she approached it, however, her smile dropped to be replaced by an angry frown. There, standing next to the giant double doors, his nose held high, was Blueblood, watching a cleaning mare down at his hooves.

“Gosh, can’t you work any faster? I can’t bear to look at something as revolting as this any longer, or at the mess on the floor,” he snidely remarked, eyeing the mare with disgust. The mare whimpered, her lower lip trembling as she tried to clean the floor of the rest of what appeared to be an apple fritter.

“I’m s…sorry my p…prince,” she stammered, tears forming in her eyes. “I…I’m really trying my h…hardest.”

“Th…then t…try…harder. Use your tears,” he mocked her, laughing mercilessly as the mare began to silently cry.

“Blueblood,” Cadence hissed, a dangerous look crossing her features, stepping up to the ponies. “Get. Away. From. Her.” Blueblood gave her a sideways glance, scoffing at who approached him.

“Well, look who we have here. The soon-to-be ex-princess.”

“I.Said.Get.Away.From.Her,” Cadence repeated, seething with anger.

“Why should I? We’re having so much fun right now. Isn’t that right, you ugly, dirty peasant?” he asked pitiless. The mare began to cry harder, her whole body quaking with her sobs.

“I’m warning you, Blueblood. Get away from her, or else –“

“Else WHAT? What…are you… going to… dooooooo?” he asked, suddenly becoming very nervous as he, for the first time, focused wholly on her. He noticed with fear in his eyes that she was changing. Her coat, while under normal circumstances a light pink, darkened a few shades. Her horn elongated and her wings and body seemed to grow longer. But what frightened him the most were her eyes. Normally violet, round orbs, they seemed, like her coat, have to darkened a few shades as well and had changed a bit of their form, becoming slitted.

Foalish insect! How dare'th thou to oppose thine princess? Dost thou not know thine place? Maybe it is time that somepony showed thou! This time be warned! Should’st thou EVER commit such an atrocity again, We shall see’eth that thine punishment will be not a thing short of SEVERE! Hast thou understood? Blueblood winced at the booming voice, but noticed Cadence hadn’t even once moved her lips. He realized that this verbal lashing was intended solely for him. Swallowing hardly, he gave a curt, stiff nod. Cadence’s eyes flashed once more, her body immediately changing to its former state. Blueblood reeled back as she approached the mare before lying down next to her.

“Shh, relax, it's alright. Don't listen to what this load of horseapples is saying,” she soothed, gently rubbing the mare's back with a hoof. It was truly an bewildering sight to behold: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, niece to Princess Celestia herself, but only a few years older than the average foal, calming a full grown service mare. On any other occasion, Blueblood would continue to bullying the mare while scoffing about Cadence's unroyal behavior, but with the threat uttered by her confusing other form, he dared not even curse under his breath.

What in Equestria just happened with her? How did she change?To WHAT did she change herself?How in–

“But he's right, isn't he?!” the mare suddenly wailed, breaking Blueblood out of his train of thought. “No stallion would EVER even think of looking at me,” she continued, head hanging. “I have to accept the truth: I'm too ugly to be loved.”

“Now hold on just a minute, there, missy!” The mare's head spun to the left, as Cadence's exclamation had startled her out of her self-pity. She noticed the Princess of Love was staring down on her with a resolute mien. “Just because you haven't found the right stallion yet, AND just because this bunch of manure-” she shot Blueblood a withering glance which let him recoil and back even further to the wall “- is being the idiot he always is, doesn't. mean. that. you. aren’t. beautiful” she finished, reinforcing her words with poking the mare in the chest with a hoof.

“Do… do you really mean that?” the mare asked, shyly looking up and meeting the princess’ gaze. She noticed the princess staring down at her with a benevolent smile on her face.

“Of course I do. I can feel your doubt, though. Maybe you didn’t find a stallion yet because you lack the confidence to just walk up to one?” Cadence asked, an idea already forming in her mind.

“Well, maybe I could be a little more assertive,” the mare said, ears drawn back and smiling a little.

“There you have it. But don’t worry. As a princess, it is my highest duty to make sure my ponies are content and happy. So I will teach you everything I know about love, and before you know it, stallions will be lining up to kiss your hoof.”

“I – I couldn’t ask you to do that. I’ll just wait until I have as much luck as my sister. She’s even more shy than me, and she found a very nice stallion and they have a beautiful foal.”

“Nonsense! I’d be delighted to,” Cadence exclaimed happily. “But first I’d like to know your name, though,” she continued, offering a hoof.

“Oh – oh of course Your Highness! My name is Shimmering Shy, but most ponies call me Shimmy Shy,” the Pegasus mare replied with a smile, carefully shaking the princess’ hoof.

“It’s nice to meet you. Well, I’d love to continue chatting, but I really have to talk to my aunt. If you could find the time, we could meet next week, same time, in the gardens?”

“That sounds lovely. I have to check if I have to work that day, though.”

“No problem. I’ll just talk with your superior and make sure that you’re free at that time.”

“Really? Oh, you’re the best, Princess. Well, I don’t want to detain you any longer, so I’ll be on my way. Again, thank you very much.” With that, Shimmering Shy turned around, sticking her tongue out to the neglected prince before trotting away. With the mare gone, Cadence turned to her cousin, her smile completely replaced by a scowl by now.

“And now, I’ll let Princess Celestia know of your doings,” she muttered menacingly, just loud enough for him to hear. He audibly gulped as she slowly approached him. “Annoying me, I can accept. Being mean to Shining Armor, I can endure. But being cruel to a mare as innocent as her? I will not allow you to. You will pay for your actions. And this time, you’re not getting away with a black eye. I’ll make sure that you will get the hardest punishment for what you have done. Now stand aside!”

“N-No. No!” Blueblood screeched three octaves too high, finding a bit of courage and standing in front of the double doors, blocking her path. “The P-Princess is holding court and I w-won’t allow somepony like you to d-disturb her. A-and when she’s done, I will let her k-know of your most uncouth behavior!”

“I said: stand aside!” Cadence grumbled as she stepped closer still.

“S-Stay back, you m-monster! You shall not pass!”

“I will not repeat myself,” Cadence hissed, standing almost muzzle to muzzle with him.

“As a m-member of the royal f-family, I command yo-“

“BITE ME, BLUEBLOOD! I DON’T CARE WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE, BUT I’M GONNA MAKE YOUR PLOT GET KICKED! NOW MOVE!” And with that, Cadence roughly shoved him aside with her magic and threw the double doors open, stepping into the thrown room, interrupting the court.


Celestia watched the doors to her throne room fly open, crashing into the walls, as an angry looking Cadence stomped over the threshold. Her brows furrowed into a concerned frown as she noticed that, apart from her outward anger, something seemed off with Cadence. She could sense a dark shadow lying over the young princess. Reaching out with her magic sense, she noticed a sliver of something she hadn’t felt in almost one thousand years. Worried, she glanced around, noticing the shocked and partly angry faces of the nobles present. Looking down at Fancy Pants, she noticed that he was half-turned around and watched the Royal Niece with a look of mild curiosity on his face. Clearing her throat, she ordered everypony’s attention back on herself.

“Well Fancy Pants, in light of this new… development, I shall call this meeting adjourned. Nevertheless, I would like you to inform the gryphons that I accept their proposal and would like to meet the gryphon in charge as to sign the treatise.”

“As you wish, my princess. I shall inform you as soon as I conversed with them,” Fancy Pants said, taking the princess’ hint and bowing respectfully.

“Good. Are there any questions?” she asked, looking around again and scanning the face of every assembled pony. To her immense relief, nopony seemed to take the offensive. “Very well, meeting adjourned.” She kept her composure as the nobles filed out of the throne room. As soon as the last hide disappeared through the doors however, Celestia jumped to her hooves and briskly trotted to where Cadence and Blueblood were standing, wings flared and an angered frown adorning her features.

“What in Equestria is WRONG with you two?! Explain yourselves!” she demanded, staring down on them. Cadence and Blueblood looked at each other for a second before starting simultaneously.

“Princess, she threatened and embarrassed me in front of common peasants and –“

“Aunty, he annoyed Shining and me again and only just HUMILIATED a staff mare in the worst way –“

“That’s not true and you know it! I just showed Sparkle and the mare their places and –“

“SHOWED them their PLACES?! You TORTURED this mare mentally and Shining. And what do you mean by ‘threatened’? You mean the way you and your goons threatened Shining? I think it’s time you –“

“TORTURED?! How dare you?! I only acted as a real member of the royal family should, but you don’t –“

“You?! A real member of the royal family? Don’t make me laugh! You’re just a –“

“A WHAT exactly?!”

“A spoiled, foalish brat!”

“WHAT?! I should –“

“SILENCE!” Celestia suddenly boomed, slipping into the Royal Canterlot Voice, startling Blueblood and Cadence and stopping their bickering. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she looked at them admonishingly. “You are both acting like foals. I expected better, from both of you. Now, you will both tell me what bothers you about the other, ONE AT A TIME. Cadence, you may start. Stop whining, Blueblood, you will get your chance as well,” she groaned as Blueblood started complaining. Cadence stuck her tongue out at Blueblood before turning to Celestia and ducking her head in respect.

“Thank you Aunty,” she said before turning her head up and looking Celestia in the eyes. Remember, she prefers if her interlocutor keeps eye contact with her as she can tell if he’s lying. “Well Aunty, it all started this morning at school,” she began, explaining what had transpired this day, from the moment Blueblood and his goons had tried to intimidate Shining up to the moment where she had stopped Blueblood from tormenting Shimmering Shy, ‘accidentally’ forgetting what had happened between Shining and her after school. She doesn’t have to know it. It’s not like it directly affects Blueblood, after all.

Celestia had listened to everything her niece had told her. She knew that Cadence was holding back something, but chose to ignore it for now. “So Shining was already punished for his actions?” she waited for Cadence to nod before continuing. “Very well. Tell me how you dealt with Blueblood when he was, to use your word, ‘tormenting’ the staff mare.” Cadence shuffled her hoof at that, avoiding Celestia’s gaze.

“Well… I-I don’t know, to be honest. I only remember being very angry at Blueblood and ordering him to stop and the next moment he’s cowering against the door, looking as if he’d seen a ghost.”

“Yeah right. Likely story. Except for missing the part where you THREATENED MY LIFE!” Blueblood screeched, interrupting Cadence in her explanation.

Oh, for the love of – “Very well, Blueblood, explain your side of the situation.”

“Thank you, Your Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria,” Blueblood crawled, bowing deep, thus missing Cadence and Celestia rolling their eyes. “As Princess Cadence correctly stated, I was in front of the Throne Room, awaiting Court’s end. I was passing my time enjoying a beignet aux pommes. Alas, through a negligence on my part, it dropped to the floor.” Blueblood took on a mien of great grief, as if somepony close had died. “To get rid of this ghastly mess, I assigned a cleaning mare. But she had the insolence to lie to my face about being ‘busy’, but apparently was just strutting around in what I assume was some peasant’s attire.”

“That was a TABLECLOTH she was carrying on her back, you –“

“Cadenza, please, do not interrupt,” Celestia admonished, ushering Cadence to silence with a hoof.

“Thank you, your Majesty. Well, as I was saying, I didn’t believe her and told her I’d get her fired if she didn’t do what I told her. I even forgave her for lying to me! Anyway, she got to work cleaning up my beignet. But she was working so slowly and sloppy that I had to urge her again and again to work decently. However, even then, she had the nerve to claim that she was trying her hardest. Just as I was lecturing her, Princess Cadenza flew in and began reprimanding me in front of the mare, completely undermining my authority. Reminding her of the actions that took place this morning, I advised her to stand back and let me handle care of things, showing her by the way how a true royal should behave.”

He now wore the mien of a chancellor, about to decide the fate of Equestria. “But instead of standing down, she threatened me.” His pose shrunk away as he showed the first real facial expression since he had started narrating: fear, truthful and pure was etched on his face. “That was the scariest thing I’ve ever witnessed,” he whispered, eyes wide open and breathing shallowly. “She… changed. I don’t know how, and I don’t know what she did, but she was… different. Unworldly even.”

“What do you mean, Blueblood?” Celestia asked, her chest clenching in anticipation and a distant dread.

“She… wasn’t herself anymore. Her appearance changed. Her coat got darker. She grew a few inches. Her horn and wings became taller. But the most frightening were her eyes. Her eyes… they became slitted. Like a dragon’s eyes. And when she spoke… It was Old Equish. And she talked in the Royal Canterlot Voice. But her lips didn’t move! It was like she was talking directly in my mind! I feared for my life! And just as suddenly as it came, it was gone again and she was off talking to the mare.” He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts before throwing a withering glare at Cadence. “She is a threat to Equestria, Your Highness! I request her be banned from our lands!”

Celestia contemplated Blueblood’s words as she watched him and Cadence trying to stare down each other. Old Equish?Slitted eyes… She gasped, her eyes widening, drawing their attention. Oh no. No! “Blueblood, for what you have done, you will serve as a staff pony tomorrow! Now leave, Cadence and I need to talk IMMEDIATELY!” With that, she turned away, motioning Cadence to follow her as she walked to the door next to her throne leading to the royal apartments.

“But, Your Highness...” Blueblood began, but before he could go on, the Princesses had already passed through the door, leaving him standing alone in the room. Great! Thank you veeeery much, Cadenza! Now I’ll have to be a dirty peasant for a whole day! Well, at least she’ll get her punishment now. Maybe she will be stripped of her powers or be locked away in a tower. Or maybe even both! Blueblood allowed himself to smirk in light of this new development as he too left, walking back to his house, giddy about what punishment Cadence would get.


Cadence trotted behind her aunt as she was led through the castle to the Sun Princess’ personal chamber. What is she going to do? She didn’t look TOO happy after all. And her silence isn’t a good sign either. And punishing Blueblood immediately without any form of contemplation and then just sending him away like that? Something is VERY wrong. Snapping out of her thoughts, Cadence noticed that they had reached the sun-emblazoned double doors leading to Celestia’s private bedroom. Two stallions stood at attention, bowing respectfully before opening the doors. The Princess stepped through without so much as a curt nod to the guards, with Cadence hot on her heels. As soon as the doors closed behind them, Celestia spun around, looking down at Cadence with eyes full of worry.

“Cadenza,” she began, carefully choosing her words. “I do not know how to approach this, so I will be straightforward: Cadenza, did you use Nightmare Magic against Blueblood?” Cadence reeled back in shock, her muzzle hanging open.

“N-No, no, I’d never do something like that. How could you think that?” Celestia watched her cautiously, trying to determine if she was honest with her.

“Because what Blueblood told us sounds to me like you were under the influence of the Nightmare.” She stepped forth and placed a comforting hoof on her niece’s withers.

“That’s a lie! I’d never… I couldn’t…I wouldn’t…” Cadence stammered, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

“If that’s the case, let me check you. Only that way can we be one hundred percent sure.”

“Fine! I’m innocent and your spell shall prove it,” Cadence said, wiping her tears away and stepping back a bit. Celestia watched her before sighing and igniting her horn, working a quick scanning spell on her niece. She looked deep into her eyes as she searched for remnants of the dark art in her niece’s mind. Hmm, I can’t sense anything. Maybe Blueblood was exaggerating a bit. He tends to – wait, what’s this? Delving deeper, she concentrated harder, blanking out everything around her. Therefore, she didn’t notice the changes happening to Cadence. I think I found something. Yes! There it is. I… remember that magic. It’s… no. No, it can’t be. How did – a hiss broke her concentration. Regaining her senses, she shortly got a glimpse of Cadence’s eyes, which resembled that of a lizard, before her niece shook her head, apparently to clear her thoughts.

“Cadence,” Celestia slowly said, taking a careful step towards her.

“Ow, my head hurts. What happened?” Cadence asked, rubbing her temple with a hoof.

“It’s not as I thought. It’s worse.”

“W-What do you m-mean?” the young alicorn asked, fear evident in her voice.

“You were right. You weren’t using Nightmare Magic. You’re infected with it.” Cadence gasped. “And it only gets worse. It isn’t just any Nightmare Magic. It’s… Luna’s Nightmare Magic.”

“What? B-But why? How c-could she?”

“I think that a small part of her already was possessed when she created you. As of now, you only seem to get possessed by it when controlled by strong negative emotions, such as your anger for Blueblood or myself trying to pry into your mind.”

“What s-should I do now, Auntie?”

“Well, since this is a part of magic, we will start with you learning how to control it. Furthermore, since this magic is very dangerous, I fear I’ll have to forbid you to interact with others frequently, especially Blueblood and –“ she internally shook nervously, “– the Sparkles.”

“WHAT? But Auntie, the Sparkles invited me for dinner this evening! I even am allowed to foalsit their daughter in the future.”

“I’m sorry Cadenza, but this has to be done. These powers you possess are way to dangerous to be close to innocent ponies, especially foals.”

“But… NO! You can’t forbid me to see Shining and his sister!”

“This is my final verdict and you shall comply!”


“ENOUGH! You will not undermine my authority! I’m responsible for your well-being as well as for all ponies in Equestria! And I won’t let anything endanger them!” Taking a deep breath, Celestia continued. “Cadence, I’m just worried about you. I’m your caretaker and –“

“BUT YOU’RE NOT MY MOTHER! STOP PRETENDING TO BE HER! IF YOU HAD TAKEN A LITTLE LESS CARE OF THE PONIES AND MORE OF MOTHER, SHE WOULDN’T HAVE TO ENDURE TARTARUS ON THE MOON!” Immediately after she had said this, Cadence regretted speaking the words. Celestia winced, her eyes widened and her wings flared before turning away.


“A-Auntie, please, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t think –“

“Go. Away.” A golden aura opened the doors.

“Auntie, please, listen, don’t –“

“I said GO!” and with that Cadence was lifted in her aunt’s magic and thrown out of the room, skidding to the other side of the hall before the doors slammed shut. Jumping to her hooves, she ran to the doors before trying to pry them open with her magic, but to no avail.

“Auntie Celestia, PLEASE, I’m sorry,” she screeched, pounding her hooves on the wood, but getting no response. Turning around bitterly, she noticed the guards were watching her with bewildered faces. “I-it was my fault. When she comes, please tell her I’m incredibly sorry and wish to beg for her forgiveness.” She began walking away towards her own room, her head hanging in shame. The last thing she heard was a suppressed sob coming from Celestia’s chamber.


Meanwhile, Shining sat in his house’s kitchen, oblivious to the events in the castle as he was listening to his mother. Velvet was running around, balancing Twilight on her back while describing everything Shining needed to do.

“…and before feeding the milk to Twilight, make sure to test it on your leg. If it’s too cold, use your magic to heat it. If it’s too hot, just let it stand on the counter for a few minutes. And if you –“

“Mom, relax, I’ve got it under control. Shouldn’t you be going? I think, dad’s gonna die of boredom if you don’t go now.” Indeed, Night Light had been standing at the front door for the last twenty minutes, impatiently tapping his forehoof against the wooden floor. Velvet sighed before taking Twilight off her back and placing her in Shining’s lap.

“Alright, you’re right. We’ll be as quick as possible, don’t worry.” Quickly, she gave her son and daughter a chaste kiss on the forehead. “Have fun, you two and keep a look out on her, Shining.”

“Will do, mom, see you later,” Shining called as Velvet rushed to Night Light and they exited the house. “Now Twilight, it’s only you and me now, for the next two or three hours. I don’t know what mom’s so worried about, I’m sure we’ll have a great t –“ he stopped, noticing Twilight’s quivering lip and the tears in her eyes just as she started to cry, squealing loudly and trying to push Shining away.

“Oh dear…”