• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 1,473 Views, 14 Comments

Simon's Cat in Ponyville - Chaotic Note

Simon's cat (and Simon) in Equestria. Cat adventures are guaranteed. Kinda cute? Yeah, maybe.

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One Ponyville

Simon’s cat purred as he woke up from his comforting nap. He was sleeping soundly inside the space of a box that his owner used to carry him from town to town. It wasn’t completely dark as you would think because there was a door on one side of the container. It had pink bars that matched the color of the rosy box, and it allowed light to shine through in his little room. It wasn’t the most comfortable place to take a nap, but coupled with his luxurious bed and a few soft blankets can hit the perfect ratio of pure bliss.

He rubbed his eyes as they were starting to tire again. He could smell the change of scenery as the scent of new flowers and grass entered his nose. He could also hear other ponies talking in the background, so that meant they were in the new town. He wanted to stay awake for this, so he rubbed the grits out of the corners of his eyes thoroughly. He could feel the floor of the box vibrate as it was set down on the grass of a park. The door opened up and he walked through the generous exit. He gave a large, lasting yawn as the light hit his face. The smells had already gotten stronger since he stepped out of his little den. He could now smell freshly baked cupcakes coming from a large gingerbread house. Out farther from the town, he could detect a tiny hint of juicy apples from a nearby farm. Cats weren’t really known for their sense of smell, but he has grown acute to the aroma of food. He loved it.

“Come along now,” Simon chided.

Simon ran his hoof through his light brown mane. The wind made his golden coat bristle softly as he looked around the town.

“This is Ponyville,” he stated to his cat. “You should take a look around while I get our house all nice and cozy.”

The cat nodded as he got the message. The moving of all the furniture in the wagon into the house will be torturous to watch. It took hours for Simon to simply tie it all up. He had no idea how that piece of string the pony called a ‘rope’ could have held it all down. He decided to check out the bakery that caught his nose earlier. He could use a treat after such a long trip. He wasn’t worried about getting lost from his owner. His scent is pretty easy to track for a cat like him. Anyway, he weaved his way through the walking ponies that were on their way to their own activates. He made sure to surprise a colt or two with a pounce on their backs. The most satisfying part about it was when he escaped with ease and left the victim wondering what in the world had jumped on his back. He enjoyed such fun. Although, the part he hated about it was the exercise. He liked exploring a lot, but it usually left his heart beating twice as often. As he reached the front doors of the strange, but delicious looking bakery, he paused for a moment to catch his breath. After he found his comfort zone of air, he looked around for an open entryway. A door would work fine, but he still couldn’t get a solid hold on those little ball thingys. This building had such a knob.

He growled at the shiny curve of the doorknob as it blinked in the sunlight. Ah, if only it were a door handle, he could easily overcome this obstacle. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like the windows were willing to open by themselves either. Well, there’s no shame in trying. He leapt up at the knob and tried to grab hold of it with his paws. He met with slipping failure. He tried again this time with open claws. Surely the sharp points would be able to fin– nope. The sharp claws couldn't find a groove or a crack on the golden ball to hang onto and he fell to the ground again. It was a good thing that cats could always land on their feet, but it doesn’t change the fact that the door refused to bear its entrance. With each and every new attempt, the knob refused to let the cat grab a hold on its slick surface. Finally, the cat gave up hope of finding an open doorway or window. There’s only one thing to resort to left, and he wasn’t afraid to use it. A cry for food.

He opened his mouth up to prepare for a loud yowl, when the top half of the door suddenly opened up. Sticking her head out was a bubbly pink mare with cotton candy for her mane. Her bright blue eyes mesmerized his own as they stared off. The contact suddenly broke when the pony gave a big smile.

“Hey there kitty cat,” the mare happily greeted. “What are you doing here?”

Well, might as well ask for food. The cat opened his mouth and pointed his paw towards the inside of his mouth. He gave his cutest kitty eyes, and let out a small meow. The pink mare seemed to get the idea and grinned.

“You’re hungry? Be right back!” The cheery pony ran back inside to grab something for the cat to eat.

The Cat Stare worked every time. As the cat joyfully thought that the mares in this town were as easy as his previous home, the pink mare opened the door with a blue cupcake in her hoof. The top of the cupcake had catnip on it. OHMIGOSH CATNIP! The cat was really excited and happy when he spotted the blessed plant. It’s the king of all mid-day snacks, and putting it on such a sweet treat made it ten times better. The cat quickly gave the mare a fuzzy hug and his best purr before grabbing the treasure. He made sure to grab the it by the bottom half so the frosting wouldn’t get all over his paws. He waved goodbye to the mare baker and ran off to find more treats.

“Bye bye! Say hi to Simon to me!” the pink mare called after.

But the cat was already whisked around the corner by the smell of fresh apples.

“Huh, guess he didn’t hear me,” Pinkie Pie shrugged. “This crossover is going to be something else.”