• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 10,508 Views, 25 Comments

Not so nightmare - Brotato

Nightmare moon has returned and plans to frighten everypony. That is, until she reaches Ponyville

  • ...

To be feared

Not so nightmare


That's the word that best fit the eternal mistress of the night, Nightmare Moon, as she admired herself in the full-body mirror. Her pitch-black coat made her almost invisible in Luna's unlit chambers, and if somepony were to stumble upon her now, they would only see a starry billowing mane and teal slitted eyes.

It had been too long since she's fully shown herself like this. There were the rare times Luna would reveal only her physical form in the past for amusement; a quick scare for fun. That was nothing compared to what she has planned. She would show the true meaning of fear.

She had to be careful though. It was no small feat taking over Luna's body after all, and pushing herself too much would result in losing control. This was an all or nothing plan. If it failed, it would be centuries before she would even have a fraction of her current power. For now it hardly mattered as she turned to admire the side of her familiar body.

"Mmmm, good to see my host taking care of me." A quick gaze at her rump brought a frown of her face. "Though it seems I gained a few pounds."

The moon was half-way towards its apex as she strode out to the balcony. Below some sort of revelry was taking place in the city. She found it strange why the foals, and some of the parents, were dressed in various costumes as if in a play. Some were intricate and she had to second-glance to make sure they were actual ponies.

She lost interest about the festivities after that. Canterlot can have their fun for now, because her eyes had rested on a small village barely in view. Even in the dark she could see the dreaded place known only as Ponyville; lit up just like Canterlot with their strange lights.

With the light unfurl of her wings, she took off with barely a sound. The darkness provided ample sanctuary from prying eyes as she soared in the sky towards Ponyville. At least, so she thought.

"Look!" A foal squealed as she pointed a hoof in the sky. Even with the rushing of wind in her ears, Nightmare could hear the single shout act like a spark that started a wildfire. Ponies near the foal soon looked up, and so on. Soon the entire city watched her dark form in the sky.

Look well, foals. Know that this night will soon last forev-

"It's Princess Luna!" Another foal shouted in delight.

What? Were these foals blind? could they not see what she truly was? They should be shouting in terror! Running through the streets in fear, and knowing their coming demise! There was only one way to solve this problem. She had to show that she was meant to be feared.

Clearing her throat, her coming speech rang out across the mountainside.

"Run, cower, and fear the night little ponies! For it will soon last forever!" To put the icing on the cake, she cackled madly as she continued her way towards Ponyville. A smile spread on her face as she heard cries of fear behind her. It was good to see she wasn't rusty with causing ponies to flee in terror, but it was only the beginning. Canterlot was the first to feel true terror. Laughing to herself with glee for things to come, she disappeared into a sparkling mist and was gone from sight.

Meanwhile, the foals ran through the streets with smiles on their faces. Happy to see Luna once more enjoying Nightmare Night, and praising her for the amazing Nightmare Moon costume.

"Not seen yet," Nightmare Moon muttered as her misty form whisked into a tree's dense foliage to remain hidden. The entire village was dressed up exactly like Canterlot as well. Ponies could be seen playing various games that confused her to no end.

"What fun is there in throwing fake spiders at a web?" She mused to herself. Another pony, to her distaste, dunked her entire head into disgusting looking green water. "Whatever has happened to this town has definitely turned for the worst," she muttered. She agreed it would be best to hurry up and get her revenge before whatever madness these ponies had infected her.

"First up that foolish purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle!" Casting a quick location spell she found her prey and zipped through the town, making sure nopony saw her. After hiding on top of several buildings and waiting for a pegasus who looked awfully close to one of her shadowbolts fly by, she found Twilight's abode.

She carefully floated up to one of the windows high above, her misty form making it impossible to spot within the branches and darkness. Already she could hear the muffled, but distinct sounds of somepony talking inside.

"Spike! have you seen the beard for my Starswirl the Bearded costume?" Nightmare watched Twilight trot briskly around and open several drawers and a dresser that was inside her bedroom.

"Why are you wearing the same costume like last year?" Another voice piped up somewhere outside the open door that lead into a larger room.

"Because I worked really hard to make this costume. I'm not going to wear it once than let it gather dust. Besides..." Twilight then muttered something quietly which Nightmare didn't catch, before starting her search under the bed.

Seeing this as the opportune time to enter, Nightmare seeped through the small crack near the latch of the window. She zipped through the open doorway and circled once in the air before landing in the middle of the large entry room. Her appearance wasn't unnoticed as Spike let out a gasp upon seeing the dark mist start to materialize.

"N-Nightm-!" He was quickly silenced as Nightmare's horn shot out a small bolt of light, causing spike to fall over with a soft thud. Soon afterwards soft snoring could be heard coming from the dragon.

Nightmare chuckled at how easily her assistant was dispatched. "Nighty night. Be sure to let the nightmares bite," she cooed. Sure enough, Spike groaned and turned over as he started yo have a terrible nightmare.

Now for my revenge!

Before starting up the stairs she made sure the front door was sealed tight with a lock spell, and that the tree itself was warded so her prey couldn't teleport as well. Happy with her precautions she made her way upstairs while thinking of ways to torture her quarry.

In the end, she went with the old standby that was considered the most cruel and degrading punishment: A long black riding crop. She admired the tool of torture for a moment until she felt a slight dizziness as her grip on Luna's mind weakened.

I'll need to be careful, else Luna might break free. Then again, it's not like I cant handle a single unicorn. She rolled her eyes at thought. She will beg for mercy soon enough!

Entering the room while Twilight was still looking under the bed, she grinned mischievously. With a glow of her horn, she snuffed out the two candles lighting the bedroom and caused the door behind her to slam shut.

Twilight jumped, causing her head to bump against the bottom of the bed. "Ow! spike, why did you slam-" She turned around and let out a shriek of terror upon noticing the slitted eyes staring at her through the dark room. They stared at her with hunger, like a predator ready to pounce upon its prey. "W-Who are you? What do you..." Her gaze finally unfocused from the eyes and noticed the familiar starry mane that could only be from one pony. "Princess Luna?"

"Nay, fool! It is I, Nightmare Moon!" She cackled. "I have finally come for my revenge." With a stomp of her hoof, she caused the entire tree to shudder. Her eyes danced with glee for what was to come

"P-punish me? But what did I-" Her eyes had adjusted long enough to the darkness to notice the riding crop being held by magic next to Nightmare. Her face slowly blushed as realization slowly started to settle in. "Oh... Oh! You wish to punish me?" She poked her forehooves together nervously. "Don't you think this is a bit of a jump? We haven't even-"

"Silence!" Nightmare shouted, tussling Twilight's mane from the force of her voice. "You will receive your punishment, and your screams will bring me great pleasure."

"B-but what about Spike or somepony outside?" Twilight asked meekly. "I don't want him to hear us when you... you know."

Nightmare raised an irritated brow. "So? I could care less if somepony hears us. Let others hear your screams!" She shouted once more.

"P-Princess! that's so..." Her eyes looked around the room nervously. After taking in the fact they were alone, her eyes slowly turned lidded. "Naughty."

"Yes, now- "Nightmare's evil grin disappeared faster than Pinkie Pie after seeing a new pony in Ponyville. "What?"

"To be honest, I didn't know you were into roleplay, Princess." She eyed her dark form for a moment and bit her bottom lip. "You know... without Nightmare Moon in control, this part of you is very... beautiful." If her face got any more redder, it would've been mistaken for a tomato.

What the hay is she blathering on about now? I am nightmare moon! how can she not see that? She should be huddling in a corner and begging for mercy! Fed up with Twilight's antics, she decided enough was enough. Grabbing Twilight with her magic, she brought her up to eye level. "Enough talking! now, prepare to- mmph!"

Before Nightmare could finish her sentence, Twilight grabbed her head with both hooves and planted a kiss full on the lips. Twilight moaned softly as she brushed her tongue against her teeth, avoiding the pointed fangs in Nightmare's mouth. Before it could go any further, Nightmare forcefully broke the kiss and threw her onto the bed, which she bounced harmlessly on.

"Y-you dare..." Nightmare growled as she wiped her mouth. Unfortunately, Twilight didn't hear her as she was starting to approach with bedroom eyes. "G-get away from me!" Nightmare matched Twilight's steps backward before her rump hit the door. She pulled at the doorknob with her magic, but it wouldn't budge.

What's going on? Why am I suddenly scared of this unicorn? Nightmare felt her chest constricted, making it hard to breathe. Her stomach also felt uneasy as if filled with butterflies as she pounded at the door with a hoof.

"I think I'm starting to like this side of you, Luna," Twilight voiced huskily. Somehow she had disrobed her Starswirl costume, leaving it on the floor. She lowered the front of her body as she readied to pounce.

"No! don't even think about-AH!" Nightmare flailed as Twilight hugged her chest. She desperately wished her magic would be an option, but it risked Luna being freed. While the thought of Luna waking up to find Twilight straddling her chest would be memorable, it was best to save it as a last resort.

Sliding a hoof between the both of them, she managed to peel the clingy unicorn off her dark form. Finally the door leading to the main entry room opened and she quickly crawled away before slamming the door behind her. She took a moment to rest on the floor and wipe away the bit of disgusting sweat that had formed on her brow.

Her rest didn't last long as her left ear flicked in annoyance when warm air started to blow on it, causing a chill to run down her spine.

"You know..." Twilight began, causing Nightmare to flinch. She suddenly felt stupid forgetting Twilight could simply teleport through the door. "I'm beginning to wonder if you're actually Nightmare Moon."

Finally! maybe she'll start to fear me no- "Ah!"

"However, she was banished with the Elements, making that impossible." Nightmare struggled to contain herself as Twilight continued to nibble on the appetizing dark furred ear in front of her. She then proceeded to lick the inside of it, causing several more moans from her lover.

Why is she doing this? What has changed over the past two years? Nightmare tried to think clearly, but if there was one thing Nightmare enjoyed most, it was carnal desires. Thought doing such a thing with the pony she hated the most wasn't something she was expecting.

Nightmare groaned at Twilight's incessant teasing as it was starting to make her want to return the favor for getting her in such a state. Finally the ear foreplay had stopped and allowed her to collect her thoughts, before whatever she had gathered go blank when Twilight did something she considered quite adventurous. Nightmare gasped loudly when Twilight's tongue licked her horn like a giant lollipop; small popping sounds were heard whenever she sucked on the sides and pulled away.

That's it. She wants it so badly? Two can play at this game.

Nightmare clenched her jaw in anger before shoving Twilight to the floor. The look of surprise on her face only made this action that much more enjoyable. Grabbing Twilight with her magic, and already feeling her hold on Luna's mind slipping, she shoved the door open. "Enough of this," Nightmare panted. She could feel a certain need near her legs, but ignored it for now. She strode up to Twilight's meager bed and threw her on top of it. Twilight squeaked at being treated roughly, but her lidded gaze still held.

"I was wondering when you would-" Twilight began, but was cut short when Nightmare forced her mouth onto hers, ravaging her lips as if it was the most succulent fruit in Equestria. She struck her tongue against her teeth, demanding an entry that couldn't be denied. Twilight's own tongue was pushed away as Nightmare took command, as if they were participating in a frisky mouth tango.

After a minute of kissing did they finally break, panting heavily as they stared into each others eyes; cerulean meeting violet. She lightly nipped at Twilight's ears and neck while being careful to not draw blood, before slowly moving down her body. Twilight squealed in delight when Nightmare kissed and licked her tummy; rubbing her hooves against her fur in sensual circles across her sides and flank. Slowly she continued to move down, and her excitement increased as it would only be seconds before she reached another pair of lips sweeter than the last.

However, it didn't come.

"L-Luna?" Twilight panted. The heat from below making it hard to keep her eyes focused in the mix of lusty haze and the dark room. Her brow furrowed in a mix of confusion and anger with what she heard next. "Are you sleeping?" Twilight yelled and sat up.

Sure enough, Luna, without her Nightmare Moon form, was snoozing directly on her belly; causing a small tickling sensation where her warm breath touched. The soft snores from Luna didn't help the burning in her loins, and only killed the mood.

"Luna!" She shouted, causing the Princess to wrinkle her muzzle in discomfort. Soon enough her eyes popped open and gazed at Twilight. They both stayed there for a moment, starting at each other as a growing discomfort built up. Luna blinked several times as something dawned in her mind; realizing what just happened wasn't a dream.

"Best. Nightmare Night. Ever."

Comments ( 24 )

I have no words as to what made me write this, but I hope you enjoy it. Or laugh at my attempts for a shipping one-shot. :facehoof:

A suggestion, fellow friend. Try to write in the same tense, as you switch a few times here.
Talk either in the preterit (ie: tom looked at it), the present tense (ie: tom looks at it), or the future tense (ie: tom will look at it), and keep it consistent in the tense. Any work, although you see most people writing in the preterit.
Otherwise great concept and story! Keep writing. :raritywink:

1571179 Thank you for the small review and enjoying the story. :twilightsmile:

just... fucking... lawl

wow twilight actually scared nmm.:rainbowlaugh:

I lol'd

It had been gst too long since she's fully shown herself like this. You offset every letter in that word one key to the right.

She strode up to twilight's meager bed and threw her on top of it. Capitalize her name

rubbing her hooves against her fur in sensual circles across her sides and flank.. Ellipses are three periods, so this is either one too few or one too many depending on what you were going for here

Twilight yelled and sat u. up

Other than the typos, I quite enjoyed this. :twilightsmile:

would have been interesting to see what happened if luna had'nt retaken her body......
great job though! a few spelling mistakes but other than that it was a short fun read! :twilightsmile:

I dont think this is a clopfic, it could easily pass as teen in my opinion.

*Looks at Likes* Well... this is a nice surprise after coming from work! :pinkiegasp:

1572531 Thank you so much.

1574118 It's just as a precaution.

a couple errors but I lol'd :rainbowlaugh:

nice job

I actually really like the idea behind this but I found it was a rather poor execution of said idea, the story element of NMM just felt odd to me the entire way through but I really like how Twilight ended up "raping" her because of a misunderstanding, which I found humorous.
As for dislike or like? I dunno... I really want to like it but it just needed something a little more for me to really like it... so I dunno... some of it I disliked and some of it I liked.


the story element of NMM just felt odd to me the entire way through

I dunno... I really want to like it but it just needed something a little more for me to really like it... so I dunno...

I think I know what you're trying to say. There's no backstory behind why or how Luna turned into NNM. It's just BAM, suddenly she's there in the beginning. Also, I forgot to point out that Twilight and Luna even have a "thing" for each other, which might make some parts of the story confusing. (E.G. Why is Twilight liking the fact "Luna" randomly brought a riding crop.) Does that help with your confusion?

1580309 Well... not so much with the confusion, it just makes the story lacking and thus makes it "not good" or maybe rather "not as good as it could have been" which is what i feel like it's missing before " I " could really like it. Maybe you sound consider editing it? As it is: it remains a so/so story (at least for me), which is why I'm not to sure if I should "like" or "dislike".

Hmm...While very good, I noticed a few typos, and some backstory WOULD be nice...but all in all, really good! :twilightsmile:

Good funny read. I kinda think that Twilight and Luna had a thing for each other. Twi certanly did by the way she was so forward to Nightmare moon when her room was invaded.
Not overly sure why NMN was wanting revenge, unless it was over the fact that Twi had gotten rid of her...

But overall, I liked the humor a lot and found it funny how NMN stopped before doing anything to Twilight.


Just came back to re-read this.
Still loving it all.

still funny as hell

id be laughing so hard if there was a part where Luna spoke to the nightmare asking how much she enjoyed playing with Twilight mentioning that they we lovers or something like that the look on nightmares face would be priceless

That was nothing compared to what she has planned. She would show the true meaning of fear.

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