• Published 12th May 2013
  • 2,610 Views, 48 Comments

Rainbow Dash gets married - Pink Rocket

Rainbow Dash is going to die and before she bites the big one, she asks her friends to fulfill one last request!

  • ...

Is a hot shower with Rarity! ♥


Anger was not an emotion Rarity liked showing off to others. Showing off anger would indicate that one was easily provoked, which would indicating that one was impatient, indicating that one was immature. Three qualities Rarity did not consider herself to be, but this...

This was unacceptable!

Surrounded by her loving hooves eager to squeeze her affectionately, Rarity could feel her entire body quiver under sheer anger that started to build up all the more her brain began threading together the events of what had just happened. Rarity could feel her jaws to clench close to a breaking point as the smile she so unwillingly forced upon her lips now began to falter. Rarity's eyes slowly turned to glare at the pony closest to her who was in the midst of nuzzling her cheek against her own.

"You..." Rarity growled, "...want to marry me?"

The words were cold and lifeless and though it was barely audible the deep level of spite it carried caused Rainbow Dash tight grip around her fiancée to loosen up a bit. Unnuzzling, Rainbow brought back her face and smiled for a brief second before horror and trepidation replaced it. Rarity didn't look happy.

Rainbow Dash swallowed as the two pinpricks in Rarity's eyeballs gushed daggers at her, "Did you say somethi—"

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" Rarity exploded, sending everypony rearing and stumbling back over one another in umbrella fright, "If you think that I would even for a second ever consider marrying you, you have to be the dumbest, most imbecilic—"

White hooves quickly slammed themselves against her mouth, seizing her spitting the rest of that sentence. Oh no, Rarity froze as she stared at the terrified group of ponies that had huddled together in the corner of the hospital bed and wall.

She'd snapped.

"Hahahah!" Rarity laughed nervously, slowly letting her hooves unveil her face, "Apologies! It's—uh—m-my time of the month," the unicorn quickly recuperated, beaming a smile she hoped was big and convincingly enough for her friends to neglect her compulsive eye twitches.

This was bad. Rarity had acted like a complete maniac in front of her friends spitting out spiteful words in her impulsiveness. They weren't lies of course, but it didn't matter. Any outburst at this point could not end in her favor. She'd already showed up as a supporting friend. Shown comfort and compassion as a supportive friend.

And agreed, no...insisted on helping out with the wedding as a supportive friend.

A collective breath of relief revealed that Rarity was out of the frying pan as the heedless friends slowly regained limberness from their petrified state, laughing nervously at the who ordeal. It was obvious this kind of behavior was the result of a mare's monthly. It had to be. What other explanation was there?

"Geez Rarity!" Rainbow Dash laughed as she fluttered her way back to the unicorn, "You scared the living crap out of me!"

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie giggled, as she joined the couple, "I've never heard you give a shout like that before! I think you made Fluttershy pee a little."

"Wha—no! That wasn't me! The vase on the counter fell and—"

Fluttershy defensive statement fell on deaf ears as a collective laughter filled the room at her expense, leaving her ear folded and sullen. Rarity joined in, giving her best impression of a robotic laugh as she discreetly tried to distance herself from the incommodious closeness of her fiancée. She needed to get out of there. This was not happening!

"Alright ponies‼ Who's ready to get this show on road!?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, earning a few cheers from her comrades.

"We should probably get started right away. A wedding on short notice sure don't sound easy."

"Absolutely," Twilight agreed. "If we're going to organize a whole wedding in just a couple of days, we need to get started as soon as possible."

"Yes‼ Excellent idea, Twilight!" Rarity screamed, "I couldn't agree more! We should all begin immediately with our tasks," Rarity concurred, slowly backing towards her escape, "I shall be in my shop if you need me. See you at the wedding!"

Rarity smiled as she turned and galloped towards the door but got immediately be pulled back and cast into a pink embrace.

"Hahah! Don't be silly, Rarity!" Pinkie Pie giggled, hugging her friend tightly, "You're the bride! You don't have to work!"

"Oh, but I couldn't possibly let you do all the work by yourselves," Rarity pleaded desperately, "That would be selfish and...selfish!"

"Don't worry about it, Rarity! We've got it all covered!" Pinkie assured.


"But nothing!" Applejack sternly interjected, "You're already spending too much time all cooked up in that shop of yours. It's only fair you two should get some time alone together to relax. It's gonna be your special day soon and we all know that just the idea of standing in front of hundreds of ponies reading up vows and exposing your deep affectionate love for each other in public is stressful as it is."

Rarity felt a tear run down her cheek as she blinked, which Applejack wiped away.

"Hey, don't you worry your pretty little head about nothing. You just leave everything to us and I'll promise you it's gonna be fine, " Applejack winked, patting Rarity on the back.

"Yeah, don't worry about it, Rares! These guys got it all under control!" Rainbow Dash smiled, wrapping a wing around Rarity, " And besides! This will give us a great chance to hang out together, like... you know... Romantically and stuff," Rainbow blushed, poking her hoof shyly at the ground.

Rarity shot one last pleading gaze at her friends, crying silently for help but her friends did nothing but smile reassuringly in return and instead wished her well as they all began to leave the room.

Rarity sighed miserably in defeat, as she shifted under Rainbow's tightly wrapped wing, "Right... Romantically."


"Wonderbolts, wonderbolts, wonderbolts!" were something along the lines Rainbow Dash said in her never-ending tortures rant about their preeminence. Rarity made sure to throw her a glance or two, nod from time to time and administer a; mhmm, uh-huh or I see, whenever Rainbow Dash felt the need to breathe.

Though Rarity was certain Rainbow Dash had a lot to offer on the trivial subject, she was a little busy trying to maintain her sanity and not do to Rainbow Dash what the cancer eventually would. Like the wedding with Rainbow Dash wasn't enough, now she was forced to spend time with her.

Rarity could feel a vein bursting rage swirling around in her bloodstream the more she thought about her situation.The unfairness of it all...

"So, do you wanna go?"

Breaking her muse, Rarity faced her fiancée who beamed with happiness and stared expectantly at Rarity hoping she shared her current excitement.

"Go where, darling?" Rarity replied with a big smile, not having heard a single word spoken.

The pegasus smile quickly turned into a sad pout, as she stared disappointingly at her finacée, "To the Annual Wonderbolts derby, I was just telling you about. Weren't you listening?"

"Of course I was! And I'm sorry dear, but you are going to have to go on your own," Rarity nodded apologetically, "Because you see, I have to...uhm...return Sweetie Belle! To my parents house!" Rarity quickly spit out, drawing a breath of relief after silently thanking her brilliant mind for it's artful fruition, "Yes! Drop off my sister at my parents."

"Oh my gosh!" Rainbow Dash eyes widen as the realization struck her, "Sweetie Belle! I totally forgot we haven't told her the great news!"

"Oh, don't worry about it, darling! I'll be sure to tell her. You just go have fun on your Wonderbolts thiiiiing—!" With a sudden burst Rainbow Dash slammed into Rarity, clobbering her arms around her, flinging them both of the ground in an instant of a second.

Rarity could immense force of speed tear at every limb as the world around her became a blur. A very nostalgic feeling of terror became vivid to her mind but before the unicorn had a chance to express it, Rainbow Dash came to an abrupt stop. Being released, Rarity felt her hooves wobbling as they touched the ground. Doing her best to regain her sense of directions and motor skills who were swindling, Rarity did her best imitation of a statue waiting for the moment where she was able to differentiate up from down.

"I can't believe we almost forgot to tell Sweetie Belle!" some voice laughed, "You think she gonna be excited?"

Rarity responded with a sickly whine as she began to observed the blurry familiar surrounding area around them. They were at her boutique. Rarity turned towards the pegasus beside her who ran excitedly on-spot, prodding at the boutique's locked door. Rarity glared at the insensitive brute before shoving her aside and unlocking the door.

The bell jingled as Rarity made her way into the boutique, followed by her eager fiancée. Good job getting out of that one, Rarity... Rarity thought to herself, sighing deeply in frustration. So much for for getting Rainbow Dash out of the hair. Now she had no alibi for skipping out on that stupid Wonderbolts derby and on top of that she'd have to kick out Sweetie Belle on short notice.

"Sweetie Belle?" The older sister called out, not doing too well in hiding that tremble of frustration in her voice.

"I'm upstairs!"

"And I'm downstairs‼ So would you please get your little flank down here! I've got a surprise for you!" Rarity informed her sister very very nicely through the gritted teeth in her smile.

The nerve of that filly... Of all days she were going to act like an impolite, rude, rebellious and uncaring little brat it had to be today. Wasn't it enough that her friends had abandoned her? And now her own sister was going to give her guff? Honestly, was a break too much to ask for?

Scuffling sounds were heard from upstairs as they made their way down the stairs. Sweetie Belle nervously trot her way towards the couple in the store center, unsure whether Rarity's murderous tone was a sign of whether she was in trouble or not.

Sweetie Belle eyes shifted between the two ponies in front of her. They both bore a grin though differently. One was giddy and the other one was...psychotic.

Sweetie Belle gulped, "What's up?" making sure the whisper wasn't loud enough to sound too casual.

"You ready for some awesome news?!" Rainbow Dash almost immediately burst out, not seeming able to contain herself, "Go on! Tell her!"

Rarity took a deep breath in attempt to damp her frustration before speaking, "Yes... Well, you see, Sweetie Belle—"

"Rarity's getting married‼" Rainbow loudly exclaimed.

"Married?!" Sweetie Belle blinked before arching an eyebrow, "To who?"

"Only to the most awesome pegasus who ever lived and existed!" Rainbow Dash grinned, as she flared her wings and struck a pose.

A huge smile quickly grew upon the filly's face as Sweetie Belle sucked in as much as air as possible to accentuate a gasp strong enough to support the amazement of the news.


"Me‼" Rainbow exclaimed, hugging the filly tightly in her excitement, "She's marrying me!"

"...What?" The filly responded with a frowning pout, confused how Rainbow Dash fit the description of 'the most awesome pegasus ever'.

"Ain't that awesome or what?!" Rainbow let up and ruffled Sweetie Belle's mane before enclosing her in another hug, "You and me are gonna be sisters soon!"

Rarity watched as her sister glared up at her with distaste and confusion, giving her the stink eye and telekineticly asked her if she'd lost all your sanity. Rarity responded in the only way she could and purposely ignored the glare given and stared of to the side.

"Are you serious? Her?!" Sweetie Belle cried out, struggling free from Dash's molesting hug, "I thought you hated R—"

"Rain!" Rarity shouted, slamming her hoof onto her loudmouthed sister, "I-I hate rain! It's so... wet!" Rarity smiled widely at Rainbow Dash, who stared at the two oddly acting unicorns.

The last thing Rarity needed now was for her sister to blow her cover and have Rainbow Dash storm out in tears to the media, crying out what a horrible pony she was for crushing dieing mare's stupid final wish.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash smugged at the statement, "Well, then I guess you're pretty lucky! Because after we get married, I'll make sure you won't worry about rain for the rest of your life," Rainbow Dash winked, squeezing Rarity in a hug.

Rarity stared silently at her fiancée, "...You mean... until your cancer takes it course, right?"

"Uh, yeah! Whatever..." Rainbow shrugged.

"Cancer?" Sweetie Belle gasped, "Rainbow Dash has cancer?!"

"I'm afraid so, darling," Rarity accidentally giggled, but quickly bit her tongue, "Sadly, it turns out our dear friend doesn't have much time left in this world."

Sweetie Belle looked up sadly at Rainbow Dash, "...You're going to die?" she asked.

Rainbow Dash's smile faltered and she shifted uncomfortably under the humongous eyes that stared into the essence of her soul. Rainbow eventually looked away, clearing her throat and patted Sweetie Belle on the head, "Hey, don't worry about it! I'm sure—

"Ugh!" Rainbow Dash grunted as little hooves quickly clobbered themselves around her and squeezed her tightly in a hug. The room fell silent and Rainbow bit her lip and blushed under the subtle sobs of a foal that began dampening her chest. Peering up with tears on her cheeks, Sweetie Belle's quivering pout and puppy dog eyes shared it's innocent sorrow that were soon followed by a sad voice's maudlin whisper, "...I don't want you to die."

Oh, barf... Rarity rolled her eyes at the sentimentality of the scene. She was the one who needed a hug... yet Rainbow Dash, whose presence in society equaled that of a balloon with a face drawn on it, was the one who got all the sympathy.

Soon enough though, Rarity too felt Sweetie Belle's clobbering hooves around her neck that came to comfort Rarity in these difficult times.

"It's okay Rarity... I understand why you're doing this," Rarity heard her sister whisper to her in a proud and tearful manner, "It's very noble of you to let Rainbow ravage your flank till the end of her days."

"Shut up~ ♪" Rarity sang through the gritted teeth in her smile.

"So, Sweetie Belle? You want some help packing your stuff?" Rainbow Dash said, stealing Sweetie Belle back into her embrace. Rarity bit her lip as she saw Sweetie Belle look up at Rainbow Dash in confusion.

"My stuff?" Sweetie Belle quoted, completely oblivious to what Rainbow Dash was referring to.

"Yes, dear. I'm dropping you off at our parents."

"But I just got here."

"And now you're leaving!" Rarity smiled widely, trying her hardest not to let Sweetie Belle's back talking attitude get to her, " Now go pack your things please!"

"Oh! Are Rainbow Dash gonna have dinner with us at Mom & Dad's?" Sweetie Belle smiled in excitement.

"What?!" Rarity choked on a gasp, horrified at the words spoken.

"Oh my gosh! That'd be perfect!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "I'd love to meet your parents."

"Absolutely not!" Rarity stomped her hoof in protest, "That is out of the question!"

"Hey, come on! If we're dropping Sweetie Belle off, we might as well go meet them!"

"Yeah, what she said," Sweetie Belle concurred.

"B-But what about that Wonderbolts thingy?! Surely, you must want to see that rather than meet my parents!" Rarity wailed under her oncoming hyperventilation, "Heck, I'll even come with you! We can go right now if you want! Sweetie Belle can take a cab home!"

Rainbow Dash smiled as she put her arm around Rarity, "Look Rarity... I know you how much you love the Wonderbolts and all, but this is literally like the perfect opportunity for me to meet them!" Rainbow explained, patting her fiancée on the shoulder, "Besides, I'm going to meet them sooner or later. The wedding's just a few days, remember?"

Rarity let out a painful whine in response as her head sunk to the floor. She did remember...

"Great! Then it's settled! We'll pack up Sweetie Belle's stuff and head off!" Rainbow Dash announced and with a swoop, headed upstairs, leaving the two sisters alone.

Sweetie Belle smiled happily in excitement for a second but eventually decided to settle on a deep frown of terror as she met her sister's murderous stare. Rarity didn't look happy... In fact, she looked just about ready to snap somepony's neck.

Sweetie Belle gulped as she shrunk in size under the towering glare of death her sister gave her, "...Sorry," she offered, hoping the dry soundless whisper would be pitiful enough to be shown mercy.

Rarity clenched her teeth in anger as she stared furiously at her sister, hoping one of their head would eventually explode under it's effect, "I am going to take a shower and by the time I'm done I want you packed up and ready at the door. Understand?"

Sweetie Belle nodded. She understood.

Rarity signal a nod at towards the stairs and Sweetie Belle was quick on her hooves in getting the heck out of there. Rarity followed slowly behind, ascending the stairs in cursed thought. She had accidentally dug herself deeper into the pit she was trying to get out of and now thanks to her caring sister, the upcoming evening was going to be far more unbearable than some date at a sport stadium.

Rarity stomped angrily as she trotted through the upper hallway and into her bedroom. She ripped her bathrobe of the coat hanger and marched into the bathroom.

As if spending the evening with Rainbow Dash was already agonizing enough, now she had to spend it not only with her but with the two most embarrassing ponies on the planet.

There was a reason Rarity never visited her parents and would always have an excuse ready to skip out on any family meet-ups or holiday activities. It was the same reason why Sweetie Belle begged her to let her stay over at her shop whenever a opportunity rose for it.

Rarity sighed in frustration as she hung away her robe and stepped into her shower. She needed to relax and she knew thinking of her parents wasn't the remedy for it. Rarity turned shower knob and let the warm drizzle of water caress her face as she breathed slowly.

She needed to forget about the dinner...the wedding...

...and Rainbow Dash.

"That, Miss Rarity...

"Was exquisite," the gentlecolt stated, gracefully wiping his muzzle after finishing his meal.

Rarity closed her eyes in content as she finished her glass of Raspberry juice, "Hmph, I told Ponyville have fine dining reservoirs," Rarity chirped proudly.

Insérer français was Ponyville's finest and only high-class restaurant in town and was the one place that was almost customary for Rarity to show to her more refined dates from abroad who had their mind set that her hometown had nothing more than sloppy hayburgers and dirty apples to offer.

"You certainly did," the gentlecolt nodded, putting down a few bits and gems on the dinner bill, "I'll admit, I was wrong to doubt your judgment. You certainly know your way around this town. I think I might even start to believe your stories of you growing up in this place," The stallion spoke as the couple rose from their seat and began heading towards the exit.

"Oh?" Rarity replied, giving her date a skeptical look, "And why do you find that so hard to believe?"

"A rose seldom blooms among weeds, my dear," the stallion chuckled, "And I wouldn't be surprised if that backstory is but a humble attempt to cover up your true identity."

Rarity blinked, "My true identity?"

"Of royal lineage."

Irking slowly, the corners of Rarity's mouth protruded into a smile of high content. Finally, somepony who recognized her true worth. Somepony who wasn't the common brute or turnip farmer or ugh...dragon. No... This was somepony with taste and class.

A true keeper.

Rarity held her head high in content as she walked along her possible soon-to-be, but stopped abruptly in reflex as something wet brace the edge of her muzzle.


The couple stared in befuddlement at the heavy downpour that soaked the street in front of them.

"Huh... Well this is certainly a surprise."

"It certainly is..." Rarity remarked, watching how ponies still live in the streets hurried into their homes or nearby buildings for cover. Odd... "Ugh...If I had any idea it was going to rain today, I would've brought my umbrella," Rarity frowned.

The stallion shot a glance towards his date and chuckled, "Miss Rarity," he began, as a glimmer of light illuminated his horn, "A unicorn always brings their umbrella."

A spark erupted from the stallion's horn creating a faint glow that covered the area above them. The stallion stepped out into the rain and Rarity marveled at the spell that who shielded him from the torrent raindrops that poured down onto the street.

"Shall we?" the gentlecolt offered, inviting Rarity step into the forcefield. "I'd advise you to stand close to me. This umbrella is quite small."

In almost an instant the gentlecolt shrunk his forcefield around them, leaving Rarity almost open for the oncoming downpour. By reflex Rarity threw herself towards the stallion to avoid getting genuinely soaked by the rain. As Rarity bumped into her date, he caught an opportunity to nuzzle her cheek.

Rarity gasped, swatting at the stallion's boldness before succumbing to giggles, "You dog! ♥"

"Apologize, Miss," the gentlecolt chuckled, showing no sign of regret, "That was uncalled for."

"It's quite alright, darling. Luckily for you, I didn't get a drop on me," Rarity snorted gracefully, as the couple began their walk through the rainy street.

"Good," he smiled in response, "I don't think I'd be comfortable getting a mare wet in public."

Rarity lips formed a mischievous grin as she leaned in closer to her date, "What about in private?"

The stallion stopped in his track and turned to look at his date who smiled seductively at him. Thunder roared in the background and as the rain played it's tapping melody upon the magic umbrella, the two ponies shared a moment.

"Is that an invitation?" the stallion smiled, observing the serene glow that emanated from the subtle light of his umbrella onto the blue eyes of his date.

"If you want it to be..." Rarity smiled back, bearing the lightest shade of pink upon her cheeks, "Though I must say that I do feel obliged to, since it is raining and you are walking me home and it would be most rude not to invite you under those circumstance."

"I don't doubt your generosity, Miss Rarity," the stallion nodded gently, "Though I am curious as to how much of invitation this is. It's only been one date after all."

Rarity swallowed, as her heart picked up a rhythm to accompany the burning sensation she felt in her cheeks as she slowly began closing the gap between them, "Well, I'd certainly invite you stay until the rain stops...and of course...whatever happens during that time—"

ϟ BOOM‼ ϟ

As on cue to ruin a wonderful moment in life, a thunder roared at ear piercing levels scaring the life and soul out of the two ponies, interrupting what could have been a sensual kiss that may have led to greater heights.

Rarity sat traumatized on the ground, feeling cold drops of water soak into her coat and mane, much like her date. She breathed heavy and her heart pounded and though it was hard to tell due to the already soaked ground, she felt that she might have peed a little. A familiar sounding laugh was heard from the sky followed by cheers and maneuverly grunts.

Rarity wiped her mane out of her face and peered up at the skies, scanning for the common culprit she knew was behind this.

And there she was... Rainbow Dash.

Rarity gritted her teeth as she watched the pegasus swoop around in the sky, pressing clouds together, filling the entire sky heavy with clouds. She slowed down from time to time to give a might buck towards the black monsters causing them to spit lighting followed by thunder and finally Rainbow Dash's cheer of admiration.

Rarity got back onto four legs and screamed towards the sky in anger, "Rainbow Dash‼"

Rainbow Dash reacted and stopped in mid-air, peering around her vicinity for the source of the call. When she finally found a somewhat recognizable unicorn on the ground, she smiled.

"Rarity?" Rainbow Dash beamed and waved at her friend, "Hey! How's it going?"

"'How's it going?!'" Rarity reiterated, brimming with anger at the casual gesture, "Are you trying to kill us?!"

The stallion who'd gotten back up, angrily wiped his ruined, drenched mane out of his eyes and stared at his date, "Do you know this pony?" he questioned, not holding back the spite in his voice for being both shamed and completely soaked.

Rarity froze at her date's poisonous remark and shook her head frivolously, "No! Never met her!"

"Sorry! I didn't see you guys," Rainbow Dash chuckled, "You're okay though, right? Hey—! Is that the guy?" Rainbow remarked, pointing a hoof at Rarity's date.

"What?! No! What are you talking about?" Rarity asked, eying the stallion next to her.

"The guy! Fluttershy mentioned you were going on a date with some fancy, rich dolt from Canterlot," Rainbow smirked, rolling her eyes, " I'd figure you'd be out with him since rich guys have money and you like money and it'd probably be a great way to score some, considering your finesse with dudes," she complimented.

The stallion's stare at Rainbow Dash, slowly turned towards Rarity as expressions went from shock, to a hint of sadness but finally, rested on subtle anger.

Rarity tried to laugh it off but it came out so forced it sounded closer to a whimper, "I swear I have no idea what she's talking about. She's obviously crazy!"

"Hey, relax!" Rainbow intervened, "Nopony's blaming you. If I had class like you, I know I'd do the same thing. Besides, what that guy doesn't know, doesn't hurt him, am I right?" Rainbow Dash winked, oblivious to her own stupidity, "Well, I better get back to work. See ya around!"

Rainbow Dash gestured a good bye and in an instance, was gone in a blink.

Rarity felt a thick lump in her throat as turned to face the stare that instantly stabbed at her heart. Rarity couldn't look away. That stare of anger and disapproval, subtle as it were, carried uniqueness to it. A uniqueness that pierced into to her, informing that all and anything said...


"Save it," the stallion answered coldly, "I've heard enough."

Would not be taken into account...

"Nonono no! You don't understand—"

"Thank you for a lovely evening, Miss Rarity. I doubt I'll forget it anytime soon, though I will certainly make an effort," the stallion spoke unperturbed, reigniting his shield and began to walk off, "And don't worry...

"I am nothing if not generous."

Impacting the ground, a gem sparkled in what little light the street still held, with rain brushing it's crystal body. Rarity glanced at it briefly, but her vision returned to the unicorn that carried on in the distance.

Rarity sighed as a frown came over her face. The warm drizzling drops from the shower head almost felt cold as she recalled one of her many misfortunate dates. Misfortunate dates, caused by her... Rainbow Dash...

Rarity gritted her teeth...

She was always there... Ready show up at important life events to either say or do something inexplicably foolish, that would ruin everything. Whether it be true love, fame or fortune, Rainbow Dash was there, waiting behind a corner to take it all away from her. Invading wherever she could...

Sure, she hid it well by playing innocent and oblivious to the situations, but Rarity had learned that her coincidental appearances happened far too often for that innocence to ring true.


Rainbow Dash's existence was an issue. The source to her unhappiness, made only worse by the current situation:


Rainbow Dash last cruel joke towards her. Like she hadn't done enough damage by ruining every possible relationship she'd ever had, but now she was going to make fun out her misfortunes in love by stealing her first marriage away from her. Rarity shook with anger...

Every single stallion she'd dated...

That rich guy from Canterlot, that male model from Manehattan or even that sweet whatshisname who was so daringly romantic. She was always there...ready to ruin her chances for love and cover it up with heedless innocence. Always...

Even those few, no... that one time when she actually thought it meant something.

Rarity felt her anger simmer away as another memory resurfaced, but she quickly shook her head to dismiss it. She wasn't going to think about him. Not now...or ever for that matter!

Right now, she was going to enjoy a nice peaceful shower away from the presence Rainbow Dash's stupid f—

"Hi!" A loud voice greeted, causing Rarity to slam her face hard into the bathroom wall in a jolt of fear, leaving her swindling from the impact. Rarity caught a glance of the blue menace before losing her balance and introduced her chin and belly to the shower floor.

"Rarity!" Rainbow Dash called out in worry, grabbing her fiancée around her barrel and carried her of the floor, "You okay?"

"Are you trying to scare me to death?!" Rarity screamed in anger, as she struggled to get out of Rainbow's hooves, "What are you doing here? I thought you were helping Sweetie Belle."

"I was," she smiled, "But Sweetie Belle kind of mentioned you were taking a shower and I...thought I'd join you." Rainbow Dash blushed, rubbing a hoof along the back of her head.

"No‼" Rarity shouted, but quickly held down posture, "I mean...you can't. This shower is simply too small," Rarity stated gracefully, showing how incredibly small her enormous shower was.

"What are talking about? This is huge!" Rainbow Dash remarked, "This is like an elephant shower!"

"It is not and elephant shower!" Rarity gasped, affronted by the statement, "This is a sanctum of refined cleaning and body care."

The pegasus rolled her eyes, "Look! This is shower is totally roomy enough for the both of us and besides..."

Rainbow Dash moved in, enveloping her fiancée in a cuddly hug, "It's romantic. ♥"

Kill me, Rarity muttered in frustration, shifting under Rainbow Dash's embrace, but Rainbow made no effort in loosening her tight grip and simply enjoyed rubbing her wet coat continuously against Rarity under the warm shower drizzle.

"Aah.." Rainbow Dash moaned into Rarity's cheek, "This shower's amazing...like, seriously...it just hits all the right spots with perfectly temperated drops...massaging every nerv— "

"Yes, I'm glad you're enjoying my shower." Rarity intervened, informing that she had indeed gotten the point. Her shower was nice.

Rainbow nuzzled her wet coat against Rarity affectionately, "Well, technically... It's not your shower, it's our shower," Rainbow Dash corrected, booping Rarity on the nose, "We're engaged, remember?"

Rarity smiled, and turned her head to better observe the texture of the shower hose, wondering how well it would hold up in a scenario where she'd be forced to strangle someone to death.

Rarity shifted uncomfortably as Rainbow's tightened her hug, nuzzling further into her neck before traveling up her jawline. Rarity's eyes widen as Rainbow Dash graced her lips gently against her cheek.

"You're beautiful," she whispered, guiding Rarity's head into eye contact.

Rarity stared unnerving at her fiancée, meeting her rose colored eyes closer than she'd ever been to them. They stared at her expectantly and she felt her heart rate pick up the longer the gaze went on.

"Thanks," she finally uttered.

Rainbow Dash frowned in disappointment, "No. You're suppose to answer that, 'I'm beautiful', too."

"Oh," Rarity nodded slowly, "Um... No."


Rarity swallowed hard, "I mean...Would you like me to wash you hair?"


Rarity slipped out of the hug and grabbed a bottle of shampoo, popping the lid open, "We don't want to keep Sweetie Belle waiting now, would we? I'm sure we can pick up this, uh...romantic endeavor...at a more appropriate time."

"But Rarity—"

"Now, now, don't fuss!" Rarity encouraged, "Just sit back and let me get that awful—special, mane of yours in a suitable condition. My parents are very strict about looking proper."

Rarity poured an over excessive amount of shampoo into Rainbow's mane and didn't hold back as she smashed her hooves into Rainbow's scalp and started kneading it violently. Rainbow Dash yelped and whimpered in protest as she went about, but Rarity couldn't help herself. This one discreet moment of extorting her frustration was heavenly to her.

She'd been molested.

"Ngh!" Rainbow Dash whined, shifting violently under Rarity's kneading hooves.

"Rainbow Dash, please," Rarity giggled involuntarily, putting more force into her scalp massage, "Don't squirm around so much."

Forced to marry.

"Sorry, you're being kind of—ugh—rough."

"Don't be—" Rarity huffed as she kneaded with all her strength into Rainbow Dash's scalp, "—ridiculous!"

And bothered at her most beloved sanctuary.

Rainbow whimpered loudly, holding back her tears as Rarity did an attempt to make permanent indents in her head, but stopped as her hooves eventually started to hurt. She was no match for the thickness that was Rainbow Dash's head.

"T-There we go..." Rarity breathed heavily in exhaustion, "All good and clean."

"Thanks..." Rainbow Dash peeped, as she rubbed her sore scalp.

"Don't mention it, darling! For you, I'd gladly do that everyday, now please—" Rarity lit her horn and grabbed her fiancée in a grip of magic and flung her out of the shower, "—get out."

Rarity smiled hearing the loud impact made on the floor and contently floated a towel over to the dripping pegasus, throwing it in her face. Rarity hummed as she quickly began finishing up her own mane, content that her frustration had somewhat submerged by an unruly act of violence.

"You know—" A familiar voice enthusiastically spoke through the shower curtain causing Rarity to sigh, "—If you want me to help you wash your m—"

"Thank you, darling," Rarity smiled, turning off the shower and stepping out, "But that won't be necessary."

Rainbow Dash whistled as Rarity flung her wet mane gracefully, disposing sparkling gems of water flew across the room. Rainbow Dash grinned as she swept her wet marefriend in her towel, hugging her close, "How about I help you dry off?"

Rarity shivered coarsely at the touch, "I-I'm fine, thank you." Rarity informed, undoing the hug, "How about you help yourself to Sweetie Belle's room and tell her to get ready?"

"But what about post-shower cuddles?" Rainbow Dash's puppy dogs eyes pleaded.

Rarity sighed as she moved on to the mirror and began to re-apply, "Rainbow Dash, please. If we're going to visit my parents, I'd rather be over with it done before dusk settles. There's no time for snuggles."

"Cuddles," Rainbow Dash corrected.


Rainbow sighed in disappointment but quickly cheered up, getting her enthusiasm back on, "Alright then, I'll let our sis' know we're ready and awesome to go!"

Not minding the fact that Rarity's vicinity left her a sprinkler victim, Rainbow Dash embraced her inner dog and shook violently to dry herself off. Rarity clenched her teeth as the drops hits and took a deep breath to calm herself. Rainbow Dash wasn't going to get to her.

Rarity close her eyes and began reapplying but let out a powerful wince as a pair lips graced her cheek, causing her to smear a streak of her Coral blue: Number 2 (semi-gloss) eyeshadow along her forehead. Rarity turned to glare at Rainbow Dash who snorted a giggle at the display.

"Sorry," she blushed, "I'll get out of your hair."

Rarity glared at Rainbow Dash who sheepishly backed out of the bathroom. The door closed behind Rainbow Dash, leaving Rarity to her solitude. Rarity let out a grunt towards the shut door, before she turned to face the mirror.

It'll be over soon, she comforted herself. Just a few days of torture and than she would be Dash-free forever and never again would she had to worry about that pegasus ruining her life.

Rarity wiped away the misplaced eyeshadow and observed her face closer. Her face looked unharmed. Rarity gently touched her violated cheek as she stared at herself in the mirror.

Rainbow Dash couldn't kiss. She put no pressure in it, and as a result it evolved into a slightly annoying tickle, rather than a pleasurable peck. Not that she desired one but still, if she were going to be subjected to forced intimacy she'd rather not have it add to her misery.

Rarity soaked her hoof and rubbed it violently against her cheek, making sure Rainbow Dash cancer germs died under the heavy scrubbing.

Rarity dried her face and took one last look at the pony in the mirror. She looked sad. It was subtle, but it was there. Rarity rolled her jaw and practiced a smile.

Despite the situation, Rarity couldn't allow herself to be made a fool of. She needed to keep it together. She was a high class levelheaded pony and emotional outburst was anything less than than graceful. If Rainbow Dash wanted meet her parents, they would and no tantrum would be thrown. Not by her.

Rarity admired the smiling pony in the mirror. She looked happy. Happy and content. Like nothing was wrong in her life and like she wasn't going to be married in less than a week.

Satisfied with her face, Rarity made her way downstairs.

"—They're important necessities and come on, they're not that many. I bring these every time I come here."

"That is literally a small mountain of bags three times your height. What necessities—" Rainbow Dash stopped as she saw her fiancée trot down the stairs, "Rarity!" Rainbow Dash smiled.

Rarity smiled back, "Rainbow Dash... Sweetie Belle... You're all done I see."

"Yeah, we are!" Rainbow Dash happily announced, "You ready for the most awesome dinner ever?"

Though not lost, Rarity could feel her smile waver. She wasn't ready.

"Can't wait."

Comments ( 4 )

If Rainbow lives I'll be quite unhappy. Rarity best get some poison just in case.

Now we have Rarity's motive for her distaste of Rainbow Dash. Can Dashie earn Rarity's love? Our journey will continue whenever the good Doctor has time to write.

...ten bucks next updates in November.

Don't hold your breath. Haven't had time to write this for the duration of a year and I still don't have time to write it, so I'm canceling this. I only wrote Chp 2 cause I'd already begun writing it waaay back, and thought I finish it so I can scratch it off my bucket list.

I've been thinking about commissioning a writer to finish it, but I don't know... writers always seem so unreliable to commission. They all work at their own pace and are all prone to depression and writer's block whenever they get a great idea to work with. :ajbemused:

4777568 Awwww. Oh well, at least we have closure.

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