• Published 3rd Nov 2012
  • 5,118 Views, 19 Comments

Chaos Theory - Lucky Seven

Discord is trapped in stone once again. But this time, he does some thinking.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chaos Theory

Chapter 5

"Do I really have to study with you, Twilight?"

I had chosen to live with Twilight earlier today, and it turns out that was a mistake, because I had to... study. Seriously, I shudder just thinking of the word!

"Yes Discord, now stop moping and grab a book that interests you."

It's probably best I don't argue with her, so I fly over to a nearby bookshelf and grab the first book I see.

"Estrus Maximus: Everything You Need To Know About A Mare and Her Sexual Urges."

As soon as I read the title, Twilight gives me a horrified look, but I chuckle and open it up.

"Hey, don't read that!"

"You said whatever book interested me!"

"Well not that one!"

I let out a sigh of defeat and close the book. Wait, why am I being so nice about this? Confound my sympathy for this little mare! Flying back to the shelf, I place the book back in its spot before looking for a new one.

"So as long as it isn't that one, I can read it?"

"Yes Discord, now please hurry."

I let out a mischievous laugh before grabbing a nearby book and reading off the title.

"Twilight Sparkle's Personal Diary!"

This time, she blushes, and realizes she had used the wrong wording when berating my choice of literature, but eventually, she just turns her nose up like she doesn't care.

"You know what? I don't care, go ahead and read it, most of it is about you anyways."

I don't even respond and immediately open the diary up to a random page and start to read aloud.

"Dear diary, today, I caught Spike mas-"

"Okay, I'm sorry, please stop reading that!"

"You saw me doing that?!"

Twilight and I both turn around to see Spike blushing furiously, so I decide to have some fun.

"I didn't say anything to him because I was scared, but I know he wasn't thinking about me. I'm just too ugly for a stallion to like."

As I finish reading that line, I notice Twilight beginning to cry, and realizing it's my fault, I fly over and wrap her in a hug.

"Twilight Sparkle! How can you think such things about yourself?"

"It's true, Discord. I'm an ugly pony who nopony would ever want to date."

"It most certainly is not true! You know the first thing I thought when you freed my eyes?"


"I thought to myself, she's just as cute as ever."

She stops crying suddenly and looks up at me with those big, purple eyes of hers.


"Yes, but don't get any funny ideas about kissing me or anything."

"As if!"

Okay, I see how it is...

"Oh, that's okay, nerds don't suit me anyways."


I'm having a lot of fun teasing this mare, so I may have to see what her limit is.

"Say Twilight, I want to renege on what I said."

I see her turn her head towards me in confusion, and I can't wait to say what I'm about to.

"Renege on what?"

"Would you like to go on a date sometime?"

I watch as she puts her hoof to her chin in thought, and I decide it would be best to reassure her.

"I assure you, it is only as friends, nothing more."

I lower my head in disappointment as I hear her sigh, thinking she's going to say no.

"Alright, but just as friends."

"Really? Oh man, I need a suit!"

Twilight and I turn around at a giggling noise to see Rarity. She must have come back to the library while I was asking Twilight.

"So, you two are going on a date? My my, Twilight, I didn't think you thought of Discord like that."

I start laughing my flank off as Twilight burns a bright red and tries to defend herself, but all that comes out are stutters.

"I guess I'll take it into my own assorted appendages to defend Twilight, seeing as how she can't. No Rarity, I simply asked her to go as friends to prove she is not as ugly as she says."

I laugh once again as Rarity lets out a gasp and starts berating Twilight, telling her how pretty she is, and that a trip to the spa is what she needs. But I stop laughing when I hear a throat clearing, and looking up, I see Rarity glaring down at me.

"This is no laughing matter Discord, and I'm making you a suit."

Instead of responding to the fashionista, I decide to bring up Pinkie Pie's party from earlier.

"So that Pinkie Pie sure knows how to party. Even better than I did back in the day."

"Yeah, she is pretty good at partying."

"Not only that Twilight, but she somehow got everypony to like me. Me!"

"Discord, nopony ever hated you, they just didn't agree with your ideals."

"Twilight, has your mentor blinded you so much that you couldn't see the hatred in their eyes?"

I let out a sigh, ready to explain my past to the little mare.

"Twilight, Rarity, would you two like to know more about my past?"

"Really? Oh, I need some scrolls if I'm going to take down notes!"

"No Twilight, no notes, okay?"

I chuckle as she lets out a sigh of disappointment, but hey, I can't have my name slandered if I'm trying to change.

"Okay, you've already dealt with my chaos, but back in the day, it was much worse."

"Worse than turning us against each other?"

"Yes Rarity, now both of you need to be quiet for this tale to have the desired effect."

"You aren't going to sing again, are you?"

I turn to Twilight and let out a few fake laughs, showing her that I'm not amused.

"Oh haha, now listen up, because this is the story of King Discord, and his tyrannical rule over Equestria. Of course, back then it was called the Chaos Continuum."