• Published 4th Nov 2012
  • 9,301 Views, 143 Comments

SCP: To Kill a Lizard - uNkwOwn

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The Canterlot Wedding

SCP: To Kill a Lizard

Twilight Sparkle and company were running on fumes.

The battle had been raging for scarcely an hour and they were already tired. They were six mares from Ponyville -- not the Equestrian Regulars. And it was showing. Pinkie repeatedly found her cannon empty as she scavenged the fields for confetti to reuse and fire again. Rainbow Dash's famed flying prowess grew sloppier and sloppier as time ran on and the battle grew thicker. Even Applejack's seemingly endless pool of endurance ran dry. As for Twilight herself, the treasure troves of magic on which she had grown to rely her whole life ran depleted. Her spells now resembled that of a sparkler rather than a stick of dynamite.

The changelings were unrelenting. They fought with a ravenous hunger that left them lacking in skill, which was good for the ponies, but they had the numbers. The ratio of changelings to ponies must've been eight to one, if not more. They were a swarm, for every definition of the word.

The six's morale dropped dangerously as they found themselves questioning their every move. Every changeling could be a friend, and every "friend" could be a changeling.

As a Rarity-changeling blindly charged Twilight, she ducked and rolled out of the way just in time to catch a wandering pink hoof that sent her sprawling to the floor. Another clone absent-mindedly trampled her in an attempt to get at Applejack, who subsequently sent it squealing over the railing.

The unicorn wheezed and coughed in pain as she struggled to rise to her hooves. Luckily, Fluttershy, kind as she was, rushed to her friend's side and helped her up. Rainbow tackled an identical changeling that tried to get at her winged friend.

"We... can't do this..." Twilight said weakly.

"Oh, come on, Twilight!" Rainbow cut in whilst upper-cutting another insect. "We just gotta go a little longer! We have to go a little longer! What'll happen if we don't?"

"I don't know," Twilight replied quietly. "But I do know this: if we don't get help soon, we won't last long enough to see if we win or not."

"Um, Twi'? I don't think help'll be comin' any time soon," Applejack informed her, seeing a few armored ponies try to push forward through the streets and promptly fail.

"We're alone," Fluttershy whimpered.

"Oh, I don't know, guys," Pinkie excitedly told them, tensing in anticipation. "I think somebody really special is gonna come by in three... two... one..."

An impossibly loud roar erupted from behind them like the equivalent of a hundred guitar amplifiers on full-blast. Everything and everyone in the city grew silent and turned slowly to the source, half of them fainting at the sheer horrific sight of it. It looked like Pinkie's alligator had taken a swim through steroid-mixed radioactive sludge -- scorches, mutations and all. It was at least twenty feet long and ten feet tall, standing. Its skin was cut and burned away, revealing its flesh and making it look like some sort of zombie-gator. As the time ticked on, however, it lost the description as it healed before their very eyes.

The reptile's head was long and angular, with teeth that they glimpsed for but a moment before its mouth closed. Many of the ponies present related them to a shark's set of teeth, though sharper and longer than they had ever seen. Its claws made their minds instinctively drift to darker parts of their imaginations, such is how menacing they were. Each respective claw was approximately a foot in length, leading to an even bigger foot of a different kind. Its tail could have killed a room's worth of ponies with a single, leisurely swipe.

Pure nightmare fuel, the creature was.

"Girls?" Twilight started.

"Yeah?" The remaining five called out, the only ones to do so. She centered in on the voices.

"Brace yourselves." And that was the only warning they got before she teleported the group from the battlefield and away from the lizard.


They materialized in the Canterlot Gardens, their stomachs churning and their eyes wobbling from the unexpected teleport. Fluttershy lost it into the bushes. Only Twilight had herself completely composed, if only for the sole fact that she had done the spell a thousand times before.

"What the heck was that thing?" Rainbow asked, gasping.

"I don't know, but we need to get back there right now."

"What? Why?" Rarity half-objected.

"If we can't get to the Elements, we're all doomed!" Twilight exclaimed to her friend. "Now, here's the plan, girls. Gather 'round." Everyone gathered, except for Fluttershy. She got up from the bushes.

"I remember there being an alley right here that should take us directly into the servant's entrance to the castle," Twilight said as she drew a diagram in the dirt.

"Um, Twilight?" Fluttershy voiced from outside the tight circle.

"From there, we should be able to find our way to the indoor entrance to where the Elements are kept."

"Girls, this is important."

"That sounds like a good plan, Twilight, but what about the changelings? How many ponies have they replaced already? And how many of those are castle staff?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Girls, seriously."

"That's a good question, Rainbow," Twilight started. "The entrance is generally lifeless, so there won't be much in the way of-"

"Girls!" Fluttershy shouted, mustering up a shout loud enough to be heard. The five ponies turned to their friend.


The yellow pegasus pointed behind her at the growing crowd of changelings. "They found us."

"Aw, applesauce."


SCP-682 barreled towards the mass of changelings, nothing held back. It was just pathetic. The aggressors were all too dumbstruck to notice that their quarries had teleported away, and they paid for it. Dozens were blown clean off the balcony on the first charge, with another dozen felled by the mere backlash of his mighty tail. 682 caught seven with the first stomp and ate an entire row the first chance he got. It was a slaughter.

In seconds, the entire horde of changelings was decimated. Yet, another wave came to replace it. Unaware of what their fellow hivelings had faced, the horde rounded one of the many skyscrapers of Canterlot before coming to a complete stop in horror. Hundreds of changelings smashed into each other, unable to stop their momentum. Though the urging of their queen was ever-insistent in their minds, the aura this creature emanated was that of pure menace. There was really only one other option. Turn tail and flee.

And as they went, a voice that they would forever remember roared after them, "COWARDS!"

He was on a roll. His bloodlust had to be sated. He characteristically burst down to the lower levels of the city, where most of the conflict was taking place. Whoever got in his way was a goner, changeling or no. And that damned parasite couldn't do a thing about it.

Guards fought, changelings hid and civilians fled. And not a single thing they did helped. With every brutal step 682 took, irreparable damage was inflicted. Whether the damage be injurious to the living or to the buildings was varied. A detachment of guards, rallied from the ruins, attempted an attack, but were swatted away absent-mindedly with a scaled tail. A few survived, but only barely. And not for long. Sprinkles of the invaders in the streets were quickly vacuumed by a ravenous maw, uncaring for what entered it. It was unstoppable.

It was impossible for him to be stopped, now. The more he ate, the more his strength returned. And he didn't see any Foundation here to stop him, either. He almost laughed aloud in a fit of crazed glee. He was, in essence, free to do as he pleased. And all he wanted was to kill, destroy and maybe kill some more.

But, then, he felt something. An influx of energy behind him, rapidly growing in intensity. That wasn't good. He frantically searched for something to hide himself in.

The power scaled to the force of a nuclear bomb. 682 tried some shrubbery.

The entirety of Russia's nuclear power. A house?

The combined nuclear ability of Russia and the United States. This was going to hurt.

BOOM! A bright light burst from the castle wedding chamber, carrying the changelings along with it. As it drifted closer and closer, SCP-682 braced himself for the worst. He tensed his body. His claws dug into the ground. It came.

Almost effortlessly, the massive wave of power threw him across the city, ripping his claws out from his body and even one of his feet. As luck would have it, his angle of trajectory planted him straight into the path of some statue of some famous wizard or another. This was going to hurt, too.

The lizard slammed face-first into the cold, hard marble, its enchantments holding. The orb of energy still pressed as hard as it could against him, driving him harder and harder against the statue, painfully ripping away his acquired energy like an unerring black hole.

Roused by the influx of magical energy, the parasite in 682's mind awoke. It felt itself swell with the power of love, giving it just enough power to renew the attack on 682's mind. It blasted through his fortress' impenetrable walls, infecting all his mind in seconds. It was stopped only by the final chamber in the palace, with mental reinforcements consolidated to an almost unrealistic amount.

The effects were instantaneous. Though he didn't know how, 682's mind had been corrupted. He... didn't hate anyone. His hate was gone. Everything that gave him power was gone. SCP-682 let out the most pained wail he had ever let slip from his mouth, in mourning. His hate was gone. All of it. Just gone. Wait... no. Not all of it. Oh, it would pay. Whoever made the damned thing would pay. He doubled and tripled the defenses on the most inner sanctum of his mind, determined to keep the plague from gaining another inch. He had fought with gods and demons far more formidable than this. He would not lose. He never lost.

Outside his mind, the magical assault raged on until he was too weak to even move. By the time it was gone, the invasion had long since been routed, and the wedding concluded. Hundreds of ponies had been sent out for damage control. It was not long before they found him, and it was announced that he would be taken before the Princesses of Equestria.

He simply prayed that he would be enough of himself to speak to them.

Comments ( 68 )

Does it suck? Yeah. Do I really care? No, not really. I got a bit better, but people wanted something. So, I retrofitted a super old document and here we go. Don't expect anything regular, but if something does come, expect it to have better writing and overall better thinking.

By 'feet', I think you meant 'meters'. Else, SCP-682 is the size of a normal crocodile, which he most certainly isn't.

Goddamn it, nobody uses Project Crossover anymore, do they? Clef lets everything go to hell...
Merry Christmas on my opinion, courtesy of the good ol' Foundation Tales section.

Yeah not that good, but oh well. After the newest episode, I need something..... :pinkiesick:

2132724 Unless I used the term to pertain to literal feet, of course.

2132941 Yes. I don't believe we have another word for reptile feet. If we do, please tell me.

2132969 You're actually correct in that there's no synonym. Though you should have clarified by, for example, saying "eighteen of its own massive feet" or something along those lines. That's sure to avoid confusion.

His power is to adapt to any situation. I'm sure he won't fall for that again. Hell though, Celestia can just banish him to the moon. Or Discord (who is now reformed in the show) can just change him into something else. As a god of Chaos, he can do whatever he pleases. Just like... SCP-682.:facehoof:
Oh dear lord.

Isn't hate a renewable resource? Or did the friendbeam attack SCP-682's ability to hate?

2132724um no. if 682 have consumed anything lately he would be a size of a 1 story building.

2133064 Read again. The "parasite" that I've been referring to has been clawing at his mind the entire time he's been in Equestria. He pushed it out once, then, already weakened by the love beam, the parasite pushed and infected the entire "mind-fortress" save for the most inner sanctum. So, his inherent disdain and hate for everything is essentially gone, but since the "parasite" committed what is still regarded by him to be a major incursion, he is able to hate it.

Have you read the test logs of 682? there's a possibility that 682 would adapt to fluttershy just like 53

i do like this, although i hope SCP-682 doesn't turn into a sissy snake

2133214 I don't believe Fluttershy was mentioned to be a problem, was she?


2133059If SCP-343 who is akin to GOD refuses to deal with 682, then i doubt Discord would be much more then an annoyance. Also, I hope to god 682 becomes the hateful monstrosity hes known for instead of some pussy who preaches love and tolerance.

Yeah, although I hope there won't be any poni poni killings.

2133647No pony death? Where's the fun in that?

2133627 To set the record straight, now and forever, SCP-682 will NOT become a total fucking pussy in this story.

1563703im just comparing fluttershy to scp 052

2133730THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, do you have any schedule for whenever you may update this?

I want to see this guy rampage across this entire planet.

You're comparing Fluttershy to a time-jumping subway train?

[EDIT] After a quick browse, I've come to the conclusion that you probably mean 042, the formerly-winged horse.

2212873:facehoof:053 is a little girl with paranormal ability similar to fluttershys stare. look it up

Comes up as a train for me, dude.

Although, after a short browse, I now want to write a fic wherin Rarity meets Wellington G. Wonderhorse

2217290your a little bit behind bro. you got the updated version which means my answer is still at a fold.

fyi no advertising

You could also mean 053. She manages to turn 682 docile in the termination logs, however temporary it was.

2219771yea i kind of knew about that:ajbemused:

he said 053 not 052. 053 is the little girl

Comment posted by moltendaniel deleted Mar 13th, 2013

congrats on 100 likes and your welcome

Keep in mind that banishing to the moon would mean nothing to 682.
After all, he WAS shot into the sun, and came back.
On fire.

This is epic.

:facehoof: 682 can never be able to be killed, a know fact

:facehoof: It's not similar, they're direct opposites. The stare pacifies, 053 enrages.

682'll be back. he won't be stopped that easily.

because evil always finds a way.

I guess the story is on hiatus.

2406305 SCP 682 is a giant fucking lizard. Nuff said.

2957226 Actually, i'm getting "dead fic" vibes here.

Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to morn the loss of this fic....

2133974 In regards to your later comments, you DID say 052 here.

Please keep writing I'm loving this story and would love nothing more to read more of this amazing story! Please keep up the marvelous work.

3663707 they didn't. The closest thing to that would be that joke scp sun catapult, in which they shot him/it into the sun.

I like this, I hope the next update is soon.

2133627 its not that he refuses to deal with him, its that they seem to occupy different realms of existence. When they tried to get 343 to kill him he said "He's not one of mine. Deal with him yourself." implying that they are being of completely different... somethings.

this story is fantastic. cant wait for more.

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